Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 132 An unexpected gain, the old spiritual weapon!

Forge shop.

After walking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

In the armory room beneath the forging shop, the surrounding weapon racks and walls were filled with magical weapons that exuded a cold aura.

At this time, as the firelight shined, countless cold lights were reflected on the cold blade.

"Boy, what do you think? This is the savings and heritage of the Forging Shop over the years." Yang Kai was quite proud.

Then he continued: "Over the years, every guest who has come here has not been easy! But every guest who has come here has gained something good."

Jiang Ning glanced at the entire room, and he suddenly understood.

The real good stuff of the Forging Shop is here.

As for the two shops above, they just sell more ordinary items.

Then he said: "Shopkeeper Yang, do you know the price of the magic weapon here?"

Yang Kai said: "I just said that things here cannot be measured by money. Using money would be too vulgar!"

"What do you want?" Jiang Ning asked.

As for what Yang Kai said just now, Jiang Ning smiled in his heart.

Yang Kai said: "We have no shortage of money in the weapon forging shop! So what we need is fate!"

"Fate?" Jiang Ning smiled and ignored Yang Kai's nagging.

Then he said: "Since Shopkeeper Yang brought me down, he definitely didn't want me to take a brief look here! Why don't you introduce me to him!"

"That's natural!" Yang Kai chuckled.

Then he came to the side wall.

He raised his hand and took down a sword from the wall next to him.


As he drew his sword, a clear sound echoed in the room.

at the same time.

The cold sword light shone in the room, as if there were invisible air blades filling every space. Jiang Ning suddenly felt the cold hairs all over his body rising.

"Great knife!!"

Jiang Ning's eyes suddenly lit up and he praised in his heart.

It can make his hair run cold. This is the body's instinctive reaction under stress.

This shows that this knife must be very unusual.

Yang Kai said: "This sword is called Han Guang. It is three feet nine long, three inches wide and weighs one hundred and fifty three kilograms."

"It is made of thousand-forged fine iron that I forged with my own hands. Even if it is used by a master of the seventh level of martial arts, it is very easy to use."

"As for the general eighth-level martial arts, it is difficult to operate this sword as desired. On the contrary, it may be a burden."

After saying that.


Yang Kai sheathed the sword, then raised his hand and threw it to Jiang Ning.

"Try to open it!" Yang Kai said.

Jiang Ning immediately raised his hand to catch it.

When his eyes fell on the knife in his hand, he saw two large characters engraved on the handle.

Cold light.

He felt the weight of the knife in his hand again.

"It's really heavy!" Jiang Ning said secretly.

One hundred and fifty-three pounds, this weight is already one-tenth of his current strength.

With this kind of weight, it would be difficult for an average person with his current strength to operate smoothly.

Because of the explosive force associated with this weight, the inertia will be terrifyingly large.

Retracting each knife requires a lot of physical strength.

Even a short battle would involve dozens or hundreds of blows.

In this case, most of the physical strength will be consumed and the state will decline rapidly.

Therefore, the weapons chosen by ordinary warriors are not too heavy.

Although the weapon is too heavy, it has advantages, but the disadvantages are greater, and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Unless you are a fellow practitioner inside and outside, or you have entered the inner strength realm of the fifth level of martial arts.

Only when the internal organs are tempered, the physical strength is long-lasting, and you are not afraid of long-term battles, can you improve a lot.

And Jiang Ning has this element.

He held the weapon in his hand, feeling very satisfied.

Although this weight is a bit heavy for it now, it's okay.

Moreover, he is still in the period of rapid improvement in strength, and it won't be long before he can take a further step.


He held the handle of the knife in his hand and drew it out of its sheath.


A clear trembling sound echoed in the room.


Jiang Ning waved casually, and the blade in his hand instantly turned into a cold light that cut through the sky.

"Great knife!!"

Feeling the potential energy of this sword, Jiang Ning praised it.

"Don't you think it's a little too heavy?" Yang Kai said.

Jiang Ning casually swung the knife a few more times, and rays of cold light suddenly appeared within three feet of him.

At the same time, he said: "It's a bit heavy, but it's okay! I have a lot of strength, and for the sake of improving my strength in the future, I can't choose a knife that is too light."

"Yes!" Yang Kai nodded slightly as he thought about the information about Jiang Ning.

Then he said: "You mean you are very satisfied with this knife?"

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and was about to speak.

He suddenly felt that the vague call in his heart was heavier, and the direction of the origin of the call became clearer.

Just two feet and three feet in front of him on the left.


Jiang Ning said: "I'm quite satisfied, but I want to see other things."

Hearing this, Yang Kai said cheerfully: "No problem, you boy, watch it as soon as possible! I'm fine and I'm not in a hurry!"

Seeing the few blows Jiang Ning had just made, Yang Kai's evaluation of Jiang Ning became even higher.

Moreover, the knife in Jiang Ning's hand was made by himself, and he was very aware of the weight of the knife.

Weighing one hundred and fifty-three pounds.

In his opinion, Jiang Ning's ability to choose this sword meant that Jiang Ning had the confidence to control this sword, which weighed one hundred and fifty three kilograms.

From this point, he knew that Jiang Ning's strength was higher than he had imagined before.

He had also heard a lot about Jiang Ning.

Such a genius, who could make Shen Congyun sacrifice so much to help him before, was naturally worth his time on Jiang Ning.

It was also worth him giving something.

Such as the handy weapon that Jiang Ning valued, in exchange for a favor.

The Weapon Forging Shop had developed to this point over the years, and it was no longer short of money.

In this era, they also knew that it was enough to have enough money.

Earning too much might bring disaster.

And the more connections, relationships, and favors from geniuses and strong people, the better.

There were enough geniuses and strong people invested.

If the Weapon Forging Shop was in trouble in the future, someone would naturally come to help.

That was their biggest reward.

At this time.

Jiang Ning followed the induction in his heart and came to a weapon rack.

At this moment, he was also quite curious.

What exactly was the induction and call that suddenly appeared in his heart?

Why did it appear suddenly.


He bent down and picked up an ancient, dusty long sword from under the weapon rack.


He blew a breath, and a strong wind fell on the scabbard, and the dust on it flew into the air.

The scabbard was dark, without any patterns, just a scabbard made of unknown material.

The handle was the same, made of unknown material, full of simplicity.

Yang Kai, who was standing by, saw this scene, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Then he walked over.

At the same time, Jiang Ning's voice rang in his ears.

"Shopkeeper Yang, what's the story behind this knife?"

Yang Kai looked at Jiang Ning in surprise and asked, "How did you suddenly notice this knife?"

Jiang Ning smiled slightly, "I'm just a little curious. The fact that this knife can appear in this room is enough to show that it is extraordinary. Why is such an extraordinary knife placed under the weapon rack and covered with dust?"

Yang Kai said, "You're right! This knife is indeed extraordinary."

"Oh?" Jiang Ning's face suddenly showed a hint of curiosity: "Shopkeeper Yang, can you tell me what's extraordinary about it?"

Jiang Ning was indeed very curious about the knife in his hand.

Holding this knife, his intuition became deeper.

The intuition and call in his heart just now were indeed from this knife in his hand.

Yang Kai said, "This is a long story. Is this knife a spiritual weapon?"

"Spiritual weapon?" Jiang Ning looked surprised. He had never heard of this word before.

Then he asked, "Manager Yang, what is a spiritual weapon?"

Yang Kai said, "Spiritual weapons are a powerful weapon from the old times. They have spirituality, so they are called spiritual weapons! With the end of the old times, the immortals and gods died, and the spiritual weapons gradually decayed, or fell into a deep sleep."

"Spiritual weapons in this state are no different from ordinary broken copper and iron."

"At most, they are a little tougher. No matter how you chop them with a knife, axe, or forge them with fierce fire, you can't hurt them at all."

"And because this knife has spirituality, no one has been able to draw it out of the sheath for so many years. It is really useless!"

"So it was thrown down and covered in dust!"

Speaking of this, Yang Kai showed a look of regret: "It's a pity that the material used to forge this spiritual weapon must be extraordinary. If I can use it, I have the confidence to forge a more outstanding divine weapon."

Hearing Yang Kai's words, Jiang Ning immediately thought to himself.

That's strange!

If so, why can I have a sense of induction with this knife and feel the call of this knife to me?


Jiang Ning held the hilt with his right hand.

Yang Kai smiled slightly when he saw this scene.

Like Jiang Ning, he had seen many over the years.

Every visitor who heard what he said would choose to try to draw the sword.

But without exception, they all ended in failure.

This sword seemed to have a blade and a scabbard as one.

No matter how hard he tried, it didn't move at all.


At this moment, a clear sound rang out from the room.



The clear sound turned into a dragon's roar, and the sound of the dragon's roar continued to echo in the room.

Yang Kai saw this scene, and his eyes widened, like a copper bell.

"This, this. This is impossible!!!" He opened his mouth wide.

Compared to Yang Kai, Jiang Ning was also extremely shocked at this moment.

After listening to Yang Kai's words, he didn't have any expectations in his heart, and just tried it casually.

Unexpectedly, in the first breath of pulling out the spiritual weapon scabbard, the spiritual weapon in his hand remained motionless, as steady as a mountain.

But the next moment, he felt the power in his hand was extremely smooth, and he pulled the sword out of the scabbard in an instant.

At this moment.

As the blade was unsheathed, Jiang Ning felt that he and the weapon in his hand seemed to have a spiritual bridge of communication.

The spiritual weapon also sent a thought, dripping blood to recognize the master, melting blood to sacrifice.

"How did you do it?" Yang Kai suppressed his inner shock and looked at the scene in front of him and spoke quickly.

Jiang Ning pretended to be confused and shook his head: "I don't know!"

Then he continued: "I just pulled it casually, and this knife was pulled out by me."

"I pulled it casually, and it was pulled out." Hearing Jiang Ning's words, Yang Kai was speechless.

"You don't know how many times I have pulled it out!" Yang Kai was very angry.

But Yang Kai did not doubt Jiang Ning's statement at all.

This spiritual weapon has been in the forging shop for decades.

Over the years, they have tried so many times.

In the end, there is only one result, that is, in vain!

But at this moment, this knife is in Jiang Ning's hand, but it has a completely different change.

The blade was pulled out by Jiang Ning.

Immediately, Yang Kai said: "Put it back into the sheath and try it! I'll see if I can pull it out!"

Jiang Ning nodded slightly: "Okay!"

At this moment, he also had some simple ideas in his mind.

Whether it is the telepathy between this spiritual weapon and his mind, or the call from the spiritual weapon, there must be a reason.

It must be caused by his different characteristics from ordinary people.

If not, why can't others pull it out?

But he can pull it out?

Yang Kai wanted to try it at this time, and Jiang Ning was happy to let him try it.

If Yang Kai still couldn't pull out this knife, then it would undoubtedly confirm his guess.



Jiang Ning put the sword back into the sheath, and the handle and the sheath fit together perfectly in an instant.

It was so tight that it seemed to be integrated without any gaps.

Yang Kai took the spiritual weapon from Jiang Ning's hand and held the handle with his right hand.

Then he took a deep breath.


He exhaled slowly.

The next moment.

Yang Kai suddenly exerted force.

His rock-like muscles were even tighter at this moment, like a solid piece of iron.

Soon, Yang Kai's face turned red and gradually turned iron blue.


He suddenly shouted again, and his arms began to tremble slightly, obviously reaching his limit.

Two more breaths passed.


Yang Kai exhaled and completely gave up the action of drawing the sword.

A touch of loneliness suddenly appeared on his face.

No matter how hard he tried, the knife in his hand remained motionless, and the handle and scabbard were still as if integrated.

"It seems that you are destined to have this knife!" Yang Kai said to Jiang Ning.

At this moment, he hesitated for a moment and handed the spiritual weapon in his hand to Jiang Ning.

Seeing Jiang Ning take the spiritual weapon, Yang Kai's eyes were full of reluctance.

A weapon with spirituality is undoubtedly an extremely precious item.

Giving such a precious item to others is undoubtedly a very painful thing.

But thinking that this spiritual weapon has been eating dust here for decades, Yang Kai gradually came to his senses.

"Forget it! This thing is a chicken rib here, so it's better to give it to this kid in exchange for a favor."

"This kid can pull out a spiritual weapon, so he must be very special!"

"In the future, there is no guarantee that he will not reach a shocking level!"

"Using such a thing that does not exist in exchange for the favor of such a future strong man, it should be said that it is a profit!"

Yang Kai constantly comforted himself in his heart to reduce the reluctance in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Ning took the spiritual weapon handed over by Yang Kai, and at the same time, he saw the scene just now, and he had a rough guess in his heart.

"I can draw this knife, either because of my natural intelligence, or because of the special effects I have now."

Thinking of these two points.

His eyes fell on his panel, and then on one of the special effects.

[Oneness of man and knife]: There is a natural fit for the knife, and any unfamiliar knife in the hand will reach the best state.

"If you want to say the most likely, it is this one!"

Jiang Ning whispered in his heart.

While his thoughts flowed.

Jiang Ning held the handle of the knife with his right hand and tried it again.

Instantly, a blade appeared in front of the two.

Yang Kai looked at this scene, and his eyes showed envy again.

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