Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 217 Feast! Hunting the Huangtian Cult!

Inspectorate Mansion.

"Sir, it's really cold today!" Xie Xiaojiu rubbed her hands in front of the stove.

The red charcoal reflected her extraordinarily ruddy face.

Hearing this, Jiang Ning temporarily put down the book in his hand and looked out the window.

The snow was falling particularly heavily at this moment, like goose feathers falling. From time to time, large pieces of blood fell on the wooden floor through the gaps in the window, gradually accumulating a thin layer of snow.

Then, Jiang Ning turned his head and glanced at Xie Xiaojiu again.

"Since you feel cold, why didn't you wear two more clothes when you went out just now?"

Xie Xiaojiu shook his head: "Wearing too many clothes, the sense of restraint is too strong, I don't like it!"

Jiang Ning smiled and said nothing more.

For warriors, it is indeed inconvenient to wear too many clothes.

Now this sub-zero level of cold actually does not have much impact on warriors of his level.

At most, it is a little cold.

This kind of cold is neither fatal nor harmful.

At most, it is a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xie Xiaojiu tightened his collar.

"Sir, I'll go close the window!"

"Don't!" Jiang Ning immediately stopped him.

Seeing Xie Xiaojiu's puzzled look, Jiang Ning pointed to the charcoal fire burning in front of him.

"Close the doors and windows completely, the air will not circulate, but it will cause charcoal poisoning."

"Charcoal poisoning?" Xie Xiaojiu's eyes were a little puzzled.

"Yeah!" Jiang Ning nodded.

Facing Xie Xiaojiu's puzzled eyes, Jiang Ning could only explain it this way.

He couldn't say that burning charcoal in a closed room would produce a lot of carbon dioxide, and then carbon dioxide poisoning would occur, right?

If these words were spoken, Xie Xiaojiu would only be more confused.

Seeing this, Xie Xiaojiu no longer insisted, tightened his collar and continued to warm himself by the fire.

Jiang Ning also opened the book in his hand again.

[Experience Points for Reading and Spelling +1]

At this moment.

"Sir, aren't you practicing martial arts today?" Xie Xiaojiu looked at Jiang Ning and asked.

Jiang Ning slowly shook his head while looking at the book in his hand.

"I will take a day off today and not practice martial arts!"

At this time.

Xie Xiaojiu looked at Jiang Ning reading quietly, and suddenly showed a hint of excitement on her face.

"I will make tea for you!"

After saying that, she turned and left.

Looking at Xie Xiaojiu's inexplicably excited figure, Jiang Ning smiled and shook his head, and then continued to open the book in his hand.

The seventh-grade tendon refining has reached the level of Jiao tendons, and it is not possible to achieve it by hard work.

This step is indispensable for external objects.

Only with the help of external objects can the innate deficiencies of the human body be made up.

In addition, Liu Linmen's attitude just now greatly reduced Jiang Ning's sense of crisis.

So he simply relaxed his tense expression, read a book, increased his knowledge, and gained experience in reading and spelling.

The breakthrough of this skill can bring about the growth of his mental power.

After seeing the Yin Shen of the Yellow Heaven Sect's Earth King leaving his body, Jiang Ning understood that mental power must not be a personal shortcoming.

If mental strength becomes a shortcoming, you may die without knowing how in the future.

That night, if it weren't for his outstanding mental strength, he would not have been able to detect the arrival of the Yin God of the Earth King.

[Experience points for reading and spelling +1]

[Experience points for reading and spelling +1]

[Experience points for reading and spelling +1]


As Jiang Ning concentrated on reading, his experience points for the skill of reading and spelling continued to increase.

His efficiency at this time was also much higher than when he first started.

A moment later.

Xie Xiaojiu appeared again, constantly moving some tea chairs and stools.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Ning looked at her in surprise while taking a break.

Xie Xiaojiu said: "It's snowing today! It's just right for making tea! Making tea and enjoying the snow is a different experience!!"

"Making tea?" Jiang Ning smiled: "Okay, then you continue!"

After saying this, Jiang Ning continued to read.

Time passed by bit by bit.

The snow outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and the world was silent.

"My Lord, please have some tea!"

Xie Xiaojiu came to Jiang Ning with a cup of steaming hot tea.

"Okay!" Jiang Ning came back to his senses and looked at Xie Xiaojiu, with a smile on his face.


He took the boiling hot tea and blew away the two strands of tea leaves floating on the water.

After taking a sip, the boiling hot tea went into his throat.

Jiang Ning immediately felt bitterness in his mouth, then sweetness, and finally the sweetness lingered on the tip of his tongue, and a warm feeling came from his stomach.

"How is it?" Xie Xiaojiu looked at Jiang Ning expectantly.

Jiang Ning looked at her expectant eyes and nodded slightly: "Good tea!"

"Thank you for your compliment, my Lord!" Xie Xiaojiu smiled.

Just then.

"My Lord is so elegant!" The door was pushed open, and the wind and snow immediately poured into the house.

The two looked up and saw that it was Feng Jiuge.

She was dressed in red, with a fox coat behind her and a fox fur hat on her head.

"You are here in this weather?" Jiang Ning said.

Feng Jiuge turned around and closed the door, blocking the wind and snow outside the house.

She glanced at Xie Xiaojiu indifferently, and then said to Jiang Ning: "Your Excellency is not in a hurry these days, and you are simply not paying attention to what is happening outside the window!"

"Why should I be in a hurry?" Jiang Ning asked.

Feng Jiuge came to Jiang Ning and stretched out her hands to warm them on the burning charcoal stove.

"Your Excellency, you have joined the Inspectorate for so many days. Don't you feel that you are too marginalized? For so many days, except for Commander Ye Qiu who occasionally found you, the other three commanders have never found you."

After hearing Feng Jiuge's words, Jiang Ning thought for a moment and nodded thoughtfully.

"After what you said, it is indeed true!"

Immediately, Jiang Ning smiled slightly: "But what does this have to do with me?"

Feng Jiuge said: "Sir, have you ever seen Ruan Hongmei these days?"

"Never!" Jiang Ning shook his head.

"That's it!" Feng Jiuge continued to bake his hands, and then said to Xie Xiaojiu on the side: "Jiu Mei, pour me a cup of hot tea, thank you!!"

Xie Xiaojiu: "."

She glanced at Feng Jiuge speechlessly, and then slowly poured Feng Jiuge a cup of hot tea.

Taking the hot tea from Xie Xiaojiu, Feng Jiuge said, "Sir, I met Ruan Hongmei at He Jinyun's place!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Ning said.

Feng Jiuge shook his head: "I'm just conveying what I saw and heard!"

Then she added: "But I can clearly tell the adults that they are marginalizing you! That is, not playing with adults."

"Playing?" Jiang Ning said in surprise.

"Play!" Feng Jiuge nodded: "Why do you think people like He Jinyun join the Inspectorate?"

"For the country and the people?" Feng Jiuge shook his head: "They are just doing it for their own interests."

"In the Inspector's Mansion, contribution points can be exchanged for treasures in the Martial Saint's treasury, and can be exchanged for everything related to martial arts advancement."

"You can even exchange it for the secret of becoming a Martial Saint."

"There are also legendary elixirs, immortal treasures, immortal powers, etc.!!"

"And by consuming contribution points, you can be directly promoted to an official position! Transferred to a bigger city!"

Jiang Ning was not surprised when he heard Feng Jiuge's words.

For the country and the people?

For Daxia?

He had never thought so before.

Feng Jiuge looked at Jiang Ning: "Sir, they already looked for me yesterday and wanted to win me over to join them."

"What are we doing together?" Jiang Ning asked.

Feng Jiuge said: "Get contribution points!"

"Get contribution points?" Jiang Ning's eyes narrowed.

"Yes!" Feng Jiuge nodded: "Earn contribution points!"

"How?" Jiang Ning couldn't believe his guess.

Feng Jiuge said: "Sir, you should have guessed something!"

After speaking, she looked out the window.

"There used to be many believers in the God-Worship Cult in Luoshui County, and now the heads of some of these people are counted as contribution points."

"Is that true?" Jiang Ning's eyes narrowed.

Feng Jiuge said: "It has always been very common to kill good people and take credit for their merits! Moreover, those people have problems, and many of them are contaminated with the evil god's aura."

"Anyone who is contaminated with the aura of the evil god can be regarded as a person who worships the god!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Ning closed his eyes slightly.

After a few breaths, he opened his eyes again and looked at Feng Jiuge.

"What about you, what choice are you going to make?"

Feng Jiuge smiled: "To be honest, I'm very moved too! Your Excellency, you don't understand the Martial Saint Treasure House, and you don't really understand the role of the Inspection Mansion's contribution points."

"That Lord Martial Saint has accumulated wealth for nearly a thousand years, and after establishing the Inspection Office, he completely let go."

"With those things inside, it's not impossible to support a Martial Saint!"

"As long as I eat some leftovers, it will be enough to improve my original martial arts achievements to a higher level."

"Furthermore, the team members below me are also a little dissatisfied these days. Following me, they have a lot less benefits than the other team members."

Having said this, Feng Jiuge sighed slightly.

"But I can't get over the psychological barrier!"

Immediately, she turned to look at Jiang Ning.

"I wonder what you think, sir?"

Jiang Ning's eyes were calm: "What does this have to do with me?"

"Sir, don't you want to participate in it and seek benefits?" Feng Jiuge asked.

"I don't think so!" Jiang Ning shook his head lightly.

"I understand!" Feng Jiuge stood up: "Sir, you really did not disappoint me!"

"I'll take my leave now!" With these words, Feng Jiuge suddenly turned around and left.


She opened the door, and the wind and snow suddenly poured into the room through the narrow gap.

Feng Jiuge suddenly turned around and looked at Jiang Ning.

"Sir, if you have any doubts about the Liaoyuan Marksmanship, you can come to me to discuss it. My attainments in the Liaoyuan Marksmanship were taught by my father personally, and I have already mastered it!"

After a while.

Wait until Feng Jiuge leaves.

Jiang Ning suddenly said: "Xiaojiu, what do you think about this matter?"

Xie Xiaojiu said: "I also know a little bit about this matter!"

"Then, do your team members have any complaints these days?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Yes!" Xie Xiaojiu nodded: "A commoner who is contaminated by the evil god's aura can be regarded as a member of the god-worshipping cult. The proof you bring back with you is ten points of contribution!"

"Ten points of contribution? That much?" His eyes narrowed.

Xie Xiaojiu nodded: "There are indeed many! One such commoner is the salary of an ordinary member for one month. And the private circulation value of a single contribution point is twelve to thirteen copper coins, a total of one, two, two to one Two or three pieces of silver."

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Ning immediately understood.

Why do Xie Xiaojiu's team members have complaints.

Everything comes from money and silk touching people's hearts.

A common person who once believed in the god-worshipping religion and was contaminated by the evil god's aura but had no power to resist was their monthly salary.

How many people can resist such easy-to-get wealth?

They joined the Inspection Office, and what they wanted was only wealth, power and strength.

As long as there are contribution points, these three aspects can be obtained.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Jiang Ning asked.

Xie Xiaojiu said, "There's nothing to say! I can't degenerate into doing such a thing! Besides, as a person from Luoshui County, I can't do such a thing!"

Jiang Ning looked at her confident look and couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry! I can't do such a thing!"

Hearing Jiang Ning's words, Xie Xiaojiu was secretly relieved.

She has been with Jiang Ning these days, so she naturally knows that Jiang Ning is now short of contribution points.

Now that Jiang Ning knows about this, she is still afraid that Jiang Ning will also regard ordinary people as their food for climbing up like those people.

If Jiang Ning really makes this choice, she doesn't know how to choose.

At this time.

Jiang Ning looked out the window quietly, muttering to herself.

"No wonder I haven't seen many people in the mansion these days."

Looking out the window for a long time.

Jiang Ning suddenly sighed.

Facing this matter, he found that he had no way to deal with it.

This is about the interests of a class.

Even the four commanders are probably involved.

It's obvious that Hong Minghu also knows about this and acquiesces in their actions.

Facing this class, he can't make any changes now.

He also knows that in this situation, ordinary people have no ability to resist and can only leave it to fate.

Even for himself, it seems that all he can do is stick to the bottom line.

That's all!!


Jiang Ning stood up.

"I'm going out for a while!"

"Where are you going, sir?" Xie Xiaojiu asked, and then hurriedly picked up the mink coat from the chair next to him and put it on Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning said: "Go there to see the master of the mansion!"

Leaving this sentence, Jiang Ning pushed open the door, and the wind and snow poured in from the crack of the door, and his robe suddenly rustled.

The mink coat that Xie Xiaojiu had just put on was blown away by the wind and snow.

"Sir." Xie Xiaojiu just opened his mouth.

"No need!" Jiang Ning said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, he stepped into the thick snow.

At this time.

In front of the door of the Inspection House.

The middle-aged woman who came with Liu Linmen had already quietly dormant on the roof. The heavy snow had already completely covered her, becoming the best disguise for her.

She was dormant in the snow at this time, secretly spying on the entrance and exit of the Inspection House, quietly waiting for Jiang Ning to come out.

Facing Jiang Ning, who was an excellent sacrifice in her eyes, she was already a little impatient.

If she hadn't known very well that the Inspection House was the real dragon's den and tiger's lair in Luoshui County, she would even want to go in directly.

She knew very well that if such a spiritual genius was offered as a sacrifice to the god, she would get a rich reward.

That kind of reward was enough to change her fate again.

Let her enter the highest level of the church.

Thinking of this.

Her eyes revealed a hint of greed again.

"Huangtian Sect!!" She licked her lips and whispered in her heart: "If I can use this to get to the top of the sect, I can also participate in the feast of hunting Huangtian Sect!!"

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