Deserted island.

Jiang Ning surfaced, holding the blood lotus in his hand and just climbing up the reef, he felt a strong gaze falling on him.

The next moment.

He immediately looked up.

On the cliff a few dozen meters away, a strong man with a full beard and a rough face appeared in his sight.

At this moment, the strong man stared at him with eyes as bright as torches, and his face showed ecstasy.

After seeing the man's face clearly, Jiang Ning was also slightly stunned.

"Tian Buyi! This man is Tian Buyi in the wanted order!"

"If you arrest him and bring him to justice, you can get a hundred taels of gold, which can make me rich overnight."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning's heart was suddenly moved.

On the other side.

Tian Buyi looked at Jiang Ning, and his mood suddenly became very happy.

In his opinion, Jiang Ning was already trapped in his jar.

On such a deserted island surrounded by water, it was impossible for Jiang Ning to escape from his palm.

It can be said that there is no way to go up to heaven and no way to go down to earth.

At most, he can only enter the water.

But he is never afraid of entering the water.

His nickname is Hunjianglong.

The reason for this nickname is that he is extremely good at swimming.

At the same time.

Just as Jiang Ning was thinking.

Tian Buyi stood on the cliff, with a look of control.

"Are you Jiang Ning?" He spoke slowly.

Hearing the voice of Tian Buyi standing on the cliff, Jiang Ning's eyes suddenly condensed.

"How could he know me?"


Jiang Ning stood on the reef and raised his head slightly.

"Why do you recognize me?"

Hearing this, Tian Buyi grinned: "Because someone asked me to kill you!"

After the words fell.

Tian Buyi bent his body slightly, then jumped into the air, and instantly jumped down from the cliff several feet high.

Smelling the strong murderous intent coming from Tian Buyi in front of him, Jiang Ning's eyes moved, and he had made a decision.

The next moment.

He turned around and jumped.


The sound of entering the water sounded, and he had entered the water.

On the other side.


Tian Buyi was on a rock. When he fell from a height, he brought a strong impact.

The rock under his feet was broken.

"Enter the water?"

"That's my home court!"

Tian Buyi laughed and jumped again, instantly crossing two or three feet.

After a few jumps, he came to the place where Jiang Ning had just entered the water.

At this time, only two breaths had passed since Jiang Ning jumped into the water.



With the sound of entering the water, Tian Buyi also plunged into the water.

At the same time.

Jiang Ning was in the water.

"Someone wants to kill me?"

"Who could it be? Let Tian Buyi kill me?"

Jiang Ning whispered in his heart, and as his eyes flashed slightly.

He had already made a judgment.

"It must be the Cao family!"

"Besides the Cao family, who else would send a bandit like Tian Buyi to kill me?"

"Tian Buyi is a martial arts master of the eighth rank. Who else could have invited such a master if not a powerful force like the Cao family?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Sure enough! I guessed right before! Cao Bin came to my house just to paralyze me and make me careless!"

"At the same time, it should also be to remove the connection between the Cao family and me."

"With Cao Bin's visit, even if I die unexpectedly in the future, the Cao family can say that they have nothing to do with them and remove themselves completely."

"They can also give an explanation to Shen Congyun."

"Besides, Tian Buyi killed me, who would have thought that it was the Cao family's instigation?"

"Maybe I will just be the fish in the pond who suffers the consequences!"

At this moment.

Seeing the movement coming from the front, Jiang Ning's heart was determined, and the distracting thoughts were gone.

Come on!

Into the water, it is still unclear who is the prey and who is the hunter.

After Tian Buyi entered the water, he easily caught Jiang Ning's figure diving into the water with a glance.

Just a glance at Jiang Ning's figure, he showed a confident look.

"It's really good to be able to open up this distance after just two breaths in the water! No wonder you can appear on this deserted island."

"But it's still a little far from me!"

The next moment.

Tian Buyi moved.

His body shuttled through the water like a dragon, closing the distance with Jiang Ning at a rapid speed.

"What a fast speed!" Looking back and seeing Tian Buyi's figure approaching, Jiang Ning was a little surprised: "It's worthy of being a river dragon. It's true that there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames."


Jiang Ning plunged into deeper waters, and his speed increased again.

Tian Buyi behind him saw Jiang Ning's sudden burst of speed, and his eyes flashed.

"Good boy, you are such a great swimmer, you are a good candidate!"

"It's a pity that you met me, a river dragon, today."

Tian Buyi also hurriedly followed Jiang Ning's figure and dived into deeper waters.

The two chased and fled, getting farther and farther away from the deserted island and diving deeper and deeper.

After leaving the diving layer, the light became dim.

Tian Buyi looked at Jiang Ning, who was only a few feet away in front of him, and his expression became a little ferocious, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"Damn it! If you run away from me again, I will skin you alive when I catch you!"

He chased for a distance and found that it was always difficult to close the distance.

Then he covered his chest in the water.

He had already suffered internal injuries in his chest, and now because of the long-term holding of breath, his chest was aching.

His face couldn't help but become a little ugly at this time.

Then, the thought that had just been suppressed in his mind surfaced again.

"Damn it! Is this kid deliberately teasing me?"

"I'm fast, he's fast! I'm slow, he's slow! He's always hanging me, so that I'm one step away from catching up with him."

"But why?"

"Why can this kid hold his breath better than me?"

"And why can this kid swim better than me?"

On the other side.

Jiang Ning noticed that Tian Buyi stopped behind him, so he stopped too.

He looked back and saw Tian Buyi staring at him with his eyes wide open.

The eyes of the two met in the water.

"This kid, he really is teasing me!"

At this moment, Tian Buyi saw Jiang Ning stop and turn his head to look at him, and he completely confirmed this.

Then he cursed in his heart.

"Damn! I really ran into a monster! I can actually run into someone who swims better than me, and he's such a yellow-haired kid!"

"No! My chest is starting to hurt, and I can't breathe well. I have to get back to the surface as soon as possible!"

"As for this kid, I can only give up first!"

"I'll find his house someday, and I'll kill him when I go to his house!"

The next moment.

Tian Buyi moved and quickly floated up to the lake.

"Want to leave?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Ning smiled coldly.

He had been hiding from Tian Buyi for so long, just waiting for this moment, waiting for Tian Buyi's lungs to run out of oxygen, waiting for the moment when Tian Buyi wanted to get back to the surface.

This was the best time for him to take action.

Tian Buyi was wanted, and as long as he was arrested, he would receive a reward of 100 taels.

This reward made Jiang Ning quite envious.

In addition, the continuous improvement of his strength in recent times also gave him the confidence to give it a try.

Not to mention that he was still in the water.

With his current swimming ability and ability to breathe underwater.

Even if he really lost to Tian Buyi, he still had full confidence that he could retreat unscathed.

But in order to increase his chances, Jiang Ning deliberately lured the enemy deep into his territory.

He let Tian Buyi chase him all the way into the lake on the deserted island, and into the deep water area.

Here, Tian Buyi would need more than ten breaths of time to return to the land, let alone the surface of the water.

These ten breaths of time were when he really took action.


Jiang Ning moved, and his speed suddenly increased.

This is impossible!!

Seeing Jiang Ning approaching like a sharp arrow, Tian Buyi's eyes widened, and he immediately felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

"This kid, don't you want to leave me here?" Tian Buyi thought to himself.

At the same time.

Jiang Ning's speed directly doubled compared to before.

The distance between the two was less than five meters.

In the face of Jiang Ning's full-strength burst of speed, Jiang Ning came to Tian Buyi's head in less than a breath.

"How dare you!" Tian Buyi watched Jiang Ning appear on the only way to float up, holding the long knife tightly in his right hand. He shouted in his heart at the sight of his veins bulging.

His face suddenly became furious.

He had been active in Dongling County for more than ten years, and had been famous for several years.

He didn't know how many dead souls and wronged souls were in his hands.

It was the first time for him to be intercepted and killed by a yellow-haired boy in his eyes like today.

Especially in his eyes, Jiang Ning was a prey in his pocket and a turtle in a jar.

Being the prey and the host made him feel humiliated.

On the other side.

Jiang Ning looked down at Tian Buyi who was looking up at him from below.

"Today, let you verify how much progress I have made recently?"

"Also let me see how strong an eighth-grade warrior is!"

Then, Jiang Ning's mind moved, and he instantly untied the restrictions on his body.


The heart suddenly beat violently, like a drum being hit hard, and a vibration came from his chest.





Each beat was faster and more violent than the last.

In an instant.

The beating of the heart was like a drum being urged one after another.

The surging blood flowed through his body, making Jiang Ning feel a strong force coming out of nowhere.

At this time, his skin began to turn red, his pupils were dilating, and his body entered a state of excitement.

In this case, many negative emotions in his mind, such as tension and slight fear, were suddenly swept away.

He clenched the knife in his right hand, and the power flowed in his arm.

"The four-fold power is superimposed, disintegrating the restrictions of my body."

"Just ask this knife, can an eighth-grade warrior take it."

Jiang Ning looked at Tian Buyi below and thought to himself.

That's right!

He did not choose to use his trump card this time.

The explosive momentum after the five-fold power is superimposed.

He only chose to use the fourth level of strength.

Because Jiang Ning did not dare to try the fifth level of strength easily.

As for the third level, Jiang Ning did not dare to be careless when facing a strong man like Tian Buyi.

So he chose to use the fourth level of strength.

He had tested the load of the third level of strength on his body before, and he knew that his current physique could definitely withstand the explosion after the fourth level of strength was superimposed.

I’m stuck, the next chapter will be a little late, no need to wait

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