Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 47 You'll die if you go down

Qi State, Haiyang County, Luqu County.

Luqu County is the largest of the nine counties in Haiyang County, with 100,000 households in the city, and is the most prosperous place in Haiyang County.

Because the waterway is extremely developed, the merchant ships heading south from the north and north from the southern counties often anchor at the dock outside Luqu County.

Su Fan sat in a carriage, dozing off as the car shook.

"Lao Su, we're here in Luqu County..."

Hearing the shout, Su Fan shuddered and looked around blankly.

He saw a middle-aged strong man waving at him, and then he reacted.

Su Fan picked up the sword beside him, supported himself with his hands and jumped off the carriage, and came to the side of the middle-aged strong man.

The other person patted his shoulder and laughed, "I'll take you to the city for dinner later. The river food in Wangjiang Tower is a must."

Su Fan laughed and declined, "I won't go..."

"That won't work. Let's have a good drink today, and then find a tower to relieve your fatigue. I'll personally send you to the boat tomorrow morning."

Su Fan couldn't get away from him, so he had to be pulled into the city by the strong man.

After leaving Heixuan City, Su Fan drove the "Yinfeng Boat" all the way east, flying for more than a thousand miles.

He didn't stop until he saw the mortal town.

Su Fan pretended to be a Jianghu person and lived in the mortal town for a few days.

Originally, Su Fan wanted to find a place in the secular world and stay there comfortably for a few years.

But since he moved into the mortal town, he gave up this idea.

The mortal world is very prosperous and lively, much more exciting than the place where monks gather.

But for monks, it is really not suitable for long-term residence.

First of all, the spiritual energy is very thin. Even if Su Fan uses a small gathering spirit formation to practice, after a few days, the progress is almost zero.

The spiritual energy in the mortal town, not to mention Heixuan City, even the shantytown outside Shaoyang Market, is several times richer than here.

Fortunately, he still has Guiyuan Pills in his hand. Taking one pill every day can improve it a little bit.

The cost-effectiveness is really low, but it's better than nothing.

In addition, the secular society is full of all kinds of turbid air, and mortals don't feel it at all.

But the five senses of the cultivators are extremely sharp, and they can feel it clearly.

If it's in the wilderness, it's okay, but once you enter the city, it's really unbearable for a long time.

No wonder those poor casual cultivators in Shaoyang Market would rather live in a dilapidated shantytown than return to the mortal world.

Although there are cultivators in the mortal world, they are all older casual cultivators.

Either there is no hope of breakthrough, or the deadline is coming.

In this world of cultivation, people with spiritual roots can be said to be one in ten thousand.

Even if they have spiritual roots, more than 80% of them are mixed spiritual roots.

The probability of the offspring of cultivators giving birth to spiritual roots is much higher than that of mortals.

Therefore, these cultivators in the mortal world will marry wives and concubines and have a lot of children.

They hope to leave one or two offspring with spiritual roots before they die.

During the few days that Su Fan stayed in the town, he studied the map of Liangzhou carefully every day.

The most urgent task is to get out of the control area of ​​the True Demon Sect as soon as possible.

Continue to head east, anyway, the closer to Yongzhou, the better.

Wang Zhi's disappearance will definitely attract the attention of their family.

As long as they check in Shaoyang Market, they will definitely find him here.

To be on the safe side, before leaving the control area of ​​the True Demon Sect, Su Fan decided to hide in the mortal world.

He also had to use the "virtual spirit method" and "hidden spirit technique" to completely cover up his breath.

Even if the True Demon Sect sent people to hunt him down, it would be almost impossible to find him in the vast sea of ​​people in the secular society.

There happened to be a caravan recruiting guards in the town, so Su Fan applied and became a guard of the caravan.

In the next few months, he followed the caravan all the way to Luqu County in Qi.

According to the map of Liangzhou, if you take a boat in Luqu County and sail along the Qingcang River for a few hundred miles, you will reach the territory of Zhao.

Once you reach Zhao, you will be out of the sphere of influence of the True Demon Sect.

Su Fan's destination is Cangjiu City, thousands of miles away, which belongs to the sphere of influence of the Demon Sect Yinluo Sect.

He wants to settle down in Cangjiu City temporarily, wait for the situation in Yongzhou to stabilize, and then find a way to return to Yongzhou.

Su Fan was pulled by a strong man and walked towards Luqu County not far away.

The strong man was named Hu Guanghai, also a guard of the caravan, and was a native of Luqu County.

He was generous and righteous, and he got along well with Su Fan. The two got along well in the past few months.

Su Fan walked into Luqu County. The streets were quite wide, with wine shops, inns and other shops lined up on both sides, and people were coming in and out, a prosperous scene.

The streets were crowded with people, and there were large blue cloth umbrellas held up by various stalls on both sides of the road. It was very lively.

The two came to Wangjiang Tower and asked for a private seat by the window.

Hu Guanghai ordered a full table of dishes. The two drank and chatted while enjoying the beautiful scenery of Qingcang River.

"Lao Su, you will leave tomorrow, this cup is for you..."

Su Fan raised his glass and clinked it with Lao Hu.

"Brother, thank you for your care along the way..."

Lao Hu raised his head and drank the wine, then wiped his mouth.

"Brother, if you have the opportunity to come to Qi again in the future, you must come to see me..."

Su Fan smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a heart-wrenching wail from the street outside.

The two looked at each other and hurriedly got up and walked out of the private room.

The windows facing the street on the second floor were already crowded with people, all of them diners coming here to eat.

Hu Guanghai and Su Fan were both tall and strong, so they squeezed in within a few seconds.

They looked down and saw pedestrians running away in all directions, crying, and the stalls on both sides of the street were knocked upside down.

"Look at that person..."

A waiter in the store suddenly shouted and pointed to the street.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a person running towards here.

Strictly speaking, this is no longer a person.

This was a monster that looked like a human and an animal. It was more than two meters tall and was covered in scarlet red, as if it had been skinned alive.

The monster lay on all fours, its back arched, and a long tail behind its butt, making it look like a beast preparing to attack.

A pair of cold-blooded green eyes, a strange smile frozen at the corner of his mouth, revealing sharp fangs.

Ouch! !

The monster looked up to the sky and howled wildly, making a blood-curdling roar.

The figure lunged forward, and several passers-by who had no time to escape were instantly thrown to the ground by it.

A burst of crazy biting, tearing several passers-by to pieces in just a few strokes.

The monster jumped violently, and in an instant it had jumped dozens of meters away. It rushed into the crowd ferociously, biting wildly and wantonly.

From time to time, people would be torn to pieces by it, leaving corpses everywhere.

Hu Guanghai was angry at that time. He raised his feet and was about to jump downstairs, wanting to fight the monster on the street.

But before he could jump, Su Fan reached out and pulled him back.

Su Fan held Hu Guanghai firmly and shook his head at him.

"Old Hu, if you go down, you will die. We will wait until the officials arrive."

Lao Hu's eyes suddenly turned red, and he struggled hard to get out of Su Fan's control, but he couldn't break free after being stunned for a long time.

"Old Su, those people below are all my fellow villagers, please let me go..."

Thanks to book friends 150514093553343 and Two Points and Twenty for their tips. Thanks to Xingyue Tongying, Two Points and Twenty, Suo Yisi, Holiday Coffee, and Internet Literature Three Generations. Lao Bu deeply expresses his gratitude to all the big guys for their recommendation votes. Thank you, thank you all for your love and support.

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