Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 723 I like this sect more and more

The next morning, Su Fan left the cave and flew towards the underground cave with his flying magic weapon.

Before he could reach the place, the communication array on his waist vibrated slightly. He picked it up and took a look and found that it was a message from his senior brother.

"Junior brother, what are you doing..."

"Brother, I am going to the Buddhist cave underground..."

"Don't go, you come to the main peak square immediately, I will wait for you there..."

Xu Hongda didn't tell him what to do, but he couldn't refuse, so he could only change the direction and fly to the main peak of the mountain gate.

Su Fan arrived at the square of the main peak and saw his senior brother already waiting there.

"Junior brother, follow me..."

Before he could land, Lao Xu jumped into the air, waved at him, and took the lead to fly out of the mountain gate.

"Brother, where are we going..."

Lao Xu laughed and said: "Today, I have a senior brother to invite me to dinner. I will take you to have a meal..."

After listening to his senior brother's words, Su Fan stumbled and almost fell out of the air.

Brother, what about us?

Isn't it just a meal? It looks like it has never been eaten.

But it was hard for him to say anything. After all, his senior brother was very kind to him, and he always thought of himself.

The two of them left the mountain gate and flew all the way to the "Zhenshan Fairy City" dozens of miles away.

"Zhenshan Fairy City" is as shabby as Shanmen. The size of the city is not small, and the architectural style in the city is also very rough, but it is a bit silly, big and dark.

Su Fan followed Xu Hongda into the city and walked all the way into the city.

The streets of "Zhenshan Fairy City" are extremely wide, and there are many shops on both sides of the streets, but the management of urban construction is quite poor.

On the main street just entering the city gate, there were actually many people setting up stalls. Although the main street in the city was more than a hundred feet wide, it seemed messy and disorderly.

In front of the famous elixir shop "Baicao Xuan" all over Chixiatian, someone actually set up a stove and set up a stall selling barbecue. Can you believe it.

Su Fan didn't say anything when he saw that Lao Xu was not surprised.

However, although the city is full of noise, the atmosphere in the city is pretty good.

How should I put it? It's very down-to-earth, and everywhere is filled with the atmosphere of the urban-rural fringe in the previous life.

The two came to a courtyard in the city, entered it and came to a monastery.

Just then, someone walked out of it. This person was more than two meters tall. The muscles all over his body made the robe on his body bulge.

He saw Xu Hongda laughing and walking over in a few steps, and punched Lao Xu hard.

This punch was so hard that no one else might have been able to withstand it.

The way the body cultivator greets people is also so simple and crude.

"Haha... why did you come here..."

"You stayed in the Starfield battlefield and didn't come back. I thought you died there..."

"Isn't it almost a hundred years since the Taoist Association? Master has called me back. Not only me, but Qin Lie and Zhou Yun have also come back..."

"Really, you guys have been gone for several years. I almost miss you guys to death..."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few words, and then the other party looked at Su Fan.

Only then did Lao Xu react, then he called him over and introduced him.

"This is the little junior brother that Master just accepted..."

After he finished speaking, he patted Su Fan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Junior brother, this is the sect's elite disciple, Senior Brother Feng Ba..."

Su Fan quickly raised his hand from the other party and said: "Greetings to Senior Brother Feng Ba..."

After listening to Xu Hongda's introduction, maybe Su Fan's figure didn't look like a bodybuilder at all, which made Feng Ba obviously stunned.

But he didn't say anything, and bowed his hand politely.

"Everyone is here, I just need you. Let's go in..."

Feng Ba walked into the room first and said loudly: "Lao Xu is here..."

The elite disciples in the several doors in the house are all tall and strong, and all of them have muscular physiques, as if they have entered a gym in a previous life.

What shocked Su Fan the most was that there was a female cultivator among them, who was nearly two meters tall. Two Su Fans could fit into that big body.

Seeing Lao Xu, they all stood up and gathered around to chat.

Standing next to a group of muscular men, Su Fan was like a little transparent, no one paid any attention to him.

He was quite happy about it, looking around at the furnishings in the room.

The furnishings inside this monastery also adhere to the style of Zhenshan Taoist Palace, which are simple and rugged, and there is no extraneous decoration in the whole room.

"Junior brother, come here..."

While he was walking around, he heard Xu Hongda's greeting.

Su Fan quickly walked over, and Lao Xu hugged Su Fan and introduced everyone.

"This is my junior fellow student from the same sect. From now on, you guys in the sect should help me take care of it..."

After he finished speaking, he laughed and said: "By the way, this little junior brother of mine has the same name as the notorious big devil, haha..."

Several people in the room laughed after hearing what Lao Xu said.

Su Fan also smiled, and then raised his hands to everyone.

"Fan Su, meet all senior brothers..."

At this time, Feng Ba next to him patted his shoulder.

"Junior brother, Lao Xu and I have a life-long friendship. If you have anything to do with the sect in the future, feel free to come to me..."

Others also came over to say hello to Su Fan. Although some made fun of his name, they were all harmless.

"Let's go over there. The 'Black Blood Dragon Loach' I brought back has been roasted for three days and three nights. It should be almost done..."

After hearing Feng Ba's words, everyone followed him out of the house.

"Black Blood Dragon Loach..."

Su Fan couldn't help but be stunned. He had seen this seventh-level beast in an ancient book before. It was said that the flesh and blood of this beast could enhance the strength of the cultivator's body.

He followed everyone out of the abode, passed through two houses, and came to a huge courtyard.

As soon as Su Fan walked into the yard, a hot breath hit him.

There was a pile of spiritual charcoal several feet high in the yard, burning with flames that soared into the sky, roasting a several-foot-long black flesh.

There were more than a dozen strong men in the yard, constantly filling the flames with spiritual charcoal.

There were also people standing on high wooden racks on both sides, turning huge wheels to flip the black flesh.

The flames of so much spiritual charcoal were burning at a temperature even higher than the coke used to make steel in the previous life. If it were an ordinary monster, it would be burnt in a short while.

But this piece of black flesh and blood, several feet long, was roasted for three days and three nights before it was cooked. It was making a hissing sound at this time, and drops of grease kept dripping into the flames below.

A low table had been set up in the corner of the yard, and a group of pretty female cultivators were busy going back and forth there.

Su Fan followed everyone to the corner of the yard and sat cross-legged in front of the low table.

At this time, a few simple side dishes and a large bowl had been placed on the low table. A little female cultivator came over with a wine jar and poured him a full bowl of spiritual wine.

Today, all the elite disciples of Zhenshan Dao Palace were present. It was definitely the highest-level banquet of the sect, but it was also simple and rough.

It was not that it was not particular, but that was the style of the sect.

Seeing that everyone was seated, Feng Ba raised the big bowl on the table and drank three bowls of spirit wine in a row.

The cultivators of the Ti Dao Sect were so domineering, and there was no nonsense at all.

Just drink it.

It was not until more than ten bowls of wine were drunk that the main course of the day came.

The black roasted meat was sizzling with oil and exuding an attractive aroma on the table-sized plate.

Even Su Fan, a big foodie, swallowed his saliva.

"Junior brother, the 'Black Blood Dragon Loach' is a seventh-level beast, don't eat too fast..."

At this time, the voice of the eldest brother came to his ears. He was afraid that he would make a fool of himself, so he reminded him specially.

Su Fan nodded. He wanted to see if this legendary "Black Blood Dragon Loach" could improve his physical strength.

He glanced at the others and found that everyone had already started eating.

Even Feng Ba, who had the strongest body, only ate one piece before he closed his eyes and began to digest the energy of the "Black Blood Dragon Loach".

At this time, more than a dozen elite disciples of the Zhenshan Dao Palace had red faces and were filled with steaming heat.

Su Fan also picked up a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth.

He only felt a hot breath bursting in his body instantly, but it was immediately absorbed by his body.

That's it...

To be honest, the barbecue tasted good.

It just tasted good, but for Su Fan's current body, this little energy was not enough.

If he ate the several-foot-long "Black Blood Dragon Loach" meat on the grill in the yard, it would increase his body a little bit.

But now was obviously not the time for Su Fan to show off, so he could only close his eyes and pretend to absorb it like others.

It was not until the group of people next to him finished absorbing it, and after a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

Then they drank a few bowls of spirit wine before eating a piece of barbecue and then continued to absorb energy with their eyes closed.

This process was extremely boring, and he could only use his spiritual consciousness to figure out the "Vajra Bodhi Buddha Dharmakaya" in his mind.

It was not until this process was repeated several times that Su Fan said goodbye to everyone.

As for the reason for his departure, he said that he had eaten too much and his body could no longer bear it, so he had to go back to retreat for a few days to completely absorb the energy of the "Black Blood Dragon Loach".

This reason was very powerful, and he left the yard in embarrassment amid the laughter of everyone.

As soon as he walked out of the yard, Feng Ba caught up with him and stuffed a storage ring with a piece of "Black Blood Dragon Loach" meat several feet long in it.

For ordinary disciples, this is a big favor.

If Su Fan took this large piece of "Black Blood Dragon Loach" to any auction house, he would earn a lot of spirit crystals.

Seeing Feng Ba walking into the yard, Su Fan weighed the ring in his hand and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He wasted half a day eating this thing.

He could do something else with this time.

But he still had to remember the favors of the senior brother and Feng Ba, which was also a helpless thing.

Most of the more than ten elite disciples of the Zhenshan Taoist Palace in the yard should be the candidates who went with him to participate in the Chaoguang Star Domain Centennial Taoist Conference.

But from what he just sensed, even the most powerful brother Feng Ba was just that.

Anyway, compared with him, there was no limit.

Even if all these people were tied together, they would not be enough for Su Fan to kill.

But these people represent the highest level of all physical cultivation in the entire Chixiatian.

I just don’t know what the level of physical cultivation in other planes is like in this centennial Taoist meeting in Chaoguang Star Region.

However, the character of the disciples in Zhenshan Taoist Palace is good. At least it is not tiring to get along with them, and there is no need to think about those shitty things.

Su Fan left the courtyard and walked around in the fairy city again.

After only walking for a while, he found that the price level in the city was very low. Anyway, compared with the fairy cities in the middle area of ​​Chixiatian, it was too conscientious.

There are also many delicious restaurants in the city, not only affordable, but also super large portions.

Moreover, the styles of various cuisines are similar to those in the north in his previous life, so he went into more than a dozen restaurants in succession and ate happily.

After leaving Zhenshan Fairy City, Su Fan found that he liked this sect more and more.

After returning to the mountain gate, he did not return to the cave house, but went directly to the underground cave.

There were still many disciples of the sect in the underground cave. Although Su Fan was a stranger, he was not noticeable in the dense crowd.

Standing in the huge Buddhist cave again, he looked up at the Buddha statue that was hundreds of feet high.

Today, he had to figure out what this evil Buddha was all about.

Su Fan sat cross-legged opposite the Buddha statue, then slowly closed his eyes and practiced, muttering to himself.

This time, he didn't have to wait long to communicate with the Buddha statue before he got a response.

Of course, there was no longer the Buddha's light shining everywhere, the momentum was overwhelming, and it was like a god inspecting the world.

The dark evil Buddha appeared directly in his sea of ​​consciousness, looking at him with an evil look on his face and smiling.

You are so direct, you don't even have to pretend.

At this time, several thoughts appeared in his mind.

"How did you, a demon cultivator, sneak into the Immortal Sect..."

"No, you are carrying a demon seed..."

"Boy, what are you? Tell the Buddha..."

What the hell...

How dare you call yourself the Buddha to me? Who gave you such a big face.

"I just practiced the physical cultivation method of the demon sect, and the fundamental method is the orthodox method of the Immortal Sect..."

After receiving Su Fan's thoughts, the smile on the face of the evil Buddha became more intense.

"Don't fool me, just look at the murderous aura all over your body, and the number of people who died in your hands is at least a million..."

Damn, this evil Buddha must be not simple.

Just a wisp of residual soul can tell his roots.

"Can't the immortal sect cultivators kill people..."

"What a joke, which immortal sect disciple would devour the flesh and blood of the other person after killing someone? Do you dare to say that your cultivation is obtained by your own cultivation..."

What the hell...

This guy can even see this, what realm was he in before.

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