Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 107 Finding a Wife for You

Wanhua Building.

Lin Qingyi came to Jiang Ning, raised her hand and squeezed Jiang Ning's arm.

At the same time, he said casually: "I heard that your boy went out of the city to kill Hong Chengtao a few days ago. How did you do it?"

Jiang Ning lowered his head slightly and looked sideways, his eyes falling on his arms.

Lin Qingyi's five fingers, as white as catkin, fell on his arm, slightly squeezing his strong muscles.

"Sister Lin, just kill Hong Chengtao with a few blows!"

When Lin Qingyi heard this, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Believe it or not!

She whispered secretly in her heart.

Immediately, her expression showed a hint of surprise.

There's something wrong with this kid!

Why does my skin feel so hard to the touch?

Could it be that his skin refining has made great progress?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyi looked at Jiang Ning with suspicion in her eyes.

"Sister Lin, what's wrong?" Jiang Ning asked.

Lin Qingyi lightly opened her red lips: "Tell me honestly, kid, have you made great progress in skin refining?"

Jiang Ning nodded calmly: "Yes! Great progress!"

"But you have entered the ninth level of martial arts?" Lin Qingyi asked again.

"Not bad! Sister Lin has a sharp eye!" Jiang Ning praised.

Jiang Ning has no hidden thoughts about being successful in leather refining and reaching the point where leather is as good as cow leather.

Because with Lin Qingyi's strength, it is easy to see through this in close contact.

And in front of Lin Qingyi, there is no need for this.

From the fact that Shen Congyun entrusted Lin Qingyi with the things left for him, it can be seen that Lin Qingyi deserves a certain degree of trust.

And the stronger his talent is, the more Lin Qingyi will value him.

After all, the higher your talent is, the higher your future achievements will be.

Every effort you make at this time will reap benefits in the future.

at the same time.

When Lin Qingyi heard Jiang Ning's words, she looked at Jiang Ning in surprise.

Stepping into the ranks of the ninth grade?

How many days has it been?

It’s less than a month!

In other words, he achieved the indestructible body of Vajra in less than a month.

The Vajra Immortal Body is the unique secret of the Vajra Temple.

Practicing this skill is much more difficult than the ordinary skin refining method.

This kid has this talent and what he has achieved at this age.

After practicing the Vajra Immortal Body and entering the ninth level of martial arts, you are already qualified to join the Vajra Temple and become an outer disciple of the Vajra Temple.

These thoughts flashed rapidly in Lin Qingyi's mind.

Then she said: "Young man, do you have any thoughts of joining the Vajra Temple?"

"King Kong Temple? Can I?" Jiang Ning looked at Lin Qingyi in surprise.

Lin Qingyi immediately nodded slightly: "Yes! The reason why the fragments of the Vajra Immortal Body can be circulated from the Vajra Temple is also very simple. It is a method used by the Vajra Temple to recruit disciples."

"Under the age of twenty, by virtue of the condensed skin of the Vajra Indestructible Body, and entering the ninth level of martial arts, you are qualified to join the Vajra Temple and become an outer disciple."

Hearing Lin Qingyi's words, Jiang Ning suddenly understood.

Why can the Vajra Immortal Body be spread as the Zongzong martial arts of Vajra Temple?

Jiang Ning then asked: "If I join the Vajra Temple, are there any other requirements?"

Lin Qingyi said: "Of course it does! The Vajra Temple is a Buddhist temple. If you join the Vajra Temple, you must abide by the Buddhist rules and regulations. You are not allowed to eat meat, you are not allowed to marry, and you are not allowed to"

Lin Qingyi spoke one sentence after another, and Jiang Ning frowned as she listened.

The pure rules and precepts of the Vajra Temple are even better than the Buddhist rules and precepts he knew in his previous life.

One of the key ones is to join the Vajra Temple and cut off all connections with the world.

No more wives, children, parents.

In Jiang Ning's opinion, this was simply paranoid to the point of obsession.

Then he shook his head slightly: "Forget it! Joining the Vajra Temple is too boring! Being imprisoned without a wife is too painful!"

When Lin Qingyi heard this, she couldn't help but smile, her eyebrows and eyes curved like two crescent moons.

"Prison without a wife! What you say is really interesting! Do you want to get a wife?"

Jiang Ning immediately shook his head: "I don't want to think about it yet!"

Lin Qingyi looked Jiang Ning up and down: "According to my understanding, you are not a young boy. He is already over eighteen and a half years old! It is unfilial to be unmarried."

Jiang Ning said: "This matter can't be rushed. We have to meet someone who likes it before we consider it! I don't have the support of my parents."

"Yes!" Lin Qingyi nodded slightly, and then said: "But at your age, it's time to think about women!"

Hearing Lin Qingyi's words, Jiang Ning suddenly became speechless.

Seeing this, Lin Qingyi couldn't help but smile.

"Looking at your kid's appearance, it's not like you're still a chick!"

"I'm not, please stop talking nonsense?" Jiang Ning immediately retorted.

He didn't lie when he said this, after all, he had eaten meat in his last life.

Lin Qingyi had a joking smile on her face at this moment.

She then patted Jiang Ning on the shoulder.

"You don't have to be embarrassed! Since you call me sister! Then sister will help you find a good girl and let you get married as soon as possible, so you can naturally have a sex life!"

Jiang Ning: "."

Seeing the look on Jiang Ning's face, Lin Qingyi even smiled and felt interesting in her heart.

Then she had another thought in her mind and whispered to herself.

This is indeed a good idea.

This kid is surprisingly talented.

The Vajra Immortal was in his body, and it was so compatible with him that he entered the ninth level of martial arts in less than a month.

His future achievements are limitless.

Perhaps there is hope to peek into the mystery of the Grandmaster.

It is indeed a good idea to help him find a good girl and form a marriage with such a young boy genius.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyi immediately made up her mind.

She came back to her senses at any time: "Okay! It's settled! I'll go and check the information for you to see if there is a good girl suitable for you!"

The voice fell.

Thump thump thump——

Lin Qingyi turned around and left in a hurry.

Jiang Ning looked at her leaving back and was speechless.

Marry a wife?

Thinking of this word, he couldn't help shaking his head, and there was no such idea in his mind.

With such a magical panel and in a dynasty where chaos was gradually rising, practicing martial arts was his current focus.

Marrying a wife and having children was still a long way from him.

Then he said to himself.

"Forget it! I'll just refuse Lin Qingyi later! And what she just said may not count, she may just be in a momentary mood!"

"Maybe she will forget about this matter in the future."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning was too lazy to think about it anymore.


He looked at Xiaolu who was standing beside him.

"Miss Xiaolu!"

"Why did you call me, sir?" Xiaolu immediately recovered from her sculpture-like state and saluted Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning said: "The herbal essence is good, I'm going to buy some."

"Okay, sir!" Xiaolu nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then she asked again: "Sir, I wonder if you brought the VIP token that I showed Xiaolu more than half a month ago."

Jiang Ning smiled: "Of course I did."

As he spoke, the white jade token, which was not even as big as a palm, was taken out by Jiang Ning and appeared in his hand.

This token was left to him by Shen Congyun before he left. With this token, he has great authority in Wanhua Building and can ask the maid to pass on the message to the deputy building owner.

At the same time, with this token, all consumption in Wanhua Building is 20% off.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Ning came to Wanhua Building.

The 20% discount can save him a lot of money.

Xiaolu respectfully took the white jade token from Jiang Ning, took a look, and then returned it to Jiang Ning.

Then he asked: "I wonder how many bottles of herbal essence you want to buy?"

Jiang Ning thought for a while, and then replied: "Buy 50 bottles first!"

"Okay, sir!" Xiaolu bowed again: "Young Master Jiang, come with me to the VIP room! Because I buy 50 bottles at a time, I need to notify the supervisor to pick up the goods, which will take some time"

"Okay." Jiang Ning said.

A moment later.

In the VIP room.

Jiang Ning drank tea.

As the door of the VIP room opened, he also put down the tea he had just picked up.

At the door, a middle-aged woman in her forties took the lead and stepped over the threshold.

Behind her, Xiaolu followed closely with a wooden box in her arms.

"Meet Mr. Jiang!" The middle-aged woman bowed slightly, and then introduced herself: "My name is Han Hongmei, and I am a manager of Wanhua Building. I will be responsible for this transaction."

Jiang Ning stood up and bowed: "Manager Han!"

Manager Han also smiled slightly, and then winked at Xiaolu who was half a body behind her.

Xiaolu also took two steps forward and put the wooden box in her arms on the table next to Jiang Ning.


Han Hongmei also took two steps forward, stood in front of the table and opened the wooden box.

Suddenly, I saw rows of neatly arranged white jade bottles embedded in the depression inside the wooden box.

These white jade bottles are all as thick as a thumb.

Han Hongmei said, "Mr. Jiang, please check. These are the fifty bottles of herbal essences that Mr. Jiang requested."

Jiang Ning shook his head and said, "There is no need for that. Wanhua Tower's reputation is still trustworthy."

Hearing this, Han Hongmei smiled.

"Since Mr. Jiang trusts us so much! Then I will make the decision to remove the decimals from Mr. Jiang's transaction. Fifty bottles of herbal essences, a total of 1,000 taels of silver."

Jiang Ning was slightly surprised when he heard this.

"Is this how Manager Han rounded off the decimals?"

He was even more surprised.

You should know that a bottle of herbal essence is sold for thirty taels of silver. With the token that Shen Congyun gave him before, he can get a 20% discount on shopping in Wanhua Tower.

After the 20% discount, it is 1,200 taels of silver, which is a full 300 taels of silver cheaper.

And the decimals that Han Hongmei mentioned this time were actually a full 200 taels of silver.

This way of rounding off was the first time Jiang Ning had seen it.

Han Hongmei smiled when she heard this: "If it were for other people, the decimals would naturally be rounded off to the lower two-digit decimals, but it's different for Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Ning heard this and stopped asking why it was different.

He then bowed: "Thank you, Director Han!"

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