Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 210 Walking on water, practicing archery in the lake

Outside Xie's house.

Xie Xiaojiu sat in the carriage, and the carriage carried her to the inspection house.

Arrived at the alley at the corner.

"Da Huang, stop!" Xie Xiaojiu said.

The horse pulling the carriage stopped immediately.

"It's a good horse!" Jiang Ning, who was beside the alley, praised.

Even though he had seen the horse's ability to understand human nature and human language yesterday, he still felt magical when he saw it again.

Being able to understand human language obviously means that it has a certain amount of wisdom.

In the previous life, only a few animals had this kind of wisdom.

However, when he thought of the wonders of this world, Jiang Ning was relieved.

"Sir, please get in the car!" Xie Xiaojiu swept the curtain, revealing half of her beautiful face.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning jumped lightly and landed on the carriage, then bent down and got in.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time!" Xie Xiaojiu said apologetically.

Jiang Ning shook his head and said, "Is there any news about Huang Tian Sect?"

"Yes!" Xie Xiaojiu nodded, and then took out a piece of origami from his waist: "Sir, take a look!"

Jiang Ning took the origami and browsed slowly.

He had finished browsing the hundreds of words in just a few breaths.

"Did someone enter the Huang Tian Sect's base last night?" Jiang Ning said.

"Yes!" Xie Xiaojiu nodded: "According to the report from the people below, at midnight last night, a mysterious man wearing a hood entered the Huang Tian Sect's base from the gate."

"Who do you think this person is? Why did he deliberately reveal his tracks?" Jiang Ning looked thoughtful.

From the initial judgment alone, Jiang Ning felt that the mysterious man was not simple.

Since he was not simple, if he was hiding, how could he appear at the door of the Huang Tian Sect's base at midnight?

Anyone who was hiding and had some strength would not be discovered by those who were following him.

Just like him, he had not attracted anyone's attention when he entered Xie Mansion in the past few days.

Moreover, with outstanding strength, his five senses are also different from ordinary people, and it is easy to detect the special gazes around him and the people who are following him.

Xie Xiaojiu, who was standing by, heard the two questions from Jiang Ning. She thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Sir, I really can't figure out the two questions you asked."

Jiang Ning smiled without commenting.

Not to mention that Xie Xiaojiu couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out either.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ning put this question aside for the time being.

If there is a chance in the future, he will go and find out in person.

But not now, approaching Liu Linmen, he has no confidence that he will not be discovered by Liu Linmen.

Liu Linmen, a fifth-grade inner strong realm, had personally experienced the powerful five senses a few nights ago.

Even in the pitch-black night and the pouring rain, Liu Linmen could still detect the arrows of his transcendence factor at the critical moment.

From this point, it is enough to see that the five senses of Liu Linmen are already extraordinary.

There is no such thing as being followed without being discovered.

If I go there rashly, he will easily discover me.

"No hurry!" Jiang Ning continued to whisper in his heart: "I am still safe now, there is no need to take risks, and continuing to improve my strength is the kingly way."

Half an hour later.

The carriage drove into the inspection house.

Just walked out of the carriage.


The sound of drops of rain hitting the carriage.

At this time, Xie Xiaojiu, who had just walked out of the carriage, couldn't help but shrink his neck slightly.

"My lord, it's raining!"

Jiang Ning nodded.

Drops of autumn rain fell from the gray sky.

Falling on his neck, a chill that pierced his bones and marrow came immediately.

This rain was also the first real rain that Jiang Ning encountered since he came to this world.

The previous rains were all heavy rains caused by his magical power of moving clouds and rain.

And now this rain is the real natural rain.

Feeling the raindrops soaking his skin, Jiang Ning suddenly felt that he was moistened by the rain, and his spirit was rising.

"Let's go, go inside to avoid the rain." Jiang Ning said.

A few hours later.

The bank of Luo River.


Looking at the vast lake in front of him, Jiang Ning felt very comfortable.

He just walked out of the inspection house after handling some important matters in the inspection house.

From the recent important matters, he also roughly understood the movements of the people in the inspection house.

According to Hong Minghu's instructions, Luoshui County has made every effort to strangle the Worship of God.

And in the past few days, under the implementation of Hong Minghu's instructions.

The people below did not gain much.

It seems that the Worship of God disappeared overnight.

Jiang Ning also had a simple understanding of this matter, and he no longer paid attention to it.

He knew before that the Worship of God was not that simple.

If it was simple, how could the statue of the Worship of God be enshrined in the City God Temple and let the people of the whole city burn incense for it.

In Jiang Ning's opinion, the Worship of Gods was not only related to the Cao family, but also to the Liu and Xie families, and even to the County Lord.

Although the County Lord seemed to have no sense of existence now, Jiang Ning had not even seen the County Lord in person after coming to this world for so long.

But he felt that the County Lord might not be silent so easily.

And from what he saw a few nights ago, he knew that the Worship of Gods might be related to the Huangtian Sect.

After the movements reported by the people below in the past few days, Jiang Ning felt that this possibility was very high.

If it weren't for someone's help, how could the Worshiping God Cult, which had been working in Luoshui County for such a long time and left so many traces, suddenly disappear?


He no longer stayed in the Inspection Office.

Now that the Dragon Tiger Refining Tendon Pill has been digested by him, although the progress of tendon refining is still one step away from the level of Jiao tendon, he is not going to waste time on it.

Without the precious medicine such as the Dragon Tiger Refining Tendon Pill, the progress of tendon refining cannot be improved in a short time.

Spending time on the progress of tendon refining in a short period of time will not bring about a rapid improvement.

Now Jiang Ning urgently needs the sense of security brought by the improvement of strength.

So he set his sights on the Wind and Thunder Archery.

The first breakthrough of the Wind and Thunder Archery brought him the mastery of the power of wind and thunder. This change greatly increased his combat power.

There will also be a great improvement in future breakthroughs.

The only direction that can greatly improve his strength in a short period of time is the Wind and Thunder Archery.

And the increase of experience points in the Wind and Thunder Archery requires a vast venue.

The Inspection Office was naturally not a good place for him.

Where is the best place for him to practice archery?

Where else but Luoshui Lake?

Luoshui Lake is vast and boundless, and rarely visited by people.

No matter how loud the noise he makes while practicing archery, it will not attract any attention.

At this time, standing on the bank of Luoshui.

Jiang Ning jumped and fell towards the lake.


When his feet just touched the water, his right foot stepped on the lake, and the lake under his feet suddenly exploded like a cannonball, and Jiang Ning's figure immediately rose and ran towards the lake in front.



One foot after another, every time he landed on the lake, the lake surface suddenly exploded, and the water splashed into countless broken pearls.

With his feet on the lake, Jiang Ning's figure rose and fell, and he ran towards the lake in front easily.

"No wonder it is said that a seventh-grade warrior can already walk on water."

Feeling his current state, Jiang Ning sighed in his heart.

At this moment, his speed was not fast, and he was not running on the water at a very fast speed.

He only achieved this scene with the terrifying explosive power in a small space.

Refining tendons like a dragon, even in a small space, can easily mobilize the power of the whole body and burst out twice the usual explosive power.

This is the most terrifying part of the seventh level.

Although he has not yet reached the level of refining tendons like a dragon, he is only one inch away and can still do this step easily.

At this time.

With every step Jiang Ning took, the explosive power in a small space instantly made the water surface as solid as the ground.

The reaction force of his feet on the water surface also easily made his body rise and fall, a distance of two or three feet.

At this moment, Jiang Ning walked easily on the lake.

He also constantly felt the changes brought about by the breakthrough of refining tendons.

Half a cup of tea later.

"The breakthrough of refining tendons is really different from before!" Jiang Ning sighed.

After half a cup of tea, he had a good understanding of his current body.

The power of the whole body flows freely and can explode at any part of the body in an instant.

Normally, only warriors who have reached this step can walk on water.

The secret of walking on water is to be able to explode with 100% power in a small space.

The next moment.


He stomped hard again, and the water waves under his feet suddenly exploded, and then formed a vacuum that spread out in all directions.

And his figure suddenly jumped forward, and his speed increased immediately.

In an instant.

He crossed a distance of more than ten feet.

At this moment, he was like a gust of wind flying on the lake. The raindrops that kept falling on his head were directly swept away by the gust of wind around him, and it was difficult to touch his body surface.

Walking like the wind, this moment was fully displayed on him.

On the vast lake.

If someone was sailing on the lake, you could see a figure running on the lake as fast as the wind.

Behind this figure, there were even more afterimages.

This is a visual error of extreme speed.

After a long time.


The lake exploded, and Jiang Ning soared into the air.

In a flash, he crossed a cliff several feet high and landed on the edge of the deserted island.

"I'm back again!" Seeing this familiar scene, Jiang Ning smiled.

This deserted island is the best place for archery practice in his mind.

Practicing archery here, he is not afraid of being discovered by anyone, let alone being found by Liu Linmen.


A longbow appeared in his hand.

He drew the bow and pulled the string, and the longbow in his hand was easily pulled to full string.


[Wind and Thunder Archery Experience +1]

The arrow left the string, raising a wave of air that broke through the air.

The raindrops falling in the air were instantly blown away by this wave of air.

In the air, a trace of the arrow breaking through appeared visible to the naked eye.

The arrow flew several miles away before its momentum gradually ran out and fell obliquely towards the lake.

[Skill]: Wind and Thunder Archery (2/2000 limit once) (Special Effect: Breath of Wind and Thunder)

Looking at the panel, the experience value of Wind and Thunder Archery has increased a little.

Jiang Ning drew the bow again.




Arrows flew through the air one by one.

The wind and thunder power in his body was constantly being consumed.

At the same time, the experience value of Wind and Thunder Archery was also constantly increasing.

On the other side.

The Huangtian Sect's base.

"Master Sun, I'm sorry! I was in retreat last night and couldn't receive you right away!" Liu Linmen stepped into the hall with a friendly look on his face.

Then he blinked again.

Even after a night of recovery last night, his eyes were still full of soreness after the brief opening of the third eye yesterday.

"No problem!" The visitor took the lead in lifting the hood on her head after seeing Liu Linmen, revealing her face immediately.

She was a middle-aged woman in her forties.

Then she said, "Master Liu Xiang, are you feeling uncomfortable in your eyes?"

Liu Linmen smiled and said, "My eyes were injured a few days ago, and I opened my third eye yesterday. It's hard to recover completely in a short time, so I feel a little sore."

Hearing the words "open the third eye", the middle-aged woman was immediately in awe.

"So Liu Xiangzhu is also a Heavenly Master!"

"Not really a Heavenly Master!" Liu Linmen smiled and waved his hand: "He just barely mastered the Heavenly Eye."

Then he said: "Sun Tanzhu, you entered the city last night, were you not discovered?"

"Of course not!"

"That's good!" Liu Linmen nodded, and then said: "I wonder what your leader thinks, are you willing to join my Huangtian Sect?"

"If you are willing, the leader of Hongdu of your sect can petition the Heavenly King to completely eliminate the false god power in the people of your sect."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman's expression did not change at all.

They knew this condition before.

It was precisely because of this condition that the Worship of Gods had the idea of ​​joining the Huangtian Sect.

After all, it is good to lean on a big tree for shade, and the Worship of Gods has been contaminated with too much aura because of its long-term worship of that god, and now the state of the high-level members of the sect is getting worse and worse.

And there is another more critical thing.

But now, they are not in a hurry.

Then, she slowly said, "The leader is still considering it."

"Still considering it?" Liu Linmen's eyes fixed.

"Yes!" The middle-aged woman nodded: "This is a decision made by the higher-ups, and I can't interfere."

Then, she said, "Master Sun, do you know why the incense master who came with you was attacked, and who was the one who attacked?"

"I haven't found out the truth about this matter yet!" Liu Linmen shook his head: "But the general target has been locked. Give me some time and I can find it out."

Liu Linmen explained to the middle-aged woman.

Before he came to Luoshui County, the higher-ups had found and assigned him a task, and he must absorb the God Worship Sect into the Huangtian Sect.

The higher-ups were very interested in the method of worshiping gods.

It is not a simple matter to be able to truly worship something.

Looking at the world, there are very few churches that can have such signs.

It is precisely because of this that he has a very good attitude towards the God Worship Sect.

At the same time

When the middle-aged woman heard what Liu Linmen said, she immediately nodded and said, "I believe what Master Liu said. If you find out who did it, please let me know."

"Don't worry! It won't take many days!" Liu Linmen said lightly.

"Since Master Liu said this, I'm relieved!" The middle-aged woman nodded and continued, "Then I'll take my leave first!"

"Okay!" Liu Linmen nodded slightly and watched the middle-aged woman leave.

Until she disappeared around the corner outside the door, Liu Linmen's eyes showed a hint of thought.

After the two incense masters of the Worship of Gods were lost, they actually sent out an altar master.

It seems that the statue is still in Luoshui County, otherwise it would be impossible for such an altar master to come to this small place.

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