Live Surgical Broadcast

Vol 3 Chapter 2395: No matter what it says

Zheng Ren was quite speechless about Su Yun's car skills.

The little nurse was shocked to forget the shame or how she had been set up before. She had never seen such a dare to drive in the operating room, and she was so disgusting.

But Yun Geer could not use nausea to describe it.

It should be ... fresh and refined! Yes, it is fresh and refined.

The yellow-brown faeces sprayed across the wall didn't seem so smelly, and it didn't seem so awkward to see the heavy taste by parents.

Zheng Ren frowned, glanced at Su Yun, and said, "It's disgusting."

"Ha, what's so disgusting about this stuff." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Brother Yun, how do I feel that my stomach is starting to hurt, or I'll take some insecticide." The young nurse's face was so pale and pale, she asked softly.

"Don't!" Zheng Ren and Su Yun said in unison.

The voice was a little louder and surprised Director Luo.

Director Luo was about to pinch a roundworm, an operation error, and had to start again.

He glanced dissatisfied, but because Boss Zheng said that, he didn't swear. Then turned to look at the screen and catch tapeworms.

"Be honest, don't make a mess." Su Yun scolded, very harshly.

"Oh." The little nurse froze. She didn't have the same scorching feelings as before. She lowered her head and looked down at her toes.

"The tapeworm is very gentle, and it is willing to drill holes. I guess that this girl ate spicy food or other factors caused the tapeworm to irritate, and then there was a tapeworm going down the duodenum into the biliary tract." Su Yundao.

"This is good. What if there is a semi-dormant pork maggot in the body? As soon as the insecticide is stimulated, the pork maggot directly enters the active period, but that is really terrible. The other organs are okay, and they will be cut if they are cut. In your head, aren't you trying to die? "

Zheng Ren expressed regret for Su Yun's description. Whatever is cut, it is cut. It's all organs, so you can't cut it casually.

"In the past, there was that kind of pagoda sugar that was deworming. Pork maggots are not likely, but do n’t eat them easily. Especially after seeing this case, you must think that all the belly is full of bugs." Su Yun continued his true colors Said: "That's all illusion!"

"Oh, oh." The little nurse was terrified, said babble.

"Ascaris, called seven or eight doctors and nurses to pick it up in the middle of the night." Su Yun shifted the topic. "I ate pagoda sugar when I was a kid. After a few days a buddy said that his buttocks were itchy and he went home and rubbed the balm near his anus. Then, he observed it with a flashlight. It was said that after more than ten minutes, a maggot crawled out and was caught by his mother's hand with a sick eye quickly with tweezers. "

"Not the same," Zheng Ren said.

"Boss, can you help raising the bar?" Su Yundao.

"Director Luo is done." Zheng Ren, instead of Su Yunzheng, said with a smile to Director Luo: "Director Luo, am I coming for the colonoscopy?"

Mr. Luo nodded his head. "It's up to you. It's too delicate. It takes a long time to make eyes."

"Old man." Director Luo finally said softly.

"I have been faint for a long time, and once I wore a microscope for a few hours of surgery, and went home holding the toilet and almost didn't get up overnight." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

Su Yun glanced at him, thinking to himself when the EQ of this goods started to rise?

He can talk like this, and it seems that he is adapting to this society.

"Brother Yang, enema at the next time." Zheng Ren suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Filled, it may not be as clean as the oral medication." Professor Yang said cautiously.

Boss Zheng was very prosperous, and these group professors also answered Boss Zheng carefully.

The skill level of others is high, and the key is that they are young. Such people still have to be careful to associate, and must not offend people without knowing them because they are familiar with each other.

Director Luo took out 26 maggots and exhaled.

I looked again and saw that there were no tapeworms in the upper digestive tract, so I removed the fiber gastroscope.

After changing position, the anesthesiologist watched the patient carefully, Zheng Ren put on sterile gloves and started operation.

"Brother Yun, it's true and false that you say that there are no tapeworms in your body?" The little nurse was still blushing, cautiously.

"Don't talk nonsense." Su Yun characterized the matter without hesitation. "As long as you don't be lazy, move your legs and keep your mouth shut, it's not a problem for any maggot or worm."

"Oh." The little nurse was a little disappointed.

"The lifespan of this gadget is generally 1 year. To tell you the truth, it does absorb a lot of nutrients and can make people lose weight. But do you know how this gadget works in the body?"

The parasite class is an elective course for undergraduates, and almost all of them are completed by surprise before the exam. As for whether or not you can pass, it depends on memory and luck, mainly on the mood of the grading teacher.

As for the education level of the little nurse, Su Yun didn't know. When he saw the little nurse seeing the worm, he was very scared, but if he still asked if he could lose weight, he knew that she certainly didn't know the process of the maggot "traveling" in the body.

Zheng Ren has operated a micro colonoscopy to start collecting insects. As soon as he entered the rectum, he saw insects.

Grab the tapeworm accurately with four-claw pliers, take it out and throw it into the red trash can.

"That's a lot, eh." Su Yun sighed.

"Brother Yun, you haven't finished talking just now." The little nurse assisted Zheng Ren while asking with the eyes of Director Luo.

Compared with Director Luo's unhappiness, it is still more important to be able to say two more words to Yun Geer.

"Egg eggs are eaten in food and hatch into larvae after entering the small intestine. Larvae penetrate into the blood vessels of the intestinal wall through the circulatory system through the liver, heart, and finally reach the lungs, where they develop further." Su Yun said with a smile ~ www. ~ lung ... "The little nurse froze, and she did not expect a parasite of the digestive tract to appear in the lungs.

As soon as I breathe, the worm is swinging back and forth, the picture is too beautiful, I really dare not think about it.

"Yeah, and then swallowed along the trachea to the pharynx, swallowed into the esophagus, and eventually reached the end of the small intestine through the stomach, where they settled and developed into adult worms. A part of them went out in the esophagus, which was just the nose and mouth drilled out Worm thing. "


"If you want to lose weight, eat less and move more. These are opportunistic. They seem to be effective. Who knows what has changed in your body." Su Yun watched Zheng Ren intently, his fingers moved slightly.

The boss's movements are very skillful. If he changed himself, it would seem worse.

Eat less and move more? The little nurse's face turned redder, Yun Brother really looked like a car no matter what he said.

If only I could listen to Brother Yun driving every day, how good would it be.

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