Livestreaming the Hunt

Chapter 99 Are you here for the Olympiad?

What happened to Chenkov?

Could it be the unknown beast in the north?

According to the hunting terrain map analyzed by Wang Kui before, the young leopard is in the south, the old leopard he subdued is in the east, and the top beast brought by the wild boar corpse is in the north.

Because it ignores the mine explosion, and makes the big butt pay attention to that level...

Could it be an Indochinese tiger?

Although the Indochinese tiger is a relatively small species of tiger, it is still not something that humans can compete with.

Even if a single person holds a 12-caliber shotgun, it is difficult to kill with that reaction.

In history, anyone who could hunt and kill tigers alone relied on traps and rifles to kill them from a long distance. Close-range combat weapons like shotguns were simply not suitable for hunting such fast and explosive beasts.

Think about it, you let the tiger only thirty meters away from you?

With this length, it can rush to you in less than three seconds, smashing your sky cap with one claw.

Who dares?

The helicopter's flying speed was extremely fast, basically over 240 kilometers per hour, and it took just over a minute to reach the coordinate point sent by the WWF organization center.

Don't underestimate the distance, five or six kilometers is enough for a normal person to walk for a day.

Pull open the hatch.

The staff member took out the binoculars and began to look around.

Wang Kui also searched together.


A sudden gunshot in the forest provided a location target.

In the northwest direction, about 30 meters away, he saw a muscular man wearing a gray sports shirt and green overalls running wildly in the forest. It was the big Russian man, Chenkov.

Next to it, there is a black and white Central Asian Shepherd Dog hunting dog.

And behind them, there was a black object, rampaging in the forest, like a heavy armored tank, chasing Chenkov recklessly!

Hold the grass!

Not an Indochinese tiger, but fiercer than an Indochinese tiger!

Asian bison! !

【Hahaha, that Russian hunter has become a matador! 】

[This is the first time I saw such a big cow, holding the grass, it turns out that the bull devil is not just making up! 】

【2333, those two bags on the top of the head are a bit like birthday peaches...】

[Awesome, this guy is here to play the Olympiad, right? This back is invincible! 】

[This cow opens a gym that is absolutely full, and beats everything! 】

The water friends in the live broadcast room stared at each other.

Because this cow looks much bigger than common domestic cows, with a body length of nearly three meters, a person's height, black short-haired skin, and yellow and white four hooves, just like a shrunken version of an Asian elephant.

The key point is that the muscles all over its body are too exaggerated, just like the devil muscular man in the comics, especially the two big bulges on the back, like two large Russian breads, which are quite visually impactful.

Finally, it is paired with the pair of huge white curved blade horns on the top of its head. If it is pushed, it may directly go to the west!

"It's the bison!"

Wang Kui called out the species name of the bison, and said urgently: "No, Chenkov's double-barreled hunting can't hit it from the front at all. This guy weighs more than a ton, and the measurement of the anesthesia bomb is not enough!"

It weighs a ton! ?

My God, this is as good as a small car!

With the weight of the car and the speed of the buffalo at sixty kilometers per hour, it's too easy to kill a person!

Chenkov dodged left and right in the forest, circled around the jungle constantly, and let his Tepelov distract the bison from time to time. This is a very smart approach, because humans only have a straight line running speed of 36 Kilometers per hour are no match for even-toed ungulates!

The staff took out a semi-automatic rifle with a brown wooden stock and a black body from the suitcase in the back seat. It was produced by Browning. It used .308 large-caliber rifle bullets, which were strong enough to shoot large animals.

It is difficult to subdue the attacking bison with tranquilizer bombs.

Besides, they didn't prepare ammunition capable of anesthetizing a ton of beasts.

Although the bison is an endangered protected animal, under the world's nature protection regulations, human life is always the first priority. When people face life-threatening threats, they can be shot.

Seeing the staff set up guns and aim at the bison.

Wang Kui glanced at it, and used the new skill of the dental bone necklace with his mind: infrared perspective!


In an instant, the world in his eyes changed immediately, and all the surrounding environment turned into the contrasting color similar to that of a film camera, just like a film taken by an MRI, it was pitch black, except in the jungle, there were three very dark places. Obtrusive objects move.

It was Chenkov, the hound, and the bison!

The reason why Wang Kui felt that they were eye-catching was because their bodies had also turned into contrasting colors, except for the bones and internal organs, one was blue and the other was red, which set off extremely clearly in the pitch-black world!

Take this opportunity.

He quickly glanced at the bison's body, the huge red heart was contracting and vibrating "plopping", like a powerful diesel engine.

But as the angle of view shifted, there was a bone crack in the lower limb near the knee of its front left leg, and the surrounding muscles were also vaguely red, which should be due to previous trauma!

This is the weakness of perspective!


The two seconds that the skill lasted flashed by, and Wang Kui's vision quickly returned to its original state.

Beside him, the staff had already inserted their fingers into the trigger, ready to complete the low-altitude shooting in the helicopter.

Because the distance is very short, only 20 to 30 meters, and the target is a giant such as a bison, this kind of operation can be done by anyone who often plays with guns.


Wang Kui couldn't bear the death of the bison. "Shoot at its left foreleg! It stumbled when running, and it must be injured. Kicking can effectively restrain its movements!"

The staff tried to take a look, then shook his head, "No, the target is moving too fast, it is impossible to complete the kick!"

"Let me try it!"

Wang Kui picked up his Benelli 828U sports version, opened the safety, loaded the live ammunition, approached the aiming platform with his right eye, and prepared the crosshairs for the running bison.

Because the shotgun bullets have a large spray range, one meter wide, so you don't have to aim as accurately as a rifle.

After taking a deep breath.

Waiting for the bison to expose the left position, he decisively pulled the trigger.


In an instant, the lead bullets sprayed out in a fan shape like flying fire meteors, and fell from the sky, hitting the forest and the bison.


The bison let out a scream, and its forelimbs and abdomen were all hit by lead bullets, but its muscle and fat layer were too thick, and only blood was splattered, but it did not cause any substantial internal organ damage.

With such a huge physique, pointing at this point of the wound and bleeding to death, it is tantamount to nonsense!

Just when everyone thought that Lao Kui's shot had failed.

A blink of an eye.

The moment the bison stepped forward with its front legs, there was a "click", and the knees of the front legs suddenly became like fragile French fries, which suddenly folded into a "V" shape!

It weighs more than a ton!

Because the knee of the front leg was broken, the center of gravity was lost, and with such a "plop", he choked heavily to the ground!

[This operation, I'm so stupid! 】

[Awesome! ! More than 20 meters, a shot broke his leg! 】

[Old Kui Nima is too strong, how can he tell that the bison has an injury on the left front leg? 】

[What is a professional hunter! This is the professional hunter! ! 】

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