Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 15 Obtaining Energy Points

The next morning.

[Name]: Jiang Ning

[Source Energy]: 3.9


Reading and spelling (one-time limit 69/2000) (Special Effect: Photographic Memory)

Five Animal Fists (Entry Level 4/100)

When he opened his panel, he was stunned for a moment.

"Source Energy actually increased by 0.3 a day?"

"This is the only time in more than two months that my source energy has increased by 0.3!"

"So my previous inference was correct! The increase in source energy is related to the energy I consumed that day!"

"Yesterday I consumed one-tenth of a wild ginseng, and at the same time consumed a bowl of soup medicine from the martial arts hall, as well as meat and a lot of rice, so I was able to increase my source energy by 0.3 a day."

He was thoughtful, and the logic of the increase in source energy gradually became clear in his mind.

"It seems that I have to find a way to make money in a few days! Without money and wild ginseng to support my boxing practice, my source energy will also increase slowly!"

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of the four words "poor in literature and vice martial arts".

Wealth is too important for his martial arts practice!

[Five Animals Fist Experience +1]

[Five Animals Fist Experience +1]

[This time, the Five Animals Fist experience points increased by 2 points. ]

[Skills]: Five Animals Fist (6/100 for beginners)

“I have reached 5% progress from the entry level to the mastery of Five Animals Fist!”

Jiang Ning clenched his fist again, and the power of Qi and blood flowed into his right fist.

“Qi and blood running through one arm is called Qi and blood minor success, and I still have a lot to go!”

A new idea suddenly came to his mind.

I don’t know what special effects the Five Animals Fist can produce when it breaks the limit?

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly: “I’ve thought too much! Martial arts also have five realms: entry level, mastery, minor success, major success, and perfection. Only after perfection can the limit be broken. With the current efficiency of liver Five Animals Fist experience points, I don’t know how long it will take!”

Then, Jiang Ning came to the stone lock again.

He grabbed the stone lock weighing 100 kilograms with his right hand, lifted it lightly, and it was off the ground.

"It's easier than last night. It seems that my physique has grown a little bit!"

Feeling the change in strength, Jiang Ning was secretly happy.

The feeling of improving every moment made him a little addicted.

He wished that he could spend 24 hours a day practicing boxing and gaining experience.

"No hurry! No hurry!!" He shook his head secretly: "It's not advisable to be eager for quick success! The body's endurance is limited! My progress speed is already far above that of ordinary people, and any bottleneck is ineffective for me. This is one of my biggest advantages!!"

On the other side.

Jiang Li, who had just walked out of the room, saw Jiang Ning lifting the stone lock to test his strength at this time. His eyes couldn't help shrinking, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Adi's strength seemed to have improved again, and it was easier than last night to lift the stone lock.

At this time, Jiang Ning put down the stone lock weighing 100 kilograms in his hand and came to the stone lock weighing 150 kilograms next to him.

With the force of his right hand, the three corners of the stone lock instantly left the ground, but the last corner could not get off the ground.

"It seems that I am still a long way from 150 kilograms of strength! It should be between 110 and 120 kilograms! The growth of strength in the early stage is really fast!" Jiang Ning shook his head slightly and gave up the action of continuing to test his strength.

Then, while resting to recover his strength, he continued to pick up the book that he had not finished reading last night and slowly flipped through it.

[Experience points for reading and spelling +1]

[Experience points for reading and spelling +1]

"Brother, come and eat!"

A voice came, and Jiang Ning also stopped flipping through the books and closed the books in his hand.

[This time flipping through the books, a total of 6 experience points are added. ]

[Skill]: Reading and spelling (one-time limit 75/2000) (Special effect: photographic memory)

"It's still easier to gain experience points with the skill of reading and spelling!" Jiang Ning deeply experienced it.

When he came to the main house, the steaming white porridge was already placed on the wooden table, and some minced meat was floating in it.

"Brother, eat quickly! After you finish, I will take you to the martial arts hall?" Jiang Li skillfully served a bowl of porridge to his wife Liu Wanwan, and said to Jiang Ning at the same time.

"Brother, are you going with me today?" Jiang Ning asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Jiang Li nodded: "Yesterday, Xu Yunfeng followed you all the way back. I plan to pick you up and drop you off from today. With me here, Xu Yunfeng will not dare to touch you!"

"No! Jiang Ning shook his head and continued: "If brother goes with me, it will be unsafe for my sister-in-law to stay at home with two children."

Jiang Li's face was full of confidence: "Brother, don't worry about this! I have already made arrangements. Brothers who have been friends with each other in the government will patrol this area."

Liu Wanwan also spoke reasonably at this moment: "Brother, don't worry about us three mothers. Your brother is still a member of the government after all, and he is also an official. Xu Yunfeng is a smart man. Smart people can't do such a big thing as breaking into a house! "

"Before the end-of-year assessment of the government office, our three mothers and your eldest brother will not have any accidents, only you are different! Anything can happen on your way to and from the martial arts hall every day!"

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law is right, and whether you can become a disciple of the martial arts hall is the most important thing at the moment. Your achievements are related to me and your sister-in-law. In this case, how can your safety be underestimated?"

Jiang Ning listened to the remarks of his eldest brother and sister-in-law quietly, and his heart was full of touch.

How could he not understand that the two of them must not have said these words on the spur of the moment.

My elder brother and elder sister-in-law must have had a long talk last night, which led to this conversation today.

He shook his head firmly again: "Brother and elder sister-in-law, there is no need to say more. I will go to the martial arts hall today and plan to live there permanently!"

"Live there permanently?" Jiang Li looked up suddenly.

Jiang Ning nodded: "Yes, I plan to ask the owner Wang Jin for something to do, and then live there permanently during this period of time."

"Will this work?" Jiang Li hesitated.

Jiang Ning also shook his head: "I don't know if it will work, but I want to try!"

"That's fine!" Jiang Li nodded decisively: "It doesn't matter if you can live in the martial arts hall permanently, it will definitely help you practice martial arts, saving you from running back and forth every day, and this way you will indeed be much safer. I will take you to the martial arts hall later."

"Okay!" Jiang Ning nodded, and no longer refuted.

A moment later.

Several people finished breakfast.

"Brother, wait a minute!"

Before leaving, Jiang Ning went back to the house and came out again after just a few breaths.

"Brother, what did you take?" Jiang Li looked at the bulging area on Jiang Ning's waist.

Jiang Ning smiled: "A little self-defense method!"

While speaking, he patted his waist again.

The thing here is not other things, but lime powder that can often be seen in movies and TV dramas in the previous life.

Lime powder looks like a small thing, but it is undoubtedly a real good thing in close combat.

At the same time, he also brought a book with him, which he used to earn experience points for literacy in his spare time when practicing boxing.

An hour later.

The two appeared in front of the gate of Canglang Martial Arts Hall.

There was no ripples along the way.

"Go back!" Jiang Ning said.

"Okay!" Jiang Li nodded, and then said again: "I will come again in the afternoon."

Jiang Ning smiled: "Don't worry, brother! I will ask the owner to keep me here."

After that, he strode towards the gate of Canglang Martial Arts Hall.

Watching Jiang Ning disappear at the gate of the martial arts hall, Jiang Li also turned around and left.

Next chapter at 8 o'clock in the evening

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