Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 28 Wang Jin's Study

Jiang Ning did not believe that Wang Jin could meet the conditions for entering the inspection house within three months.

He understood it very well and it was normal.

After all, my martial arts training time is too short.

What can you do in three months?

Looking at the test of Wang Jin’s true disciples, if you master any of the five-shaped boxing within six months, you can become his true disciple.

This shows how difficult it is to practice martial arts.

My eldest brother has been practicing martial arts for so many years, but he has only reached the level of Qi and blood that can penetrate all four limbs.

To meet the conditions for joining the Procuratorate, one must have a high level of martial arts and be under thirty years old.

In Luoshui County, anyone who can do this is either a martial arts genius or a martial artist who is either rich or noble and has been piled up with money.

A smile appeared on Jiang Ning's face, and his expression was full of confidence: "Master, don't worry! It won't be long before the Five Birds Fist is completed!!"

"Good! You should be so confident!" Wang Jin praised again.

He immediately raised his head slightly and glanced at the moonlight: "It's getting late! I'm an old man and I won't fight with a young man like you! I'm going back to rest! You're not suitable for boxing tonight either. Just now My boxing practice is a little overdone. Go back home and have a good rest to recharge your batteries and practice boxing again tomorrow!”

Jiang Ning nodded: "Disciple understands!"

Then Jiang Ning spoke again: "Disciple, I have something unkind to say to Master."

"Mother-in-law, if you hesitate, just say it directly!" Wang Jin said.

"Disciple wants to borrow books from Master's study. It's still early at midnight, so I can read a book. Besides, during my usual time of practicing boxing to recover my strength and resting, I can read and gain knowledge!" Jiang Ning said.

"You work so hard?" Wang Jin was a little stunned. His original intention was for Jiang Ning to go back and rest early tonight.

As a result, he never expected that Jiang Ning actually wanted to borrow books and read while it was still early.

Jiang Ning scratched his head: "Children from poor families can't do it unless they fight! How can they change their destiny if they don't fight! And the teacher also knows that the reason why I asked the teacher to stay in the martial arts school is because someone outside wants to do something bad to me! I will return to school next spring. I want to take the imperial examination and gain fame, so that I can gain real peace."

"Do you need fame to gain peace?" Wang Jin continued to ask with some surprise: "The pressure comes from being an official?"

Jiang Ning said: "It's not a real official body, it's better than an official body."

"That's it!" Wang Jin nodded slightly, but didn't ask any more questions, and then he said: "It's very rare that you can have such an ambition. It's really important to be both civil and military! The real strong man is never invincible in terms of strength, nor is he invincible in mind. Invincible wisdom is the combination of both! There is no one who is truly ignorant in martial arts."

Jiang Ning nodded in agreement: "Master also agrees with what the disciple said!"

Wang Jin nodded again and said: "You have such an ambition, how can I not support it! From now on, you can enter my study room at will. You can just go to Aunt Sun to get the key later!"

"Thank you, Master!" Jiang Ning looked serious and saluted with his hands in hand.

Dong dong dong——

There was a knock on the door.

"I'm coming!"

The sound sounded, and a series of heavy footsteps rang in Jiang Ning's ears, and they kept approaching.


As the door of the small courtyard opened, Aunt Sun's slightly burly body was revealed.

"I knew it was your boy!" Aunt Sun said.

Jiang Ning also had a smile on his face: "Sister, I bother you so late!"

"Hi! What's the matter? I haven't slept yet!" Aunt Sun waved her hand, and then said: "You don't go to practice at this time, and you came to me suddenly. Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Ning said: "The body has been squeezed too much today, and there is no wild ginseng to replenish the body's consumption. How can I still practice? So I just told the library owner that I wanted to borrow some books from the study. After the library owner agreed, he let me I’m here to get the key from Sister Sun!”

"That's right!" Aunt Sun suddenly nodded: "Wait for me here! I'll get you a key to the study!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Ning nodded repeatedly.

A small moment of effort.

Aunt Sun came to Jiang Ning in a hurry.

"Here's the key! Don't lose it!"

"Don't worry, eldest sister!" Jiang Ning smiled and took the key handed over by Aunt Sun.

Immediately he spoke again: "Yes, eldest sister."

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Ning said: "The owner just said that starting from tomorrow, I can drink a bowl of soup every morning, noon and evening."

"Not bad! Little guy! I didn't expect that Master Wang valued you so much that he actually upgraded your treatment to that of a true disciple! That guy Xiao Peng became a true disciple today, but that's nothing more than that!" Aunt Sun looked happy. He slapped Jiang Ning hard.

Then she continued: "I just heard that you don't have wild ginseng to replenish the body's consumption of martial arts, and I'm afraid that your little guy will break down your body by practicing! After all, you, this little guy, is the best person I have ever seen practicing martial arts over the years in the martial arts school. A hard-working child.”

Jiang Ning smiled and said nothing.

He has heard it said that he is diligent many times.

But with the panel here, every effort can be rewarded, you can see your progress bit by bit, and you can feel your body's continuous growth. Who can not be diligent?

The reason why people are not diligent and hardworking is that they often cannot see the gains and their efforts are not rewarded.

Especially when you are stuck at a bottleneck, if you work hard for a week, a month, or a year, but in the end you can't make any progress, then how many people can continue to persevere?

After bidding farewell to Aunt Sun, Jiang Ning quickly walked towards the study.

Wang Jin's martial arts hall must have more books than his own home, and there may be martial arts secrets in it. Because of his previous performance, his status in Wang Jin's heart has been improved, and he has also obtained the right to enter the study, which makes him look forward to it.

Arrived in front of the study.

He unlocked the door and walked in.

After lighting the candlestick, the layout of the entire study appeared in his eyes.

There are large bookcases on three sides of the study, and books are neatly placed on each bookcase.

Holding the book, Jiang Ning approached the bookcase on the right and saw a book of medical books and pharmacology.

As the saying goes, medicine and martial arts are inseparable.

Martial arts involve the mysteries of various parts of the human body. For those who create martial arts, they must be extremely knowledgeable and well-informed, and they understand the mysteries of various parts of the human body.

The same is true for medicinal herbs.

The road of martial arts is closely related to various medicinal herbs and cannot be separated.

Without the assistance of drugs, a person's lifetime martial arts achievement will inevitably be greatly limited, and the efficiency of progress will be greatly slowed down.

You should know that the best golden age for learning martial arts is from the age of fifteen. After the bones and body mature, the golden age of thirty-five is the peak, and it is also the golden age with the greatest and fastest progress.

People who practice martial arts will gradually go downhill from about the age of forty, and their qi and blood will continue to decline.

At that time, let alone improving martial arts, it will be difficult to maintain strength.

Unless you practice martial arts to a high level, strengthen the five internal organs, and prolong the body's functions, you can have a longer golden age to improve martial arts.

These distracting thoughts flashed through his mind, and Jiang Ning's eyes quickly scanned the names of the books on the bookshelf and slowly moved forward.

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