Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 710: I won’t admit it even if I’m beaten to death

The fire rain of the heavenly tribulation began to decrease from the hour of Wei, and stopped completely at the hour of Wei.

Shi Feiyang's three groups of purple-green Tushita fire absorbed a lot of fire energy, and their inner quality was bright and shiny, as big as a bucket, like three bright stars.

His soul was also roasted and burned by the heavenly fire. After enduring the previous body training that was more painful than hell, it was extremely comfortable. The soul was more condensed, like a real person. Originally, the five senses were limited to a thousand miles, but now they can reach two thousand miles!

The Heavenly Demon Immortal Slaying Sword was forged by the heavenly fire, and the sword blank and the sword demon also underwent qualitative changes.

Shi Feiyang retracted his soul, ate a pill, concentrated his mind and practiced, and restored his magic power to deal with the next wave of thunder tribulation attacks.

Deng Yin watched from the cave and was full of praise: "This man came from a foreign land to this world. It is clear that he is a man of high Taoism but shallow magic. He came here to experience and overcome tribulations. With such a heart, knowledge and courage, even if he practices this half of my "Blood Nerve", he can eventually achieve the achievements of the former Stone God Palace Master!"

He originally thought that Shi Feiyang's Taoism was a little "unfathomable" and his magic power could only be regarded as a junior. He wanted him to help him out of trouble, which was condescending, just like an old senior asking a junior for help.

At this time, his mentality had changed. Although Shi Feiyang's magic power was far inferior to his, and his methods were a little immature when he cast spells, his future achievements would definitely surpass his own.

"This kid is so desperate to refine the purple and green Tushita fire, which should be used to deal with me in the future." Deng Yin looked at the rain of fire and the shining three lights, with a smile on his face, "This proves that he is mentally prepared to help me out of trouble. Not bad."

In fact, even without external help, he could get out by himself, just in the year when Emei opened his mansion.

However, when Changmei Zhenren sealed him for the last time, he had set a time limit for him, a total of 365 years. Normally, the formation would become invalid five years after the Emei Sect was established.

If Deng Yin came out at that time, the Emei Sect would have already established its own sect, and all the evil demons that should be eliminated would have been eliminated, and the situation would have been set.

The ascetic monks of the Emei Sect had already ascended to heaven, Xuan Zhenzi, Qi Shuming, Xun Lanyin and others had all reached the realm of celestial beings, and their magic power was far superior to that of ordinary celestial beings. The younger generation, Li Yingqiong and others, had also grown up, and had a lot of powerful magic weapons in their hands, which were either ancient treasures or treasures of the Heavenly Palace. Deng Yin had no chance to take advantage of it.

In addition, he could obviously go out earlier, but he chose to delay for another five years. His mentality had changed, which meant that he still respected his senior brother and wanted to turn back.

With this prodigal son's desire to turn back to goodness, plus five years of silent cultivation, he would be able to return to the realm of the devil and the Tao, and he would still be able to achieve Taoism and ascend in the future.

Deng Yin's feelings towards his senior brother are very complicated. His senior brother's kindness to him is greater than the mountains and deeper than the sea. He and his senior brother practiced Taoism together and they were as close as brothers, but his senior brother forced one of his two most beloved people to be reduced to ashes under the heavenly calamity, and the other directly killed them, destroying their bodies and souls...

Intertwined with gratitude and hatred, love and hate, in the past three hundred years, when he thought of his senior brother, he sometimes felt sad and sometimes gnashed his teeth.

He wanted to get out early, but his senior brother said that if he wanted to escape early and seek revenge on the Emei Sect, he would inevitably destroy himself.

Deng Yin was not convinced, but his senior brother had always been powerful and had no plan. He said that he would break through the Liangyi Microdust Array, and then he would immediately seek revenge on the Emei Sect, and then he would inevitably be destroyed...

He believed it a little, and he had more concerns in his heart.

Sometimes he thought about escaping early, that is, going to the Emei Sect to kill all the descendants of his senior brother, to prove that his calculations were inaccurate!

Sometimes, he was also worried, fearing that if he did that, it would really fulfill the prophecy of his senior brother.

After hesitating for two or three hundred years, he sensed the existence of Shi Feiyang, and knew that Shi Feiyang came from another world. He also calculated that Shi Feiyang was not in the prophecy that his senior brother had calculated in the past.

This gave him infinite hope!

He wanted Shi Feiyang to help him escape from the predicament. The time point was neither the 365th year when the Liangyi Microdust Array naturally failed, nor the 360th year when he broke through the formation. He wanted Shi Feiyang to help him escape from the predicament before that, and then kill all the disciples of Emei Sect, and the prophecy of his senior brother would be completely broken!

This idea was very good, but Shi Feiyang seemed to have calculated all this and never agreed to help.

As the time point of 360 years was getting closer and closer, Deng Yin was actually a little anxious.

Fortunately, Shi Feiyang came here to refine the sword. Deng Yin was overjoyed when he learned about it. I am finally going out! My Blood God is going to return to the arena!

Shi Feiyang's performance in the first wave of fire tribulation was beyond his expectations, but he was not worried. The thunder tribulation that followed was even more fierce and fierce. He also sensed that within a radius of 5,000 miles, there were at least 30 masters who wanted to kill him, including several old acquaintances.

"Xiao Long'er, Xiao Long'er, you will let me out in the end!" Deng Yin thought proudly, "This is a certainty! It is the general trend of our win-win situation!"

The thunder tribulation was more powerful than the fire tribulation. The fire cloud turned into a thunder cloud, pressing down on everyone's heads.

From the time of Shen, the first thunderbolt descended from the sky, striking the five-colored rays of light above the Hunyuan Umbrella. With a loud bang, the five-colored rays of light were pierced and struck the black umbrella body, causing the Zhoutian seal on the iron umbrella to shine with golden light. It rotated dozens of times before dissolving the power of thunder.

"So powerful!" Shi Feiyang was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the power of this thunder to be so great!

The demons in the nine swords felt the power of the thunder and hid themselves, as quiet as chickens. They had been burned by the heavenly fire before and had suffered a lot. They knew how powerful it was, but they dared not be hit by the thunder.

When the second thunderbolt fell, Shi Feiyang drew down the remaining power and made it strike a sword, which immediately made the magic sword tremble and the demon inside let out a silent howl.

The reason why it is silent is that human ears cannot hear it. It appears directly in the human brain, which makes people's teeth ache and their bones itch and numb.

Shi Feiyang drew nine thunderbolts, one for each sword, and at the same time spewed out essence, and bled himself, pouring dragon blood on the swords one by one: "You nine useless things! You are afraid of even the thunderbolts. If someone strikes you with thunderbolts in the future, won't you be scared to dig into the ground? To become a real sword to kill the immortals, you must first defeat these thunderbolts!"

After he finished speaking, he drew the second round of thunderbolts to strike the sword.

This is the difference between overcoming the calamity and avoiding the calamity. The sword to kill the immortals must go through the baptism of the heavenly calamity, and even once is not enough. It must go through many times in a row to truly reach the realm of killing people and killing Buddhas, and to be able to do everything.

The thunders in front were just probing. As time went by, the thunders became more and more numerous and denser.

"Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka La Ka..."

At the beginning, they were still striking down one after another, and Shi Feiyang could still deal with it calmly. Later, dozens or even hundreds of thunders struck down at the same time, most of which fell on Shi Feiyang, and the rest struck at other people.

Although Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch had a hard time dealing with it, he was still able to hold on. His Five Mountains True Form was very magical, and with the help of Sikong Zhan, Xu Fei Niang and others, he could always hold on.

The two unlucky ones, Bai Gu Shenjun and Xu Wan, were miserable. If there were ten points of the heavenly tribulation, Shi Feiyang would bear seven and a half points alone, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch would bear one and a half points, and the two of them would share one point.

But even this one point of power was not something they could resist. Their magic was restrained by the heavenly fire in front, and when it came to the thunder, they had no power to block it at all.

The White Bone Castle of the White Bone God was like a paper-made castle. Thunder struck here and there, and the altar was soon split into honeycomb coal.

Xu Wan was in an even worse situation. His castle was built with dark bricks with Yin characters and spells engraved on them. It was full of Yin energy. A serious Xuanmen sword immortal would be damaged if he stayed in his altar for a while. Even those with much higher magic power than Xu Wan could not defeat him.

But this was a thunderbolt from heaven. A bolt of lightning came down and hit the dark brick wall, which immediately exploded into a big fireball. Then, after a few breaths, it exploded with a bang, just like Sun Wukong kicked over the Bagua furnace. The flaming bricks flew everywhere. If Xu Wan's apprentice was hit, he would soon be reduced to ashes with his sword!

Xu Wan's eyes were red. Fortunately, he had his younger brother Xu Quan by his side to help him, otherwise he would have been blown into ruins and defeated.

But even so, both sides gradually became defeated, and the White Bone God could not help but ask Shi Feiyang for help.

Shi Feiyang was also under great pressure. The five-colored rays of light on the Hunyuan Umbrella had been smashed to pieces. There was no time to regroup, and more thunder struck the iron umbrella, causing sparks to fly everywhere, like rain. Shi Feiyang continued to output mana, making the iron umbrella rotate quickly, and the light of the Zhoutian Golden Talisman on it became stronger and stronger.

At this time, the people of Emei Sect took action!

In front of the White Bone Altar City, a short old man suddenly appeared out of thin air. It was Zhu Mei, one of the two elders of Songshan. While everyone's attention was on the sky thunder, he used the Wuxiang Xiandun to quickly come to the front of the altar city. After appearing, he rubbed his hands together, and there were dozens of Taiyi Divine Thunders. Golden thunderbolts burst out from his palms and struck the altar city, and his flying sword was also caught in it.

It was already extremely difficult for the White Bone God to deal with the thunder tribulation, and he was suddenly hit head-on like this. He hurriedly cast a spell to resist, and released four pre-laid white bone arrows, which shot out from the mouths of the skulls on the tower, and shot against the Taiyi Divine Thunder, exploding into four large balls of golden light and green fire in the air.

Three Taiyi Divine Thunders still hit the battlements, shattering them and flying bone fragments.

Zhu Mei's flying sword did not attack the White Bone God and his disciples, but the Heavenly Demon Immortal Sword.

Before coming, Qi Shuming set the primary goal of this strategy: to stop the enemy from refining swords, and to destroy as many of the twelve Heavenly Demon Immortal Swords as possible. On this basis, he would kill as many demons as possible.

Zhu Mei's flying sword was as fast as lightning. With a stroke in the air, it cut the white bone fetal shell outside the magic sword, and then wrapped the flying sword inside and sent it up to the sky.

Today's heavenly tribulations were all aimed at the sword. As soon as the magic sword came out, the heavenly thunder was immediately attracted. Dozens of heavenly thunders hit the sword at the same time, blowing it into a big fireball.

"Not good!" The White Bone God was furious. If the sword was blown to pieces by the heavenly thunder, all his efforts over the past few days would be in vain. He would also be attacked back and his vitality would be seriously damaged. If things went wrong, he would lose his Taoism and be forced to reincarnate.

He raised his left hand and shot four more white bone arrows at Zhu Mei. His right hand released six white bone wind arrows into the sky.

Zhu Mei also knew that his white bone arrows were powerful. He didn't need to catch them with his hands. He shook his body and disappeared again. However, the white bone arrows had already locked his aura and chased him closely. However, Zhu Mei was also an old generation of sword immortals who had practiced for hundreds of years. He had rich experience. He sprayed out four vitality and rubbed his hands to attract the white bone arrows to fly up into the air on his behalf, causing them to be shattered by the heavenly thunder.

Zhu Mei went around to the back of the altar and sent out the Taiyi Divine Thunder to shatter the battlements. He released his flying sword and killed five disciples of the White Bone Sect like cutting wheat!

Fortunately, the White Bone God had a few useful disciples who used the jade bucket to sprinkle phosphorus sand in time, scattering it all over the sky, forcing Zhu Mei to disappear again.

On the other side, the one who attacked Xu Wan was Miaoyi's wife Xun Lanyin, who attacked more fiercely than Zhu Mei. Xu Wan's Heavenly Demon Immortal Slaying Sword was also wrapped by invisible sword energy and sent into the air, where it was struck by thunder!

Shi Feiyang secretly cursed the two of them for being useless. However, the two of them were his left and right barriers. If they were killed, he would have to face the enemy's attack alone.

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