early morning.

Everything was fine, and the torrent of strange beasts did not appear.

Chen Jun came early with an iron bar in his hand. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night long, always looking forward to beating Brother Lin with an iron bar in the morning.

Lin Fan saw through Chen Jun's thoughts at a glance.

Mad, this guy is really addicted.

But he felt that it was very good. If you want to do something, you have to love it. If you don't love it, you will definitely not be able to give it your best. Thinking about the progress of Tiebushi's proficiency, he felt that Chen Jun really loved to beat himself.

"It feels so good, don't you feel good?"


The two asked and answered questions, and the answers were in perfect agreement.

It can be seen from Chen Jun's red face that he is really working hard.

A series of dull sounds resounded, bringing some different happiness to the slightly depressing barrier. At the same time, it also made Chen Jun forget the oppression of the torrent of alien beasts, so he could happily do what he wanted to do.

Xingyang Barrier.

The survivors on the city wall were not in a good state of mind and looked very decadent. The beasts roared all night last night, making it difficult for them to sleep and their spirits were tense.

Gu Jiang looked solemn and looked at the survivors who were in poor mental condition around him, showing a worried expression.

Chen Peng said: "The alien beasts are consuming our morale and patience."

"Well, that's right. Their roars at night bring great pressure to the people in the barrier, and they disappear without a trace during the day. They want to wait for us to be in the worst condition to launch an attack." Gu Jiang quite said Helpless, what can I do even if I know.

The beasts are outside, they are inside the barrier.

Belong to them and be surrounded.

"So cheap."

This is Chen Peng’s evaluation of the strange beasts.

Gu Jiang nodded silently, agreeing with his evaluation, which was indeed a bit mean.


A black shadow appeared in the distance, a mass of darkness, the ground shook, and dust flew up, as if a sandstorm was coming.

Seeing this situation, Gu Jiang suddenly exclaimed.

"The flood of alien beasts is coming."

In an instant, all the survivors on the barrier were startled, holding weapons in hand and quickly approaching.

Waves of roars spread, and a large number of ferocious-looking alien beasts were seen swarming in the sand. The scene of the attack shocked everyone, like thousands of troops, and the city wall that resisted the attack seemed very small for some reason.

"We can't stop it. We can't stop it. I want to hide in the air-raid shelter. That's where it's safe."

Some survivors panicked and turned around to run away.

But what Gu Jiang said made the survivor stop in horror.

"Those who run away from battle will be killed."

Gu Jiang's words were full of murderous intent, which instantly enveloped the survivor. The survivor was so frightened that he did not dare to escape. He could only return to his original position obediently and pick up weapons to resist the strange beasts at any time.

As the torrent of alien beasts gets closer and closer.

Gu Jiang roared angrily.


Suddenly, the thermal weapons set up on the city wall started to operate, and a torrent of bullets was fired at the alien beasts below.

Da da da……

The fire was fierce and the air was filled with smoke.

Under such tenacious resistance, a large number of alien beasts were shot into a sieve, but they were quickly replaced by alien beasts from behind. The battle has broken out. Whether the Xingyang Barrier can exist depends on whether everyone can stop it.

Hunters shoot arrows and attack from a distance.

The awakened ones who can perform long-distance attacks also perform their own abilities.

Gasoline was poured on it, ignited, and the alien beasts were instantly covered.

All means of resistance were used at this moment.

It's just that this kind of attack method is really a drop in the bucket against the massive torrent of alien beasts, and is not worth mentioning.

I don’t know how long.


A deep roar came from the distance, like sound waves spreading. The alien beasts stopped attacking and quickly evacuated. At the same time, during the evacuation, the living alien beasts directly took away the corpses of the dead alien beasts.

In the blink of an eye.

The flood of strange beasts receded.

The survivors on the walls cheered.

"We repelled the torrent of alien beasts, and we won."

An atmosphere of joy is conveyed.

It's just that Gu Jiang's face was extremely solemn. The deep roar just now was definitely not from an ordinary alien beast, and since it could control so many alien beasts to retreat, it must be an intelligent beast.

"Brother Gu, we blocked this wave."

Chen Peng clenched his fists and was very excited.

Gu Jiang said nothing.

Chen Peng frowned, looking at Gu Jiang's solemn expression, he was shocked, there must be something wrong.

Just when he was puzzled.

Gu Jiang said slowly: "Something's wrong. The torrent of alien beasts is not like this. Are the ones that charged just now all red-blooded alien beasts?"

Chen Peng thought about it, and it seemed like this was really the case.

"Yes, all I saw were red-blooded beasts."


Chen Peng looked at Gu Jiang in disbelief as if he had thought of something.

"Brother Gu, do you think the red-blooded alien beasts will be specially sent to consume our bullets? When we have no long-range attack methods, the real torrent of alien beasts will appear?"

In Chen Peng's view, if it was really what he thought, it would be too terrible.

Gu Jiang nodded, "Well, there is this possibility, and another possibility is that it will bring endless pressure to us living people, wave after wave, consuming our faith, so that when our faith decreases When you get to the bottom, attack completely.”


After a long time.

A roar appeared.

Everyone who was immersed in the joy of repelling the alien beasts, when they heard the roar of the large number of alien beasts, everyone stared with disbelief on their faces. They had obviously been repelled, so how could there be another one?

They gathered in front of the city wall, and the alien beasts who had obviously retreated gathered again, and then launched a fierce charge.


Chen Peng roared angrily, so what if he knew what the alien beast was thinking, could he really not resist it?

Once the alien beasts are organized into a beast ladder and stacked up, the feint attack will become a real attack.

Gu Jiang knew that this would be a fierce battle.

The beast tide faced by Xingyang Barrier was the first wave and the most dangerous one. There was no way except to resist it.


someone exclaimed.

"The alien beasts are scattered, what are they going to do?"

A large number of alien beasts in the distance changed direction and rushed towards other places. They began to divide their forces and did not devote all of them to attacking the Xingyang Barrier.

Gu Jiang looked solemn.

He knew that this was when the alien beasts began to diversify and prepare to attack other barriers.

There is no need to think about the number of alien beasts. They are definitely more than the existing humans.

"The real attack is about to begin."

When the alien beasts began to divert their actions.

He knew the situation.

He wanted to find the intellectual beast hiding in the endless tide of beasts, but it was really difficult to find it in this vast, dark torrent of alien beasts.

Want to stop this fight.

There is another way, that is to find the intelligent beasts and eliminate them completely.

The alien beasts that are not controlled by the intelligent beasts will disperse after wandering for a while.


Temple Bay Barrier.

"It's a great day today."

Lin Fan looked at his proficiency with satisfaction.

[Skill]: Iron Shirt (42/100).

It has reached 42.

This is a very overbearing progress.

His skill proficiency did not improve so quickly in the past. Could it be that after he mastered several martial arts, his attainments in this area gradually improved, so his proficiency level increased faster?

Didn't understand.

Not even ready to think about it.

There are too many places to use my brain, and I don’t have time to spend it on this aspect.

When I was beaten yesterday, there were still streaks of stick marks on my back, but as the iron cloth shirt progressed, the marks were very shallow and not as obvious as yesterday.


There was a commotion in the distance, and a large number of survivors quickly moved towards the outer wall. Seeing this, Lin Fan was shocked and knew that something must have happened.

Otherwise this cannot be the case.

"Chen Jun, hurry up and tell the old, weak, sick and disabled in the barrier to take shelter in the air-raid shelter." Lin Fan ordered.

"Yes, Brother Lin."

If at other barriers.

It is impossible for the old, weak, sick and disabled to escape to air raid shelters.

No one would take these ordinary survivors seriously. If they could be used as cannon fodder to withstand the attacks of alien beasts, then their value would appear.

Come to the outer city wall.

Zhou Shicheng and the others had arrived early, and they were looking into the distance with solemn faces. Although it was already evening, the sky was not completely dark yet. Looking from a distance, they could see a large number of strange beasts gathering together.

"What's going on?" Lin Fan asked.

Zhou Shicheng said: "A large number of strange beasts just started to gather outside, and they are still getting closer now."

He seemed expressionless, but actually he was a little nervous inside.

As more and more alien beasts gather.

His heart couldn't help but beat.

Lin Fan looked into the distance and saw that there were indeed a lot of people gathered. This was also the first time he saw so many strange beasts. They were vast and black. Even if they were not close, they felt a sense of oppression.

"That's quite a lot." Lin Fan looked at everyone around him.

Some were calm, some were nervous, and some had their legs shaking uncontrollably.


The situation before them really frightened them.

Zhou Shicheng said: "I think how about we all hide in the air-raid shelter and watch?"

Lin Fan blinked, "How long do you think the supplies can last with so many people in the air-raid shelter?"

"I'm just saying it."

Zhou Shicheng was very helpless. He knew that it would definitely be unrealistic for everyone to hide in the air-raid shelter. But in the face of so many strange beasts, once they were allowed to rush up, the number of barrier awakeners and hunters would seem to be impossible. It's hard to stop.

"Are you afraid?"

Lin Fan looked at everyone.

The survivors on the city wall all looked at Lin Fan.

Some pursed their lips, and some wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.


Brother, in this situation, everyone is scared when they see it, okay?

Lin Fan knew that mentality was very important. Faced with so many strange beasts, he had adjusted his state and was fearless. No matter how many came, he only needed to pick up the knife and chop at random.

As for how much he can cut, that's not something he can decide.

It depends on how many strange beasts are rushing towards him.

"Don't be afraid. In fact, the alien beasts may not be able to come up. Our city wall is high enough and we have many weapons. With a single shot, we might be able to repel the tide of alien beasts."

Lin Fan cheered them up, saying words that even children would not believe.

Some people sigh inwardly, thinking this is self-comfort.

But some people think about it for a while and feel that it seems to be possible.

"Yes, our city wall is high enough, and there are so many weapons. Those strange beasts can't climb up, so there is nothing to be afraid of." said a survivor.

"I'm confident too."

"I feel confident now."

Zhou Shicheng looked at Lin Fan, good fellow, this is mobilization before the war.

But how could the strange beast not come up? The corpses were piled up high enough, just like stairs, and they could be climbed up even if they were climbed.

Of course, he would definitely not say it out loud.

Such words that are not conducive to unity should not be said.

Lin Fan nodded happily, "Everyone, what do we fear when the torrent of alien beasts comes? We must take up the weapons in our hands to defend our homeland. I am determined to win this battle, do you have it? "

Everyone in silence looked at Lin Fan.

Then someone shouted.



"Very good." Lin Fan nodded, pulled out the Tang Dao in his hand, and roared, "Learn from me, Oli."



"Daddy Yami."

An inappropriate voice came.

Lin Fan wanted to know who was the smart one who shouted this.

The survivors also looked at each other, all acting very innocent. When they met the eyes of their accomplices, they seemed to say, "What are you looking at me doing? It's not me, I didn't say anything."

"Brother Zhou, you are the manager here, please give me a shout." Lin Fan said.

"Daddy Yamei..." Zhou Shicheng's mind was full of thinking about who shouted the last one. When he heard Lin Fan's words, he couldn't help but shout out.

But when he shouted, his expression changed instantly.



Everyone's eyes turned towards Zhou Shicheng.

It turns out to be you.

Hidden deep enough.

Lin Fan patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder and said nothing, but looked deeply into the distance. Lao Zhou on the side wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Lin Fan.

No need to explain, I understand, emptiness makes people lonely, and loneliness makes people astringent.

"Old Zhou, let's not talk about this for now. Look at the group of strange beasts. They are gathered together but not attacking. They are orderly and not chaotic. There should be some strange beasts commanding and controlling them."

Lin Fan frowned slightly. If it was an ordinary strange beast attack and it was messy, maybe he really wouldn't be so worried.

Zhou Shicheng said: "I have heard that there are intelligent beasts among the alien beasts that can command the alien beasts. I feel that if so many alien beasts can be gathered together, there must be such an alien beast."

Hear this.

Lin Fan learned about a new species.

Intelligent brain beast.

It seemed that the evolution of the alien beasts was indeed beyond his imagination.

The sky is getting dark.

The super powerful light turns on, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the front.

Everyone's heart is very low.

Waves of roars of strange beasts came from afar, and the tactics were exactly the same. They were surrounded but not attacked. The first step was to intimidate and intimidate, causing oppression on the spiritual level, which caused the human spirit to become tense and lose its original level in the subsequent confrontation. .


Followed by the dense roar of strange beasts.

Everyone who had just been laughed at suddenly became nervous. That kind of oppression was no joke.

Seeing this situation, how could Lin Fan tolerate it? How could the confidence he had finally built up be shattered by these waves of roars.

He directly found a loudspeaker and shouted loudly.

"Call you grandma legs."

sound delivery.

Fighting against the voices of the alien beasts.

Lin Fan waved his hand, "Shout together, shout together for me, it seems like we can't shout out these beasts."

Sure enough, these words had an inspiring effect.

The nervous and frightened people, the confidence in their bodies was mobilized, they shouted at the top of their voices, and began to fight the first wave of confrontation with the alien beasts.

The alien beasts in the distance were a little confused.

What an arrogant human being.

So provocative.

A strange beast ran up to a brain beast with a huge head and an invisible body, roaring in a low voice, as if to say, those humans are so arrogant, I think we should attack.

The intelligent beast roared to scare it away.

The meaning is clear.

Are you doubting my decision-making as an intelligent beast?

Keep shouting.

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