Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2208: Werewolf

Minor problems, as soon as you conceal them, become a major event. "Zheng Ren said with a smile:" Don't be nervous, Mould, do you know who it is? " "

"Uh ..." The patient's family was choked by Zheng Ren.

The last second was also surprised at how the biggest secret in his heart was told by the young doctor in front of him, and the topic turned to mold in the next second.

"Taylor Swift."

"Right, I was invited to sing on Double Eleven in the past few years." Su Yun opened a mouth and immediately said, not giving the patient's family any thought time at all.

This is his most vulnerable time, so he must take advantage of it.

"Taylor Swift also suffers from dysphagia, which she said. What public figures can tell, I really don't know what you are worried about." Zheng Renwei said with a smile.

"Ah? Mould also got up in the middle of the night to eat?" The family members of the patients were really frightened this time.

"Well, I told you it's a dream eater, what do you think it is? Don't you get up to eat in the middle of the night, do you want to record a record?" Su Yun added a handful of sand.

"I ..." The patient's family was still unbelieving.

"You first check for dysphagia ... No, you should have checked it online before, it is very convenient. What exactly is the key word you searched for?" Su Yun asked with a brain.

"I'm looking for sleepwalking to eat raw meat." The patient's family whispered.

Su Yun immediately started to search according to the keywords searched by the family members of the patients, and it did find a lot of useless information.

There is also a particularly thrilling title-the woman is particularly fond of eating raw meat, sleepwalking at night, and finally gave birth to a furry little monster.

After seeing this title, Zheng Ren and Su Yun were both too lazy to click in.

Looking at the horror weird, there is no actual content at all.

If sleepwalking and eating raw meat can change genes and give birth to furry little monsters, so many genetic laboratories in the world will not have to spend a lot of money.

This kind of topic is more suitable for people who eat melons. Open it and take a look to satisfy the burning gossip fire in your heart.

However, there is little egg use and no scientific basis.

All the doubts were resolved, and Zheng Ren couldn't help crying and laughing after he understood why the patient's family wanted to hide the truth.

What the **** is this!

After waiting for more than ten seconds, after seeing the patient's family find the entry for Dream Eater and read it, Su Yun smiled and asked, "What did you think it was?"

"I thought my lover was a werewolf." The patient's family was a little embarrassed, but just a search term explained everything clearly and clearly.

"I can really think that you have seen too many horror movies. Still werewolves, do you want vampires?" Su Yun said scornfully.

Because of the patient's family, Su Yun was more restrained in speaking. Or maybe he talked about the vampire, thinking of the horror scene when he left the castle in the Alps, and closed his mouth.

"I ... saw it then and scared me."

"What did you see?"

"We didn't live together before we got married ..."

"Well? Now there are very few people living differently before marriage." Su Yundao.

"Don't interrupt, let him finish talking." Zheng Ren said unhappy.

"Did you not see him nervous, say something else, it may not be so nervous."

"He's not nervous anymore. It's a delay if you interrupt."

The family of the patient suddenly saw the two young doctors embarrassing each other. This world is really wonderful.

"You continue to say." Zheng Ren finally insisted on extracting the ecstasy from the weird topic of cohabitation before marriage.

"... until the night we got married, the two of us were living together. I slept very lightly and the quality of sleep was not high, and I was scared to hear the sound of walking in the middle of the night."

Zheng Ren and Su Yun were very acquainted this time while keeping silent, quietly listening to what the patient's family said.

"I thought I had entered the thief, and suddenly I became energetic. But I opened my eyes quietly and saw my lover walking around the house. I told her she didn't speak."

"I knew it might be sleepwalking, and it wasn't a big deal. I thought it was fun and cute."

It is said that the lover is in the eyes of Shih Tzu, which is really the case. Even a sleepwalk can be fun and cute. What more can be said about this?

"She walked around after getting up, and finally found the refrigerator, opened it and started eating." The patient's lover recalled and said, "I thought she was really a snack, and she didn't forget to eat even when she was asleep. "

"She came back to sleep after she was full, and the next day I asked her side by side, she didn't know anything."

"I didn't say, just dreaming about eating, it's not a big deal, pretty cute. Later she said that she was too fat and wanted to lose weight. I thought that if I eat like this every night, it's no wonder if I can't get fat.

Zheng Ren looked at the warm, sweet smile on the mouth of the patient's family, and found both of them interesting.

"But she wants to lose weight. There are no snacks or other food at home. I started to guess what she could eat when she sleepwalked again at night."

"Nothing, then open the refrigerator and start eating raw meat dumplings." Su Yun said.

The patient's family was silent ~ ~ nodded.

"I was frightened at the time. There was raw meat in the freezer. She grabbed it as if she was crazy and ate it. I ... I thought she was of werewolf origin and liked to eat this."

"..." Zheng Ren was speechless.

"Your imagination is too rich." Su Yun scorned, "what did you do then?"

"I thought about leaving her, but I love her. Without her, I don't think I can live."

"Even a werewolf, aren't you afraid?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Not afraid, but I don't think I can have children, so I went to the hospital for a ligation operation. What if I was born and found a little werewolf? I ..."

This should be true love, Zheng Ren thought to himself, true love is invincible.

Although the patient's family did not know the truth of the matter, his choice was even beyond the species ...

Beyond species, Zheng Ren thought of the word, and his whole thoughts flew to Scotland.

"and then?"

"Later I bought a piece of fresh meat in the refrigerator every day ..."

"You didn't want to cook the meat?"


Faced with Su Yun's doubts, the family members of the patients froze.

Yeah, why not cook it or buy a piece of cooked food in the refrigerator or outside?

This is the misunderstanding of thinking. After seeing the fluffy little monster who eats raw meat and sleepwalking, he was so confused that he even went to the hospital for ligation.

Zheng Ren thinks this is getting more ridiculous.



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