Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 95 No one can get rich without unexpected fortune

In the forest.

Jiang Ning glanced at Xu Yunfeng's body.

"Finally, he was completely solved!" He thought to himself.

At this moment, the breath that had been held in his heart for a long time was finally released.



He kicked his feet, the soil exploded, and his body instantly exploded, rushing towards the other two people who had just escaped.

At the same time.

In the dense jungle.

"Brother Yuan, are we safe?" asked the leopard-skinned woman.

"Not yet, we have only run a few hundred meters, and we may be found by Jiang Ning. Keep running, don't stop!" The man with sinister eyes hurriedly urged

"Yes, Brother Yuan!" The woman in leopard skin responded, and then she asked: "But Brother Yuan, how can Jiang Ning be so powerful? He chopped the leader of the Hong gang seriously with one knife, and his right hand was directly disabled!"

"I don't know!" The man with sinister eyes said as he ran.

"Brother Yuan, it's really strange! Jiang Ning has only learned martial arts for more than a month, how can he be so terrifying?" The woman in leopard skin once again expressed her doubts.

"This may be a true genius! That's why Shen Congyun values ​​him so much!" The sinister man said casually, and then continued to concentrate on running for his life.

At this time.

The two suddenly heard the movement coming from far behind them.

The branches shook and rustled.

The two suddenly turned around and saw Jiang Ning running in the forest.

At this moment, Jiang Ning was like a white ape running in the mountains and forests. With a leap, he easily jumped from one tree to another.

In a few ups and downs, he crossed a distance of dozens of feet.

So fast! !

Seeing this scene, the man with sinister eyes suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Brother Yuan, Jiang Ning is catching up!" The woman in leopard skin was terrified.

"Escape separately!" The man with sinister eyes glanced at Jiang Ning and immediately spoke.

The next moment.

He turned and ran to the other side.

He ran quickly in the mountains and forests, heading towards a place with complex terrain and dense bushes.

"Please bless me, God, and bless me to escape today!" The man prayed secretly in his heart.

A moment later.


A desperate scream suddenly came from behind him.

Hearing this scream behind him, his heart trembled.

He knew that he was the only one left now.

Less than ten breaths passed.

He heard obvious movement from behind again.

Turning around.

Jiang Ning had appeared within ten feet.

He was suddenly desperate.

Then, facing Jiang Ning who was chopping with a knife, he could only use all his strength to attack Jiang Ning's vitals, only attacking and not defending.

The next moment.


Jiang Ning chopped horizontally with a knife, and knocked the long knife in the man's hand away with one knife.

Another knife.


A head just flew up.

Looking at the corpse on the ground.

"Finally all solved!" Jiang Ning relaxed immediately and got rid of this state.

As he got rid of the state, his heart beat back to normal.

The elevated body temperature dropped, and the red skin returned to normal.

Jiang Ning also felt a wave of weakness coming from his body.

"This sequelae is really big!" He sighed secretly.

Then he took out a wild ginseng from his arms, broke off half of it, and threw it directly into his mouth.

After the wild ginseng entered his mouth, Jiang Ning also began to chew it with his upper and lower jaws.

As he chewed, a trace of sweetness entered his stomach with his saliva, and immediately waves of warm currents flowed from his stomach to his limbs.

After completely chewing the wild ginseng, Jiang Ning swallowed the chewed wild ginseng residue in his mouth into his stomach.

These debris entered his stomach, and Jiang Ning immediately felt that the medicinal effect of the wild ginseng began to take effect, and his physical weakness gradually began to subside.

He looked down at the corpse under his feet again, and immediately saw that the blood had already dyed the surrounding soil red.

"I killed people, and killed four people in succession, why don't I have any strange emotions?" Jiang Ning asked secretly in his heart.


He sneered, and then shook his head slowly.

"Forget it! Don't dwell on this issue!"

"Let's find out if they have any unexpected gains!"

"With their status, there should be some unexpected gains!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning immediately squatted down and fumbled around the man's waist.

A moment later, he took out a purse.

"Sure enough, there is a gain!" Jiang Ning weighed the heavy purse in his hand and looked happy.

There is no doubt that money is useful to him. The increase in his energy points is the amount of energy intake.

The more precious the herbs and pills are, the more energy they contain, which can provide him with more energy points, but they are also very expensive.

So he needs money, and he needs the help of herbs to practice martial arts, so he needs money even more.

He needs money now, and he will need money even more in the future!

Now he still has the help of Wang Jin and Shen Congyun, so he doesn't need to worry about money for the progress of martial arts.

But in the future, when he is stronger and makes further progress.

They can't help him.

In the future, all the expenses of practicing martial arts will depend on himself.

After looting, Jiang Ning took the money bag and turned away.

He didn't forget that there were three people who were killed by him in this mountain forest.

Now that the smell of blood is spreading, if they don't search early, jackals and wild beasts may take away their bodies.

At that time, it will be difficult to find their bodies to search.

Not long after.

Jiang Ning searched all the people.

He put the things he searched and the silver in front of him.

A martial arts book, Iron Sand Palm.

This is the martial arts searched from Hong Chengtao.

A dagger, from the dagger of the woman wearing leopard skin.

There are also two knives, Xu Yunfeng's knife and another man's knife.

He took the two knives, pulled them out and took a look. There was a gap on the blade, which was obviously the gap he just cut.

He then thought about it for a while and threw it into the bushes.

He didn't want others to know that he killed these people for the time being.

If he took their weapons back to sell them, it would definitely leave clues, and it would be easy for others to find out that he killed them.

Moreover, the knife with a curled edge can't be sold for much money. The two knives together are only worth about a hundred taels of silver, and it is easy for people to find him. It's not worth it.


Jiang Ning looked at another pair of yellow and white objects. .

Two gold leaves, a pile of white silver pieces, a few heavy silver ingots, and five silver notes.

He counted them briefly and murmured.

"Two gold leaves, one is one tael of gold, according to the exchange rate of gold and silver in Daxia, one tael of gold is equal to one thousand taels of silver, here is two thousand taels of silver!"

Jiang Ning couldn't help but smack his lips: "This Hong Gang leader is really rich! He carries two gold leaves with him, so you can imagine that his family must be very rich!"

Then he picked up the five silver notes and took a closer look at them one by one.

"Three of 100 taels, two of 50 taels, a total of 400 taels of silver."

He picked up the silver and weighed it: "There are probably more than 20 taels here."

"So the total is about 2,420 taels of silver!"

"What a fortune!" Jiang Ning smacked his lips.

He then sighed again: "It is true that a man cannot become rich without unexpected wealth, and a horse cannot become fat without night grass! If it were not for this accident today, how could I get so much silver!"

Looking at the wealth in front of him, Jiang Ning's eyes showed joy.

With this wealth, he does not have to worry about money in a short time.

And with this money, he can also buy a big house in the inner city and take his eldest brother and sister-in-law to move to the inner city as a reward for the past.

He had thought about this a long time ago.

After packing up these things, Jiang Ning continued to go deep into the mountains and forests with a knife.

He was not going to go back today, and he was not going to go back in the next few days.

More than an hour later, he came to the top of a mountain.

He also held a rabbit caught on the road in his hand.

He looked at the sky above his head. At this moment, the sun had only some residual power left, slowly sinking towards the distant mountain, and the temperature in the air also dropped a little.

"I'll have a meal first, and then I'll start to refine my skin. After the skin membrane is trained, I will be a ninth-grade warrior of Daxia, and I will truly have a ticket to join the Inspection Office."

Jiang Ning murmured.

Then he threw the rabbit aside, collected some catkins and dry grass everywhere, and prepared tools for drilling wood to make fire.

There has been no rain in the area where Luoshui County is located for several months.

Soon Jiang Ning prepared what he needed.

After a while.

The flames slowly rose, imprinting Jiang Ning's cheeks red.

"Drilling wood to make fire, it is really easy for me now!"

"I tried so many times in my previous life and failed, but now I can succeed easily. After my physique has become stronger, it is really completely different!" Jiang Ning sighed secretly.

Then, after he lit the fire, he took the dagger and the rabbit he had just caught and walked to the side.

Coming to a pond, he quickly skinned and cleaned the rabbit.

A quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Ning roasted the rabbit by the fire and began to recall the Vajra Indestructible Body he had seen in the afternoon.

A moment later.

After the recollection was finished.

He opened the bundle and a pile of bottles and jars appeared in front of him.

"These skin-grinding sands should be enough for me to use for a while!"

Looking at the heavy bundle of skin-grinding sands in front of him, Jiang Ning said secretly.

He already knew the step of skin-grinding.

That is to use the skin-grinding sands to rub the skin all over the body continuously until the skin turns red, destroy the skin surface, and let the medicinal power in the skin-grinding sands blend into the skin.

Then he began to mobilize the qi and blood, and according to the practice, he began to temper the skin in a special way to absorb the medicinal power.

Repeat this process until a membrane is tempered inside the surface of the skin, and the membrane that connects the whole body is like the membrane under the cowhide.

As long as the membrane is completely generated and connected to the whole body, it means that he has entered the ranks of the ninth grade of martial arts.

The key to this process is to be able to circulate the Qi and blood throughout the body, as well as the assistance of medicine and practice of exercises.

This level is also called the skin training realm.

This realm is mainly to enhance the body's ability to resist blows and defense.

At the beginning of the skin training realm, the skin strength is comparable to cowhide, and the ability to resist blows is greatly enhanced.

Not afraid of ordinary sticks and stones.

At the same time, it will also bring a slight increase in strength.

Warriors who have reached this step will generally increase their strength by more than 100 pounds.

After reaching the beginning of the skin training realm, the next level is the small success of the skin training realm.

At this level, the membrane is transformed and the skin is as hard as stone.

The resistance to blows can be greatly improved.

It is difficult for swords not made of fine iron to hurt the strong in this realm.

Even if you hold a sword made of fine iron, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries to the warriors in this realm.

At the same time, after the small success of skin training, the strength will be increased by one or two hundred pounds.

At this level, the effect of the skin refining realm will be initially highlighted.

For ordinary people, the attack that will cause fatal injuries will only cause some skin injuries on the warriors at this level.

After the small success of the skin refining realm, it is the great success of the skin refining realm.

At the great success of the skin refining realm, the skin membrane will transform again, and the skin will be as hard as copper.

Reaching this level is like wearing a layer of bronze armor, which can be said to be invulnerable to swords and knives.

It is difficult for swords not made of fine iron to cause damage to it.

The strength is greatly increased again. Any martial arts master who has achieved the great success of skin refining has a strength of more than a thousand pounds in one arm.

If he wears armor, it will be even more terrifying.

No matter which force this kind of strong man joins, he can become a guest of honor of any force.


The great success of skin refining is the upper limit of most warriors at this level.

Later, most warriors will choose to start practicing martial arts and master the magical power of strength.

With this strength, combined with qi and blood, the muscles in the body can be tempered.

In the process of continuous tempering, the muscle strength and hardness increase, and the strength will also increase greatly.

Therefore, the eighth level of martial arts is also called the divine power realm.

The typical feature of this realm is that the strength increases very quickly.

Every time a small level is crossed, the strength will increase by hundreds of pounds.

The best of them can easily burst out more than two thousand pounds of strength with a single arm. If they are born with extraordinary talents and divine power, they can burst out more than three thousand pounds of strength.

However, according to some of Jiang Ning’s previous understanding, after the great success of skin refining, the skin is as hard as copper, and there is a higher level.

He didn’t understand it very well before, he just knew a little.

Today, after reading the book of the indestructible body of Vajra, he really knew it.

The great success of skin refining, the membrane is as hard as copper, which is not the real end of the skin refining realm.

There are higher levels above it.

The real end of the skin refining realm is to condense the golden body, the immortal golden body.

This is the real end of the skin refining realm.

The Vajra Indestructible Body technique he now masters is the martial arts of the Vajra Temple. If he can break through to perfection, he can also condense the immortal golden body in the record.

However, the technique he now masters lacks the two realms of great success and perfection.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning smiled slightly.

"That's okay. I rely on the panel. As long as I accumulate experience points, I can naturally break through the subsequent great success and perfection realms and condense the immortal golden body."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but feel happy.

If he really achieved this step, he would naturally be far ahead of most martial arts masters.

Only the most talented disciples in the Vajra Temple can be taught the martial arts of the sect, and can condense the immortal golden body like himself.

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