Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 942 Borneo

The damp wooden boards creaked, and the old disrepair made the floor of the tavern become a nightingale living under it. Anyone who stepped into this place could not escape the ears of the boss.

There was a faint musty smell floating in the air, but this musty smell was completely covered up by the thicker smell of alcohol and sweat. It mixed with the muddy smell in the air to form a very unique and strange smell. If it weren't for the extremely strong sense of smell, It's hard to tell the difference between good people.

"The weather is getting dull."

"Damn the weather."

"It's like this in the rainy season. There are far fewer tourists here. My boat has been parked on the river for almost half a month."

"Who isn't?"

"It's raining so hard, you can't get out."

"makes sense."

At the round table in the corner, a few locals were chatting listlessly. There were more or less people sitting on the other tables, but the whole tavern didn't seem too lively. They were obviously tortured by the rainy and sultry weather. That's enough.


The hard soles of the boots stepped on the wet wooden boards. The wooden boards shook and screamed, and at the same time, some muddy water was squeezed out of the gaps.

The boss turned around when he heard the voice, put down the clean wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Haha, there is another big guy today, Mr. Fang."

The drinkers turned their heads when they heard the sound, and they all saw a tall man in a raincoat entering the tavern with a wild boar on his shoulders. Everyone stretched their necks to look around.

"Yeah, so can you make me a richer dinner today?"

"Of course, today's dinner is beef stew, tomato sauce noodles and oyster pancakes, a rich equatorial style."

"Sounds great."

Bi Fang took off his raincoat, shook off the rainwater, then put the wild boar on his shoulders to the place designated by the boss.

All the surrounding drinkers gathered around the wild boar, and all of them cheered enthusiastically, praising the man's bravery.

"I bet it's at least a hundred and thirty pounds!"

"I think it's at least 160 pounds. The last time I saw one, it was exactly the same size. It jumped out of the woods and broke a man's leg. He was shot to death later. He weighed it. One hundred and sixty pounds!”

"This guy is really strong. I have never seen such a tall Asian man. Who is he?"

Obviously, not everyone in the tavern knew Bifang.

"I don't know. I only know that he is a Chinese. He has been here for half a month. He catches wild boars almost every two or three days. And you can see that there is only a small opening on the neck of the wild boar. This shows that he is not relying on traps or traps. I killed so many wild boars with just bullets and a dagger, without exception.”

"How did he do that?"

"I don't know, I heard"

"Haha, don't talk nonsense, Fei Zhen, he is my invited guest, and he is also the best hunter I have ever seen."

The drinkers gathered around the wild boar and chatted together. This scene attracted more people to watch, while the boss stood in the center and talked, introducing Bifang's origins to those who didn't know.

In fact, the boss has done this behavior many times.

Bi Fang didn't care about this. He walked through the crowd and came to a corner. He sat down and poured a cup of hot milk and drank it in one gulp. He exhaled a long and slow breath, as if all the fatigue was flowing out along the breath.

One bearded pig in exchange for three days of food and accommodation.

This is the agreement that Bi Fang and the tavern owner made half a month ago.

It has been almost half a month since I came here. Although I was a little confused at the beginning, now I have a general understanding of the situation.

This is a completely different Earth. Although the technology and culture are exactly the same, the world map is slightly different.

As a professional survivor, Bifang, who owns the Memory Forest, can view the world map from the palm of his hand. Even if there is an extra mountain, he can immediately compare it, let alone the slight change in the outline of the continent.

Even where Bi Fang is now, Borneo, the river branches and contours are slightly different from those in his memory. It's very subtle, but it does exist.

At the same time, another strong evidence that the world is different is that no one on this earth knows an explorer named "Bifang"!

Bi Fang is not an arrogant person and feels that everyone in the world should know him. But for an entire Borneo town, including tourists from all over the world, including some small Internet celebrities, it is very difficult for them all to know him. It's doubtful.

Fortunately, the system still showed the option to go back, so Bi Fang was not too anxious.

Although he didn’t know what the system asked him to do here, whether he wanted to live broadcast, and what kind of live broadcast format it would be, he took it as he came. With his excellent "professional skills", Bi Fang quickly established a firm foothold. He even gained a certain reputation in the town.

Many people know that there is a local guy who is very good at traditional hunting. He goes into the rainforest every day with a dagger and comes out before noon carrying enough prey for a family to eat for a month.

In the tavern, many guests gathered around after listening to the boss's story, talking all over the place.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, how did you do it?"

"Do you know how to dismantle Nice Kung Fu?"

"That's cool, did you ever serve in the military, were you discharged?"

"How did you do it? Hmm." Bi Fang didn't say too much, but was very talkative. "It's actually very simple. Just wait for the wild boar to collide with you and insert the knife into its neck."

Everyone: "."

"Hahaha, just kidding. It takes a lot of hard work to do this. What you need to pay special attention to is that you must insert it into its artery. Otherwise, you will not be able to relieve its mental strength at once, and the beast will continue to fight back."

"A beast is just a beast. It is not as smart as you think. As long as you are familiar with its body structure, many things can be done easily."

Bi Fang chatted with everyone, and everyone listened attentively, forgetting the hot weather.

When Bi Fang finished speaking, everyone was still unfinished. They sat down nearby in twos and threes and told their own experiences and encounters in the past few days like a story gathering.

The tavern has a dense population and high mobility, which is very suitable for inquiring about information. This is why Bi Fang wants to live here. Besides, the boss is really nice and he makes good Southeast Asian food.

Bi Fang listened carefully and kept it in mind.

Borneo is a no-go zone no less than the Amazon rainforest.

The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. It is said that it is a place that can only be entered but not exited. There are all kinds of strange animals and plants in it, and there are countless weird legends, many of which are beyond human cognition and shocking to the soul.

The same is true for Borneo, which is called "purgatory on earth".

As the third largest island in the world, Borneo covers an area of ​​approximately 740,000 square kilometers and is the largest tropical forest in the world except for the tropical rainforest in the Amazon River Basin in South America.

Bi Fang enters the rainforest every now and then these days to observe species and distribution.

But until today, Bifang has not noticed any difference between this place and Borneo in the original world. It seems to be a very normal rain forest.

Just as everyone was chatting in a lively manner, the floor at the door of the tavern sounded again. Bi Fang took a look and found that two men and two women came in. One of the men was black, and the other three were white.


Why does it look so familiar?

The inexplicable sense of familiarity made Bi Fang a little surprised. He immediately glanced around and found that several people around him had "I know them" expressions.

"Suharto, do you know them?"

Suharto was a local boat owner. His skin was rough from sailing boats on the river all year round. He liked to have a few drinks in the pub when he had nothing to do. Today he happened to be sitting next to Bifang and listened to the story.

Suharto was stunned when asked, and then shook his head: "I don't know, but they came to me today and asked me if they could sail upstream. Please, it is the rainy season now, and if there is a flood upstream, it will be all over." , and there is fog on the river, who knows where I will drive, these tourists are really crazy, they even said they are looking for flowers."

"Yeah, they looked for me too."

"I met them too, and it was strange, who would be here at this time?"

After Suharto finished speaking, the other ship bosses present nodded unconsciously. Apparently, they had all been asked by the "tourists" who had just come in.

"Perhaps they can ask Jin Song? Didn't he say that as long as they have enough money, they can go anywhere?"

"By the way, where is Jin Song? I seemed to have seen him just now."

"Isn't this group of people just looking for Jin Song?"

Bi Fang listened to everyone's words and caught the key words in Suharto's words: "Looking for flowers, Suharto, do you still remember what flowers they said they were looking for?"

"What kind of flower?" Suharto was asked, holding his chin and frowning in thought, "It seems to be some kind of orchid?"

"You idiot, it's Blood Orchid." Another ship boss laughed.

"Bullshit, I've never heard of such a thing."

Blood orchid, Borneo, rainy season.

Bi Fang was shocked.

He seemed to know something was different about the world.

The project is over and I will continue to update it when I have time.

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