Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 378 The world of cultivation is full of talented people

Su Fan was in the monastery and had just taken out the ring given to him by Xu Miaolan. Before he could see what was inside, he heard a knock on the door.

He frowned and put away the ring.

"Come in……"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the monastery was pushed open, and Chu Han walked in from the outside and saluted him respectfully.

"Meet Master Su Fan..."

Su Fan was stunned for a moment, why is this girl so angry? Among the few girls on duty in the main hall of Zangfa Hall, she was the one who looked down on him the most.

Something is wrong, things are abnormal and that is a monster.

Su Fan smiled and said, "What can I do for you..."

Chu Han said quickly: "Junior, come here to greet the real person. If you have anything, you can tell me to do it..."

Su Fan was almost happy. What happened to this little girl? Why did she change her gender?

"Oh... I have nothing to do here, go and do your work..."

Chu Han glanced at Su Fan secretly and saw a pair of calm and gentle eyes looking at him.

She quickly lowered her head, her heart moved, and she suddenly had an idea.

"Uncle Quan specifically told me today to ask the juniors to come to the real person more often to pay their respects..."

When Su Fan heard the other party talking about Qiu Diaoquan, he suddenly realized.

No wonder this little girl's attitude has changed so much. It's probably because Lao Qiu gave her a few words of advice. This guy's mouth is also quite owed.

In fact, Qiu Diequan didn't say anything, it was just the little girl's own guess.

Su Fan sighed secretly, it was only a matter of time.

To be honest, he still hopes that everyone will treat him as a dispensable and transparent person like before.

"You know Senior Brother Dianquan..."

"The junior's third grandfather is Uncle Quan's master..."

Su Fan smiled bitterly, this relationship is close enough.

" are interested..."

Chu Han suddenly became excited after hearing this and quickly gave a big salute.

"If nothing happens to the real person, I will resign..."

After looking at the girl's back, Su Fan shook his head and didn't care much.

If the other party is not lacking in foresight, he will definitely not publicize this matter everywhere, and Qiu Diaoquan should also have told this girl.

He took out the ring given to him by Xu Miaolan, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he saw that there were only three things in the ring, including a talisman, a jade slip, and a piece of bright red cloth.

Su Fan took out the talisman first and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

This is just a fourth-level magic talisman named "True Talisman of Confusion".

Compared with the powerful fourth-level bone talisman, the fourth-level magic talisman is much inferior.

No, this magic talisman shouldn't be that simple.

Su Fan picked up this fourth-level magic talisman and looked at it carefully, and then he saw how extraordinary the talisman was.

It turns out that this talisman seals a spell from the psychedelic path, which can release the breath of the Nascent Soul Demon Lord. It is definitely the kind that can be confused with the real one.

In fact, it is used to scare people, but it is very realistic and can even confuse the Nascent Soul Demon Lord.

The most awesome thing is that this fourth-level magic talisman can be used three times.

This is a bit outrageous. Even though Su Fan's strength has increased several times now, when encountering a monk in the Nascent Soul realm, the only option is to turn around and run away.

If he could escape from the hands of the Nascent Soul Demon Lord, it would be enough for him to brag about his awesomeness for the rest of his life.

No matter how powerful the fourth-level bone talisman is, it will only be able to fight against the Nascent Soul cultivator. It can at most slow down the opponent's pursuit speed.

But if you want to hurt the Nascent Soul Demon Lord, you are thinking too much.

But this "True Talisman of Confusion" is different. If you meet the Nascent Soul Demon Lord, it might really be able to scare him.

Senior Sister Miaolan is too polite.

Yes, yes, this is serious stuff.

Su Fan put away the "True Talisman of Confusion" with satisfaction, and he couldn't help but look forward to the other two items.

He took out the jade slip again and placed it on his forehead.

After a while, Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This jade slip records a technique called "Hehuan Miao Xuan Dian", which is the unique secret technique of Hehuan Dao inheritance of Chunjun Demon Sect.

What the hell...

Moreover, Xu Miaolan also left a message on the jade slip, which means that she wants to practice this technique with Su Fan.

Su Fan was a little dumbfounded, but it was better to cultivate the world.

No matter what nonsense it is, as long as it involves cultivation, you have to get serious immediately.

Be very serious, we are cultivating.

Moreover, Senior Sister Miaolan said that if Su Fan is inconvenient, he can still have remote spiritual communication. The effect may be compromised, but it is more convenient.

What does it mean? Even if two people are in different places, they can still have sex in a dream.

It has to be said that the world of cultivation is full of talents.

The monk who created this set of "Acacia Mystic Code" is simply a genius. They can practice together even in a dream.

How on earth did he come up with it.

Su Fan shook his head and let it go.

Not to mention the dual cultivation of fusion, he didn't even want to try to have a divine relationship. Who the hell could bear to have cigarette dreams all night long.

However, this set of exercises is still good.

When senior sister and Gu Qinghuan arrive, I can practice dual cultivation with them.

The yin and yang are in harmony, the dragon and the tiger have sex.

Su Fan smiled and then put the jade slip into the ring.

Just keep it, after all, we are also Taoist companions.

He took out the last piece of bright red cloth, then held both sides with both hands and showed it in front of his eyes.

Su Fan looked at it for a long time before finally understanding it.

Isn't this just a piece of women's obscene clothing, and it was obviously worn by someone else.

You know without asking that it must be Xu Miaolan's personal belongings.

Su Fan doesn't have any fetishes, so he really has no idea about this.

Although he also wanted to pick it up and smell it, he finally resisted and threw the obscene garment aside.

No, let’s destroy it.

If senior sister and Lu Qinghuan see him in the future, it will be hard to explain.

Thinking of this, Su Fan stretched out his hand and pointed, and the bright red cloth was immediately wrapped in flames and turned into ashes instantly.

Suddenly, the bright red cloth ashes suddenly emitted a puff of smoke and turned into Xu Miaolan's shadow.


Xu Miaolan has long hair, her breath is like orchid, her charming eyes are like silk, she is indescribably charming and charming.

She was wearing nothing but a thin layer of white gauze, and Su Fan could see her graceful figure clearly.

There was a loud "boom" in Su Fan's brain, and a wave of heat instantly rose from his lower abdomen.

After all, she is a female cultivator from Hehuan Taoism. She is truly a beauty, a natural beauty, and her whole body is filled with a seductive charm.


Xu Miaolan covered her mouth and smiled, her voice was sweet and sweet, floating straight into people's hearts, making Su Fan's heart itch. Coupled with that graceful and seductive figure, it really made Su Fan's bones feel numb. .

The Tao seeds in Su Fan's body whirled suddenly, and a cold breath roared out, instantly suppressing the evil fire in his heart.

Looking at the graceful figure on the opposite side, the evil thoughts just now no longer exist.

Wearing so little, I'm not afraid of catching a cold.

Fortunately, I didn't smell it just now. It would be embarrassing or big.

"Senior Sister Miaolan, which drama are you acting in..."

Xu Miaolan couldn't help but sigh when she saw Su Fan regaining his clarity after being in a trance for a moment.

In fact, when practicing Hehuan Tao, I am most jealous of evil thoughts.

"Junior brother has extraordinary determination, which is truly admirable..."

I admire you so much, I almost couldn’t stand it just now.

"Senior Sister Miaolan, if you have anything to say, just say it..."

After hearing this, Xu Miaolan quickly said seriously: "Junior brother, you have a pure Yang Dharma body, and you will definitely benefit a lot from practicing double cultivation with me..."

Forget it, you wear so little every day in your dreams, I really can't help it.

"Forget it, senior sister is famous far and wide, so there must be no shortage of Taoist companions. Junior brother, I am so virtuous and capable..."

Seeing Su Fan's polite refusal, Xu Miaolan sighed.

"Junior brother, it seems that you are quite prejudiced against Hehuan Dao. In fact, our Hehuan Dao is also inherited and ancient. When we practice dual cultivation, we are most jealous of evil thoughts..."

Su Fan was stunned after hearing this. Who would practice dual cultivation with you if you don't have evil thoughts?

"Junior brother may have heard a lot of rumors about me. In fact, senior sister's red pill is still there, and she and I are just close friends..."

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

What kind of energy this girl showed just now, how could she be a chick?

Xu Miaolan laughed as if she had guessed his thoughts.

"Junior brother, don't think too much. I have practiced Hehuan Dao for many years and am good at the art of charm..."

After Xu Miaolan finished speaking, she smiled and said: "Junior brother, it's better to think about it carefully. If senior sister is willing to hand over the red pill, it will definitely make junior brother's cultivation level greatly improve..."

Su Fan shook his head. He definitely wouldn't be able to practice double cultivation with her, not even having a spiritual relationship with her. Anyway, he just stayed away from this bitch.

Seeing Su Fan's firm attitude, Xu Miaolan sighed with a wry smile.

"In this case, I won't disturb my junior brother. We will meet again in the future..."

After Xu Miaolan finished speaking, her figure slowly disappeared from the air.

Su Fan let out a long breath, his back was soaked with sweat just now.

For some reason, he felt more nervous facing Xu Miaolan, who was good at the art of enchantment, than facing the Super Insect King.

And although the evil fire in his heart was suppressed, the evil thoughts still existed.

What the hell...

He had known for a long time that this bitch didn't look like a good person, but in the end she was still plotting against him.

Su Fan got up from the ground, walked out of the monastery, and came to the main hall of the Zangfa Hall. He glanced at the few girls behind the counter.


The evil fire in his lower abdomen surged up again. Su Fan was confused at that time. He quickly activated his Tao Seed and suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

He walked out of the Tibetan Dharma Hall in a few steps, came to a deserted place in embarrassment, and took out the communication array disk from the Najie.

"Old Zhang, where are you..."

"I'm back to my family, something happened..."

"Get back here quickly, I've been tricked..."

"Damn...I just got home..."

"What are you talking about? Hurry up and call for help..."

Zhang Junpu was so stupid that he cut off the communication array, turned around and flew towards the mountain gate with his magic weapon.

As soon as he entered the house, he was thrown back. Fortunately, the family was not far from the mountain gate. He hurriedly and slowly returned to the sect in the evening.

Zhang Junpu walked into Su Fan's monastery and saw Su Fan sitting cross-legged with a sad face.

He quickly sat down cross-legged and said, "What's going on? Who plotted against you..."

Su Fan sighed, and then told him what happened to Xu Miaolan just now.

Zhang Junpu was dumbfounded, and he said angrily: "For such a trivial matter, you're going to bring me all the way back..."

"This is still a small matter, I don't even dare to leave the house..."

Seeing Su Fan's aggrieved face, Zhang Junpu burst into laughter, almost rolling his eyes.

"Haha... brother, you're making me laugh..."

Su Fan was furious at the time and glared at Zhang Junpu.

"What the hell are you laughing at? Let's get down to business. Was I cursed by that woman..."

Zhang Junpu almost fainted from laughter, and he pointed at Su Fan helplessly.

"This is nothing, just relieve your anger..."

Su Fan was stunned and said, "It's that simple..."

"Isn't it that simple? You're holding back your anger, and you were just aroused by the charm..."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Su Fan's body and teased, "Don't tell me that you've been holding it back..."

"Nonsense, I'm not a casual person..."

He didn't lie about this. He would rather hold it back than roll with anyone casually.

Unless he had to.

Zhang Junpu chuckled and said, "Your body is the same as that of a demon beast, and you have also fused the blood of the demons. Isn't it normal to have fire..."

Su Fan thought about it and it was true. Although the demons looked ugly, they were lustful by nature. They fought and mated endlessly all year round.

It's just that the aesthetics of the demons are different. The uglier you look in the eyes of humans, the more pleasing they are to them.

Before, he had just broken through the fourth level of the "Heavenly Demon Saint Body Art", and his body became several times stronger again. I'm afraid he had been holding back a lot of evil fire in his heart.

Seeing that Su Fan's face looked better, Zhang Junpu was unhappy.

"You've come all the way back to make me come back. You should compensate me. Make me something delicious in the evening. I won't leave today..."

In the evening, Su Fan prepared a large table of dishes and took out two jars of spirit wine. He and Zhang Junpu drank until midnight.

Zhang Junpu drank a glass of spirit wine, and then looked at Su Fan with a smile.

"Sister Miaolan is actually quite good, why don't you agree..."

Su Fan glared at him and said angrily: "I have a Taoist partner, how can I casually practice with others..."

"Brother, what's wrong with practicing with others, it's also for the great way..."

The great way is a fart, if I fall into the hands of that woman, she will suck me dry.

"That woman, I can't deal with it..."

Zhang Junpu smiled and said: "As far as I know, Sister Miaolan's red pill is still there. You are taking advantage of practicing with her, and your realm will definitely increase a lot..."

After he finished speaking, he shook his head and continued: "I don't know how many people in Kunxutian want Sister Miaolan's red pill, but she has never agreed. I didn't expect that she promised it to you, and you actually didn't want it..."

Su Fan waved his hand, not wanting to talk about this matter, and picked up the wine glass.

"Okay, drink..."

Zhang Junpu clinked his glasses with Su Fan, and then put down the glasses.

"By the way, next month Brother Daoquan and I are going to 'Tianyou Immortal City'. Will you come with us for a stroll..."

Su Fan knew that "Tianyou Immortal City" was located in the middle of Kunxu Heaven, at the junction of the Immortal Sect and the Demon Sect, and was quite famous in Kunxu Heaven.

The cultivators of the immortal and demon sects in Kunxu Heaven never interacted with each other, and "Tianyou Immortal City" was also one of the few cities in the entire Kunxu Heaven where immortal and demon cultivators appeared at the same time.

In addition, "Tianyou Immortal City" was extremely prosperous, with a variety of cultivation materials. As long as you have spirit stones, there is nothing you can't buy.

To be honest, Su Fan was really tempted.

He happened to have a crystal core of the "Ghost Face Leech" Super Insect King in his hand. It is said that the scale of several auctions in "Tianyou Immortal City" is very large.

So Su Fan wanted to try his luck there, hoping to get a good price.

Not only that, he still had a lot of materials for the Super Insect King, which he had not yet sold.

The main reason was that he didn't want to sell these things in the nearby Yewu Fairy City, fearing that people would associate it with Yunze Realm.

He had just been comfortable for a few years, and didn't want to be noticed by someone with ulterior motives, otherwise he would definitely not be able to stop.

But in "Tianyou Fairy City", there are no such concerns, there are all kinds of rare materials there, and although the crystal core of the Super Insect King is precious, it will definitely not cause a sensation.

"How long will it take? I still have to serve in the Tibetan Dharma Hall..."

"It's okay, when the time comes, let Brother Daoquan help you say that you have nothing to do here every day, and the Tibetan Dharma Hall will not collapse if you leave for a few days..."

Su Fan was relieved after hearing this, so he nodded.

"Then I will go with you and broaden my horizons..."

Zhang Junpu picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Su Fan, and then raised his head to drink it.

"When we get to Tianyou Fairy City, Brother will take you to 'Qinglingxuan' to let you see the female Bodhisattva there..."

Su Fan was stunned, why didn't it sound like a good place.

Could it be the heaven and earth in the world of cultivation?

In his previous life, he never helped those fallen women once, not because he was reluctant to spend money, but because he had a mental cleanliness obsession.

Xu Miaolan gave Su Fan a very bad first impression, so he was not interested at all.

"What is that place, a brothel..."

"Why are you so vulgar? You actually compared 'Qinglingxuan' to a brothel. We go there to practice. As long as you are willing to spend spirit stones, Yuanying Demon Lord can accompany you."

For the next two days, Su Fan continued to serve in the Tibetan Dharma Hall.

But he never left the abode again. He stayed in the house every day and dared not go out. Now he was like a demon beast in heat, and he was attracted to any female he saw.

The more Su Fan feared something, the more it would come.

These two days, Chu Han would come over from time to time, and would get close to him whenever he had nothing to do.

Facing a beautiful girl swaying in front of him, Su Fan was tortured to death.

She came to greet him with good intentions, and Su Fan couldn't say anything. Anyway, he had been living in dire straits for the past two days.

Finally, after these two days, Su Fan didn't dare to stay for a moment and went straight back to the cave.

It seems that if this evil fire is really vented, it is really hard to find a date for a while.

Is it really necessary to go to heaven and earth with Zhang Junpu, ah... it's "Qinglingxuan".

A few days later, he followed Qiu Daoquan and Zhang Junpu, took the long-distance transmission array, and came to "Tianyou Fairy City".

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