Liver can be upgraded by adding points in the last days

Chapter 89 I smashed the dome with one punch

In the wilderness.

Lin Fan circled around the egg, curious and confused. He tapped the egg surface with his fingers and found that the egg shell was very hard. He wondered what kind of alien egg this was.

"Hey, Dan, can you hear me? I advise you to come out early. I don't have time to run around with you in my arms. If I get hungry, I will roast my donuts."

He knew that the origin of this egg was not simple.

Otherwise it would be impossible for such a thing to happen.

But to him, an egg will always be an egg. Even if it hatches, it will still be a strange beast. He can kill it with one knife. If he is lucky, he will get evolution points. If he is not lucky, it will be in vain.

Now I have five level four blood crystals in my hand, and I still need to work hard to get to ten. Time is tight, and there is no time to waste time with an egg.

As he continued to observe the egg.


A wave that could not be detected by the naked eye was like a wave, spreading in all directions with a pop.

He could feel the wave.

"Hey, magical egg."

Lin Fan was very surprised. The wave just now definitely burst out from the egg. He looked around in confusion, but did not find any movement.

When he was thinking about what to do with the egg.

There was gradually movement coming from around.

Listen carefully, it is the low roar of alien beasts, coming from all directions in an endless stream.


Lin Fan was sure that a large number of strange beasts were coming and looked at Dan suddenly.

"These strange beasts are attracted by the waves you just emitted."

Asking questions to the egg is asking for trouble.

He ignored the egg for the time being, because the movement was getting closer, and soon he saw a group of alien beasts coming from all directions. There were a large number of red-blooded alien beasts. At the same time, the alien beast group was mixed with some first-level alien beasts and second-level alien beasts. beast.

"There is no one above level three."

At least so far, not seen.

High-level alien beasts may be hiding among them, or they may be on their way there.

It’s a long way and it definitely takes time.

No rush, no hurry.

"Dan, when I took you out, I just said I wanted to roast you, and you just followed me. It's a bit unethical."

Facing these low-level beasts.

He didn't even have the desire to draw the sword.

Just when the alien beasts rushed over, they slapped the ground with their palms. The ground cracked, and the flames spread quickly along the cracks. The power of the flames expanded and cracked the ground, turning into fire dragons. With a crash, the flames rose from the ground, and instantly Cover the charging alien beasts.

At this time, the air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

He walked among the scorched beasts and collected blood crystals.

Now he is not alone, there is the entire Miaowan team behind him that needs to be cultivated.

Collect all the blood crystals, thirty-two first-level blood crystals and twelve second-level blood crystals.

The quantity is pretty good, but the level is not high, which is the only regret.

"I asked Dan, can you give me some help? Why did you attract these low-level beasts? If you want to save yourself, you have to call for higher-level ones. For example, level four is good."

Lin Fan patted the egg and then carried it to the passenger seat.

No need to stay here long.

He still had to head south to avoid the scope of the Jinling Barrier. Only in this way could he encounter higher-level beasts.

As he left the Xishan Barrier and drove smoothly, he couldn't help but step on the brakes and look through the car window at the overturned and burning car. This situation made him feel that something was wrong.

Encountering a burning car right now is not a good thing.

Either they encountered strange beasts, or they were intercepted and killed on the way.

The latter is more likely.

After all, alien beasts don’t set fire.

While driving, I glanced at the alien egg on the passenger side from time to time.


The tire banged, making the forward momentum very weak. Lin Fan, who was in the car, slapped his forehead. The tire would not blow out for no reason, so there was only one situation, and that was that he was in trouble.

Open the door and get out of the car.

The front tire was flat, so I bent over to check it. There were some iron diamonds stuck on the tire. It was these things that punctured the tire. Fortunately, I had a spare tire, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with this situation.

at this time.

There were footsteps.

Lin Fan straightened up. On the originally empty road, seven strange survivors appeared with weapons in hand. Indifference and contempt for life could be seen on their faces.

It reminded him of the rogue.

A group of survivors who do not go to the barrier specializes in ambushing other survivors outside to plunder other people's supplies.

"Put your hands up."

A wanderer with a ferocious face was holding a shotgun and pointed it at Lin Fan. His eyes fell on the backpack Lin Fan was carrying. There must be a lot of supplies in the bulging backpack.

"Are you wanderers?"

Lin Fan looked very calm and would definitely not raise his hand. If he listened to the other party's words, wouldn't he turn into a turtle?

While they were talking, a thin, monkey-like wanderer ran to the pickup truck, looking for supplies. He looked disappointed when he found that the back of the truck was empty.

But when I saw a giant egg in the passenger seat, I was pleasantly surprised and said: "Boss, there is an egg here. I have never seen such a big egg before."

At this time, Lin Fan had almost reached the boundary of Suzhou. The barrier here was also a large barrier. There were many survivors living there, and the surrounding materials were rich, so many wanderers appeared.

For wanderers, they don't need to follow any rules and regulations, they just do whatever they want.

The Vicious Wanderer looked at it from a distance. Because it was blocked by the car glass, he could only vaguely see the vague appearance of a white egg.


An invisible wave centered on the dome and spread in all directions. Everyone felt this wave, but they didn't know what it was.

They looked confused.

Don't understand what happened.

Lin Fan said: "I advise you to run away quickly. You may not be able to escape later if you want to."

"What do you mean?" The vicious wanderer stared at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled and did not speak, but thought about what the egg was doing. After he took it out, the egg tried to emit waves once, and then there was no movement.

Now this wave of volatility is coming again.

This made Lin Fan feel that things might not be that simple.

Just before the vicious wanderers could figure out what was going on, the ground shook, and the roars of strange beasts were heard. The sudden roars startled the group of wanderers, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Strange beasts, there are strange beasts."

"This movement is so loud, there must be a lot of strange beasts coming."

The wanderers were completely panicked.

Their eyes glanced around, but to them, it seemed like there were strange beasts coming from all directions, which made them not sure what to do.

Suddenly, the vicious wanderer with a shotgun roared: "Asshole, did you attract the strange beast? Do you want to kill us?"

Lin Fan said helplessly: "If I could control these strange beasts, what kind of person do you think I would be?"

"Boss, what nonsense are you talking to him about? Let's kill him quickly, steal his car, and escape from here." A wanderer said in a panic.

Without thinking, the vicious wanderer fired directly, and with a bang, the shotgun burst into sparks, but before they could react, they heard heart-rending screams.

The vicious wanderer covered the wound of his broken arm and screamed.

This group of wanderers was already panicking, and even if they weren't panicking, it would still be difficult. He looked into the distance, and there was something wrong coming from him.

Level four alien beast?


Even a fourth-level alien beast would not have such an aura.

At this time, the panicked wanderers were running away towards a place where there seemed to be no strange beasts. However, in Lin Fan's sight, a black shadow was as fast as lightning. It was not as huge as those high-level strange beasts. It looked ordinary, but it had a speed that amazed Lin Fan.


A scream came.

I saw one of the wanderers being thrown into the sky by the black shadow. Before he could fall, an ice pick shot up from the ground, and the sharp tip directly penetrated the opponent's body.

"This is the awakened beast."

Lin Fan knew that those who could use their abilities were awakened beasts.


Lin Fan looked at the dome in the passenger seat. Is this the strange beast it attracted?

Without thinking, he opened the car door, got into the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and with a roar, he drove straight ahead. Through the rear mirror, he saw that the fleeing wanderers were all hit by the lightning-fast unknown beast. It reached the sky, and before it even landed, it was shot through by an ice pick.

The ice pick that appeared did not dissipate.

There is always a presence like Optimus Prime.

at this time.

A large number of alien beasts appeared in front of them. Lin Fan stretched out his palm and flames spurted out, instantly covering the alien beasts in front. Bang bang bang... The front of the pickup truck kept hitting, knocking away the bodies of the alien beasts that were burned into black residue.

"What the hell? What level of beast is that beast?"

As Lin Fan drove, the flames opened the way, thinking about the black shadow as fast as lightning, and then looked at the alien egg beside him. This thing was much more dangerous than he thought.

There have even been plans to bring it back to the barrier.

A mysterious wave can attract alien beasts, which is indeed a good thing for Lin Fan who needs evolutionary points. However, as the unknown level of awakened alien beasts appears, he knows that he must not take this thing back.

Otherwise, we are asking for trouble for the barriers.

Through the rear mirror.

The black shadow appeared. Only then did he get a clear look at the appearance of this strange beast. It was difficult to tell what kind of beast this strange beast evolved from.

The body looks like an orangutan, with rough limbs, and the forelimbs are much longer than the hind limbs, but there are two thick curved horns growing downward on both sides of the cheeks, and the top of the head does not look like hair, but snow-white, sharp and slender. Spikes, you can vaguely see the light flowing.

"What kind of strange beast is this?"

The color of the abdomen is black, with a white snowflake in the center of the black pattern.

"Level 5 Awakened Alien Beast."

Lin Fan knew what the abdominal patterns of different levels of alien beasts looked like.

Based on his estimate of his own strength, it was very difficult to kill level four beasts, except for those later level four beasts that required a few more moves. Everything else was the same.

As for the fifth-level alien beasts, it’s not impossible to be sure.

But... looking at the appearance and shape of this fifth-level awakened beast, he felt frightened and felt that he was not very sure.

He stretched his palm out the window, and the blue and white fireball condensed in his palm. With a movement of spirit, the fireball swept away.


There was an explosion.

Fire emerged.

Lin Fan looked at the rear mirror and observed the situation. In the light of the fire, the fifth-level awakened beast rushed out, but was not blocked by his flames. From this, it was enough to see that the situation of this fifth-level awakened beast was somewhat beyond the control. His imagination.

"No, even though I'm only level 4, my spiritual value has already exceeded 100. Even level 5 or even level 6 awakened ones can't reach my level. How come these level 5 awakened beasts don't have any trouble at all? "

If you don't understand this, you can only speed up and drive away.

First shake off a large number of strange beasts.

When he reached an open area, he wanted to try fighting this strange beast to see what happened.

I don’t know how long.

Just at the intersection ahead, another car appeared. If Lin Fan hadn't reacted quickly enough, the cars on both sides would have collided.

"It's scary."

Lin Fan speeded up and didn't think too much. He just casually glanced at the car beside him. It was a modified bus. Through the glass, he noticed that there were many people in the bus.

"So many kids?"

Lin Fan was very surprised. The faces of these children were full of curiosity. It was obvious that everything in the outside world made them feel fresh. However, compared with the curiosity on their faces, the faces of some adults in the bus were full of panic and fear.

Because they all saw the strange beast following Lin Fan.

The speed of the black pickup truck was much faster than this bus. The only way to get rid of this level five awakened alien beast appeared, that is, he passed without asking, and let the level five awakened alien beast attack this bus. The bus attacks.

Even if you can only buy a little time.

It also allowed Lin Fan to throw away the fifth-level awakened beasts.

At this time, the survivors in the bus were panicking.

"There is a strange beast chasing him behind him. He is so fast. If we are so slow, we will definitely be caught up."

"Sit tight, the road ahead is not good, don't hit me."

"This black pickup truck will definitely use us as bait."

"How could this happen? I managed to escape so hard, why would I encounter such a situation again?"

The survivors were panicked.

Fear is written on his face.


Lin Fan glanced at the bus, stepped on the brakes, stopped the bus, opened the door, walked out, pulled out the Tang Sword, and faced the fifth-level awakened beast that was approaching quickly.

"Forget it, let me see what you can do."

Swinging the knife, it was covered in flames, and with the rush of energy and blood, the flames on the blade flowed rapidly.

Cutting ability +1.

Killing ability +1.

Lin Fan sped up, changing from a slow walk to a run. He exerted force on his legs. With a bang, a wave of air burst out. An afterimage turned into a stream of light and went straight towards the fifth-level awakened beast. He waved the Tang Dao and wanted to Cut it off with one blow.

"It can see my movements clearly."

Lin Fan discovered that the awakened beast was roaring angrily, waving its thick fist, and hitting him fiercely. This scene made Lin Fan laugh in his heart. The flames flowing rapidly in his hands were extremely powerful. He dared not say anything else. , the cutting ability is terrifying.


The collision between the two sides caused an astonishing movement. An extremely strong wave of impact surged up and swept everything around. It was a contest between strength and strength.


This situation was beyond Lin Fan's imagination.

His idea was that this knife would definitely break through the opponent's skin.

But who would have thought that this knife didn't even break the fur. What surprised Lin Fan even more was that at the moment of collision, a black light lit up from the arm of the awakened alien beast, like some kind of metal material. .


The awakened alien beast landed on its hind legs and roared angrily. The friction between its fist and the flames of Tang Dao made a sound like metal.


A wisp of white frost appeared, and the awakened beast was using its abilities.

In an instant.

As if he expected something, Lin Fan quickly separated from the awakened beast, and saw that the ground was covered with ice, and sharp ice cones appeared on the ground and spread away.

Anyone who didn't react quickly would have been stabbed into a hornet's nest by an ice pick at this moment.

Facing the sweeping ice cone peak.

Lin Fan punched out, blue and white flames collided, and a violent explosion occurred.

"Are level five awakened alien beasts that strong?"

He felt a little incredible.

Having killed level three awakened beasts, he felt that this shouldn't be the case.

Just when he was meditating, the awakened alien beast roared. At this moment, he discovered that a black substance protruded from the opponent's back. It looked like an iron block. Come hit hard.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, and the energy and blood in his body boiled, condensing on the Tang Dao, and directly faced the enemy head-on.

There must be no weakness in this regard.

A competition of strength.

Who is afraid of whom?


Between collisions.

Something unexpected happened to Lin Fan. The Tang Dao in his hand shattered inch by inch. This sudden scene made him instantly shocked. He raised his arms and forcefully caught the alien beast's punch.

What a powerful force, stronger than before.

His feet rubbed against the ground as he kept retreating, leaving two deep marks on the ground.

"how so?"

Lin Fan took a deep breath, and the air waves all over his body dissipated. The power of the awakened beast in front of him suddenly increased sharply. Could it be because of the black material behind it?

The black light flows throughout the body, as if on stimulants.

Will the awakened beasts be stronger?

This is the strongest awakened beast Lin Fan has ever encountered.

He even felt that even if his Iron Cloth Shirt was perfected, if he was punched forcefully, he would be injured as well. The power of this thing was too explosive.

Slowly raising his hand, blue and white flames appeared, turning into flame lines and quickly sweeping away, forming a flame cage.

The cage will cover the awakened beast.

The heat is hot enough to melt iron.

The awakened alien beast imprisoned in the cage roared, its frost ability exploded, and two extremely opposite abilities collided. Lin Fan transformed into the God of Fire, quickly sat down, clenched his five fingers into a fist, covered with energy and blood, and punched out.

The power of this punch was terrifying, and the space was distorted.


Fists collide.

The awakened beast's eyes were blood red and full of ferocity, and he violently waved his other fist, but Lin Fan did not give in at all, and also waved his fists.

In an instant.

There were dense shadows of fists, constant roars, punches and punches, and the collision of strength and strength.

With one person and one beast as the center, two extreme circular energy waves are formed.

I don’t know how long.

One man and one beast separated.

Lin Fan's eyes were piercing, and he had never been so solemn before. With the blessing of the Bone Forging Breathing Technique, his slightly heavy breathing rhythm gradually relaxed.

A very powerful awakening beast.

But the opponent's strength is definitely not what a normal fifth-level awakened beast can have.

The difference between awakened beasts is the difference between hunters and awakeners.

It's just ability.

But it is absolutely impossible to be so strong.

At this time, Lin Fan was injured and his mouth was bleeding. The Awakening Beast was also injured and one of its horns was broken by him.

This was also the first time Lin Fan was injured after coming to the apocalyptic world, and it was caused by a strange beast.

He knew what the outcome of Kudo would be.

That's a lose-lose situation.

This was not what Lin Fan wanted. In such a bad end of the world, once he was exhausted in the wild or even severely injured, he would be close to death.

The alien beast will not let him go.

Neither will passing survivors.

The main reason for what happened now was the egg in the passenger seat.

He backed up, came to the passenger seat, and moved the dome down. When the awakened beast saw the dome, it let out a low roar.

"You want this dome, don't you?" Lin Fan asked.

He understood that this giant egg was the culprit. Some survivors were fighting for it, and even alien beasts were fighting for it.


The orangutan awakens and the beast roars.


Immediately, Lin Fan smashed the dome with one punch. Even though the dome's shell was very hard, under Lin Fan's power, the hard shell was very fragile, and dense cracks appeared in an instant.

No matter what the use of the dome was, he knew that he couldn't take it with him because it would attract too many strange beasts.

The fifth-level awakened beasts are here.

What if a sixth-level alien beast or even a higher-level alien beast comes.

I'm afraid I have to explain it here.


The moment Lin Fan broke the dome, the ape-awakened beast roared angrily, but what surprised him was that the ape-awakened beast did not rush towards him.

Instead, retreat slowly and wait until a certain distance is reached.

Just run away.

Instantly disappeared without a trace.

Lin Fan frowned, wondering what was going on and how he could run away so easily. He was prepared for the opponent to pounce on him, but he ran away without any worries and got rid of the awakened beast.

Just when he was puzzled.


A crisp voice came, instantly attracting Lin Fan's attention.

I saw a dull head sticking out of the broken egg. The head was round, the eyes were like mung beans, and the body behind it turned out to be like a snake body.


After thinking about it for a long time, is there a snake-like beast in this dome?

Before Lin Fan could react, the strange beast in the egg crawled onto Lin Fan's arm. He gestured and found that the length of this snake-like beast was only as long as a small arm.

Comparing the giant egg that gave birth to it, and then comparing its body length to you, this is simply a cannon shot at a bird, which is unnecessary.

It’s okay to say it’s a snake, but it’s true that it’s not a snake.

The whole body is snow white, and the head is still round and round.

The little snake and beast tilted its head, staring straight at Lin Fan with its mung bean-sized eyes. Then it saw the eggshell on the side, opened its small mouth, and ate it. After a fierce meal, the eggshell was gone. .

The little snake's belly was bulging, and after rubbing it with its tail, it ran numbly into Lin Fan's clothes, landed on his chest, and fell asleep.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Lin Fan took out the little snake and grabbed its head.

"What are you doing? Are we familiar?"

He had just been thinking about squeezing this strange beast to death. The little snake that was caught seemed to be very familiar with Lin Fan. It lowered its round head and arched it, showing a very intimate expression.

Lin Fan looked at the little snake's belly. There were no lines. Or was it just an ordinary red-blooded beast?

But I think it’s impossible.

How could an ordinary red-blooded beast exude the ability to attract high-level beasts? Even fifth-level awakened beasts were attracted. Even if he was killed, he would not believe it.

"Can you attract strange beasts?" Lin Fan asked.

The little snake tilted its round head, looking very confused.

"You want to follow me?"

The little snake nodded.

Seeing that this guy seemed to have some understanding of human nature, Lin Fan pondered. As far as he knew, there were survivors who had been thinking about how to tame the alien beasts. Looking at the situation now, it was very likely that he had already tamed them.

There seems to be a saying.

After an animal is born, the first creature it sees is its father.

Could it be that this strange beast already regards me as its father?

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

"I'll give you a name. From now on you will be called Latiao." Lin Fan said.


Latiao nodded.

As Lin Fan let go, Latiao quickly ran into Lin Fan's arms. As if it had some special ability, it was able to stick to the skin of his chest and was difficult to fall off.

Lin Fan didn't know the origin of La Tiao. When the fifth-level awakened beast appeared, he suspected that it was the egg of the awakened beast.

But with the emergence of spicy strips.

He knew it was impossible.

After all, they are two species, unless La Tiao's mother steals animals.

What species is it?

Can't figure it out.

Without thinking too much, he prepared to drive and continue to look for the fourth-level alien beast. His target was the fourth-level alien beast. Anything else was a waste of time.

Drive in the original direction.

Not seeing the bus that almost collided with it before, and being able to stop and block the strange beast that it attracted after encountering it unexpectedly is the only good deed that a friendly person can do in the apocalypse.

The sky is getting dark.

Lin Fan did not rush on his way, but set up a bonfire on the side and roasted the meat of the exotic beasts he had hunted along the way. As the scent of the exotic beast meat began to spread, Lin Fan looked at the spicy strips in his arms and saw that they were still sleeping soundly. , then he didn’t shout, but tasted it alone.

Latiao ate all the eggshells.

Although it is so small, it can hold such a big egg shell. It is really amazing. It is a bottomless pit.

The spicy strips are obviously also used to digest the nutrients contained in eggshells.

Now that he has arrived in Suzhou, in such a large environment, he has not thought about going to the barrier over there for the time being. There are strong people in any large barrier.

It's okay if you are friendly, but if you are unfriendly, it will be more troublesome.

Of course he can pretend to be low-key, but if Latiao stays in his arms, if he shows up and is discovered by others, the situation will be very bad.


He was going to take a look in the city. The probability of finding level four beasts in the city would be very high.

early morning.

The sky is slightly bright.

Lin Fan drove towards the city. He parked the car in a haystack outside the city and walked on foot.

It didn't take long.

Lin Fan came to the city with Latiao.

What was once a beautiful city has become desolate and dilapidated due to the ravages of the end of the world, but it can be seen from the collapsed high-rise buildings that this city was once prosperous.

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