Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 102 Cao Bin Arrives

In the martial arts hall.

Jiang Ning had just finished counting.

He heard someone shouting outside the house.

"Brother Jiang! Brother Jiang!!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Ning packed up and walked out of the house. He saw that the disciple who had been guarding the martial arts hall gate had appeared in his yard.

The disciple saw Jiang Ning and immediately clasped his hands.

"Brother Jiang, there is a constable outside the martial arts hall who asked me to tell Brother Jiang that a constable Cao is visiting your eldest brother's home. I want to inform Brother Jiang to go home."

Constable Cao?

Hearing these three words, Jiang Ning's eyes condensed and whispered in his heart.

It's Cao Bin!

Why did he come to his eldest brother and sister-in-law's house?

Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and then Jiang Ning said: "Thank you for the notice, Brother Yu, I will go back now."

Walking out of the martial arts hall, he immediately saw a young man in a constable's uniform.

Is it him?

Jiang Ning suddenly remembered that this was the man who followed Captain Feng when he visited his home.

He had also heard his elder brother mention him, and his name was Yang Zong.

Yang Zong saw Jiang Ning and immediately bowed: "Brother Jiang Ning, please get on the carriage with me! Now Captain Cao and Captain Feng should have arrived at Brother Li's house, and I specially asked me to invite you back!"

Yang Zong was quite polite at this time.

Because when Captain Feng sent him here, he strictly warned him to treat Jiang Ning with respect and not to offend him in any way.

Although he didn't know why, he knew that there must be a reason why Captain Feng could warn him so seriously.

"Okay!" Jiang Ning nodded, and then said, "Thank you, Brother Yang!"

Then, the two got on the carriage, and under Yang Zong's whip, the carriage immediately rushed towards the outer city.

Not long after.

Outer city.

Jiang Ning came to the familiar alley, and when he turned a corner, he saw a familiar scene, a yard surrounded by a fence.

The gate of the courtyard is a wooden door, and now the wooden door is wide open.

Through the conversation coming from the front, Jiang Ning heard the voices of Captain Feng and his elder brother who came here before, and there was also another quite intimidating voice.

Judging from this voice, it can be known that the person is usually the one who gives orders and has a high status.

"Cao Bin is here too!" Jiang Ning said secretly.

Last time in the martial arts hall, he had met Cao Bin once, so he naturally remembered his voice.

Now just from the voice, he knew Cao Bin was here.

Then he quickened his pace, and Yang Zong hurriedly followed.

A moment later.

Jiang Ning appeared in front of several people.

In the yard, three people sat under the grapevines, and Cao Bin was talking with Captain Feng at this time.

The moment they saw Jiang Ning appear, the two stopped talking immediately, and Cao Bin's eyes immediately fell on Jiang Ning.

He looked up and down, and whispered in his heart.

The information was correct, this kid was indeed unharmed!

It seems that Shen Congyun really left him something good before he left. With that thing, he was able to kill Hong Chengtao and Xu Yunfeng and others, and he was unscathed. It's not easy!

Now, even if I take action myself, it's not safe.

Even if an eighth-grade strongman takes action, there is a possibility of a capsize in the ditch.

There is no need to continue to intensify the conflict!

If you can't kill him, you may suffer from him in the future.

First ease the relationship. If you can turn hostility into friendship, it will naturally be a good thing.

If not, it is not a bad thing to let him lower his guard.

I hope this kid can be smarter.

Cao Bin thought of this in his mind, and then smiled and stood up to greet him.

"Brother Jiang Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Jiang Ning also smiled: "Hello, Captain Cao and Captain Feng, I don't know why you two suddenly came here today?"

Cao Bin smiled: "Brother Jiang Ning just came back, why don't you drink some water to moisten your throat first?"

"Okay!" Jiang Ning smiled.

On the way here, he was still a little confused about what Cao Bin came to his house for. Now he saw Cao Bin with his own eyes and saw his kindness.

He also had a rough guess in his mind.

Cao Bin came here today as a friend, not an enemy.

Jiang Ning sat next to his eldest brother and took a cup of herbal tea and took a few sips.

After sitting in the car for nearly an hour in the afternoon, he was indeed a little thirsty.

After putting down the herbal tea in his hand, before Jiang Ning could speak.

Cao Bin said: "Brother Jiang Ning, I came to visit you today for a simple reason, just hoping to resolve this misunderstanding and turn hostility into friendship!"

After saying this, he waved to the attendant beside him.

The man immediately took out a small red square box from his sleeve and gave it to Cao Bin.

Cao Bin took the small red square box and placed it on the stone table in front of Jiang Ning.

"This is a small gift, not a respect, please accept it, brother Jiang Ning."

Jiang Ning heard this and immediately opened the small red square box in front of him.

Suddenly, the contents of the box emitted bright golden light under the spotty sunlight.

The contents of the box were a gold leaf, weighing one or two taels.

Seeing the gold leaf, Jiang Ning was immediately surprised.

Captain Feng, who came with him, was even more shocked when he saw the gold leaf.

He had worked with Cao Bin for many years and knew Cao Bin's habits very well. He was extremely greedy for money.

But today, he saw a gold leaf flowing out of Cao Bin's hand.

"Could that be true?" Captain Feng thought to himself, "Did Jiang Ning really kill Xu Yunfeng and Hong Chengtao, the deputy leader of the Green Snake Gang?"

"But how is this possible?"

"Hong Chengtao is a person who has reached the ninth level of martial arts and has condensed stone skin."

"With a strength of seven or eight hundred kilograms, plus his perfect iron sand palm and his battle experience, how could he be defeated by such a child?"

Captain Feng felt incredible.

He had heard this rumor before, and he also regarded it as nonsense.

But seeing this scene with his own eyes, his heart was shaken.

Because if it wasn't for this matter, why would Cao Bin call him to come and prepare such a generous gift for Jiang Ning.

You know, a gold leaf weighs one tael and is worth a thousand taels of silver.

If they were paid ten taels a month as a captain, they would have to work for nearly ten years.

At this time, Jiang Ning saw the gold leaf in the small red square box.

He hesitated: "Captain Cao, what does this mean?"

Cao Bin smiled: "This is my little gift, and also a belated apology gift."

"Before, there was a misunderstanding, and we almost caught Brother Jiang Ning."

"These days, I feel uneasy day and night!"

"I wanted to visit you a few days ago, but I heard that Brother Jiang Ning was out of town. I didn't come to visit you until today when I knew that Brother Jiang Ning was back!"

"At the same time, there is one more thing I need to apologize to you for!"

After saying this, Cao Bin sat on the chair and bowed slightly to Jiang Ning.

Then he continued: "Because Xu Yunfeng made a mistake in his investigation, I punished him by letting him take off his clothes as a constable and his official status and become a civilian!"

"I didn't expect that Xu Yunfeng would obey me on the surface, but secretly hated you and followed you out of town to kill you. Fortunately, you have extraordinary luck and now you are back safely."

To express my apology, I have something else for you to look at.

After saying that, Cao Bin winked at his followers.

His followers immediately left in a hurry.

Only ten breaths later, when Cao Bin's followers appeared again, they were holding a cloth bag.


Cao Bin's followers put the cloth bag on the stone table in front of Jiang Ning. As the black cloth was untied, the box wrapped in black cloth suddenly appeared in front of several people.

At this time, Jiang Ning also smelled a strong smell of blood.

"What's inside?" Jiang Ning frowned slightly.

Cao Bin smiled: "Brother Jiang Ning, you will know when you open it!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ning pulled open the sliding lid on the wooden box. As the lid was pulled open, an old lady's head suddenly appeared in front of several people. This head was full of withered silver threads.

At the same time, a strong smell of blood came to their faces.

Jiang Ning frowned again, and he looked at Cao Bin: "What does this mean?"

Cao Bin smiled slightly: "This is Xu Yunfeng's blind old mother, and also Xu Yunfeng's only relative in the world! Since Xu Yunfeng did this and intended to murder Jiang Ning, his mother was not a good parent, so this is the end!"

Then Cao Bin looked at Jiang Ning with a smile: "I wonder if Jiang Ning is satisfied with these two gifts!"

Jiang Ning looked at Cao Bin calmly.

After a breath.

Jiang Ning slowly closed the box containing Xu Yunfeng's mother.

"Captain Cao, please go back!"

"Okay!" Cao Bin smiled, and then said: "I will leave these two gifts!"

Jiang Ning nodded.

Seeing Jiang Ning's appearance, Cao Bin immediately smiled and stood up and left.

Captain Feng saw this and also stood up and bowed to Jiang Ning and Jiang Li: "You two, I'm leaving too!"

Jiang Li said: "Captain Feng, take care!"

After a moment

Jiang Ning and Jiang Li were the only ones left in the yard.

"Brother, did you really kill Xu Yunfeng?" Jiang Li asked.

"Yes!" Jiang Ning nodded: "I suddenly disappeared a few days ago because I noticed that Xu Yunfeng and his men were following me, so I went out of the city to find a Feng Shui treasure land for them!"

"Brother, you really shocked me!" Jiang Li sighed.

Then, he pointed to two items on the table.

"Brother, what should we do with these?"

Jiang Ning said: "Brother, take them all!"

Jiang Ning sighed: "Don't let the family suffer! Xu Yunfeng's mother should be buried well!"

Jiang Li nodded immediately: "Brother, you are right. Don't let the family suffer. They should be buried well! Xu Yunfeng's mother, I will arrange a cemetery for her burial!"

"Okay!" Jiang Ning nodded, and then said: "Then I'll trouble you, brother!"

Jiang Li smiled: "Now that my right hand is disabled, my strength is limited, and I can't help you too much. This kind of small matter is just right for me. My time is more precious and should not be wasted on such small matters."

Then, he took the small square box with gold leaves, covered it and put it in Jiang Ning's hand.

"Brother, keep this thing! This is equivalent to a thousand taels of silver, which will be of great help to my martial arts practice! I have enough money now!"

"Okay!" Jiang Ning nodded.

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