Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 221 The Statue of the God of Flesh and Blood

East Courtyard.

In the distance, the sun rises, the morning glow hangs across the sky, and the sky is red.

Jiang Ning glanced at the rising sun and stood up immediately.

"It's time to go to work!"

When he said the word "work", a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These two words made him think of all the bad memories of his previous life, and his life as a cow and horse in his previous life.

Thinking of this, he felt even more satisfied with his life in this life.

Although the material resources in this life are not rich enough, and there are not enough entertainment projects.

But practicing martial arts, feeling that his strength is improving step by step, and the satisfaction of the great power returning to one body, makes him never tired of it.

In his view, the road of martial arts is the road of individual independence and transcendence, and the transformation and sublimation of life.

The higher the road of martial arts goes, the more it is no different from the legendary immortals.

Just like the martial arts saint who dominated the world for 800 years, his life span is nearly a thousand years.

This life span alone is like an immortal.

In Jiang Ning's opinion, although the road of martial arts cannot lead to immortality, the life span of nearly a thousand years alone makes him extremely eager.


These two words have long been engraved in the genes of human beings in the previous life.

In the history of thousands of years in the previous life, countless emperors longed for immortality but could not get it.

Even the emperor of the ages also buried his life early because of the pursuit of immortality.

Although the road of martial arts in this life cannot seek true immortality.

But you can also have a life span of nearly a thousand years like that of the martial saint.

In the face of a thousand-year life span, the mortals have replaced fifty generations, which in Jiang Ning's eyes is also immortality in a sense.

The effect of extending life for a thousand years alone is enough for him to pursue the road of martial arts.

Not to mention that on this road, you can also have the power to rival immortals and turn mountains and seas.

The next moment.

Jiang Ning had just gotten up and packed up, and was about to go to the inspection office to verify the identity of the worshiper who followed him secretly last night.

If you kill the sixth-rank member of the God Worship Cult, you can get 50,000 contribution points.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"That's right!" He slapped his thigh immediately: "Why did I forget the golden box I found last night!"


Jiang Ning's mental power left his body and merged into the Xumi ring.

Now he has two Xumi rings, one of which contains the items and sundries he needs.

The other one contains the corpse of the God Worship Cult that turned into a flesh and blood monster last night. With the corpse, it is easy to verify its identity and successfully obtain 50,000 contribution points.

As the mental power merged into the Xumi ring, Jiang Ning quickly found the spoils he accidentally discovered last night.

A small square box the size of a palm, the box is dark gold all over, obviously made of gold.

"This weighs at least one catty!" Jiang Ning's eyebrows were happy.

One catty is ten taels, and one tael of gold is equal to one thousand taels of silver according to the exchange rate of money and taels in Daxia.

In other words, this box made of gold alone is worth at least ten thousand taels of silver.

The gold, which is worth at least 10,000 taels of silver, is only used as a box. It is conceivable that the things inside must be of extremely high value, far exceeding the value of 10,000 taels of silver.

In an instant.

The dark gold box appeared in Jiang Ning's hand.

After taking the box, Jiang Ning weighed it slightly.

"About one pound and five taels!"

Then he observed the object in his hand again. It was dark gold in color, without any patterns on the surface. After taking it, it was like a gold brick in his hand.

Only a crack on the side could show that it was a box made of gold.

"What would be inside?"

Looking at the box made of gold in his hand, Jiang Ning was very curious.

Then, he secretly exerted force on his fingers holding the box.

The next moment.

He opened the box in his hand, and he instantly saw that the box made of gold had been soaked in blood.

In the blood, a statue about ten centimeters long was soaked in it.

The statue had three heads, six arms, and four legs!

Just as Jiang Ning was standing and observing the statue, the eyes of the statue soaked in blood suddenly opened.

"Believe in me, and your body will be immortal."

"Worship me, and your body will ascend."

"Serve me, and your body will be immortal."


Three voices rang out of thin air beside Jiang Ning's ears, like whispers, constantly penetrating into his brain, as if to distort his thoughts.

The next moment.

Jiang Ning's eyes suddenly flashed with struggles, his eyes were empty, as if he was wandering in the sky.

Almost after a breath.


The box was suddenly closed by his right hand.

At the moment the box was closed, the whispers that had just been mumbling in his ears suddenly disappeared.

The scene just now was like an illusion.


Jiang Ning came back to his senses and gasped for air.

There was still lingering fear in his eyes.

Just now, he saw a sea of ​​blood in his mind.

On the sea of ​​blood, lifelike corpses floated one after another.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, a monster with three heads, six arms and four legs slowly walked towards him.

As the distance kept getting closer, Jiang Ning felt more and more extremely dangerous.

And in this process, his body was completely out of his control, and he stood there like a wooden chicken.

But fortunately, with the burst of his mental power, he briefly gained control of his body.

Using the control of his body, he successfully closed the box in his hand.


Jiang Ning took a long breath again, and his wildly beating heart gradually calmed down.

"It seems that my guess is correct. This box made of gold can isolate the statue of the god in the box."

"Based on what just happened and the endless whispers echoing in my ears, the statue in the box should be the flesh-and-blood god of the God Worship Cult."

Jiang Ning murmured and raised his eyes.

Are there really gods in the world?

Or is it some kind of evil spirit called a god?

At this time, Jiang Ningzhong suddenly recalled that he had learned from the book that it was the ancient times.

In the ancient times of this world.

Immortals, demons, humans and gods coexist.

A human being in the immortal position becomes an immortal by cultivating the immortal way.

Only those with immortal roots can practice the immortal way.

According to his current understanding, this immortal root also has a saying that it is spiritual wisdom. Only those who are born with spiritual intelligence are qualified to become immortals.

The word "linghui" is also a term used by later generations.

As for demons, they have existed since ancient times.

Plants, trees, spirits, birds and animals can all become monsters if they develop spiritual wisdom.

Gods are gods, and all gods have some kind of authority in heaven and earth.

For example, mountain gods and river gods have absolute authority over a mountain and a river.

In the divine realm where he is, even a small mountain god has powerful divine power.

And this is just the little god.

However, since the end of ancient times, the immortals and gods have ceased to exist, and the great demons have left no trace.

According to various rumors, in this era, only the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the south have ancient monsters sleeping.

Because of this understanding, Jiang Ning had previously disapproved of the flesh-and-blood gods worshiped by the God Worship Cult.

The ancient era ended and martial arts flourished.

The strongest person in the world is the Martial Saint.

The Martial Saint who has dominated the world for eight hundred years.

That the Martial Saint could achieve this step shows that times have changed a long time ago, and today is already the era of martial arts.

If it weren't for the age of martial arts, there would be immortals and gods from ancient times or powerful demons.

How could that martial saint dominate the world for eight hundred years?

So in Jiang Ning's view, in the small Luoshui County, in this era, what kind of gods can be created?

But looking at it now, he found that he had underestimated it.

The god of flesh and blood does not seem to be simple.

With his current strength and strong mental power, his mind was almost distorted by the idol.

Thinking of this, he was filled with fear.

"To strengthen your spiritual power, you must mention the big things that are happening right now!"

Jiang Ning secretly said in his heart.

Then immediately put away the gold box in your hand.

Inspection House.

Internal Affairs Office.

When Jiang Ning arrived here, the sun was already rising.

"Senior!" Looking at the old woman in front of him, Jiang Ning held his hand.

As Jiang Ning's voice sounded, the drowsy old woman slowly opened her eyes.

"It's you!" the old woman's voice sounded.

"It's a junior!" Jiang Ning held his hand.

Based on his understanding, this old woman is an extremely important person in the Inspectorate.

All distribution statistics of contribution points are handled by this old woman.

Even the identity tokens and rosters representing the identity of the inspectorate came from the hands of this old woman.

So Mu Yong questioned that this old woman must be a great person.

In Jiang Ning's opinion, maybe the strongest person in the Luoshui County Inspectorate is this old woman.

Because of this, every time he saw this old woman, he looked respectful.

"What are you doing here?" the old woman asked.

Jiang Ning said: "Last night, I happened to encounter a seriously injured member of the God Worship Cult, so I killed him and came here to collect the contribution points."

"Bring me your ID card!" The old woman raised her eyes and said calmly.

"Yes!" Jiang Ning nodded respectfully.

The next moment.

He raised his hand and waved.

The corpse he had killed last night suddenly appeared on the stone bricks in front of him.

Its huge body immediately stood out in the room.

"Senior, is this enough?" Jiang Ning asked.

At this time, the old woman ignored his questions and looked at the body on the ground solemnly.

"The corpse of a god!"

She flashed and appeared in front of Jiang Ning.

"Sure enough!!" Jiang Ning was secretly shocked.

The old woman's change in movement was extremely fast.

Even compared to his current speed, Jiang Ning felt inferior to this old woman.

"At least more than twice as fast as my normal speed. Even if she uses the ability of walking like the wind to greatly reduce wind resistance, her speed will be more than 30% faster than mine!"

"Her martial arts level is at least no lower than that of Hong Minghu!"

Jiang Ning immediately made this judgment in his mind.

at this time.

The old woman appeared beside the monster.

She turned over the body, then pinched the bones, and her expression suddenly became happy.

"This is the corpse of a sixth-level martial arts god. It has extremely high research value. I will give you an additional 10,000 contribution points. How about you leave this corpse to me?" the old woman said to Jiang Ning.

Hearing these words, Jiang Ning couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

To him, ten thousand contribution points were worth as much as twenty thousand taels of silver.

Because his demand for contribution points is massive.

As for using silver to buy privately with those in the inspection house, it would be a drop in the bucket for his current needs.

"Just follow what the senior said!" Jiang Ning said with cupped hands.

Upon hearing these words, the middle-aged woman immediately raised her hand and waved, and the body with black blood in front of her suddenly disappeared into the house.

"Sumi Ring!"

Jiang Ning secretly said in his heart.

The old woman said, "Come with me! I'll get you the currency representing 60,000 contribution points!"

"Senior!" Jiang Ning said immediately, "Junior needs a Shenglong Pill."

"Shenglong Pill?" The old woman looked at Jiang Ning and looked him up and down: "You are still a seventh-grade martial artist, at the level of Jiaojin?"

Jiang Ning said, "Yes!"

"So weak?" She said in surprise.

Jiang Ning: ". "

He hasn't heard the word weak for a long time.

During this period, he always heard others marvel at his strength.

But now he heard the word weak again.

After the voice fell, the old woman said, "With your strength, how can you kill that sixth-grade martial artist, and a sixth-grade martial artist who is a descendant of the gods?"

Jiang Ning said, "Junior was lucky last night and happened to see her seriously injured, so I got a bargain."

Hearing this.

The old woman immediately looked at Jiang Ning with an idiot look.

As if to say, are you treating me as an idiot?

Seeing the old woman's eyes, Jiang Ning couldn't help but smile.

He also found that his excuse seemed lame.

Because the monster-like martial arts level six simply has the ability to be immortal.

The arrow that pierced his chest last night could not cause a fatal injury, so how could he be seriously injured and killed by him.

"Forget it!" The old woman waved her hand: "How you killed is your own secret, I am too lazy to go into it."

"As for the Shenglong Pill you need, this thing needs to be allocated from the capital city, which will take about three days!"

"Come here again after three days!"

"Yes, senior!" Jiang Ning bowed.

On the other side.

The territory of Huangtian Sect.

"Have you found Altar Master Sun?"

"Reporting to the Xiang Lord, no trace of Altar Master Sun was found!"

"Then have you found anything else?"

"Reporting to the Xiang Lord, I have checked everywhere, but there is no trace of Altar Master Sun! But there was a battle in Linjiang Tower last night. The battle was very noisy, and it may be related to Altar Master Sun!"

"The battle in Linjiang Tower?" Liu Linmen's eyes fixed, and he continued: "Come with me!"

"Yes, Xiang Lord!!"

In the blink of an eye.

Three days later.

[Name]: Jiang Ning

[Source Energy]: 59.12


Reading and Spelling (three times breaking the limit 2147/4000) (Special Effects: Photographic Memory, Extraordinary Five Senses, Quick Mind)

Jiang Ning stood up and took a look at his panel, and then closed it.

For the past three days, he spent most of his time reading books.

This also made the experience value of the skill of reading and spelling more than half.

The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that without the additional intake, the growth of source energy points was too slow.

In three whole days, the source energy points increased by less than ten points.

"It seems that if you want to grow quickly, you have to spend money!" Jiang Ning sighed in his heart and stood up immediately.

According to the agreement, he can get the Shenglong Pill today.

He only chose to exchange for a Shenglong Pill that day, and there was no other consumption.

Because he didn't dare to guarantee whether a Shenglong Pill could really make him reach the level of dragon tendons.

If not, he would find a way to collect the remaining nearly 30,000 contribution points, and he could exchange for a Shenglong Pill when he collected 50,000 points.

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