Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 146 Breaking through the limits one after another, magical effects

In the cave under the water.

[Skill]: Water (1855/2000 once) (Special effect: underwater breathing)

"In a few dozen breaths, more than a hundred experience points have been added!"

"It's really a good thing!"

Jiang Ning nodded with satisfaction.

The effect brought to him by the rice-sized water droplets alone shows that this is a good thing.

In addition, in addition to the increase in water experience points, he can also feel that his body has also undergone some changes.

It's just that because the changes are too small, he can't be sure of the specific changes.


After a while, Jiang Ning was sure that his body still had no bad abnormalities, and he was completely relieved.

If it is beneficial and harmless, then it is naturally a real good thing.

After being completely relieved, Jiang Ning put his palm into the puddle.

When his palm entered the puddle with a silver-white light, he immediately felt even colder, which was a few points stronger than the cold brought by putting it into the ice-water mixture.

But this kind of coldness has little effect on him now.

The next moment.

He took out a small pool of icy water from the puddle.

This special water is obviously different from ordinary lake water and has a heavier quality.


He put it in his mouth and sucked the lake water into his mouth.


As this special water entered his stomach, he suddenly felt a chill erupting in his body.

His body seemed to be in an ice cellar, and his body temperature dropped rapidly.

At the same time, prompts quickly appeared in front of him.

[Water experience value +1]

[Water experience value +1]

[Water experience value +1]


The frequency of these prompts in front of him was faster than before.

A moment later.

[Skill]: Water + (Break the limit 2000/2000 at a time) (Special effect: Underwater breathing)

The experience value of this skill was completely full, but the prompts in front of him still did not stop.

[Water experience value +1]


Jiang Ning was not in a hurry at this moment.

Although the experience value was full, the overflowing experience value would not be wasted.

And the coldness in his body was very strong, so he needed to move the blood and qi to warm up his body.

In a blink of an eye.

The coldness in his body slowly dissipated, which also meant that this special treasure of heaven and earth was completely absorbed by his body.


Jiang Ning suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly exhaled a slightly cold breath from his mouth.


A series of bubbles appeared from his mouth and quickly rose above the road above his head.

"Fortunately, I didn't rush in just now, and the amount I took in was limited. Otherwise, this coldness would not be so easy to digest!" He said in his heart.

Then he continued to move the blood and qi, allowing the blood and qi to penetrate his limbs and bones, completely dispelling the remaining coldness in his body, and making his body completely warm.

Until this moment, Jiang Ning slowly closed his eyes.

His mind sank into his body, quietly feeling the changes in his body.

A moment later.

He opened his eyes, and suddenly understood the effect of this special water.

After this special water is absorbed by the body, on the one hand, it can increase his affinity for water, and on the other hand, it can improve his bones and fundamentally enhance his talent.

"This thing should be the source of the transformation of the white dragon fish." Jiang Ning whispered in his heart.

This effect on him, when applied to a spiritual fish like the white dragon fish, is to make it evolve at the level of life.

The next moment.

His eyes fell on his panel again.

[Skill]: Water + (one-time limit break 2000/2000) (Special effect: underwater breathing)

A plus sign has appeared behind the water skill, indicating that this skill has met the limit-breaking requirements.

[Source Energy]: 96.7

He took another look at his source energy points.

Jiang Ning's mind moved with it, and he clicked on the plus sign of the water skill.

In an instant.

The source energy points decreased rapidly, and instantly decreased by 20 points.

[Source Energy]: 76.7

The water column also changed instantly.

[Skills]: Water (Second Break Limit 899/3000) (Special Effects: Underwater Breathing, Water Controlling Technique)

[Water Controlling Technique]: A magical power that can weakly control water sources.

"Magic power?"

"The ability to control water sources?"

Jiang Ning couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an incredible look on his face.

The appearance of this special effect was completely beyond his expectations.

At this time.

He also suddenly felt a completely different place.

He could clearly feel that the surrounding water flow could be controlled by his will.

The next moment.

His mind moved.

The originally calm water flow around him suddenly formed a vortex on the spot.

The vortex formed, and the sand and gravel on the ground of the underwater cave were instantly swept up by the water flow.

Under the control of his mind, this underwater vortex moved left and right, changing with his mind.

"As expected, I can now easily control the water flow!"

"And the effect is pretty good!"

Jiang Ning watched a huge rock weighing dozens of kilograms being swept up by the water flow he controlled, and he roughly understood the effect of this special effect.

Although it is described as a weak control, this weak statement is not measured by his current strength.

It is measured according to the magical power.

According to the mythological records of the previous life, any magical power has a powerful effect.

Some magical powers even have earth-shaking power, enough to turn mountains and seas, or even change the world.

So this magical power of controlling water flow can only be regarded as a weak control ability in front of those magical powers.

However, in front of Jiang Ning, it is already very powerful for him now.

If the control power that can roll up dozens of kilograms of things is used to make water flow enter the human body along the ears and nose, what effect will it bring?

Just thinking of this way of movement, Jiang Ning feels that this magical power is very useful.

Especially in water, it is extremely useful.

Being able to control the flow of water means that water can be used by him.

In this case, his speed in the water will inevitably increase.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning is even more expectant.

Just absorbing a part of this unknown natural treasure has brought him so much water experience.

There are still many left now.

After absorbing these unknown natural treasures, his water experience will definitely increase by thousands of points.

"Maybe I can break the limit of the water skill once or twice today!"

Jiang Ning's heart was warm.

The second limit of water brought him an unexpected surprise.

This made him look forward to the subsequent limit of the water skill.

Then he released the control of the surrounding water flow.

The vortex formed by his manipulation also quickly dissipated.

The stone weighing dozens of kilograms that was rolled up also fell back to the ground.

At this moment, he also felt that his state had changed.

After stopping the manipulation of the water flow, he suddenly felt a little tired in his body and a little dizzy in his head.

"It seems that running this magical power will consume both physical strength and mental strength."

"That's why I feel tired and dizzy at this time."

After Jiang Ning felt the changes in his body, he whispered in his heart.

Next, he continued to absorb the water source with slightly silver particles in the puddle.

[Water Skills Experience +1]

[Water Skills Experience +1]

[Water Skills Experience +1]


These special waters were absorbed by his body, and the experience value of the water skill skyrocketed.

In a blink of an eye.

[Skills]: Water Skills + (Second Break Limit 3000/3000) (Special Effects: Underwater Breathing, Water Control)

The experience value was full again.

Jiang Ning did not hesitate at all and decisively clicked on the plus sign of the water skill.

In an instant.

The source energy points decreased rapidly.

After the change ended.

[Source Energy]: 26.7

"Third Break Limit Consumes 50 Source Energy Points!" Jiang Ning muttered in his heart after taking a look at the changes on the panel.

Then, he looked at another column on the panel.

[Skills]: Water (3 times limit-breaking 23/4000) (Special effects: underwater breathing, water control, affinity with water spirits)

[Affinity with water spirits]: Born with extraordinary affinity for water, the five senses are enhanced in water, and the recovery speed is doubled.

At this moment.

Jiang Ning also felt the changes in his body again.

Just now, because of the operation of the magical power of manipulating the water source, he felt that his body became a little tired, and his brain became a little sluggish and drowsy.

But at this time, as he soaked in the water, he felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly.

Not only that, the brain also got rid of the drowsy state and became more and more energetic.

"So this is the so-called effect of doubling the recovery speed!"

Jiang Ning's eyes lit up.

At this moment, he also discovered another change.

Just now, he was in this underwater cave, so it was unusually dark.

If it weren't for the fact that some stones and waterweed-like plants in this underwater cave would emit weak light, he would not be able to see this underwater cave clearly.

But even so, his vision was unusually poor before.

He could only barely see the outlines of his surroundings.

But it was completely different at this moment.

He found that his vision had improved a lot.

Even though his vision was still dim, he could see about five meters away.

Compared with before, it was like a world of difference.

"Is this the effect of the enhanced five senses?"

Jiang Ning whispered in his heart, then closed his eyes and quietly felt the changes in his body.

Soon, he felt that his state had reached a peak.

He was full of energy and strength, and his whole body seemed to have endless energy.

"What a strong effect!!"

Jiang Ning slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of amazement.

After personally experiencing the effect of soaking in water, he knew what the effect of this state recovery doubling was.

At this recovery speed, his physical and mental strength in the water was almost endless.

"So strong!!" He praised again in his heart.

The next moment.

He seemed to have thought of something again, and then grabbed his spiritual weapon from the ground and drew it out of the sheath.


He held the long sword in his hand and gently slashed the blade against his arm.

Even with his current level of skin training, the sharpness of the spiritual weapon in his hand made no difference.

In an instant, a clear wound appeared in front of him.

The bright red blood emerged from the wound.

Jiang Ning couldn't help but show a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because under his gaze, he could clearly see that the thin knife wound on his arm was healing rapidly.

This is the speed of healing, visible to the naked eye.

Although not as abnormal as Shi Xiaoyuan just now, even if he was almost cut in half by a knife, he could recover and heal quickly.

But this speed is also extremely fast in Jiang Ning's view.

A wound of five or six centimeters long was completely healed in less than ten breaths.

If it weren't for the faint bloodstains that remained to prove that he had just been wounded.

Otherwise, the scene just now would even make Jiang Ning feel that he had seen an illusion.


He raised his hand to wipe off the remaining bloodstains on his arm, and the skin of his arm was suddenly as smooth as new, and no wounds could be seen.

Without the evidence of bloodstains, the wound just now seemed to have become some kind of illusion.

"How exaggerated!!" Jiang Ning exclaimed again in his heart.

After this test, he truly understood the power of this special effect.

Once in the water, he would not be tired, and both his energy and physical strength would recover at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, any injuries would recover at the same exaggerated speed.

In this case, in the water, he is at his strongest state.

The next moment.

Jiang Ning focused his eyes on the puddle in front of him.

After his refining just now, the unknown natural treasures in the puddle were consumed a lot, but there were still many.

"Refining all of these should be able to increase my experience value of the water skill by a few thousand points." Jiang Ning whispered in his heart.

Then he continued to refine the water in the water.

[Water experience value +1]

[Water experience value +1]

[Water experience value +1]


As he refined the water in the water, the experience value of the water skill continued to soar.

Not long after.

[Skill]: Water (three times limit breaking 4000/4000) (Special effects: underwater breathing, water control technique, water spirit affinity)

The experience value is full again.

Looking at the changes in the panel, Jiang Ning felt very comfortable.

[Source Energy]: 26.7

Although the source energy points are insufficient, the water skill cannot complete the fourth limit breaking.

After all, the source energy points required for four times of breaking the limit are 100 points.

And now he only has 26.7 energy points.

But Jiang Ning thinks that he will soon reach 100 points.

Because after today, his energy points will definitely surge.

The water in the water provides him with a huge increase in water skills experience points. With such a strong effect, the energy points provided must be quite a lot.

Then, Jiang Ning continued to refine the remaining water in the water.

[Water experience points +1]

[Water experience points +1]

[Water experience points +1]


The experience points of the water skill continued to increase.

After a while.

There was no more silver water droplets in the small puddle, and all the water in the water went into his stomach.

[Name]: Jiang Ning

[Source Energy]: 26.7


Reading and spelling (2nd time limit 1494/3000) (Special Effect: Photographic Memory, Extraordinary Five Senses)

Five Animals Fist (1st time limit 235/2000) (Special Effect: Five Internal Organs Store Essence)

Chopping Knife Skill (4th time limit 5000/5000) (Special Effect: Learning by analogy, Knife as fast as the wind, Knife as god, Man and Knife as One)

Inner Alchemy Health-preserving Exercise (Mastery 1513/2000)

Canglang Knife Skill (Great Success 48/1000)

Vajra Indestructible Body (Minor Success 1/5000)

Water Nature (3rd time limit 4000/4000) (Special Effect: Underwater Breathing, Water Controlling Technique, Affinity with Water Spirits)

"Great!" Jiang Ning looked at his panel and was very satisfied.

This time's harvest completely exceeded his expectations.

Not only will there be a large amount of wealth coming in, but there will also be a big harvest like the white dragon fish.

The transformed white dragon fish can bring great help to his martial arts growth.

The most critical harvest is the change in the panel.

In just one hour, his water-based skill completed two limit-breaking, and also brought two new special effects.

Whether it is the magical power of the water control technique or the special effect of the water spirit affinity, Jiang Ning feels that the trip is worthwhile.

Moreover, the experience value of the water-based skill has met the requirements of four limit-breaking.

As long as the source energy points accumulate to more than 100, he can make the water-based skill complete four limit-breaking.

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