Live Treasure Hunter In The Secret Realm

Chapter 162 There is no such well on the map

With the time when the audience initiated the barrage, Hanzhe finally regained some stamina. After that, Hanzhe sighed and said with satisfaction: "Thank you for your gifts and support. To be honest, the corpse is too weird. I can come here this time without any danger. There is a lot of luck. Inside. At the same time, if you didn't help me keep an eye on the movement of the worm at any time, I might have died in the first place."

"But now everyone can rest assured. It seems that those corpses are not watery and should not catch up in a short time. So, now I can finally find time to recover my strength."

After calming down the fierce heartbeat, I can finally relax and interact with the audience to ease the tension.

With that, he took the kettle out of his backpack, and then took a few sips. When his throat felt a little better, Hanzhe stood up and used the flashlight to light it, and stretched out his hand to stroke the green bricks on the surrounding walls.

After that, the conversation turned around and said: "Okay, now we are back to business. Now, I can finally be sure that we must be very close to the scope of the underground palace. Look at the blue bricks on the walls on both sides. The firing process of blue bricks made with lime mixed with kiln soil is very close to modern red bricks."

"I said before that there were no fired bricks in the Sui and Tang dynasties. They were made of bluestone, or bricks that were air-dried with mud. It was only in the Song Dynasty that there were fired bricks. And this kind of fired bricks on the walls The craftsmanship was only available after the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the Song Dynasty before, lime-fired bricks were used."

"Relying on this, it can be determined that this place is already within the scope of the tombs built in the Ming and Qing dynasties..."

At this point, Hanzhe suddenly felt that the steps under his feet were a little unsteady. Think about it carefully. Since he entered the Forbidden City in the evening, he has been experiencing high-intensity exercise for nearly half a night, especially when he encountered corpses and digging underwater tombs, which consumed almost half of his physical strength.

This situation is simple to say, but if you don’t take a break now, it may be very dangerous later. Moreover, he is now undoubtedly close to the scope of the underground palace, and the institutions in front must be more complicated.

If this continues, something will happen sooner or later.

Realizing this, Hanzhe simply sat down again with his support on the wall. Then he turned around and took out the extinguished torch from his backpack, and said tiredly: "Brothers, I have something to discuss with you. Since I came in the evening, I have been doing high-intensity exercise for a long time. I just met It took a lot of energy to reach the group of corpses."

"Now that we are very close to the underground palace, the danger ahead may be more. Therefore, I now want to rest for an hour and wait for my energy to be adjusted. In the second half of the night, I will bring you into the underground palace with the most energetic energy."

"Anchor, don't! You are not kind, I can't sleep without your live broadcast."

"Don't make any noise upstairs, what happened to the anchor who wanted to rest? What do you think, do you want the anchor to enter the tomb in a trance, isn't it dangerous?"

"That's right, the anchor, please rest at ease. Don't turn off the live broadcast, we will help you to watch!"

"Yes, it's just one o'clock in the morning anyway. You can rest for an hour, and entering the tomb in the middle of the night will be more exciting!"

The old viewers in the live broadcast room have cultivated subtle feelings with Hanzhe, especially since they have just seen the horror of the corpse. Now that Hanzhe said that, old audiences all expressed their understanding. Even if a few newcomers occasionally protested, they were immediately suppressed.

Seeing the audience understand this way, Hanzhe also smiled with satisfaction. So he said, "Thank you for your understanding. If you are energetic, please help me pay more attention to my surroundings."

Anyway, I only took a one-hour break, so I didn’t close the live studio at all. Moreover, the audience's perspective is clearer than his, and it can indeed help him be alert to the abnormal movements around him.

So, after saying this, Hanzhe simply rested with his back against the wall. After breathing well, he began to take off his clothes again.

When the tunnel was flooded with water just now, his clothes were soaked. Therefore, it must be dried quickly with fire.

Fortunately, although he ran out of propane fuel, there was still some in the torch. If you light the torch, it should be enough to dry your clothes.

What I don't know is that his live broadcast is not only on the shark platform at this moment, but even the Beijing Cultural Heritage Institute is watching it in real time.

In fact, it’s right to think about it carefully. His live broadcast location this time is in the Forbidden City. Although the mausoleum you are looking for belongs to the secret realm, the Forbidden City is not a place like Fengmen Village. It is too easy to find the cultural relics.


"How is it? Did you find the well when he went in?"

The voice of the old man resounded anxiously throughout the conference room of the Cultural Heritage Institute. After inquiring, Mr. Wang hurriedly continued to watch. And on the computer screen in front of him, what was playing was the cold live broadcast.

"No! I can't find it at all!" At this moment, another old man over sixty-year-old leaned over, watching the live broadcast with the same expression: "I searched the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the modern Cultural Revolution. The architectural drawings of the Forbidden City do not have the well he found."

"Not only that, there is not even the yard he said on the drawings. The Hall of Supreme Harmony goes forward, and it is the wall that was later stamped, and there is nothing else outside the wall!"

After saying this, the old man himself flushed anxiously.

Can he not get excited?

You know, this time I'm looking for it, it's the underground tomb of the Forbidden City. Although they have heard about it for a long time, it has always been a legend.

Although it is a legend, some old scholars of the Cultural Relics Bureau have heard of it. They even searched for it when the Cultural Relics Institute was first established.

Up to now, two generations of the cultural relics have been searching for decades. However, no clues were found at all.

Now Hanzhe said that he had found the entrance to the mausoleum, how could he not be excited. That is the treasure of two dynasties. If you can find it, it is a world-class site!

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