In the evening, the sun sets slowly in the red sky.

Most of the outline was obscured by heavy black clouds, and only a small half shed light and fell to the ground below.

Su Fan changed his appearance and aura and walked out of Qiuhong Inn. He followed the place agreed by Zhang Cheng and arrived at a courtyard in the city.

He came to the courtyard door and gently knocked on the door a few times.

After a while, the door opened, and a middle-aged golden elixir monk came out. Perhaps he frowned when he saw Su Fan's face.

Su Fan quickly took out Zhang Cheng's jade talisman and waved it in front of the other party.

The middle-aged monk saw the jade talisman and said solemnly: "Enter the dark market and pay a high-grade spiritual stone first..."

What the hell...

The dark market is too dark. Just open your mouth and you will find a high-grade spiritual stone.

Su Fan complained secretly, then took out the spirit stone and handed it to the other party.

"Come in..."

Su Fan followed him to the hall of the main room. At this time, several Jindan monks were already here. When they saw Su Fan, they all nodded to him.

He bowed his hands to several people and found a place to sit down.

Then people came to the hall one after another, and the small hall gradually filled up.

It wasn't until it got dark that the middle-aged monk led everyone to a room in the backyard.

With a wave of his hand, ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and then a portal like water waves appeared in front of everyone.

"Go in..."

After hearing the middle-aged man's words, a monk stepped in.

When everyone was almost gone in, Su Fan stepped in, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed again.

He appeared in a closed room. There was nothing in the room, except for a black cloak hanging on the wall next to it.

Su Fan put on the cloak, which immediately obscured his appearance. Moreover, the cloak seemed to be able to block the detection of spiritual consciousness.

He opened the door and walked along a long corridor to a hall, and received a jade plaque from a monk with the number thirty-four written on it.

The hall was already full of people, all wearing black cloaks like Su Fan.

This hall is a bit like a movie theater in the previous life. The front is low and the back is high. There is a brocade-covered table on the front table. I don’t know, I thought I was at Deyun Club.

On both sides of the hall stood a dozen or so pretty female Qi practitioners, leading the monks to their positions.

Su Fan found his seat under the guidance of the female cultivator and sat down. He tried to use his spiritual sense to detect, but he was unable to detect the heels of the monks around him.

Although a high-grade spiritual stone is quite expensive, it is indeed quite safe here.

After a while, a Nascent Soul monk came up.

"No more nonsense, it's still the old rule, number one comes first..."

The old monster Nascent Soul walked off the stage and saw a monk in a cloak walking up to the stage. He took out a few bottles of elixirs from the ring and placed them on the table in front of him.

"These are five bottles of the 'Nine Transformations and Yuan-Zeng Dan'. I want to exchange them for a bottle of elixir to repair the soul..."


Su Fan immediately became interested. As soon as he heard the name "Nine Transformations Zengyuan Pill", he knew that it was obviously a cultivation elixir from the Immortal Sect.

Moreover, this monk wanted to exchange for the elixir to repair the soul, so he obviously came for the elixir from the Demon Sect. After all, the elixir from the Demon Sect was very effective in repairing the soul.

As soon as he finished speaking, several monks below raised their hands.

These monks took out a jade slip and placed it on their foreheads, wrote their chips on the jade slip with their spiritual consciousness, walked up to the stage, placed the jade slip on the table, and then returned to their positions.

There is no shortage of elixirs for Su Fan now, and he has no need for the "Nine Transformations Zengyuan Dan".

However, he was quite interested in this barter transaction method, and he still adopted the bidding method, which was chosen by the monk.

At this time, the monk placed the jade slips on the table one by one on his forehead, and finally selected a jade slip.

"No. 72..."

At this time, a monk in the audience walked up, handed a jade bottle to the other party, picked up the elixir on the table, checked it, and then left with satisfaction.

Next, the monks came up to the stage one by one, took out their trading items, and stated their needs.

It has to be said that everything in the dark market is a rare and top-notch product. Not to mention the stores in the market, even the auction houses may not be able to collect so many rare cultivation resources.

More than a dozen monks in a row had nothing that Su Fan needed.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry. He sat there quietly and waited for the opportunity, thinking about what he should take out for trading next.

Originally, he wanted to take the top-quality materials from the fifth-level desolate beast, but the matter of someone killing the fifth-level desolate beast in the wilderness has now caused a stir.

There are so many monks gathered here, which will definitely attract the attention of interested people.

Su Fan thought about it for a while, and finally decided to take out two materials for the "Ghost-Faced Cheat" Super Insect King. After all, the heat on this matter had long passed.

It was finally his turn to take the stage. Su Fan took out a stack of animal skins one foot square from Najie.

The abdominal skin of the Super Insect King is not the most valuable material, but it is something from the Insect King after all. Whether it is making high-level talismans or refining magic robes and magical weapons, it is a rare and rare material.

"This is the abdominal skin of the 'Ghost-faced Chopper' insect king. I want to exchange it for all kinds of top-quality materials..."

After listening to his words, twenty or thirty monks in the audience immediately raised their hands. Instead of taking out their jade letters and writing down their chips, they all walked up to the stage to inspect the pile of Insect King's abdominal skin.

It wasn't until they confirmed the authenticity of the materials that they all took out the jade slips and wrote down their own chips, then placed them on the table.

After they all went down, Su Fan placed the jade slips on his forehead one by one.

After looking at more than twenty jade slips, he immediately fell into a tangle. After much consideration, he finally chose the bargaining chip given by a monk.

After Su Fan finished the transaction, he returned to his seat.

This trip to the dark market really paid off, and he actually found two rare materials for refining his natal magic weapon.

At this time, another monk came up. He took out two talismans from the Najie and placed them on the table.

"These are two fourth-level "sword talismans". I want to exchange them for some rare and top-quality materials..."

After hearing what he said, the stage immediately became lively. Almost half of the monks raised their hands, and even Su Fan participated.

That was a fourth-level "sword talisman". A fourth-level talisman made by a Yuanying realm sword cultivator, its lethality was unparalleled.

Compared with this fourth-level "sword talisman", the fourth-level talisman of the Immortal Sect and the fourth-level bone talisman of the Demon Sect are more than one level behind in lethality.

If he had these two fourth-level "sword talismans", he would dare to fight even if he met an early Yuanying monk in the future.

No matter what, we have to get these two fourth-level "sword talismans".

Thinking of this, Su Fan was cruel, took out the jade slip and placed it on his forehead, wrote down his trading chips, walked up and placed it on the table.

You don't need to guess to know that this monk must be a sword cultivator.

Who else can use the fourth-level "sword talisman" to trade, and there are still two of them.

Watching the other party check each jade slip one by one, Su Fan couldn't help but become nervous, for fear of missing these two sword talismans.

After a while, the sword cultivator finally read all the jade slips.

"Number 34..."

After hearing this, Su Fan clenched his fists fiercely and let out a long sigh of relief.

He stood up from his seat, came to the stage and handed a storage bag to the other party, and then picked up the two fourth-level "sword talismans" on the table and looked at them.

The two "sword talismans" are only more than two inches long, and the Geng metal energy on them shines faintly, dazzling the eyes.

Su Fan nodded with satisfaction. He could clearly feel a cold murderous aura from these two fourth-level "sword talismans".

He received the two fourth-level "sword talismans" into the ring, then nodded from the other party, turned around and walked down.

Su Fan returned to his seat, feeling extremely sour.

Now I have two more trump cards, which can definitely be regarded as two big killers.

I originally thought that I could still find something I wanted, but in the end, none of the items I wanted to trade next came.

Su Fan laughed at himself, feeling that he was a little greedy.

The first time I came here, I found good things like the fourth-level "Sword Talisman", and I also needed a bicycle.

As the last monk came down from the stage, the dark market transaction finally ended. Su Fan stood up and was about to leave when he saw a pretty little female monk running to him.

"Senior, there are several seniors who want to have private transactions with you alone..."

Su Fan was stunned when he heard this, but saw that there were still many monks in the hall who had not left. They were led to the private room next to them by the female qi-training cultivators.

He immediately understood that the transaction in the dark market was not over yet.

There are also many people who have not been able to trade the items they want, hoping to get what they want through separate private transactions.

Su Fan nodded, and then followed the young female cultivator to a private room.

The female nun made him a pot of tea and poured him a cup.

"Senior, can we trade..."

Seeing Su Fan nod, she saluted, then turned and left the private room.

After a while, a monk walked into the private room. He sat opposite Su Fan, took out a Nai ring and placed it in front of Su Fan.

"Just now I saw that fellow Taoist needs the best materials for weapons. I wonder if these two things of mine can be of use to fellow Taoist..."

Su Fan picked up the ring and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The thing in this ring is exactly the bargaining chip of another monk on the stage just now, and it is also the two top-quality weapon materials he needs, but he gave up after some consideration..."

He didn't ask the other party's needs, and directly took out a pile of "Ghost Faced Cricket" Insect King's abdominal skin from the ring and handed it to the other party.

"Fellow Taoist, happy..."

The other party put the abdomen of the "Ghost-Faced Cheat" Insect King into Najie, then gave him a hand, turned around and left the private room.

Su Fan glanced at his back, picked up the spiritual tea on the table and took a sip.

At this time, another monk came in.

As soon as the other party sat down, he spoke his thoughts straight to the point.

"Do you still have the materials for fifth-level desolate beasts in your hands..."

Su Fan immediately guessed the identity of the other party. This was the sword cultivator who traded the fourth-level sword talisman.

He suddenly became excited. He knew what the other party wanted, but he just didn't know if he could get two more fourth-level sword talismans.

Su Fan nodded and said: "I only want the fourth-level sword talisman..."

The other party took out a fourth-level sword talisman from the ring and placed it in front of Su Fan.

"This is the only one I have left..."

Su Fan was a little disappointed, just one, this was already an unexpected surprise.

He took out a piece of bone from a fifth-level wild beast from his ring and handed it to the other party.

The sword cultivator was stunned for a moment, because this piece of bone was not much smaller than the one he had just traded.

In fact, there was no other way. This was the smallest piece in Su Fan's hand. He couldn't just take it out and smash it here.

The sword cultivator took the bone and put it in the ring. Then he thought about it, took out a piece of black bamboo and put it in front of Su Fan.

"This is a top-quality material I got by chance, 'Nine Tribulations Green Jade Thunder Spot Bamboo'. Seeing that you are collecting materials for making instruments, I don't know if it can be used..."

He stood up and turned to leave the private room after he finished speaking.

Su Fan was a little confused. It seems that all sword madmen are the same no matter where they are. This person's behavior is very sword cultivator.

He took the black bamboo and looked at it carefully for a while, and his heart was suddenly very excited.

Su Fan can be regarded as a master of instruments. He still has some knowledge. 'Nine Tribulations Green Jade Thunder Spot Bamboo' is definitely the best thunder material.

With such a piece of top-grade spiritual material that has experienced nine heavenly tribulations, the "Thunder Sword" will definitely be improved by several levels.

This is definitely a surprise.

Su Fan put the "Nine Tribulations Green Jade Thunder Spot Bamboo" into the ring with satisfaction, and couldn't help but look forward to the next private transaction.

But to his disappointment, the next few cultivators did not bring out the things he wanted.

And there was a stingy bitch who wanted to take advantage of him. Su Fan didn't even think about it and drove this guy out of the private room.

The person who took advantage of him hasn't been born yet.

After finishing several private transactions, Su Fan walked out of the private room, and a pretty little female cultivator hurriedly came up.

"Senior, please come this way..."

The female cultivator led Su Fan to a room where a middle-aged Jindan cultivator sat.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist, you have traded what you like. According to your several transactions, you need to pay a total of 100 high-grade spiritual stones this time..."

This is fucking...

Su Fan was already a little speechless. This is a black shop.

But he didn't say anything, and took out the spirit stone and handed it to the other party.

The middle-aged cultivator took the spirit stone, then took out a jade talisman and handed it to Su Fan.

"Daoyou took someone else's dark market jade talisman, right? Come here with your own jade talisman in the future..."

That's more like it.

Su Fan took the jade talisman and put it in the ring, bowed to the other party, and then left the house.

"Senior, please come this way..."

The little female cultivator waiting outside saw Su Fan coming out, and hurriedly led him to a teleportation array and sent him out of the dark market hall.

When Su Fan appeared again, he was already in an ordinary house.

There was no one else in the yard, and he didn't stay for long. He pushed the door and walked out of the yard. Outside was a secluded alley. He looked around and then left.

Back to the "Qiuhong Inn", Su Fan sat cross-legged on the futon, took out today's harvest, and looked at them one by one for a long time.

This trip to the dark market can be said to be fruitful.

Even he didn't expect that he would get such a big harvest, which was definitely worth the trip.

At this time, the communication array disk on Su Fan's waist vibrated slightly.

He took off the array disk from his waist and looked at it, and found that it was a message from Zhang Junpu.

Su Fan smiled, activated the communication array disk, and the shadow of this guy popped up instantly.

"Why are you looking for me..."

"I came to Yewu Fairy City, where are you..."

"Where else can I be, Qiuhong Inn..."

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon..."

After a while, Zhang Junpu pushed the door and walked in, and sat down opposite Su Fan in the room.

"Make tea... Make tea, just make the good tea last time..."

You don't treat yourself as an outsider, he shouldn't take out that kind of spiritual tea.

Su Fan ignored him, took out the red clay stove and a full set of tea sets, and made a pot of spiritual tea for him.

"You guy, I didn't expect that you would make such a big fuss after going to the Great Wilderness..."

Su Fan picked up the teapot and poured him a cup of spiritual tea.

"What does it have to do with me? That's the credit of Senior Brother Daoling and Senior Sister Suyun..."

Zhang Junpu picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Don't pretend. I don't know you. Just the two of them can do such a big thing..."

At this time, he can't admit it. He is a person who values ​​integrity the most. He will never break his promise.

"Why not? Don't forget that there are five guardian demons in the Great Wilderness..."

Zhang Junpu laughed and said, "One of the five guardian demons in the Great Wilderness is Lao Qiu's second uncle..."

This is fucking...

These family members are too messy. They are making big circles and small circles. I don't know when they will hit the gun.

Even so, Su Fan would never say it even if he was beaten to death.

"If you don't believe it, forget it..."

"You are such a jerk. Don't worry. We are the only ones who know about this. With Lao Qiu's second uncle here, we won't spread it around..."

Su Fan didn't want to continue talking about this, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Are you busy tonight? I'll treat you to a drink..."

Today, he made a good profit in the dark market, and he was in a good mood, so he wanted to find someone to drink with.

"I have a party, come with me tonight..."

Su Fan shook his head like a rattle, but he didn't want to go with you. He was satisfied with going to that boring party once.

"There are many beauties at the drinking party tonight. I'll introduce you to a few..."

After hearing what Zhang Junpu said, he didn't want to go anymore.

He had no interest in the female cultivators among the family's children. No matter whether it was Xu Miaolan or Senior Sister Suyun, once he got involved, it would be endless.

They all looked damn good. If he lost control and was taken advantage of, how could he go out and meet people in the future?

Zhang Junpu curled his lips and said, "What kind of person do you like? Don't you want to find a Taoist partner..."

He had no objection to finding a Taoist partner, but he couldn't find a girl from a family.

These people had too many troubles, and he didn't want to get involved.

At this time, the communication array disk on Zhang Junpu's waist vibrated, and he picked it up and took a look.

"I have to go. Let's have a drink tomorrow..."

After he said that, he stood up and walked out. When he reached the door, he turned back and took out a jade slip and threw it in front of Su Fan.

"I almost forgot, I found this for you, take a look..."

Su Fan glanced at Zhang Junpu's back, picked up the jade slip and put it on his forehead, and shook his head with a wry smile.

The jade slip recorded the method of refining the life treasure of a Yuanying Demon Lord during the Jindan stage.

"This guy..."

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