Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 316: It’s great to have more people

Zhongyuan Eastern War Zone, Ziwei Fairy Palace Station.

Cheng Xi sat cross-legged in the cave, watching the scene of Su Fan killing the "Black Wing Ghost Demon" being played over and over on the light screen in front of her.

At this moment, no one could understand her feelings.

Now Cheng Xi's intestines are almost green with regret. If she had known that Su Fan was so awesome, she would have tied this kid up even if she had to.

He topped the Demon Slayer List twice, and each time he dominated the list for several months.

Now he has entered the time and space arena again, and completed the first and second kills in this arena.

There was once a person standing in front of her, but she did not cherish him. She regretted it when she lost him. This is the most painful thing in the world.


Cheng Xi sighed for a long time.

This is an opportunity to become famous in the entire Xuanluo world, and she missed it.

In the end, Huoyun Dao Palace took advantage of it and snatched the person away.

Cheng Xi glanced at the two precious disciples beside him, who were looking at the light screen excitedly, and there was an excitement in their eyes.

No wonder, only he can train such a good disciple.

She laughed at herself, she was stubborn at first and thought that some master had cleansed their bodies.

Su Fan's flying sword with thunder attribute just now was heavily wrapped in purple lightning, which was the most excellent thunder power of heaven and earth.

"Master, we should go to practice..."

At this time, Shen Yue stood up and saluted Cheng Xi obediently.

Cheng Xi smiled bitterly, these two children were sensible, afraid that she would think too much, and didn't want to show too much excitement in front of her.

"You go..."

Meng Chao and Shen Yue respectfully left the master's cave, turned around and ran out.

"Junior sister, go slowly..."

"Slow down, Master will definitely kill a lot in a while, you won't be able to see it if you go too late..."

Jiuyou Demon Palace, Luo Guyin's cave.

Seeing Su Fan pierce the throat with a sword and kill the "Black Winged Ghost Demon" on the spot, the senior sister and Gu Qinghuan were also confused.

Gu Qinghuan touched the senior sister and said: "When did he become a sword cultivator..."

The senior sister was also confused. This guy hid it too deeply.

"How would I know? I haven't heard him talk about it..."

Luo Guyin next to him has been watching the images on the light screen repeatedly. Of course, she saw more details.

"Does that kid have some kind of thunder-attributed magic weapon? Last time I looked at his qualifications, he didn't have thunder spiritual roots..."

The senior sister curled her lips and said with a face full of show-off: "Master, you still don't understand him. This guy has a lot of trump cards..."

Luo Guyin rolled her eyes at the senior sister and felt a little regretful.

Last time, she didn't take Su Fan seriously. She should have found out more about this kid's background.

To be fair, this kid's fighting ability is indeed strong.

That flying sword with thunder attribute is a top-grade product that has been nurtured in a thunder environment for many years, which means that this kid has had this trump card for a long time.

And the sword in his hand is also very strange. Even Luo Guyin, a Yuanying Zhenjun, can't figure it out.

In fact, this kid only has the means of sword cultivation. Strictly speaking, he is not a pure sword cultivator at all.

As a sword cultivator, you should cut through thorns and move forward!

The emphasis is on nothing outside the sword.

In the two battles just now, because they used swords, people mistakenly thought that he was practicing both sword and body.

Based on Luo Guyin's understanding of this kid, he is not practicing both sword and body.

As far as she knows, except for the way of sword and the way of body, there is nothing he can't do in the immortal sect, the demon sect and the evil way. It's just a hodgepodge.

In the entire Xuanluo world, which sword cultivator can have all kinds of means.

He dares to call himself a sword cultivator, he is not worthy...

But no matter what, this kid is really something, always surprising.

If this guy hadn't gone to the Spacetime Arena, I wouldn't have known that he actually had so many cards hidden. He's just a little bitch.

Su Fan took back the "Thunder Sword", walked to the side of the "Black Wing Ghost Demon", and waved his hand to put its corpse into the ring.

"Awoo... Awoo..."

At this time, there were bursts of shrill howls in the distance.

It seems that these elite evil demons who entered Daluotian really have a way to communicate with each other.

In fact, before entering the Spacetime Arena, each of these human cultivators in Xuanluo Realm was also assigned a micro array plate.

As long as this micro array plate is activated, the position of each human cultivator can be seen, which is convenient for joining the nearest cultivator.

In a place like the Spacetime Arena, of course, it is safest to form a team.

The powerful sword cultivator will definitely attack, and the super-controlled flying sword will be hard all the way.

The brutal demon cultivator can unscrupulously use all kinds of obscene and treacherous secret methods, which can be said to be unscrupulous.

The immortal sect cultivators rely on the upright means of magic, talismans, and formations, which are both offensive and defensive, and can also play auxiliary roles.

Once a team is formed by sword cultivators, magic cultivators, and immortal sect cultivators, the combat effectiveness of each cultivator can be fully utilized.

Even the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Of course, Su Fan had no intention of forming a team with others, and he did not activate the micro-array plate at all.

He took the micro-array plate off his belt. When he just entered the time and space arena, the micro-array plate kept flashing and vibrating.

Su Fan put the micro-array plate into the storage ring, and then took out the array plate of "Tanlang Pojun Qisha Sword Array" and pinned it on his belt.

The monk's belt is also a space magic weapon. One belt can store more than a hundred various jade charms and miniature formation disks.

Because each monk has many jade talismans, such as the jade talismans that the monks use to communicate with each other, they are in groups of two and can only communicate with each other in a single line, so the monks have to have a lot of jade talismans to communicate with each other.

At this time, there was another shrill howl nearby, and other exotic demons were already rushing over.

It’s not advisable to stay here for a long time, nonsense...

Thinking of this, Su Fan turned around and walked away, disappearing into the dense forest behind him.

Not long after he left, an exotic demon several feet tall rushed out of the dense forest.

The demon glanced at the traces on the ground, lay down on the ground and smelled it, then raised his head and howled loudly.


There were constant roars in the distance, as if responding to the call of this evil demon.

The foreign evil demon turned his head and looked at the direction Su Fan left. He kicked the ground violently and the huge demon exorcist rushed into the dense forest.

At this moment, in the space-time battlefield, the human monks also encountered foreign evil spirits, and the elite monks from the two planes began to fight in bloody battles.

Although the Time and Space Arena is vast, human monks and exotic demons are spread out very scatteredly.

But there were still many human monks who gathered together to form teams and fight fiercely against the foreign evil spirits.

During the war, battlefields were everywhere in the space-time arena, and human monks and foreign demons were constantly being killed.

At this time, countless monks from various sects had gathered under the huge light curtains on the front line of the Central Plains.

The images of various battle scenes in the space-time arena were constantly changing on the huge light screen, making their blood boil with excitement.

"The Lingxiao Sword Zongzhuang Wuya killed Longda of the Three-Eyed Clan..."

"The Blood Demon Divine Sect Leng Xuan killed Kunba of the Stone Clan..."

"Lingxiao Sword Sect Ye Tianhe killed the One-horned Clan Ba ​​Lin..."

"Taixu Immortal Sect Li Dongyan killed the violent bear clan Wu Ge..."

Every time a human monk kills a foreign demon, it will be refreshed in real time on the huge light screen.

Especially after the names of the major super sect disciples appeared, the sect station where he was located became a sea of ​​joy, and the shouts were earth-shattering.

Almost all the disciples of Huoyundao Palace gathered under the huge light curtain, but there was no news about Su Fan killing the evil demon for a long time.

Su Fan carefully trudged in the dense forest. Sister Zhen was floating back and forth around him, sending back thoughts one after another, allowing him to avoid many battlefields.

Although he is not afraid of these elite demons, he just killed two, which is worthy of the Fire Cloud Dao Palace.

The next step is to find a secluded place and hide comfortably for a month.

You can fight vigorously, but Su Fan is not going to get involved anymore. He hates fighting.

Su Fan had a wonderful idea, but there was no way things could develop the way he thought.

He walked around in the dense forest for a long time and finally found a relatively hidden place.

If the "Qingyingmi Phantom Formation" and "Qianmu Mystic Killing Formation" are arranged here, even Jindan Zhenren will not be able to find his hiding place.

Just when Su Fan was about to arrange the formation, Sister Zhen suddenly sent him a thought.

He hurriedly hid behind an ancient tree, used the "Hidden Breath Technique" and the "Nine Nether Demonic Shadow" to hide in the shadows, and waited until the evil demon passed before arranging the formation.

I saw an exotic demon several feet tall rushing out from the dense forest nearby.

This was also a "Black Bone Horned Demon". It stopped near Su Fan, sniffed around, and then roared upward.


At this time, howls continued to come from all directions, as if in response to its call.

At this moment, the huge light curtains on various battlefields in the Central Plains switched screens almost simultaneously, and the image was replaced by the dense forest where Su Fan was.

The monks under the light curtain also looked confused.

The battle was so enjoyable just now, but why did it suddenly disappear and be replaced by the current scene, in which there was only a "Black Bone Horned Demon" standing there.

What the hell is so good about this.

Su Fan was hiding in the shadows. When he saw the "Black Bone Horned Demon" stopped, he already felt something was wrong.

When he saw it starting to call out evil spirits from other places, no matter how stupid Su Fan was, he could guess what was going on.

This evil demon came for him, and he didn't want Bi Lian to go around shaking people.

Su Fan doesn't understand why you only keep an eye on me if you don't look for so many human monks in the Space-Time Arena.

I dug up your ancestral graves, and still stole your mother-in-law.

What a great hatred.

I originally wanted to find a place to fish comfortably and hang out for a month, but it just didn't work out.

Thinking of this, Su Fan suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart, and endless anger accumulated in his chest, so much that he almost burst.

The inner demon is born.

A thought becomes a demon and obsession arises.

At this moment, the "Purple Heart Mysterious Water Jade Pendant" on his chest shook slightly, and a cool breath rushed into his sea of ​​​​consciousness instantly.

Su Fan reached out and pulled off the jade pendant and put it into the ring.

Since you want to seek death, I will help you.

There was a flash of blood on Su Fan's body, and he disappeared from the spot. He instantly appeared in front of the "Black Bone Horned Demon", holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands and raising it high.

"Rage Slash..."

Su Fan slashed down with his sword, and his endless anger actually aroused the power of heaven and earth.

The entire space was instantly filled with an extremely oppressive atmosphere, even the air seemed to stagnate, and time seemed to stop at this moment.


The violent sword seemed to cut through the space, and even the surrounding scene was almost distorted.

Although the "Black Bone Horned Demon" was very cautious, Su Fan's sudden appearance still caught it off guard.

This evil demon was also a veteran of hundreds of battles and had experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Facing such a fierce sword, it aroused its boundless ferocity.

The "Black Bone Horned Demon" did not retreat but advanced, and the magic smoke on its body rose and filled the air. The huge demon suddenly swelled a little and slammed into Su Fan.


Although the "Black Bone Horned Demon" launched a berserk magical power, Su Fan's sword still broke several pieces of thick bone armor, leaving a deep wound on the front of the demon.

At this time, one of the evil demon's claws had already fallen down with a bang. Su Fan did not use teleportation to avoid it, but turned his body along with the situation, and the ferocious claws passed by him dangerously.

"Whirlwind slash..."

Su Fan turned a full circle by inertia, and swung the sword across.

Boom! !

The sword's momentum stirred up endless fierce winds.

The sudden storm swept up the dead branches and leaves on the ground, and the branches and leaves of the bushes and ancient trees within a radius of dozens of feet were blown up.


Su Fan cut off the thigh of the "Black Bone Horn Demon" with a sword, and the huge demon fell down with a bang.

Before the evil demon could react, Su Fan's body bounced violently, and he had already jumped high.

"Rage slash..."

The sword whistled down, carrying a terrifying killing intent that destroyed the world, filled with extremely suppressed sword intent, and instantly crossed the sky and the earth.

The endless anger and resentment in his chest exploded, and Su Fan's endless resentment was also vented out with this sword.

Boom! !

The whole space was like a rippled lake, as if it was split in half by this sword full of resentment and sadness.

The "Black Bone Horned Demon" showed a trace of fear in his eyes, and he raised his right arm in panic, trying to block Su Fan's sword.

But the sword that had been integrated with the devil's thoughts, the evil demon's right arm could not withstand the power of this sword at all, and was easily cut off.

The big sword went down and whistled through the neck of the "Black Bone Horned Demon".


Su Fan cut off the neck of the "Black Bone Horned Demon" with a sword, and the huge and ferocious head rolled to the side.


Under the huge light curtains of the battlefields in various parts of the Central Plains, it boiled again.

Although the battles of other human cultivators in the Spacetime Arena were exciting, Su Fan's head-on close combat was even more exciting.

"Too f*cking fierce, I didn't expect a physical cultivator to be so fierce..."

"Oh my god, I was sweating coldly when the evil demon's claw just now..."

"That sharp claw almost scratched his face, and my heart was lifted..."

"I didn't expect that a high-level evil demon could be killed so easily by him..."

No wonder the screen was switched over, this was the top of the demon-killing list, the first kill in the Spacetime Arena, and of course the Spacetime Arena had to give priority to it.

But the next image made everyone nervous.

Because they saw that more than a dozen foreign evil demons were surrounding Su Fan from all directions.

"Run... There are evil demons coming over there, run quickly..."

"What the hell are you shouting, can he hear me..."

"With so many foreign evil demons, where can he run now..."

"This is bad, we have been surrounded, it's too late to run..."

Su Fan had just collected the corpse of the "Black Bone Horned Demon" when Sister Zhen sent several thoughts in succession.

Before Su Fan could react, he saw several huge figures of evil demons roaring out from all directions in the surrounding dense forest.

Su Fan sneered, it's not a big deal to have more people.

He took out a third-level immortal talisman from the ring, but something happened that made him desperate. No matter how he stimulated it, this third-level immortal talisman had no reaction.

Su Fan didn't believe in evil, so he took out another bone talisman, and the result was the same.

It seems that this is the rule of the time and space arena, and you can't use cultivation resources beyond the realm of cultivators.

This is fucking...

The Space-Time Arena is so unreasonable. Why can they beat me with more people, but I can't activate the third-level immortal talisman and bone talisman.

Looking at several crazy evil demons, they were roaring and rushing towards him, and there were more roars coming from a distance.

Seeing so many foreign evil demons coming to surround him, Su Fan couldn't help but sigh.

There are so many people, it's really amazing.

Su Fan could have used blood escape to escape from here, but these evil demons were obviously coming for him.

If he didn't solve them, he wouldn't be at peace for a month.

Moreover, Su Fan's evil thoughts have been born, and his heart is filled with endless violent emotions, which also need to be completely released, otherwise he will really become a demon.

It's just a few evil demons, it's not that I haven't killed them before, I have killed foreign big demons.

"Annihilation Sword..."

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and the "Thunder Sword" turned into a dazzling light, whistling and stabbing at a demon closest to him.

This evil demon is nearly three meters tall, and its most distinctive feature is the long horn on its forehead. Because of its manic nature, it is called the "One-horned Mad Demon", and is a mid-level evil demon in Daluo Heaven.

The "One-horned Mad Demon" runs on all fours, and is extremely fast, so it was the first to arrive at the battlefield.

Because it rushed too fast, it had no time to react to the sudden "Thunder Sword".

And Su Fan used the "Annihilation Sword", the most powerful one in the "Purple Sky Thunder Sword Art". With a sword as fast as thunder, it pierced the "One-horned Crazy Demon" through the river.

The huge demon fell to the ground and rolled on the ground for several times before stopping.

The other "Flowing Sand Demon" next to it was not so reckless. Seeing that the "One-horned Crazy Demon" was killed by a sword, it stomped on the ground fiercely and activated its magical power in an instant.


With a loud noise, Su Fan felt the ground tremble violently.

A wave of earth was like a violent tide, and the ground fluctuated violently, rolling towards Su Fan in an instant.

He had seen this move when he first went to the front line.

But compared with the magical power launched by the foreign demon, this wave of earth was simply weak.

Su Fan's feet flashed with lightning, and his figure appeared more than ten meters away. He pinched his right hand and chanted a spell, pointing forward.

He sacrificed an ancient seal about an inch in size. The ancient seal grew in the wind and instantly became several feet in size. It smashed down at the "Flowing Sand Demon" and forced it back more than ten steps.

Su Fan's feet flashed with lightning, and he dodged the attack of a "Black Bone Horn Demon" that had just rushed over.

But just as he stabilized his body, he felt the sky darken.

A huge figure fell from the sky in an instant.

The pair of sharp claws of the "Black Winged Ghost Demon" grabbed Su Fan fiercely.

Su Fan had just teleported here, and it was too late to activate his magical powers. He fell to the ground and rolled to the side, and then his body bounced up suddenly.


The pair of ferocious claws of the "Black Winged Ghost Demon" fell down with a bang, smashing a deep pit where Su Fan had just been.

The moment Su Fan's figure bounced up, he took advantage of the momentum and swung the big sword in his hand towards the "Black Winged Ghost Demon".


The pitch-black big sword suddenly pierced into the head of the "Black Winged Ghost Demon".

The "Black Winged Ghost Demon" wailed, flapped a pair of huge flesh wings like crazy, struggled for a while, and then fell to the ground and did not move.

Su Fan was about to use teleportation to get the big sword back.

But his scalp exploded suddenly, and he used the "Taibai Gengjin Shield" without thinking to block himself.


Su Fan felt a huge force, like a heavy hammer hitting him, shaking him back a few steps.

A vague figure suddenly appeared opposite Su Fan.

"This is the Shadow Ghost Demon..."


Su Fan never thought that he would meet such a difficult guy here.

If he was just a little slower just now, he would be gone.

"Shadow Demon" is a mid-level demon in Daluo Heaven. It is vicious and cunning, good at stealth and sneak attacks, and is hard to guard against.

There are very few such demons, but once they appear, human cultivators will suffer heavy losses.

As soon as the figure of "Shadow Demon" flashed, it disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared.

Although Su Fan wanted to kill this guy, another demon had already rushed up.

This demon is nearly two feet tall, but the width of the demon is nearly three feet. The whole body is like an oval teapot, and the whole body is covered with pieces of jagged bone armor.

"This is the giant stone demon that is said to be extremely powerful..."

I don't believe in evil, I have to fight you today.

Su Fan's evil thoughts have been born, and the resentment accumulated in his heart is about to explode. Facing the attacks of the demons, his ferocity has been completely aroused.


His eyes were red as blood, and he roared to the sky.

His figure shook violently, and his momentum suddenly increased. A huge shadow of a grey bear instantly appeared behind him.

"Bear Mountain Lean..."

Su Fan stomped the ground fiercely, and with a "bang", he stepped on the ground to create a deep pit.

His figure was like a violent grey bear, and he rushed towards the "Giant Stone Power Demon" regardless of anything.


With a dull bang, the huge Giant Stone Power Demon was knocked flying by him and fell heavily to the ground.

Su Fan's "Bear Mountain Lean" just now also incorporated the fierce and domineering "explosive force".

Not only did he knock the "Giant Stone Power Demon" flying, but he also took advantage of the situation to penetrate a trace of sinister and strange force into its body and exploded.

"Dragon Elephant Step..."

Su Fan did not stop at all. He took advantage of the situation and rushed over, raised his right foot high, and stepped down fiercely.

Behind him, a shadow of an ancient giant elephant appeared, and its right foot was like a mountain, pressing down overwhelmingly.


Su Fan kicked the head of the "Giant Stone Power Demon", and infiltrated a trace of the sinister and strange "Stone Crushing Power" into it.


The huge head of the "Giant Stone Power Demon" was crushed by Su Fan's foot.

At this time, Su Fan's scalp exploded again, and he waved his hand to block the "Taibai Gengjin Shield" in front of him again.


The sneak attack of the "Shadow Ghost Demon" failed again, and his figure disappeared instantly.

And his top-grade spiritual weapon "Taibai Gengjin Shield" also lost its spirituality and completely dimmed.


A surge of anger surged from the bottom of Su Fan's heart and rushed to the top of his head in an instant.


Su Fan took a miniature array plate from his waist, made a hand gesture with his right hand, pointed to a deserted place a few meters away, and three rays of light whizzed out from his dantian.

"Po Jun..."

The sword formation composed of three top-quality flying swords strangled them crazily.

The air suddenly shook a few times, and a vague figure appeared, but three top-quality flying swords suddenly arrived, smashing the "shadow ghost" into pieces.

Although the "Shadow Demon" is vicious and cunning, and is good at stealth and sneak attacks, it is only less than one foot tall, making it a dwarf among demons that are often several feet tall.

Moreover, the physical body is very fragile. As long as the position of the "Shadow Demon" can be locked, it will not be able to withstand the stranglehold of the "Broken Army" of the sword formation.

As for how Su Fan locked onto the "Shadow Demon", it was of course the "scent-smelling technique" that had been refreshed to a powerful state.

At this time, the "Quicksand Demon" activated his magical power again, causing the ground around Su Fan to suddenly sink and turn into a piece of quicksand.

After solving the "Shadow Demon", Su Fan no longer had any scruples.

There was a flash of lightning under his feet, and his figure instantly appeared more than ten meters away, easily escaping from the quicksand of the subsidence.

Su Fan held the miniature array plate tightly with his left hand, made a hand gesture with his right hand, and pointed forward fiercely.

"Greedy Wolf..."

Three dazzling rays of light, carrying a terrifying murderous aura, roared towards the "Quicksand Demon".

"Quicksand Demon" is not good at close combat, but he has many magical powers.

A magical power was activated in an instant, and the earth suddenly arched, instantly creating a slope of earth in front of it, blocking the violent "Greedy Wolf" sword array.

But at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly came.

The "Thunder Sword" that had been hiding nearby arrived instantly and penetrated the head of the "Quicksand Demon", and the huge demon exorcist fell to the ground.

At this moment, dozens of densely packed black bone spurs shot out overwhelmingly.

This is the natal magical power of the "White Bone Thorn Demon". Once activated, the "White Bone Thorn Demon" will be weak for a long time.

On the other side, a cloud of gray magic smoke suddenly rose up and quickly spread towards Su Fan. The magical power of the "Tassi Poison Demon" also arrived.

Su Fan killed several elite demons one after another. His ferocious and violent fighting power frightened the other demons.

A group of violent foreign demons stopped and surrounded Su Fan. They only activated their magical powers, but no one dared to rush forward.

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