Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 200: The Yin Spirit Leaves the Body

"It's finally over!!"

Jiang Ning looked back and saw that Liu Linmen had come to the place where he was just now.

However, he had already fled a mile away at this moment.

On a rainy night, a mile away was a distance that Liu Linmen could not find.

He glanced at Liu Linmen lightly.

Jiang Ning turned and left again.

After the plan was settled this time, he was still somewhat satisfied.

The variable was killed by him!

No one will know his biggest secret.

The only thing that made Jiang Ning feel a little sorry was that he did not have enough strength to kill Liu Linmen.

There would be some troubles left behind.

He had just taken some measures, that is, to shoot the group of people indiscriminately.

This was also the best effort he could make.

As for whether Liu Linmen would find out that what happened tonight was done by him, Jiang Ning felt that the probability of being discovered was very small.

The heavy rain could wash away any traces he left.

The sky was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

How could Liu Linmen find out that it was him, unless Huang Tianjiao had a method that he didn't understand at all.


Jiang Ning walked out of the area covered by the heavy rain and walked towards his home.

On the other side.

After Liu Linmen searched everywhere without success, he turned back to his original place and walked towards their residence with his subordinates.

They hurried and kept silent, paying attention to the surroundings with full vigilance, fearing that an arrow that would suddenly shoot out in the dark rainy night would raise air waves and break the sound barrier.

Tap tap tap--

The messy footsteps sounded on the ground, splashing water.

On the way forward, Liu Linmen also took out medicine from his body to treat his injured eyes.

After a long time.

Walking out of the area covered by the heavy rain, the dim moonlight fell on the ground, and Liu Linmen breathed a sigh of relief.

"This rain is a bit strange!" Liu Linmen looked back, then looked up at the top of his head, and said.

This sentence also immediately broke the tranquility maintained by everyone.

"Master, are you saying that this rain might be man-made?"

Liu Linmen nodded slightly: "How could it suddenly rain in such weather? Moreover, if it was a real heavy rain, how could it not even cover Luoshui County?"

After analyzing this, Liu Linmen immediately made a judgment.

"There is something wrong with this rain, it must be man-made."

"Hiss——" Hearing Liu Linmen's words, some of his subordinates took a breath of cold air.

"Sir, the art of praying for rain is not a great magical power that only our leader can master. How could such a terrifying existence exist in this small county?"

"And why would such a terrifying existence suddenly attack us?"

"Since it attacked us, why did it sit and watch us escape?"

Liu Linmen suddenly fell into deep thought after hearing this.

He was thinking about this question all the way.

After leaving the inspection house, he felt something was wrong.

Because the rain came too strangely and too unreasonable.

What happened later proved that his feeling was correct.

Someone did attack them, and the person who attacked was extremely terrifying.

In such a dark night, and with the cover of heavy rain, the person who attacked in secret was not affected at all.

Every arrow was deadly, and every arrow broke the sound barrier.

The power contained in any of them could easily kill a seventh-grade warrior. Even an ordinary sixth-grade warrior would die within a few arrows in such an environment.

Such a master should not appear in such a small place at all.

He pondered for a long time.

The faces of those people he had just seen in the lobby of the Inspection House flashed in Liu Linmen's mind.

"The person who attacked me tonight must be from the Inspection Office."

"It seems that the Inspection Office agreed to my teaching on the surface, but secretly wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I have to be more careful in the future."

"But judging from the person who attacked, the strength of the person in secret is limited. It is likely that he is only at the peak of the sixth or seventh level of martial arts."

"Cao Rong. Is it him?"

This thought flashed through Liu Linmen's mind, and he immediately shook his head.

"It can't be Cao Rong! According to the information I have learned, nearly 300 people in the Cao family are still imprisoned in prison and will be executed soon."

"In this case, how could Cao Rong help the Inspection Office!"

"Besides, it stands to reason that Cao Rong is still in the military camp in Dongling City and cannot appear here."

Thinking of this, Liu Linmen couldn't help but continue to ponder.

"Who could it be?"

The figures of the eight people in the lobby just now kept flashing in his mind.

"Master, should we burn a talisman to report this matter?"

"Yes!!" Liu Linmen nodded.

Half an hour later.

In an inn.

Liu Linmen lit the yellow talisman paper in his hand. There was no open fire on the yellow talisman paper, but the bottom of the yellow talisman paper was constantly carbonized.

The speed of carbonization was not fast, and it slowly spread to the top of the yellow talisman paper.

At the same time, a wisp of green smoke rose.

The green smoke quickly floated to the roof.

In front of the green smoke, the roof was like an illusory thing, and did not stop the green smoke from floating.

After a few breaths.

The slowly rising green smoke suddenly changed, and formed a portrait in the void.

Seeing this, Liu Linmen suddenly looked respectful, as if he were a god.

He hurriedly reported what happened tonight to the portrait in front of him.

A moment later.

The report was completed.

The image slowly spoke: "There are gods above your head in the world!"

"I will mark the people who are stained with blood of our sect tonight. When you open your eyes in the future, you will know who did it."

Hearing this, Liu Linmen immediately fell to the ground with a respectful expression.

"Thank you, King of Earth!!!"

The next moment.

The image made of green smoke suddenly disappeared.

After a few breaths, Liu Linmen dared to stand up slowly.

Because the people he reported tonight were the eight kings of earth under the leader.

In the Huangtian Sect, under the leader is the king of heaven, and under the world is the king of earth.

Any king of earth is called a living immortal.

According to the rumors of the followers, if such people were placed in the ancient times, they would all become immortals who live long and travel freely in the world.

But they are not ordinary people like them. Even if the martial saint who reached the peak of the world and reached the extreme of martial arts, his life span is only about a thousand years.

Therefore, even in this era, the Earth King under the Heavenly King still possesses mysterious magical skills.

Just as the Earth King said just now, there are gods above your head.

In the eyes of the Earth King, as long as the Yin spirit leaves the body, he can ask ghosts and gods, and ask the heaven and earth. If he asks the heaven and earth, he will know who attacked him tonight.

After giving the mark, he only needs to open his eyes in the future to see the mark given by the Earth King and know who attacked him.

However, for him, opening the eyes is not a simple matter.

It is very difficult to use it, and even if it is used, it can only last for a moment.

Moreover, after each use, it takes several days to recuperate.

Thinking of this.

Liu Linmen muttered to himself: "I have to recuperate now. Only when my eyes are completely healed can I open my eyes."

On the other side.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Ning did not know that such a change was discovered on the other side of Luoshui County.

He had no idea that he had been targeted by a land king in the Huangtian Sect.

However, he did not dare to slack off when he returned home.

The current Luoshui County is completely different from the Luoshui County half a year ago.

In Luoshui County half a year ago, the so-called top masters were only the seventh and sixth rank masters of martial arts, at most.

Such big figures as Shen Congyun and Lin Qingyi who have not taken action for many years.

But now it is completely different.

Just as he knows, there are two top masters of the fifth rank of martial arts.

The master of the inspection house, Hong Minghu.

The incense master of the Huangtian Sect, Liu Linmen.

They are all top masters of the fifth rank inner strong realm.

Such masters are not the match of ordinary human power.

The human wave tactics have already failed to deal with such masters.

Tonight, he even tested the terror of the fifth rank inner strong realm masters with his own body.

Even if he has the advantages of heaven and earth.

Even on a rainy night, when you can't see your hand in front of you.

Even if he used the perfect middle-level martial arts, the wind and thunder arrows to attack, he had no way to deal with Liu Linmen.

The so-called supersonic arrows, Liu Linmen could break them with a wave of his hand.

Even if he used rain as a hidden weapon and suddenly attacked Liu Linmen's eyes, he did not really injure him.

This was still a deliberate move, using his most magical means.

But it was still difficult to really hurt Liu Linmen.

In this situation, Jiang Ning did not dare to fight at all.

The sneak attack failed, and after he was prepared, even if he continued to use the water control magic, it still had no effect.

The internal breath protected the body, even if it attacked the weak points of the seven orifices of the human body, it would be difficult to work.

And this move would inevitably expose his means.

Without absolute certainty of killing Liu Linmen, he did not want to expose too much.

The first sneak attack, Liu Linmen was not prepared, and at most he would think that he was attacked by a hidden weapon.

If it came again for the second and third time, Liu Linmen would find the specialness of the rain as long as he was not stupid.

In this way, too much is exposed.

This battle tonight made Jiang Ning understand too much.

If he faced a strong man of the fifth-grade inner realm directly, he would not be his opponent at all and would be worried about his life.

In this situation, he did not feel safe at all.

Liu Linmen came from the mysterious Huangtian Sect.

If it was found that what happened tonight was done by him, it would be a great enemy.

Even though Liu Linmen was afraid of his official status and did not dare to act rashly.

But being targeted by such a strong man made him uneasy.

He had to keep this potential crisis in mind.

In addition, he did not forget the matter of Medicine King Valley.

Liu Qingsong was killed by him.

The Leopard Embryo Shape-changing Body-building Pill was taken away by him.

If Medicine King Valley came to him, it would also be a huge threat.

There are fifth-grade strong men in Medicine King Valley.

According to his understanding, there are several of them.

Especially the valley master, who is known as the invincible existence within the fifth grade.

He has already reached the level of internal breath like a strong force and thunderous sound of the five internal organs.

According to his understanding, such a strong man.

Even holding a branch, it can be turned into a magic weapon.

He can even kill thousands of armored soldiers with one sword.

Such a record has long been recorded.

The internal breath is condensed like a strong force, and the internal breath that is cut out turns into sword energy, which is said to be indestructible and invincible.

Wherever the sword energy passes, people and horses are cut in half.

Internal organs and blood are all over the ground, gathering into a river.

Such a scene has been recorded.

This is the horror of internal breath like a strong force.

The internal breath is condensed to the extreme, even if the internal breath leaves the body, the speed of dissipation is very slow.

This kind of strong man is far better than Liu Linmen, whom he faced tonight.

If he faced the rumored fifth-grade peak, the master of Yaowang Valley with a strong internal breath, Jiang Ning would turn around and leave without any thoughts.

Such a tiger whisker cannot be touched.

With these potential enemies, how dare Jiang Ning slack off.

If he is not careful, his body may be thrown on the street.

That night, Jiang Ning continued to temper the human body's tendons and increase his martial arts realm.

The martial arts realm is the foundation of everything.

At 3:30 am, Jiang Ning suddenly felt the surrounding environment cold, and the pool water became icy cold.

It was as if he fell into an ice cave.

There was a sound of gusts of cold wind in his ears.

"What's going on?" Jiang Ning suddenly opened his eyes and kept scanning the surroundings.

In the dark, he seemed to feel a pair of eyes staring at him, which made his hair stand up and bumps appear.

Jiang Ning's heart suddenly sank, and he felt something was wrong.

How could he not notice such a change?

Just then.

"Who are you?" A cold voice came.

The next moment.

A green light cut through the night sky.

This green light was extremely fast, like a meteor, and rushed straight to Jiang Ning.


Jiang Ning's ears suddenly heard a shrill cry.

As the cry disappeared, Jiang Ning felt that the surrounding environment returned to normal.

No more biting cold.

No more gusts of cold wind.


Jiang Ning came back to his senses and saw a green hairpin spinning in front of him.

The tail of the hairpin kept emitting green light.

"This is." Jiang Ning widened his eyes.

This scene made him feel a little mysterious, and he was in a martial arts world.

Now the jade hairpin in front of him made him feel that he was in a fairy world.

"Little guy, don't look! It's me!!" Hearing this voice, Jiang Ning immediately said: "Sister Lin!!"

This voice is none other than Lin Qingyi's voice.

"Tomorrow, come to my place!" Lin Qingyi's voice sounded in Jiang Ning's ears again.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning nodded immediately.

The next moment.

The jade hairpin suddenly changed from extremely quiet to extremely fast, disappearing in Jiang Ning's eyes like a meteor.

The direction where the jade hairpin disappeared was also the direction where Wanhua Building was located.

At this time.

Jiang Ning looked at the direction where the jade hairpin disappeared, and couldn't help but be stunned.

At this moment, there were too many questions in his mind.

Why did such an unexpected change just now happen?

Whose scream came from?

What is the jade hairpin?

Who is Lin Qingyi? Why does he master such a magical method?

How did Lin Qingyi discover the unexpected change here?

All these questions made Jiang Ning feel that his understanding of this world was a little unfamiliar.

Is this still the world of martial arts?

Such magical methods?

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Ning couldn't help but shake his head slightly, temporarily dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Tomorrow, I will go to see Lin Qingyi, and most of the doubts in my heart should be solved!"

"Just right, I also need to consume a wave of wealth now, so that my source energy points will increase greatly to support my memory limit."

Jiang Ning whispered in his heart.

Then he turned and walked towards his room.

It was late at night, and it was time to go to bed.

Thousands of miles away.

A man with thick eyebrows and big eyes suddenly turned pale, and cold sweat kept dripping on his forehead.

The Yin God was injured, which made him feel the pain of soul tearing.

"Luoshui County, there is such a magic weapon!!!" The thought flashed through his mind.

Then he immediately sent a message that the Yin God was damaged and needed to be closed for recuperation for 300 days, and all complicated trivial matters should not be disturbed.

After the message was completed, the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes immediately began to recuperate.

His Yin Spirit was damaged, so he didn't dare to delay any longer.

This kind of injury is a thousand times more troublesome than the damage to the physical body.

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