Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 166: Fighting for the position of team leader

On the ring.

"Come here to get your identity token!"

Hearing the words from the man who presided over the assessment again, Lv Renyao immediately realized that he was not hallucinating.

But he had really passed the assessment.

"How could this happen? We haven't even started fighting yet, why is the assessment over and everyone passed?" Lv Renyao immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

"Who told you that you have to fight to pass the assessment? When a ring can't gather ten people to fight, the people on the ring will automatically pass the assessment." The man glanced at him slightly: "This is also the rule, understand?"

Lv Renyao's heart suddenly condensed when he noticed the man's gaze on him.

He saluted respectfully: "I understand!"

"Sensible!" The man nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

He couldn't help but secretly praise his ability to respond to emergencies.

What rules?

I have the final say?

How can two good assistants of the eighth level of martial arts be ruined by you, a little guy?

If you really let this little guy knock down the ring, the rules are here, and it would be difficult to absorb him back into the Inspection Office.

The man in charge of the assessment secretly complained in his heart.

On the other side.

"Can it be like this?" Zhou Xing muttered to himself when he heard those words, and his face showed great joy.

The worry in his heart was suddenly swept away at this moment.

Since the man who presided over the assessment has spoken, it means that the test has been settled and there will be no changes.

"Junior brother Jiang Ning, it seems that we are very lucky!" Zhou Xing came back to his senses, his face was excited, no longer the indifference of the past.

After several months of preparation, the dust settled at this moment, and the fish jumped into the dragon gate.

People and officials are two completely different classes.

Even if you become the most ordinary inspection guard in the Inspection Office, it is an official position of the ninth rank.

An official is an official, even if it is from the ninth rank, it is still an official.

Not to mention that the Inspection Office holds the power of life and death. This kind of powerful and violent institution is naturally superior.

Even if they were both ninth-rank police officers, they were naturally inferior to the patrol guards who had greater power.

Moreover, after taking this step, he would be eligible to compete for the position of team leader.

Once he won the position of team leader, he would not only be promoted to ninth-rank official, but also have a patrol team of ninth-rank martial arts who would obey him.

This kind of status is a real big shot, enough to bring the Zhou family to a new height.

Thinking of all this, how could Zhou Xing not be extremely excited, and how could he suppress the ups and downs in his heart.

At the same time.

Jiang Ning heard Zhou Xing's words about good luck, so he smiled without comment.

"Brother Zhou Xing is right!"

"You two are lucky!" Lu Renyao said with a smile.

Then he added: "You will know later that joining me is a truly wise choice. If you two have the idea to join my team, I will still open the door to you two."

"Especially you!" Lu Renyao's eyes fell on Jiang Ning, and he continued: "Jiang Ning! I admire you very much! At your age, you can reach the eighth level of martial arts in Luoshui County! If you join me, we can become friends, comrades and even brothers!"

After saying this, he did not wait for Jiang Ning to reply, and turned to look at the man who presided over the assessment.

"Sir, I'm here to get my identity token!"

"Take it!" The man threw the black token that had been prepared long ago, and it flew into Lu Renyao's hands.

Then he said: "Tomorrow morning, come to the inspection office to report, and by the way, change your temporary identity token into a formal token!"

"Yes, sir!" Lu Renyao saluted respectfully.

He did not dare to act rashly with the man who presided over the assessment in front of him.

He also did not dare to treat this man as casually as He Jinyun.

Because according to his understanding, this person is one of the four leaders of the Inspection Office.

He is an official of the eighth rank, and his strength is also the peak of the seventh rank, or has entered the sixth rank.

Whether it is an official position or strength, he cannot be rash.


Jiang Ning, Zhou Xing and Zhang Tiesheng also stepped forward to receive their temporary identity tokens.

On the other side.

Under the ring.

Zhao Hu looked at the scene on the ring and suddenly felt extremely regretful.

"Damn it!!"

"Can it be played like this?"

"If I had known earlier, I would have gone on stage with them, and I would have obtained the qualification to enter the Inspection Office without fighting."

"According to the development of the plot just now, even if Jiang Ning secretly made a move, he would have no chance at all!"

The chance to enter the Inspection Office was almost certain to be missed. At this moment, the more Zhao Hu thought about it, the more regretful he felt.

In the wooden shed.

The martial arts disciples saw this scene on the ring and immediately talked about it.

"Brother Jiang Ning, Brother Zhou Xing, and Brother Zhang Tiesheng are really lucky!"

"Yes! This luck is really good! Without a battle, they automatically passed the test and became a member of the patrol guard. From now on, we are completely in a different class!" Some disciples showed an extremely envious look in their eyes!

"Yes! When I see the three brothers in the future, I have to call them adults!" Someone heard this and immediately echoed with emotion on his face.

"Having said that, the three brothers are safe and sound! That martial arts student is so powerful at first glance. If he had taken action just now, the three brothers would have been in trouble!"

"That is inevitable! The Wuyuan student comes from Dongling City. Although he is also in the eighth grade, if he takes action, the two senior brothers Jiang Ning and Zhou Xing will definitely not be his opponents!"

"I think so too. You can tell by looking at the sallow and skinny Wuyuan student from before. He was simply overwhelming everything."

"That's right! That Martial Arts student with a yellow face and skinny face is clearly malnourished and has average physical fitness! He is so terrifying, let alone this Martial Arts disciple wearing a white robe, who must be even more terrifying!"


While everyone in the wooden shed was talking about it, Jiang Ning and others also came down from the ring and walked towards the wooden shed where Wang Jin was.

In the wooden shed.




Seeing the three people back in front of him, Wang Jin was filled with joy.

He continued: "The three of you have now successfully crossed the Dragon Gate. From now on, when you put on official uniforms and rely on the resources of the Inspectorate, your future in martial arts will be limitless."

Jiang Ning cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to Master's teachings!"

These words were spoken by Jiang Ning from the bottom of his heart.

He knew that without Wang Jin, he would not be where he is today.

Seeing this, Zhou Xing also bowed his hands.

"Thank you Master Wang for your past cultivation!"

Zhang Tiesheng also hurriedly said: "Thank you, Master, for your cultivation!"

"You are all well done!" Wang Jin nodded with emotion.

Then his eyes fell on Zhang Tiesheng, glanced at him, and then fell on Zhou Xing and said: "Zhou Xing, Tiesheng is your junior brother. Since I follow you, I hope you will treat him well in the future."

When Zhou Xing heard this, he immediately raised his hands and said, "Master Wang, don't worry! I will definitely treat Junior Brother Tiesheng well!"

"Then I'm relieved!" Wang Jin nodded with relief.

Then he said: "You guys are my last apprentices. From now on, Canglang Martial Arts School may close and no longer accept apprentices."

"Master, why is this?" Jiang Ning asked immediately.

Wang Jin chuckled: "I'm not worried. This is not a bad thing, but a good thing! I'm going to pursue martial arts."

at this time.

Yu Yuan, who was still paying attention to the ring, heard this key sentence from Wang Kou.

He suddenly turned around and looked at Wang Jin in surprise.

"Master Wang, what do you mean by this? Have you made some progress in your martial arts?"

"Not bad!" Wang Jin laughed: "Master Yu still understands me!"

"How do you do this at your age???" Yu Yuan suddenly looked at Wang Jin with wide eyes.

"Congratulations, Master!" Jiang Ning heard this and congratulated him.

"Congratulations, Master!"

"Congratulations, Master Wang!!"

"Congratulations, Master Wang!!"


All of a sudden, congratulations from all the disciples in the martial arts hall could be heard.

Wang Jin couldn't help but laugh.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Ning probably understood.

It should be that Wang Jin's inner elixir health-preserving skills have improved again, and the skills of the internal organs have been enhanced.

In this way, Wang Jin was confident that he would make further progress, so he made this decision not to recruit any more disciples.

"That's fine!" Thinking of this, Jiang Ning thought to himself.

Wang Jin's improvement in strength is undoubtedly a good thing for himself.

As the master's strength improves, as a disciple, his backers will also become stronger.

at this time.

Yu Yuan, the master of the Shenwei Martial Arts Hall, looked at the scene next to him, with envy in his eyes.

If Wang Jin's strength can take a further step, that will be the threshold for entering the sixth level.

This has been his long-cherished wish for many years.

If the older generation of strong people like them hadn't declined in physical condition and retreated in strength instead of advancing, who would have chosen to open a gym to teach apprentices in preparation for retirement?

This Wang Jin is really lucky!

Not only are his disciples stronger than mine, but he also wants to make a breakthrough in his own strength?

I wonder what kind of bad luck this old guy got, what kind of opportunity he got?

Yu Yun felt secretive in his heart.

After a while.

The bustle in the shed fell silent.

"Brother Jiang, I envy you so much!" Cheng Ran, standing next to Jiang Ning, looked envious in his eyes.

Facing Cheng Ran's emotional sigh, Jiang Ning opened his mouth and suddenly didn't know how to comfort him.

He knew that joining the Procuratorate and practicing martial arts to become stronger was Cheng Ran's only goal before.

The reason why he later said he would give up martial arts and turn to business was because Cheng Ran saw the reality clearly.

Unlike himself, Cheng Ran had the opportunity to change his destiny.

Even though he worked hard to practice martial arts, it was because of his talent, his understanding, and his family background.

It is destined that no matter how hard he works, he will not be able to achieve much.

How many people practice martial arts in this world?

There are many hard-working and motivated people among them.

But those who can become ninth-level warriors are only one out of ten, or even one out of a hundred.

Although Cheng Ran is different from them, as long as he continues on his path, he can still hope to reach the ninth level of martial arts.

But going further would be too difficult for him.

The eighth level requires mastery of strength.

And mastering strength requires a high level of martial arts understanding.

Or very exaggerated wealth.

Cheng Ran had neither of these.

It was precisely because Cheng Ran realized this that he chose to give up the path of martial arts.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Ning patted Cheng Ran on the shoulder.

"Brother Cheng, you can actually choose to practice martial arts."

"Inspector's Mansion, I may have a way to let you in!"

"Really?" Hearing Jiang Ning's words, Cheng Ran's eyes suddenly lit up, turning from dim to bright.

Jiang Ning thought about it, and recalled what Liu Sansheng said when he came to the door before, and he nodded again.

"Maybe there is a way! But I can't guarantee it!"

"No problem!" Cheng Ran smiled immediately: "Brother Jiang has this intention, that's great! As for whether it will succeed or not, I'm open-minded!"

"If it doesn't work, there is no way to practice martial arts, and I can concentrate on running the family business, which is also a good choice!"

"As long as there is money, a martial arts ninth-grade expert can still be invited to protect the family's foundation."

Jiang Ning patted Cheng Ran's shoulder again after hearing this, and said nothing more.

Although Liu Sansheng said before that when he won the position of team leader, he would be able to promote himself to the inspection house.

But how to do this, whether it will succeed or not.

He didn't dare to guarantee it casually now.

At the same time.

In the training ground.

At this moment, the battle for the ring is in full swing.

Just now, someone saw the example of Jiang Ning and others, so he also tried to get people not to go on stage, so that they could pass the test without fighting because they could not gather enough ten people.

But the man who presided over the test was not polite at all.

He suddenly got angry and swept them off the stage one by one.

In the face of the doubts of these people, he also left a sentence.

"My rules are rules!"

When everyone saw this, they immediately understood.

As long as they followed the previous rules, ten people honestly went on stage and participated in the fight, and the remaining five people became kings, they would be considered to have passed the test.

As the sun rose to the top of the sky.


Jiang Ning and others had bursts of hungry sounds in their stomachs.

People who practice martial arts have strong bodies, and their digestion and appetite are more vigorous than ordinary people.

As soon as it was time for dinner, the sounds of hunger in the stomachs came one after another.

At this time.

A slight commotion came from the wooden shed in the distance.

"Is this the source of the commotion just now?" Wang Jin spread out his hands, and in his hand was a green pill that the soldiers had just distributed.

"Yes, Master Wang!" Zhou Xing nodded. He was in high spirits and full of energy.

Then Zhou Xing continued, "Master Wang, I just asked. This is a marching pill. It is made from the essence extracted from meat by the alchemist and mixed with several kinds of herbs."

"One pill is enough for an ordinary ninth-grade warrior to eat a meal of preserved fruits."

Jiang Ning also threw the marching pill into his mouth at this time.

As his throat moved, the marching pill entered his stomach.

Soon, he felt the marching pill slowly decompose in his stomach, and the hunger in his stomach was gradually reduced.

At this moment, Wang Jin also swallowed it.

Then he opened his eyes and nodded slightly.

"It is indeed effective. The feeling of hunger gradually disappeared!"

"It is similar to the Bigu Pill recorded in ancient books."

"But the Bigu Pill recorded in ancient books can resist hunger for three days, and the effect is far better than the marching pill."

Zhou Xing said: "Master Wang is right. This pill should be made according to the legendary Bigu Pill."

Bigu Pill?

Jiang Ning was a little surprised when he heard these three words.

Just then.




The drum sounded suddenly, like thunder throughout the entire training ground.

"This is. The entrance examination is officially over!" Wang Jin stood up suddenly.

Then he looked at Jiang Ning and Zhou Xing: "Next, it's the battle for the team leader! Both of you are eighth-rank martial artists, and you are qualified to try to compete for the position of team leader in the Inspection Office."

"If one of you wins the position of team leader by chance, it will be a real meteoric rise!"

"In the Inspection Office, there are ten people in a team. As the team leader, you have the power to command nine ninth-rank martial artists."

"This is enough for you to walk sideways in Luoshui County, not to mention the other benefits of this position."

Zhou Xing clenched his fists: "Disciple understands! Master Wang, please rest assured that the disciple will do his best to win the position of team leader."

"What about you kid?" Wang Jin looked at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning smiled immediately: "Master, don't worry! I will definitely win the position of team leader and make you proud!"

"With your words, I feel relieved!" Wang Jin laughed heartily.

Next to him, the owner of the Shenwei Martial Arts Hall couldn't help but look at Jiang Ning.

"Master Wang's disciple is so arrogant!"

"Why, are you unhappy with my disciple?" Wang Jin sneered.

"Master Wang, are you going to continue the bet just now?" Yu Yuan said.

"Don't set a trap for me!" Wang Jin glanced at Yu Yuan: "I won't fall into your trap!"

Just at this moment.

Heavy footsteps came from outside the wooden shed.

"Master, I have fulfilled my mission and successfully passed the assessment and became a member of the patrol guard!"

As soon as the voice reached everyone's ears, Zhao Hu rushed into the wooden shed and announced loudly with a proud face.

"Passed?" Wang Jin stood up and said in surprise.

"Of course I passed!" Zhao Hu announced with a proud face.

"Good! Good! Good!!!" Wang Jin looked at Zhao Hu in front of him and patted him on the shoulder to encourage him.

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