Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 314 He is not a good person

The super airship has been flying for three days. Su Fan is not familiar with the Central Plains, so he doesn't know where to fly.

Every day he sat on the lounge chair in front of the porthole, brewing a pot of spiritual tea for himself, sipping the tea and admiring the scenery outside the window in a comfortable mood.

Or make some side dishes, open a jar of spiritual wine, and drink it deliciously.

Although the future is uncertain and they don't know where their next stop will be, they still want to take advantage of these few days to stay comfortable.

Su Fan has such a nature and a big heart.

In his world, he would eat heartily even if it was the last supper.

The hatch formation has been shining brightly in the past few days, but he just ignores it. Why do you have to deal with a bunch of mentally ill people when you have so much free time?

At this moment, outside Su Fan's cabin door, Liu Qingyi and Chu Ting were so angry that their faces turned pale.

"Junior sister, let's go. This kind of coward who hides his head and shows his tail is fine if he doesn't see you..."

After listening to the words of Zhuang Wuya, the senior brother in the sect, Liu Qingyi stomped her feet bitterly, turned around and walked away angrily.

Chu Ting took a deep breath and said, "Senior Brother Wuya, I don't believe he will never come out..."

Zhuang Wuya glanced at Su Fan's cabin door and nodded helplessly.

"Let's go. Now that we've found him, there will be more opportunities in the future..."

After he finished speaking, he took a group of sword cultivators from the Lingxiao Sword Sect and left in a huff.

After a while, the hatches next to it opened one after another.

Heads popped out of the cabin one by one, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw a group of sword cultivators leaving.

In the past few days, a group of vicious sword cultivators have been blocking the outside of this cabin every day, scaring the disciples of the Fire Cloud Dao Palace so much that they did not dare to go out.

They are not like Su Fan, who can stay in the house for a year without causing any trouble.

These people had been suffocating in the house for several days and were almost going crazy.

They walked out of the cabin one after another, all gathered in front of Su Fan's cabin door, and started talking among themselves.

"What happened to this junior brother? Why did he offend so many sword cultivators..."

"He's miserable. Once he is taken care of by Sword Maniac, there will be no end in sight..."

"You know what the heck, those two female cultivators came first, he should be the one who started the chaos but gave up..."

"This junior brother is amazing. He dares to ride even a swordsman. He is truly a fierce warrior..."

A group of disciples from the Fire Cloud Dao Palace gathered in front of Su Fan's cabin door for a while. Seeing that the door had not been opened, the crowd dispersed one after another.

I don't know which disciple of Lingxiao Sword Sect released the wind, and then several groups of people came and found Su Fan's cabin.

As a result, Su Fan didn't even leave the house for several days.

This kind of bad news spreads the fastest, and within two days, everyone in Feizhou knew about it.

The long journey is inherently difficult, and the disciples of the major sects are so busy every day that they have to find something to do.

It was good now, we finally had a topic, and the disciples from various sects on the flying boat gathered together to eat melon when they had nothing to do.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say, some are slandering and abusing, some are making rumors and slandering, and some are not taking it too seriously and just start making noises.

No matter what he said, Su Fan's reputation was bad.

At least he can't get rid of the label of being as timid as a mouse for the time being.

Except for Ye Tianhe, this guy and his junior sister stayed in the cabin every day, immersed in the gentle land, unable to extricate themselves, and had no idea about these things outside.

Even if Ding Lan knew it, she wouldn't tell him, and she would have to cover it up for her two best friends.

Men and women in love are all alike.

In the past few days, he had also used the Jade Talisman to send messages to Su Fan, but how could Su Fan reply at this time? Lao Ye stopped sending after a few messages.

The super airship flew for more than half a month. Such a long journey was very boring. No matter how beautiful the scenery outside the window was, I was tired of it.

Some monks who could not stay in the cabin began to cause trouble.

Especially the demon cultivators and sword cultivators had conflicts within a few days. If it weren't for the golden elixir cultivators on the flying boat who suppressed them, they would have started fighting long ago.

Fortunately, the facilities on this super spaceship are very complete, and it is actually equipped with a space artifact that seals several small secret realms.

Each small secret realm is large in size and contains various scenes.

During this period, when there was no free space in several small secret realms, they were all full, and there were people fighting in them almost all the time.

Some monks created anger inside and even injured many people. If it were not for the protection mechanism of the Taoist weapon, many people would have died.

Su Fan knew nothing about the outside world and stayed in the cabin every day, living a leisurely life.

At dusk, the sky is filled with sunset, which is like a blue-washed sky, and the bright red light is like a dream.

Slowly the sky gradually darkened, and the ink-like night rolled in from the horizon, covering the entire world.

He made several cold dishes for dinner today, including cucumbers, shredded tripe, beef shank, braised bamboo shoots, pig ears and a smoked sauce platter.

The staple food is the bacon burrito, which is freshly baked, brushed with sweet noodle sauce and hot sauce, and then rolled with shredded onions, bean sprouts, potatoes, bacon, egg shreds and cucumber strips. It tastes amazing.

A piece of gluten cake the size of a face plate is rolled with various ingredients. Su Fan can make dozens of them in one meal.

Su Fan took out a jar of spiritual wine from the Najie, opened the mud seal and poured himself a glass.

Now there are only one or two hundred jars of various spiritual wines in his collection, which are all trophies he captured from other monks.

Su Fan picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then picked up a piece of beef tendon with his chopsticks and ate it deliciously.

Suddenly, he felt that the cabin was tilting, and the spaceship was climbing high into the sky.

Moreover, the speed of the super spaceship also began to get faster and faster, roaring into the sky. The dots of light on the ground became smaller and smaller, and it could no longer be seen clearly.

Su Fan immediately frowned, stood up and lay down by the window overlooking the scenery on the ground.

The normal cruising altitude of a super airship is only two to three thousand meters, but in just a short while, it has reached nearly 10,000 meters, which is almost the same as the height of a civil aviation aircraft in the previous life.

The flying attitude of the super airship finally stabilized, but its speed did not slow down.

It was pitch black outside the window, and nothing could be seen. Only the "whooshing" noise of the wind could be heard, whistling past the portholes.

Why are you flying so high? What if you fall?

Su Fan sat down again, picked up the wine glass and took a sip to calm down his shock, then left it alone.

After a while, the originally dark night suddenly lit up.

Su Fan stood up again, lay on the edge of the porthole and looked out, and saw a light spot in the distance.

As the flying boat continued to gallop forward, the light spots became larger and larger, becoming dazzling.

Soon, the huge super airship had already flown to that spot of light.

It wasn't until he got closer that Su Fan could clearly see what the light spot was. It was a halo-shaped thing with a diameter of several miles, emitting an extremely dazzling light.

The space in the middle of the halo is like a rippling lake, constantly rolling and causing ripples.

Su Fan was stunned. Could this be a space passage? Through this halo, the flying boat could travel to another time and space.

At this time, the huge flying boat plunged into the rippling space in the middle of the halo.

Su Fan felt his eyes go dark, like falling from a skyscraper.

Fortunately, time passed very quickly, and within a few breaths, the feeling of falling disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the super airship seemed to have arrived in a strange time and space.

The height of the flying boat decreased and its speed also slowed down.

Su Fan walked over and looked out the window. It was a gray world, with a thin layer of fog filling the air. The whole world gave people a very depressing feeling.

He lay on the side of the porthole and looked down, and saw that the ground was covered with mountains and jungles, so dark that he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

At this time, there was a sound in the cabin.

"This is the Space-Time Arena. You have one month to kill all the foreign demons you see..."

That's it...

Su Fan frowned, this is the so-called space-time arena.

You don't need to ask to know that Daluotian will also send a large number of foreign evil spirits to come here to fight bloody battles with human monks.


Just as Su Fan was thinking wildly, the porthole suddenly slid to the side, and the smell from outside the craft instantly spread into the cabin.

Su Fan stretched his hand out of the window, his eerie breath filled with moisture.

"A soulless place..."

Human monks in the world of cultivation will definitely suffer some losses here.

Fortunately, they are all elite disciples of various super sects, and they have no shortage of top-quality Qi-boosting pills and other cultivation resources.


At this time, there was a scream outside, and several monks were seen flying out of the cabin. Looking at their embarrassed appearance, they looked like they had been thrown out.

Next, every time the flying boat traveled a certain distance, several monks were thrown out of the cabin.

It seems that this is the rule of the space-time arena. Everyone must be dispersed to various areas of the arena. This is a melee.

Suddenly, Su Fan felt a strong suction force and threw him out of the cabin.

But he did not panic, but quickly took out the "Aoki Wind Shuttle" and threw it into the air, instantly turning into a shuttle-shaped flying boat several feet long.

There was a flash of lightning under Su Fan's feet, and he was already standing on top of the "Aoki Wind Shuttle", and then he swooped down with the magical weapon.

When he was tens of meters away from the ground, he slapped the "Taiyin Ghost Order" on his waist, summoned Sister Zhen, and asked her to go down and do some reconnaissance.

Su Fan was suspended in the air, patiently waiting for news about Sister Zhen.

It wasn't until Sister Zhen sent back a thought that he controlled the magic weapon and landed on the ground, performed the "Hidden Breath Technique" and "Turtle Breath Technique" one after another, and then began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a completely unfamiliar world. There is a thin layer of mist in the air. Not only is the temperature very low, but the humidity is also very heavy.

There are many peaks here, ravines coexist, and the terrain is very complicated. There is a towering cliff nearby, which is covered with some very moist moss.

Su Fan's eyes narrowed and he completely released his consciousness, taking in a panoramic view of hundreds of feet around him.

The whole forest gave people a very ancient feeling. It was surrounded by plants that Su Fan couldn't name. There were many trees as thick as a few people's arms, and ancient trees hundreds of feet tall towered into the clouds.

The gnarled tree roots and huge branches are criss-crossed with ravines, and all kinds of strange plants are tangled and entangled. Thick fallen leaves on the ground are piled up one after another, and a rotten atmosphere is slowly evaporating.

Su Fan took a deep breath and let Sister Zhen lead the way. He followed behind and explored the front step by step.

In various squares on the Central Plains front line, countless huge light curtains rose into the sky almost simultaneously.

In the western war zone of the Central Plains, "Chushanfang" is where the Nine Nether Demon Palace resides.

A large number of disciples from the Nine Nether Demon Palace were also attracted by the light curtain, pointing at the light curtain.

At this time, there was no image on the light screen, but it was constantly refreshing various information about the time and space arena.

"Time and space arena, what is that place..."

"I haven't heard of it, is it a battle arena for some sect..."

"I seem to have heard of the arena, it seems to be a long time ago..."

At this time, the huge light screen suddenly darkened, and then a row of shining big characters appeared on it.

Time and space arena, "Xuanluo Realm" versus "Daluotian".

The disciples of Jiuyou Demon Palace under the light screen were all confused. They were thinking in their hearts that they all knew Daluotian, but where was Xuanluo Realm.

Not only the disciples of Jiuyou Demon Palace, but also the disciples on the battlefields of the entire Central Plains were also quite confused at this moment.

But then, everyone knew where Xuanluo Realm was.

Because the information on the huge light screen began to refresh, and began to list the names of various sects in Xuanluo Realm.

Elite disciples of super immortal sects, sword sects and demon sects in the Central Plains, Western Wilderness and East China Sea appeared in the light screen one after another.

When the disciples of the Nine Nether Demon Palace appeared on the light curtain, everyone under the light curtain stared with red eyes and almost simultaneously read the name of the disciple loudly.

Everyone was like a chicken blood, excited and couldn't help themselves.

Senior sister and Gu Qinghuan came to the master's cave. The two were just chatting. They were called by the master.

The two walked into the master's cave. Nannan saw her mother and ran into Gu Qinghuan's arms.

"Mom, why did you come so late..."

The senior sister next to her looked at her dotingly, pinched her cheek, and then leaned her face against her.

Nannan kissed the senior sister and said in a baby voice: "Auntie..."

"Why did you two come so late? You are so slow..."

After hearing the master's words, the senior sister hurried over, sat cross-legged beside the master, and hugged her arm.

"Master, why did you ask us to come here..."

Luo Guyin pushed the senior sister away with a look of disgust, and scolded: "You are so old, but you are still so clingy..."

Seeing Gu Qinghuan put the child down, she stretched out her hands to Nannan.

"Nannan, come... come to Grandmother..."

The little girl was very good at handling things, and laughed and threw herself into Luo Guyin's arms again.

The senior sister rolled her eyes at the side, and you are not clingy at this time.

Gu Qinghuan sat down cross-legged and asked: "Master, you asked us here, what's the matter?"

Luo Guyin put Nannan on his legs, stretched out his hand and waved gently, and a light curtain appeared in the cave.

Seeing the information constantly refreshed on the light curtain, the senior sister was stunned.

"Master, where is Xuanluo Realm?"

"We are here in Xuanluo Realm..."


The senior sister and Gu Qinghuan were all stunned after hearing it.

Luo Guyin teased Nannan for a few times, then looked at the light curtain and smiled.

"In our world, only when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm will someone tell you about this..."

The senior sister nodded and said, "I remember that I saw a book at home before, called Xuanluo Ji..."

"Some things you don't need to know, you will naturally know when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm..."

At this time, the list of personnel from major sects appeared on the light curtain, and each disciple who entered the time and space arena was introduced in great detail.

"Master, what is the time and space arena..."

"Our star domain is called 'Qingkong Star Domain', which is composed of large and small planes. The smaller ones are called realms, just like the Xuanluo Realm where we are, and the larger ones are called heavens, such as the Daluo Heaven that is invading us."

After listening to the master's words, the senior sister didn't quite understand.

"Isn't Daluotian fighting with us? Why go to the Space-Time Arena? Just fight on the front line..."

"This is the tradition of the Qingkong Star Region. If there is a war between two planes, both sides will send elite disciples to the Space-Time Arena."

Speaking of this, Luo Guyin smiled.

"Now it's not just us watching, some of the larger planes in the Qingkong Star Region are watching."

Gu Qinghuan thought for a while and said, "Is there no war between other planes? Why didn't we see the Space-Time Arena before..."

Luo Guyin smiled bitterly and said, "Our Xuanluo Realm is too small, and we don't have the qualifications..."

After hearing what the master said, the two were silent.

Originally, they thought this world was very powerful, but they didn't even have the qualifications to watch the Space-Time Arena.

At this time, the list of people from Huoyun Dao Palace appeared on the light screen.

The first name that appeared was Su Fan. Senior Sister and Gu Qinghuan looked at each other and laughed.

The two had seen this name on the Demon Slayer List a long time ago, but they both thought it was the same name. Every time they saw this name, they laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.

In their opinion, Su Fan had already gone to the Southern Barbarians, so how could he appear in the Central Plains.

And when they separated last time, he was only at the seventh level of Qi training. It has only been a few years. With such a poor aptitude, how could he break through the foundation-building stage?

Seeing Su Fan's name, Luo Guyin couldn't help but sigh.

This kid is too troublesome.

He was quite capable in the Western Wilderness back then. He made the Zhou family a mess with just a Qi training stage, and was also listed on the evil cultivation bounty list of major demon sects.

Originally, they wanted to send him to the most remote area in the Central Plains and let him fend for himself there.

Who would have thought that he would flutter again.

After only a few years of hard work, this kid has actually built a foundation, and he has been dominating the Demon Slayer List for several months.

It seems that this is also a person with great luck and great opportunities.

Before the start of the space-time arena, Luo Guyin had some thoughts about confining the two apprentices so that they could not see Su Fan.

But then I thought about it and decided to forget it.

Since this kid is so capable, let them let nature take its course.

"The top one on the demon-slaying list is Su Fan..."

When the senior sister and Gu Qinghuan heard this, their expressions changed. They all guessed the meaning of the master's words.

I originally thought that the cover-up was pretty good, but I never thought that Master might have known about Su Fan for a long time.

Seeing the two apprentices lowering their heads and saying nothing, Luo Guyin sighed.

When she thought that her two precious disciples had been harmed by this boy, she became very angry.

Luo Guyin took a deep breath and calmed down her emotions.

"Last time you sent him to Nanman, I met him..."

The senior sister's face turned pale and she quickly lowered her head. Lu Qinghuan's face was so red that it almost bled. She also lowered her head and covered her face with her hands.


Luo Guyin sighed again and shook his head.

"He didn't go to Nanman, I sent him to the Central Plains..."

After hearing the Master's words, the two of them raised their heads almost at the same time, staring at the Master in stunned silence.

Luo Guyin smiled and said, "Are you unable to contact him? Hehe... I took away his messenger jade charm..."

The senior sister quit at that time, and Su Fan didn't reply to messages during this period. The two of them kept complaining about him and scolded him countless times.

Who would have thought that it turned out to be not Su Fan's fault, but the Master's obstruction.

"Master, why are you like this..."

Luo Guyin glared and cursed: "Look at you two, you two are so worthless. What's so good about that kid? He has family background but not family background, qualifications but not qualifications. What on earth do you two want from him..."

Lu Qinghuan gritted his teeth after hearing this, stood up and knelt in front of Luo Guyin.

"Master, in this life I will not marry unless he is..."

The senior sister also crawled over, knelt next to Gu Qinghuan, and kowtowed heavily.

"Master, so am I. I am his person in life, and his ghost in death..."

Seeing the determination on the faces of the two precious disciples, Luo Guyin almost became angry to death.

She took a deep breath and said: "You can marry him if you want. If this kid breaks through the golden elixir within a hundred years, I will promise you..."

The senior sister was so angry that she stood up and said angrily: "Master, if you don't agree, just say it clearly, don't be so difficult..."

Luo Guyin snorted coldly and said: "It's only been a few years, but that kid has already established a foundation, and he has been dominating the Demon Slayer List for several months. Is it difficult to break through the golden elixir in a hundred years..."

Before the master finished speaking, the senior sister was a little confused.


Gu Qinghuan was also confused and said doubtfully: "Master, you mean..."

The two looked at each other, quickly got up from the ground, sat cross-legged opposite the light screen, and stared at the light screen.

Seeing her mother and her grandmother quarreling, Nannan sat aside and watched indifferently.

She crawled to Gu Qinghuan's side, leaned into her mother's ear and whispered a question.

"Mom...who are you talking about..."

The senior sister next to me also came over and said with a smile: "We are talking about your father..."

Nannan was a little confused. The title "Dad" was still very unfamiliar to her young mind.

"My dad..."

Luo Guyin couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: "Nanny, don't listen to your aunt's nonsense, you don't have a father..."

Gu Qinghuan quit, turned around and said: "Master..."

Luo Guyin held Nannan in her arms, glared at her, and then began to tease the little girl, no longer talking to the two apprentices.

The senior sister came to Gu Qinghuan's side and whispered: "Hehe...that guy, I saw him right..."

Lu Qinghuan blushed after hearing this.

"He has always been very good, but he is low-key and doesn't like to show off..."

"Well, this guy is really a thief. From the first time I saw him, I could tell that he is not a good bird..."

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