Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 189 Breakthrough to the seventh level, master the inner breath!

The top of the moon.


The waves splashed in the pool, and a figure emerged from the lake.

This person is Jiang Ning.

"Not bad!!" Jiang Ning clenched his fists with excitement, feeling the power in his body that was ready to go, and he was very excited.

At this time, he could clearly feel that he was making fists at will, and mobilizing his whole body's strength became smoother than before.

This state shows that the toughness of the large muscles in his body has been significantly improved.

"Judging from this situation, it won't be long before I can truly reach the seventh level of martial arts."

"When you first enter the seventh level of martial arts, you can normally explode with 30% of the strength compared to your peak eighth level."

"My strength has increased by another 30%. I believe I can fight against most seventh-level martial arts."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but think of the scene where Cao Rong took action that day.

The arrow pierced the air and briefly set off a sonic boom.

"Cao Rong is indeed terrifying!"

"Hong Minghu actually asked me to lead the team to destroy the Cao family. This move will inevitably lead to Cao Rong's desperate counterattack."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but frown slightly.

"There's some trouble! We need to improve our strength as soon as possible!"

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was a few days later.

On the bank of Luoshui River.


Jiang Ning flicked it casually, and his arm was like a long whip, suddenly making a crisp sound.

"Throwing the fist like a whip, the seventh level of martial arts has been achieved!!"

Jiang Ning suddenly looked happy.

After only half of the beef tendon powder was consumed, he reached the seventh level of martial arts, where the human body has tendons as big as those of a cow.

Reaching this level is the official seventh level of martial arts.

And this also means that he has entered a new level of martial arts.


Jiang Ning clenched his fist, and the strength circulated and accumulated in his body.

next moment.


He punched out, and the power poured out like a flood.

The fist slammed into the air, making a roaring sound.

"It's still worse!" Jiang Ning shook his head slightly.

With this punch, he could feel the air in front of his fist becoming like substance.

However, it was still not enough to detonate.

This shows that his punch was not as good as the arrow shot by Cao Rong.

Recalling that scene again, Jiang Ning looked thoughtful: "Looking at it from this point of view, Cao Rong is indeed not simple. His archery skills are extraordinary!"

"The bow and arrows in his hands are extraordinary!"

"A person who is good at archery is indeed an extraordinary threat."

"Perhaps, I can also try to practice archery!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning glanced at his panel.

[Name]: Jiangning

[Source Energy]: 237.6


Reading and hyphenation (second limit 2955/3000) (special effects: photographic memory, extraordinary five senses)

Five-Animal Fist (one-time limit of 413/2000) (Special effect: Five internal organs store essence)

Wood-cleaving knife technique + (four times to break the limit of 5000/5000) (special effects: by analogy, the knife is like the wind, the knife is handled like a god, the man and the knife become one)

Inner Alchemy Health Gong (Mastery 1977/2000)

Canglang Sword Technique (Dacheng 67/1000)

Vajra Indestructible Body (Xiaocheng 453/5000)

Water + (four times breaking the limit of 5000/5000) (special effects: underwater breathing, waterbending, water spirit affinity, clouds and rain)

As a few days passed, the source energy points also received a wave of improvement.

Go directly to the value of 237.6.

Because the source energy points have exceeded the 200-point level, and the experience points of the two skills of wood chopping and water-based skills are completely full, you can already choose to break the limit for the fifth time.

However, Jiang Ning was not prepared to put energy points into these two skills.

Because literacy can lead to a breakthrough right away.

Once he breaks through in reading and writing, according to Feng Jiuge, he can use the so-called Sumeru Ring.

This matter is where Jiang Ning should use his source energy points the most.

His energy points are now clearly stretched.

To achieve the fifth breakthrough in the water-based technique, 200 source energy points are required, and the same is true for the wood-cleaving technique.

With these two skills alone, the gap in his energy points reached more than 160 points.

Not to mention that reading and hyphenation is about to reach its third limit, which also requires fifty source energy points.

"The gap in source energy points is a bit big!" Jiang Ning looked at his panel and sighed secretly.

Immediately, his eyes moved downward.

[Skill]: Inner Alchemy Health Kung Fu (Mastery 1977/2000)

"Fortunately, the level of the inner alchemy health-preserving skill is high enough to reach the level of condensing inner energy, and there is no need to consume energy points."

Now the inner elixir health-preserving skill has reached an important level.

Within today, this skill will definitely be able to achieve a small breakthrough.

Xiaocheng's inner elixir health-preserving skill can breed inner breath in the body.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning's emotions turned to excitement.

Mastering the inner breath will inevitably lead to a qualitative leap in strength.

In his opinion, this kind of improvement may be greater than the improvement brought about by him stepping into the seventh level of martial arts.

After all, inner breath is a power that can only be mastered by those in the fifth-grade inner strength realm.

Only by mastering the inner breath can it be called the true fifth grade.

Immediately, Jiang Ning looked up at the sun above his head.

At this time, the sun has already passed the rising stage, and the sunlight has gradually become fierce and vicious.

The temperature also gradually increased.

In this way, it is getting closer and closer to Chenshi.

"It's almost time!" Jiang Ning whispered to himself.

When Chenshi arrived, it was time for him to start practicing the inner alchemy health-preserving exercises and breathing in the essence of the sun.

Immediately, he no longer cared about other things and picked up a miscellaneous book from the side and started reading.

[Qingwei Zhenren Guerrilla]

This miscellaneous book tells the story of a Taoist master, Qingwei Zhenren's travels to Kyushu, even to the country of many monsters in the south, the three overseas islands in the East China Sea, and the 81 islands of Xingluo.

So, although this is a miscellaneous book, Jiang Ning read it very seriously.

[Learning and spelling experience value +1]

[Learning and spelling experience value +1]

[Learning and spelling experience value +1]


As time goes by, the reading and spelling experience value is also increasing.

Compared with before, Jiang Ning found that his efficiency in reading books is getting higher and higher.

This also brings a higher efficiency in experience value growth.

Now that reading and spelling is only one step away from the next limit, he is even more impatient.

According to his deduction, when the skill of reading and spelling breaks the limit, he will be able to use the Xumi Ring.

More than half an hour later.

[Skill]: Reading and spelling (Second limit break 2966/3000) (Special effect: Photographic memory, extraordinary five senses)

After taking a look at the column of reading and spelling on the panel, Jiang Ning immediately closed the panel.

Sitting cross-legged facing the direction of the rising sun.

Between one breath and one exhalation.

The five internal organs are burning like fire, as if they are roasted by the true fire of the sun.

[Internal Alchemy Health-preserving Skill Experience +1]

[Internal Alchemy Health-preserving Skill Experience +1]

[Internal Alchemy Health-preserving Skill Experience +1]


As time goes by, the experience value of the internal alchemy health-preserving skill is getting closer and closer to the 3000-point level.

The sun is getting higher and higher.

[Skill]: Internal Alchemy Health-preserving Skill (Mastery 1999/2000)

In the interval between breathing, Jiang Ning glanced at the panel.

A flash of excitement flashed through his mind.

Immediately, he suppressed his excitement and continued to breathe in the sun's essence.

A moment later.

[Inner Alchemy Health-preserving Exercise Experience +2]

As this prompt flashed by.

The panel also changed suddenly.

[Skill]: Inner Alchemy Health-preserving Exercise (Minor Success 1/5000)

In an instant.

Jiang Ning felt a sense of relaxation from the inside out over his body.

At this moment, he felt relieved, as if a heavy object had been unloaded, and his internal organs were extremely light.

Accompanied by the blood rushing like a river, the gurgling sound was clear to the ears.

In an instant, the blood in the body completed a large circulation.

At this moment, Jiang Ning felt the first breath like spring rain in his internal organs.

This breath passed through his internal organs like a gentle moistening, and fell into a place in his abdomen.

This place is three inches below the navel.

"This should be the so-called Dantian!" Jiang Ning whispered in his heart.

Immediately, he looked inward.

He had looked inward countless times before, but he had never found the so-called Dantian.

But this time was different.

With the guidance of the inner breath, Jiang Ning instantly realized the location of the Dantian in his body, which was three inches below the navel.

At the same time, he also saw the inner breath like smoke in the Dantian.

"Internal breath, is this the internal breath?" Jiang Ning looked at the breath in the Dantian and was secretly happy.

The next moment.

He opened his eyes.

When he raised his finger, he felt the internal breath appear on his finger.

The heart moved at will.


The air moved slightly, and a wisp of internal breath that was difficult to detect with the naked eye instantly burst out from his fingertips.

Piercing into the ground in front of him.

A row of grass was cut off in an instant.

Jiang Ning then broke the soil and looked at it, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"As expected, if the internal breath has not reached the level of a strong force, its power will be greatly weakened after it leaves the body."

A few more breaths passed.

Jiang Ning felt that the internal breath in his dantian that had just been consumed had recovered as before.

He then did another experiment.

He gathered this internal breath between his fingers, and then gently poked a rock in front of him.

Instantly, his finger went three-tenths into the stone.

"It's really powerful!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Ning's eyes flashed with deep amazement.

You know, no matter how strong his physique is now, he is still a flesh and blood body, and does not have the sharpness of weapons.

But after the internal breath is attached, his fingers are full of sharpness and toughness, like hard gold and iron.

And this is just the effect of a ray of internal breath.

More than half an hour passed.

Jiang Ning continued to consume the internal breath for various tests.

The final result is the same as recorded in the book.

The internal breath is extremely magical. Wherever it is running, it will greatly enhance the effect of that place.

Just like using it on his legs, it can make his speed suddenly increase.

Although it only lasted for a moment.

However, the internal breath he now possesses is only a wisp.

If it is used on the fist, it can make him burst out with stronger and more powerful punching power.

Attaching it to the branches can make the branches have the toughness of swords for a short time.

In addition, the internal breath can also recover from injuries and heal wounds.

"No wonder it is said that fifth-grade people are the real strong ones! Just a wisp of inner breath has such power. If it is an extremely strong fifth-grade person, before the inner breath is exhausted, it is impossible to be defeated by anyone below fifth-grade. Haidui is dead!" Feeling the mystery of his inner breath, Jiang Ning couldn't help but sigh.


He looked up at the sun above his head, then looked down at the shadows around him, and instantly knew the approximate time of day.

It was already very close to Sishi.

If the inner elixir health-preserving skill wants to achieve a small success and achieve a great success, it is necessary to breathe out the energy of the day at the end of the day.

The Great Sun Essence at this moment is more domineering, more lethal to the internal organs, and it also has a better tempering effect on the internal organs.

After half a cup of tea.

The time has come.

Jiang Ning faced the great sun again, first swallowed a zang-protecting pill that Shen Congyun left for him, and then began to breathe out the essence of the great sun.

As he breathed out, he suddenly felt the powerful and domineering Sun Essence in the void entering his body through his nose.


As soon as this wisp of Great Sun Essence entered the body, it seemed to turn into a raging fire roasting the internal organs. The powerful burning sensation, even the cooling air brought by the Zang-protecting Pill was like a drop in the bucket, and it was difficult to compete with this raging fire.

In an instant.

A powerful sense of pain swept through his internal organs.

After a long time.

It takes dozens of breaths.

[Inner elixir’s health-preserving experience value +1]


Jiang Ning exhaled an extremely hot breath from his nose.

If someone puts their palm on the tip of Jiang Ning's nose at this moment, they can feel that the breath exhaled by Jiang Ning can burn the skin of ordinary people.

"What a terrifying Da Ri Jing Qi!" The first moment he opened his eyes, Jiang Ning frowned slightly and sighed deeply.

He could clearly feel at this moment that even with the strength of his internal organs, they were obviously damaged after being calcined by the wisp of Sun Essence.

In this state, it is not suitable to carry out the next action of breathing out the essence of the sun in the short term.


His brows stretched again.

"Two strands of inner breath!" His expression suddenly revealed a hint of joy.

[Skill]: Inner Alchemy Health Kung Fu (Small Success 2/5000)

After reading his own panel, Jiang Ning nodded thoughtfully.

"Looking at it this way, if I breathe out a wisp of the Great Sun Essence now, I will be able to increase my inner alchemy health-preserving power by a little experience!"

"At the same time, it can also bring about the growth of a wisp of inner energy in the Dantian."

Think for a moment.

Jiang Ning jumped up.


The sound of entering the water sounded, and his figure was already submerged in the water.

Being in the lake, Jiang Ning suddenly felt the joy coming from his body.

The state is constantly recovering towards the peak, the internal organs are also being moistened by bursts of coolness, and the damaged areas are also constantly recovering.

"While my body is recovering, I can practice sword practice! I believe that with the blessing of my inner breath, I can withstand the explosion of the ninth level of power without any problem!"

Think about this.

Jiang Ning no longer wastes time.

He jumped up and came to the beach of troubled times, grabbed his own knife and entered the water again.

[Canglang Sword Technique Experience Value +1]

[Water-based experience value +1]

[Water-based experience value +1]

[Canglang Sword Technique Experience Value +1]


Feeling the three-pronged approach and three kinds of happiness, Jiang Ning was even more motivated.

Two hours passed by in a flash.


A figure jumped out of the water and fell into the lake.

At this moment, even after exhaling the essence of the sun again and again, Jiang Ning's body has still recovered to its peak.


Inner elixir health-preserving power (Xiaocheng 33/5000)

Canglang Sword Technique (Dacheng 151/1000)

"Thirty-three experience points, thirty-three breaths! My current strength must not be inferior to Wang Jin's!" Jiang Ning thought to himself.

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