Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 945 The hidden danger

The trees on both sides of the river receded, and the sky cleared up for a rare occasion during the rainy season. The orange light penetrated the thick gray clouds and shone on the river, shimmering.

Bifang leaned on the railing, breathing in the thick water vapor in the air, stretching leisurely. Facing a group of busy people, he seemed to be here for a trip.

In fact, when preparations are complete, the Mary is a small ship unless there is an emergency. All you need to do is check the steering wheel once in a while.

The captain would not leave such an important matter to a new crew member. It was the first mate Aquan who did this.

"Have you been in the military?" Captain Bill brought two glasses of wine and handed one out.

"Yes." Bi Fang glanced down at the wine and raised his eyebrows, "Rice wine? Sorry, I don't drink."

Bi Fang doesn't smoke or drink. He only drinks some alcoholic beverages, especially outside, which is even less likely.

Bill shrugged and drank the whole glass in one sip: "Where did you get it? China? Can you tell me the number?"

"It's Huaxia, but the number is, sorry."


"You too?" Bi Fang knew the answer, but he still asked.

"That's right." Bill shrugged, also lying on the railing, looking back at memories, "That was a long time ago."

Bi Fang smiled: "It sounds like the tears and bitterness of war."

"The summary is very insightful." Bill scratched his head, laughed, and then changed the topic, "I just saw that you seemed to be carrying a long bag up? Can you tell me what's in it?"

"It's a knife."

"Knives?" Bill looked like it was true. The style of the bag was obviously for weapons.

Bill was still wary of the crew member Bifang who came suddenly, so he wanted to go up and ask clearly. Fortunately, Bifang didn't show any shyness, which made him relax.

"You can understand it as my hunting tool, an old-school hunter who sticks to tradition."

"Well, it seems like everyone has their own quirks."

Bill shrugged. Seeing Bi Fang's confession, he no longer dwelled on the matter and turned back to the captain's cabin.

Bi Fang looked at the beautiful rainless scenery on the bow, then turned and left the deck, returned to his room, and took out the bag that Bill had mentioned before.

Open the zipper to reveal several knives hidden in sheaths.

The harpoon and the like are old friends, of course, there are also some daggers as new friends, but in addition, there are two more longer and larger blades.

One is a machete with a wide back and a straight blade, and the other is a Burmese knife with a curvature that is about one meter long including the handle.

When you pull out the blade, you will see precise water-like lines all over it, and the cold light shows that it is a good knife at first glance.

They are all produced by the system.

Before every mission, Bi Fang would habitually check whether the system store had been updated and see if there were any good items.

It doesn't matter if you don't see the result. When you look at it this time, you can see that the store is filled with a dazzling array of knives, and the strong murderous aura almost overflows.

In the past, there were all kinds of protective gear, shoes, and pants mixed with one or two daggers. How could the offensiveness be as high as it is now?

This also gave Bifang a rough idea of ​​the main direction of this adventure, but he was not afraid. On the contrary, he was even eager to try it.

In fact, the giant python in the movie is not as powerful as imagined, at least it can be killed with cold weapons. There are many clips in the movie to prove this.

One is that in the savage tribe, there is a death python whose head is filled with cold weapons.

Second, when a giant python was chasing the tech guy along the cave, the black beauty outside the cave took advantage of the opportunity and chopped off his head with a knife.

The latter is a bit unbelievable. After all, she is a woman, and she still cuts her head with a knife. Even if she is lucky enough not to get stuck on any bones and just cuts through the gap, it still seems a bit outrageous.

Of course, it could also be just a matter of luck, just like a person can be cut by the edge of paper under certain conditions.

However, Bi Fang mainly regarded the first example as the most realistic comparison to avoid making mistakes later. Therefore, after careful selection, he chose several daggers, a machete and a Burmese knife.

It’s not that there are other larger and longer knives in the store, but considering the complexity and narrowness of the rainforest environment, these two medium-sized knives are enough. Too big will be inconvenient and affect flexibility.

The unique knives of each place are formed through long-term practice.

Southeast Asian specialty knives such as Burmese knives are undoubtedly more suitable for rainforest combat. On the contrary, Chinese Tang knives and the like have great opening and closing, but are somewhat difficult to use in the rainforest.

Although the total length of the Burmese knife is one meter, its long handle is suitable for holding with both hands to increase damage, and its curved arc is also more suitable for chopping.

Not to mention the machete, which is very useful for dealing with bush-covered terrain.

After waving a Burmese knife, a machete, and several other daggers in the room, Bi Fang sheathed the knife, but did not put it back into the bag. Instead, he gradually began to equip it on his body in order.

A dagger is placed on each side of the calf, followed by both sides of the thigh, and a whaling harpoon is inserted into the lower back. There are a total of five daggers that can be drawn out and used at any time.

The machete and the Burmese knife were put aside for the time being. They did not go deep into the rainforest. They were still driving on the river and did not enter the jungle. There was no need for them. They were too conspicuous to carry around.

An eye-catching person is often easily isolated and suspected, which is not what Bi Fang wants to see.

If possible, he still hopes that everyone can be harmonious.


Everyone sat around the bow, under the yellow lights, blown by the river breeze, enjoying the silence before the storm.

Ben Douglas, the ship's doctor, distributed the dinner he made to everyone, and everyone else was full of praise.

At this moment, a small hand quietly touched the fruit plate

"Hey! You've had dinner."

Captain Bill scolded Gangzi for trying to steal some fruit. Everyone laughed when they saw this, except Bifang, who was in high spirits at this moment.

Yes, it is during this time that the giant python will appear for the first time.

Because Gangzi couldn't steal the fruit, he went to the top of the boat and picked the fruits from the branches extending from the shore. After picking the fruit, he found that the boat had already driven away, and he was spotted by a giant python on the way to chase.

However, Bi Fang had no intention of following Gangzi to the shore to meet the giant python.

In the original film, I don’t know how Gangzi was able to find the location of the ship by himself. He was not sure if he could come back and find the Bloody Mary after following it.

Without anyone noticing, Bifang followed the angry Gangzi to the top of the ship.

When the monkey was about to jump onto a branch to pick fruits, he pulled it down by its tail, picked two fruits with the other hand and stuffed them into its arms.

"Now is not a good time to go ashore."

Gangzi, who was suddenly caught, wanted to scream, but when he saw the fruit in his hand, he didn't care anymore, and started to eat it while holding it.

"As expected of a primate, he is so smart."

Bi Fang touched Gangzi's hair and took him back to the ship.

With his own participation, Gangzi may not necessarily be able to escape death like in the original film. It can be avoided or avoided.

After taking Gangzi back to the deck, everyone didn't realize what happened, and they were still talking and laughing.

Bill was just curious about when Gangzi would be willing to get close to Bifang, but he didn't pay much attention.

Bifang put Gangzi down and made sure it was in his sight. At the same time, he leaned on the railing and stared into the darkness.

Suddenly, the trees shook in the darkness, and the shrill screams of animals were heard, startling everyone who was chatting.

Burris, the short hip-hop technician, swore: “Damn, what is that?”

Bill leaned against the table and glanced around the darkness: "Something was eaten."

Finance Minister Gordon asked: "What?"

"This is a jungle and everything is hunted."

Bi Fang frowned.

He saw nothing.

I came back after watching Mount Everest on the 14th. I woke up with a fever the next day after a nap. After lying down all day, I also thought of an area that could be revised in the new book. The plan may be delayed. I usually like to save two The manuscript will be released after ten to thirty chapters. These days, I am writing extras and finishing the new book at the same time.

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