Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 198 The person who took the life of the predecessor

Inspectorate Mansion.

Back to the hall.

Several people sat down again.

At this moment, Ye Qiu and others looked at Jiang Ning with friendly smiles.

The seventh rank shocked them greatly.

This strength was not much different from that of several commanders from big places.

The most important thing was that they saw great potential in Jiang Ning.

This potential made them feel afraid.

In this case, they kept silent about the fact that Jiang Ning had two Sumeru rings.

Although the Sumeru rings seemed precious.

In fact, they were useless.

In this world, more than 99% of people were not qualified to use Sumeru rings.

For them, Sumeru rings were only for collection and research, and had no practical use.

In this case, after seeing Jiang Ning's terrifying progress and potential, they had no desire for the Sumeru ring in Jiang Ning's hand.

For them, this thing was worth at most tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Tens of thousands of taels of silver, although it was also a great fortune for them.

But it is not too difficult to get it.

If you are willing, you can get it in half a year or a year.

Compared with this, it is unwise to offend Jiang Ning, a genius on the Hidden Dragon List and a young master.

"Okay! Let's continue the topic just now!" After sitting down, Hong Minghu took a sip of tea, moistened his mouth and tongue, and continued.

Ye Qiu nodded immediately after hearing this.

Then he looked at the whole audience, scanning the other three commanders and three deputy commanders.

"I believe you are all very curious why the Lord of the Palace suddenly summoned you today."

Everyone nodded slightly after hearing this, waiting for Ye Qiu's next words.

Seeing this, Ye Qiu continued.

"Yesterday, a leader of the Huangtian Sect came to Luoshui County."

Huangtian Sect?

Jiang Ning was confused when he heard this church.

"What is this?"

At this time, he was confused.

He had never heard of Huangtian Sect.

After coming to this world, he spent most of his time practicing martial arts. Even if he had some spare time, he mainly read books to absorb knowledge.

If he was asked to talk about the history of Daxia for thousands of years and the legends of ancient times, he could still talk about it.

All this knowledge was recorded in books, and he had ways to understand it.

However, he only had a vague understanding of the distribution and changes of the major forces in this world.

He had never heard of the Huangtian Sect, nor had he heard any mention of it.

Even if he went through the memories of his previous life, there was no information about the Huangtian Sect.

Ye Qiu glanced at the whole audience again at this time, and his heart suddenly understood.

Then he said: "I know that some of you don't know much about the Huangtian Sect, so I have already prepared."

After the voice fell, Ye Qiu quickly took out a few pieces of white paper from his body.

"Everyone, take a look! There are general records about the Huangtian Sect on it."


Ye Qiu handed a few pieces of white paper with information about the Huangtian Sect to several people.

Jiang Ning took the white paper and looked down carefully.

After a moment,

When he finished reading it all, he immediately understood why Hongming Mansion had such a big show.

According to the records in the intelligence.

The power of Huangtian Sect is simply terrifying.

This church is mainly spread across five of the nine states of Daxia. Outside the five states, there are more or less believers of Huangtian Sect.

Its believers are at least millions.

The most important thing is that the soul of Huangtian Sect, its leader Huangtian Daoren, is a top master of the world and the strongest existence under the Martial Saint.

This person has a close relationship with the Daxia National Master, and is said to have the relationship of master and apprentice with the Martial Saint.

He once went to the Taoist holy land Yuxu Temple to discuss Taoism with the Taoist leader for three days. The outcome is unknown, but afterwards the leader said one sentence.

I am not as good as him!

He also went to the Buddhist holy land Jingang Temple to debate Buddhist scriptures with the Buddhist leader, and left after three days.

This person also met the Daxia Emperor and had several days of communication.

Afterwards, the Daxia Emperor also praised him highly.

Huang Tiandao is a top-notch figure in the world.

It is rumored that this person is the reincarnation of an immortal, who has mastered the magic of immortality. He can turn beans into soldiers and summon heavenly soldiers and generals.

And this rumor is not groundless.

Huang Tiandao has demonstrated his miraculous magic several times.

In the capital, he said that he smiled at a flower, and even in winter, half of the flowers in the capital bloomed.

This person also said that when he opened an altar in Beiqiu Prefecture, which had been dry for six months, it rained heavily that day for three days and three nights.

If it were Jiang Ning in the past, he would have regarded such a record as a rumor.

But now he knows that this is not impossible.

Because he now also has magical powers, the magical power of moving clouds and rain.

Since he can master it, it is not impossible for Huang Tiandao to have the ability to pray for rain.

Besides, this world is not simple at all.

In ancient times, there were traces of the existence of immortals and gods.

Even in this era, the worship of gods also has a god.

In this world, he is not the only one who possesses immortal roots and spiritual wisdom.

In Luoshui County alone, he now knows that Wang Jin and Shen Congyun both possess immortal roots.

Huang Tiandao, nine out of ten are also like this.

People with immortal roots and spiritual wisdom.

It is not impossible for such people to master the so-called immortal method.

Such a terrifying figure, his martial arts strength is one of the best in the world, and he may have mastered the immortal magic from ancient times.

In Jiang Ning's view, this is no different than the ancient immortal being alive.

Coupled with the terrifying power of the Huangtian Sect, such a behemoth is far beyond the reach of the God Worship Sect.

Moreover, according to intelligence records, every incense master of the Huangtian Sect is a figure in the fifth rank of the strongest realm.

As far as Jiang Ning knows.

In the Yaowang Valley that dominates Dongling County, its owner is only a strong person in the fifth level.

In the entire Medicine King Valley, there are no more than three fifth-grade experts on the record.

This shows the terrifying strength of Huang Tianjiao.

In the fifth-level realm, one person alone is enough to sweep across Luoshui County.

Such strong men, without Daxia's armor-breaking crossbows, would have been unable to survive using the human sea tactic.

Because after the internal organs are tempered, the breath is long and lasting, and the physical strength is difficult to exhaust.

If the inner breath breaks out, one person and one sword can be enough to break through the siege from thousands of elite soldiers wearing armor and composed of ninth-grade warriors and above.

If such people were allowed to use guerrilla tactics, it would be enough to kill thousands of people.

And this so-called Thousand Man Killing is not an army composed of ordinary people.

It is an army composed of top-grade warriors, wearing armor and carrying sharp weapons.

This shows how tyrannical a fifth-grade warrior is.

People like this entered the city, and behind them stood the even more terrifying Huang Tianjiao. It was no wonder that the Hongming Mansion felt like it was facing a formidable enemy.

After a while.

Ye Qiu saw that everyone had finished browsing and immediately spoke.

"Colleagues, the incense master of the Huangtian Sect will pay a visit tonight."

"What does Commander Ye need from us?" Tang Miaomiao asked.

Ye Qiu shook his head: "You don't need to do anything, just make contact and get to know the person! Maybe we can use him in the future."

"Understood!" Tang Miaomiao said respectfully.

Hongming Mansion also said: "Tonight, you must not lose the face of the Inspectorate Mansion!"

"This is natural!" A commander with an elegant face who resembled a noble prince spoke, his words full of confidence.

Jiang Ning glanced at him.

Although this commander did not appear many times, he also knew that this person was named Li Changkong, and he was a real sixth-grade strongman.

After the discussion is completed.

Everyone left one after another.

Jiang Ning simply did not go back, but continued to practice in his own courtyard, tempering the muscles of the human body and increasing its toughness.

In his own courtyard, he had already dug a pool for his practice.

Wait until it's time.

Jiang Ning began to sit cross-legged in the pool, exhaling the essence of the sun, tempering the internal organs, and increasing the inner breath.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

The Jade Rabbit rises slowly and hangs in mid-air.

"Comrades, you are here very early!"

In the familiar lobby, Ye Qiu stepped across the threshold and smiled after seeing everyone.

Then, only a moment passed.

The guard came to report at a steady pace, and everyone knew that Huang Tianjiao had come to the door.

"Here we come!" Ye Qiu said lightly, with a smile on his face.

After a while.

Tap tap tap——

A clutter of footsteps came from outside the lobby.

next moment.

Those figures appeared in front of Jiang Ning and others.

I saw that these people were all wearing tawny robes and tawny headscarves, bending slightly, with a very friendly smile on their faces.

"I've met Master Hong Ming!" The leader stepped into the lobby and immediately bowed to Hong Ming Mansion, looking very humble.

"I've met Master Hong!"

"I've met Master Hong!"

Everyone traveling with him saluted Hongming Mansion.

Jiang Ning also looked at the people in front of him carefully.

next moment.

His pupils suddenly condensed.

Talk about him! !

Jiang Ning's heart suddenly stirred up a storm.

Among the seven people in front of him, he saw a familiar face.

This face is the hazy face seen in the last moment of the predecessor's consciousness.

It was also the face in the last picture left in his predecessor's mind before he came to this world.

Although the face was hazy and blurry, when Jiang Ning saw it again.

He was immediately 80 to 90% sure that the person with the hazy face who took away the life of his predecessor was the one in Huang Tianjiao's group.

Based on memory and his subsequent understanding and speculation.

The predecessor was killed when he met a member of the God Worship Cult.

In the god-worshipping religion, if you sacrifice those who are born with spiritual intelligence, you will receive blessings from the gods of the god-worshipping religion.

Just like Shi Xiaoyuan of the Green Snake Gang, not only has his martial arts improved greatly, but he has also been able to transform into a nearly immortal monster.

this moment.

Jiang Ning's burning eyes instantly caught the man's attention.

The man immediately raised his head slightly and looked at Jiang Ning.

In an instant.

The man's pupils suddenly shrank.

It seemed like he saw something incredible.

His pupils were filled with shock.

Seeing this change, Jiang Ning was originally only 80% or 90% sure, but now he instantly became 100% sure.

"This person is the one who took away the life of my predecessor!"

“Can’t be wrong!!”

Jiang Ning suddenly made a complete judgment in his heart.

next moment.

Thoughts flashed rapidly through his mind.

Just less than a breath.

Jiang Ning had the only thought left in his mind.

"This person can't stay!!!"

After making the decision, Jiang Ning's face was calm, but he already understood in his heart.

It's too dangerous to leave this person alone.

The previous incarnation died, and he took his place.

Originally, only he knew about this.

But now it is different.

This person may be the second person to know.

Although Jiang Ning is not sure, he does not want to gamble.

He will not gamble.

Resurrection from the dead.

The soul is dead but alive.

If this matter is exposed, he does not know what the consequences will be.

In an instant.

Jiang Ning has made a decision.

Above the inspection house, the sky above most of Luoshui County suddenly surged with wind and clouds.

In an instant, dark clouds began to gather, and the bright moon quickly disappeared behind the clouds, and the sky and the earth became dark.


There was a loud noise.

Thunder flashed outside the house.

At this time.

The leader of the Huangtian Sect also spoke: "Master Hong, let me formally introduce myself!"

"No need to introduce, I know you, Liu Linmen!" Hong Minghu said lightly.

"Master Hong actually knows a small person like me. It's a great honor!" Liu Linmen, the leader of Huangtian Sect, smiled.

"If the fifth-rank strongmen are all small people, what am I?" Hong Mingfu said.

"Of course you are a big person!" Liu Linmen said with a smile.

Hong Minghu raised his eyebrows and eyes lightly when he heard it.

"Tell me! What's the matter with coming to Luoshui County?"

"Since Master Hong is so straightforward, I won't hide it!" Liu Linmen immediately bowed his hands and saluted.

Then he continued: "I want to get Master Hong's permission to let me preach in Luoshui County."

"Why?" Hong Mingfu said lightly, his expression calm.

However, as he said these three words.

Everyone immediately noticed that the whole hall suddenly sank.

It seemed that an invisible sense of oppression broke out from Hong Minghu's body.

This sense of oppression, one after another, continuous and endless.

Like a tsunami, like a huge wave.

At this moment, the air seemed to become solidified.

Tang Miaomiao and Yuan Hua on the side suddenly looked horrified, and their faces suddenly turned slightly red.

It seemed that they were also under some kind of terrifying pressure.

In front of Hong Minghu, Huang Tianjiao and others, a total of seven people, six of them were shaking slightly, and the ones behind were even more shaky.

It was like standing in front of a big wave, being constantly hit by the big wave, making it difficult to stabilize the body.

"What a strong internal breath!" Ye Qiu's lips moved slightly, and he whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

At this moment, even if he was not standing in front of Hong Minghu, he felt the invisible pressure in the air.

It made it difficult for him to breathe.

If it weren't for his strength being better than Tang Miaomiao, Yuan Hua and others.

He couldn't do it so easily.

"Huh--" Ye Qiu looked at Jiang Ning and said in surprise.

Because Jiang Ning's face didn't change at all at this moment, just as calm as he was at this moment.

Unlike Tang Miaomiao and Yuan Hua, their faces turned red.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiu's eyes flashed with shock.

You know.

Yuan Hua and Tang Miaomiao are not weak, they are real seventh-grade martial artists.

Before coming to the Inspection House, these two had stepped over the threshold of the seventh-grade martial artist.

Compared with them, even if He Jinyun has natural supernatural power, he is probably not as good as them.

But even with their strength, they were oppressed by the internal breath that erupted in Hong Mingfu's body, and their faces turned red.

But Jiang Ning's face was as calm as water.

Such a scene undoubtedly shows that Jiang Ning is better than these two.

At least his endurance is better than these two.

"How did this kid do it?"

"This speed of progress is too terrifying!!!"

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