The barrage in the live broadcast room dissipated the depression in Hanzhe's heart. It seems that this is also his evil taste...

At the same time, it seemed that the atmosphere just now was too heavy. In order to relieve the pressure, Hanzhe talked about it and explained: "You see, this is the horror of those organs just now. Fortunately, these crossbow arrows cover a large area, which is equivalent to helping me clean up other positions. Existing institutions."

"In addition to this, the appearance of these crossbow arrows also reminds me of another good news. Everyone has seen before that there are no burial objects in the tomb except the coffin. It just so happens that these institutions appeared on the way to the coffin again. "

"If we understand it in another way, we should also think that the owner of the tomb highly values ​​this coffin. In other words, it is very possible that this coffin contains valuable funerary objects."

While speaking, Hanzhe refocused his eyes on the only coffin in the tomb. Seeing Hanzhe put the idea on the coffin again, the audience in the live broadcast room all launched barrage.

"666! The anchor is really a powerful force. It's important to have a good mentality."

"It's not an exaggeration to say, the anchor, you forgot to die."

"Well, the anchor's mentality is okay. Just after experiencing life and death, the coffin is about to be opened soon."

"The room manager Yang Wudi presented the anchor with 5 rockets! ——Lao Han, you should be careful this time and don't run into the agency again."

The barrage in the live broadcast gave some convictions, and at the same time he himself was full of curiosity about this coffin. Therefore, I really want to find out.

Thinking about this, Hanzhe carefully checked the broken bricks on the ground, and after the confirmation agencies were scrapped, he walked towards the coffin with confidence.

As he walked, he said seriously: "Don’t be surprised. In fact, from the moment I entered the tomb, I felt that this coffin may be the root of all mysteries. Therefore, I was also very curious about this coffin, and maybe I had to open it. Only then can I know the mystery surrounding this tomb."

While talking, the rut has come to the edge of the stone platform.

I lowered my head and glanced, I saw that the ashlar was also cut from a whole piece of bluestone, and it seemed that there was no trace of splicing. The width of the stone platform is about two meters square, and the height is just above the knee of the cold rut.

Taking a deep breath, Hanzhe lightly jumped up, and then squatted down in front of the coffin.

Observed from close range, Hanzhe can intuitively feel the impact this coffin brings to him. There are arrows all over it, which makes the scalp numb.

and many more?

Seeing this, Hanzhe suddenly gave a soft voice. Because he found that the arrow inserted in the coffin seemed to be very short, probably only arrows.

This is strange. You know, the strength of these arrows, even the ground can be broken, how can it not break the wooden coffin?

With such doubts, Hanzhe shone with a flashlight, and at the same time stretched out his hand to gently wipe off the dust on it. Suddenly, a dark green rust appeared in the bright light.

This is?

Hanzhe looked intently, but it didn't matter if he looked at it. After he saw the material of the coffin, he couldn't help his eyes widening.

Because this coffin is not made of nanmu, not even wood. The place where the dust was wiped off, with the bright light of the flashlight, actually refracted a kind of metal reflection.

The entire coffin is actually made of bronze, which looks thick and mighty under the bright light.

Suddenly, the pupils of Hanzhe shrank immediately. No wonder, the arrow above can't be inserted, because the whole coffin is made of bronze.

Seeing this, Hanzhe was a little confused. He really couldn't think of why Hou Junji's coffin was made of bronze.

You know, regardless of any tomb from ancient times to the present, the coffin must be wooden. Even the coffin of the emperor and general is at most Jinsi Nan.

But the bronze coffin, I have never heard of it. More importantly, copper was a precious metal in ancient times and could only be used for coining and printing. Private individuals are not allowed to use it at all, let alone making coffins.

If this scene is seen by archaeologists, it is estimated that it will be included in the category of a national treasure in the first place.

Seeing this, the cold rut forcibly calmed down his heartbeat, and then said with a serious face: "Brothers, now I finally know why the tomb builders are not afraid that the arrow mechanism will destroy the bones of the tomb owner. Look at the coffin. The material, to be honest, I have never heard of it. In the late Tang Dynasty, some people would use bronze to cast coffins."

"But it is precisely because of this that I am more certain that there is a secret in this coffin."

With the cold explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room also clearly saw the bronze coffin in front of them. For a time, the audience in the live broadcast room all fell into sluggishness.

The bronze rust on the coffin resembles an ancient god, watching everyone's eyes. Let the audience in the live broadcast room feel the heaviness firsthand.

"Hi! Bronze coffin, this TM is indeed a bit abnormal!"

"Fuck! What's the matter with the anchor? Bronze coffin? Why do I look a little creepy."

"Raise your hand weakly, what's wrong with the bronze coffin? What's wrong with this?"

Seeing the question in the live broadcast room, Hanzhe couldn't help but sink. Afterwards, he stretched out his hand and struck the lid of the coffin hard, and there was a sound of gold and iron humming immediately.

Hearing the sound, I stubbornly confirmed that this coffin was made of bronze. So he explained seriously: “Of course it’s not normal, because according to historical records, the coffins of the past dynasties are all made of wood from the princes and generals to the people at dawn. The coffins are made of bronze, so far in our country. There is no precedent."

"Especially copper is a precious metal under official control in the past. In addition to coins, the consumption of pots and bells requires official records to be used. Under this social background It’s almost impossible to cast a coffin out of bronze."

Speaking of this, Hanzhe also feels that this coffin is more weird. The coffin is made of bronze. What secrets are hidden in the coffin?

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