Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 866: Bribe

"Boss, I don't accept red packets for you. It has always been awkward." Su Yun whispered, looking back, the man was a little aggressive, as if in his consciousness, there was no rejection of a portfolio. The possibility of the renminbi.

"Nothing." Zheng Rendao, "Maybe this is to occupy the moral high ground?"

"No wonder you were so poor in the past, it really deserves to be." Su Yun said with a feeling.

"Once, I diarrhea." Zheng Rendao "I just got to work at that time, I didn't leave the hospital almost every day. I ate a bad stomach and couldn't get up in the toilet."

Su Yun did not interrupt Zheng Ren’s words.

"Into two people, smoking in the bathroom. One person said, did the video? Another person said, they all got it." Zheng Ren said softly, "Don't say, I know what it is."

"and after?"

"Later and I said this to my master, he still didn't care. Appendicitis, isn't it normal to receive 200 yuan red packets? This is what he thinks." Zheng Rendao "Afterwards, after the patient was discharged from the hospital, he came to me." Master, said that he wants to sell him a video."


"My Master didn't agree. At that time, the chaos, Baidao gangsters were found. The last video was still reported by the real name. My Master was resigned and the whole family moved to the South."

"This thing, in the South, it is courtesy, it is respect for doctors." Su Yun emphasized one sentence.

"There is a psychological shadow. If you don't accept it, you won't accept it. If you have a peace of mind, then the income of 912 is very high!" Zheng Ren did not want to talk about unhappy topics, but he went to pay.

"It's not for Director Kong to get it for you." Su Yun didn't have a hard time on Zheng Ren's heart and expressed disdain. "The distribution pattern of consumables in our group is different from other groups. It should be based on the model of private hospitals. The director is working hard to keep you."

"Oh, no wonder." Zheng Ren suddenly realized.

"Zhao Wenhua is so stupid, I have been looking for flaws in order to grab him a bed. Not accepting red envelopes, this method is still too low." Su Yun thought of something, said "you know the Qing Dynasty How did you give gifts?"

"Research, at that time, called Ya Bribe." Zheng Rendao "Officials will take some broken things, put them on the pawnshop, and mark a high price. Anyway, it is a broken piece of iron and iron. And then wait for someone to come to him to do things."

"Doing things, the two sleeves breeze, certainly not collecting money. But a piece of broken iron, how much money? People looking for him to go back to the **** shop to redeem the broken copper, and then sent to the house. In this case, weaknesses Only the **** shop is a node. But everyone uses this model, and no one is willing to flip the table."

"Yes, otherwise, everyone has no time to play." Su Yun said happily, "What do you say, opening a flower shop in the hospital? It’s all expensive, it’s handwritten to someone. The doctors are all written by hand."

"Not good." Zheng Ren did not analyze the pros and cons of doing this with Su Yun, mainly because the patients and the family members of the patients were too fluid. They had not had time to figure out the hidden rules and were admitted to the hospital and had surgery.

If the patient is left outside for a month, Zheng Ren’s heart is unacceptable.

Zheng Ren knows that he is the doctor who was kidnapped by medical ethics. Fortunately, there is a system of this big pig hoof, quickly improve the technical level, get rid of the mud.

This is also the norm, any industry, the bottom layer is made up of numerous bones.

Talking, Chang Yue is back.

She holds the documents of the pre-operative communication, signature, and live broadcast authorization of the patient's family.

Zheng Ren feels that he is not sloppy with Su Yun, and Chang Yue is a little busy. However, Su Yun did not care, but greeted Chang Yue.

"Chang Yue, the third patient tomorrow, there is no shortage of money in the house. How do you agree to the live broadcast?" Su Yun asked.

"Mr. Luo received the patients who agreed to the live broadcast. But the family members still have some small ideas. Give me money to ask if I can't live. I told him that the surgery is the top surgery, the doctor is the best in the world, you are Don't want to see for yourself how to do surgery for your father?"

This idea, don't make a fuss, is really curious.

"The person who saw it was a successful and energetic person. Curious, everyone has it, plus his family is a father to do surgery, so he said nothing, he said." Chang Yuedao.

There are various persuasion methods, and it is appropriate for Changyue to do so.

If possible, Zheng Ren does not want to touch these things. In this team, Zheng Ren is responsible for raising the spirit, and surgery is enough for tomorrow.

The operation was successful, from one success to the next, everyone was fragrant and spicy. If you fail, if you want to get up again, you will have to work hard.

If it continues to fail, it is better to return to Haicheng honestly.

"Boss, remind you of one thing." Su Yundao.


"Mu Tao's How are you going to deal with it?"

"He can learn and learn." Zheng Rendao "When people have a family, they are a good relationship."

"There is time to find him to eat, and draw a relationship. After meeting, if there is any interest dispute, good..." Su Yungang said here, suddenly saw Yang Ruibai squatting, rushing through the doctor's office, to Go inside.

"Yang Ge!" Zheng Ren also saw Yang Rui's figure and called.

However, Professor Yang walked very quickly and disappeared from the door. It was estimated that Zheng Ren had not heard him.

What's wrong? Zheng Ren is puzzled.

"Boss, you guess, what happened?" Su Yun asked with a smile and a smile.

"Where do I know." Zheng Ren shook his head. Su Yun pretended to be high, waiting for Zheng Ren to ask.

However, Zheng Ren’s goods were also suffocating, and he did not say a word. He sat there with his eyes on his nose, his nose and mouth, his mouth and his heart, and he almost did not give Su Yun’s back.

Emotional intelligence is really low, and you won't be able to chat to this level. It is also rare in the world.

Soon, a few disputes were heard in the corridor, and then Professor Yang rushed back.

Zheng Ren jumped up and walked out of the office and asked, "Yang Ge, what happened?"

Professor Yang saw Zheng Ren, his face was loose, but it was still difficult to see. Looking back, I saw Zhao Wenhua standing at the door of the director's office and whispered, "The director of Kong is not at home. This is really a director!"


"What happened? Yang Ge." Zheng Ren whispered as Professor Yang walked out of the ward.

“Hey.” Professor Yang sighed. “This is not a patient with a colon tumor. Do you want to be a stent before surgery?”


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