Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 79 Tentacle Demon

Su Fan had experienced several life-and-death crises and had a certain degree of foresight about danger.

He subconsciously changed the direction of flight, and saw a tentacle covered with suction cups, sweeping past his previous position like a whip.

Su Fan's intuition was correct, he was targeted by the evil demon in the crack.

He accelerated desperately, and had already increased the speed of the "Yinfeng Boat" to the extreme.

And constantly changing the direction, several huge tentacles kept sweeping around him.

For a while, danger was everywhere.

Every time the tentacle was close to Su Fan's body, it passed by dangerously.

Just when Su Fan was about to reach the other side of the crack, his good luck ended and he was scraped by a tentacle.

Bang! !

Su Fan's body was swept away, and his body hit the stone wall of the crack heavily, and then fell headfirst.

At this moment, Liu He in front of the light curtain sat on the ground with a face full of grief and anger.

"It's over, big brother is dead..."

The senior sister next to him rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "It's just a tentacle demon, I don't believe he can't deal with it."

Liu He punched the ground and roared with red eyes.

"That's also an evil demon. How can he beat a fourth-level Qi training?"

The senior sister sneered and said: "You are blind. He has already practiced Qi at the sixth level, and he is still a physical cultivator. You see, he will be able to climb up in a while."

Liu He was very worried, but he had no choice. The light screen could not see the situation inside the crack.

Su Fan took out the magic sword and stabbed it into the stone wall during the rapid fall, which stopped his body, but his body hit the stone wall again.

He almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. If it weren't for his strong body, these few hits would have broken his bones.

Su Fan had just stabilized his body when a tentacle came over again. He moved his body to avoid it.

Snap! !

The huge tentacles pulled a deep gully out of the stone wall, and the gravel fell down with a crackling sound.

This won't work, it's too passive.

Su Fan dodged the whipping of several tentacles while performing the "Thunder Eyes" to search for the location of the evil demon.

There are stone pillars with karst landforms growing in the cracks, densely packed in the cracks.

Su Fan found the trace of the evil demon on a stone pillar.

It looks like a big octopus, wrapped around a stone pillar, with a row of eyes, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark cracks.

The huge body uses several tentacles to constantly change positions between the stone pillars, and does not forget to whip Su Fan with the tentacles.

Watching the evil demon constantly changing its position on the stone pillar and getting closer and closer to him, Su Fan knew that he couldn't go on like this.

The huge tentacles hit again, and Su Fan dodged again. When the tentacles were retracted, he thought about it and used the wind walking technique to actively float towards the tentacles.

The tentacles suddenly rolled up, wrapped around Su Fan's waist, and instantly pulled him over.

The evil demon opened its ferocious mouth like a chrysanthemum, and was about to swallow Su Fan in one bite.

The Tao seeds in Su Fan's body exploded, and waves of hot positive poles and evil spirits instantly spread all over his body.

He was like a red-hot iron block, and the tentacles wrapped around his waist suddenly loosened.

Su Fan took the opportunity to break free from the entanglement of the tentacles, and his body was like a gust of wind. He flexibly avoided the evil demon's chrysanthemum mouth and turned over to the evil demon.

He held the huge sword in both hands and thrust it down fiercely.


The black sword wrapped in positive pole and evil spirits deeply penetrated the body of the evil demon.

Su Fan held the hilt of the sword with both hands, kicked his feet fiercely, leaned back violently, and fell down violently.

The dark blood splashed everywhere, spraying all over his body and face.

With the inertia of falling, he cut a long wound on the body of the evil demon with the big sword.

Awooo! !

The evil demon screamed in pain, twisting its body violently, and several tentacles whipped wildly like crazy.

Su Fan's feet flashed with lightning, and his figure appeared on the stone pillar. He teleported several times in the air, dodged the whipping of the tentacles, and turned over to the evil demon again.

With a fierce swing of the sword, one of the evil demon's tentacles was cut off.

Next, the evil demon was tortured to death by Su Fan, and several tentacles were cut off by him.

Finally, Su Fan simply inserted the sword wrapped in hot evil spirit into the head of the evil demon.

The Tao seed in the body rotated loudly, and the positive pole and earth evil were injected into the body of the evil demon through the magic sword.

The evil demon wailed miserably, and its body twisted and twitched constantly, but it could not resist the damage of the positive pole and earth evil.

After a while, the evil demon stopped moving.

It was the first time that Su Fan faced a real evil demon. The ones he encountered before were all transformed demon souls.

I don't know if my strength has become stronger or if the evil demon I met is too weak.

Anyway, in Su Fan's eyes, this thing just looks scary, but its strength is average.

It can only be a little threatening if it hides under the cracks and attacks. Like him, it is a Yinbi style of play.

It's a pity that I met him. Whether it is Yangji Disha or magic sword, they are all the nemesis of the evil demon.

In fact, he is just talking without any pain. If it were a casual cultivator, he would be dead.

Even if a sect disciple came, in the extremely passive situation just now, let alone counterattack, it would be amazing to be able to escape.

Su Fan stretched out his hand to pull out the magic sword, and something incredible happened.

The huge corpse of the evil demon actually began to shrink slowly, faster and faster, until the flesh and blood of the evil demon became shriveled and withered.

After a long time, Su Fan came to his senses.

He pulled out the magic sword with a confused look on his face. The mottled magic sword had changed its appearance.

The originally dull sword body seemed to be alive. The dark magic sword was flickering with a faint light on its surface.

And there was a strange coldness, as if one more look at it could seduce the soul.

In just a moment, the magic sword actually devoured the blood and flesh essence of the evil demon.

Su Fan frowned. This sword would not become a magic sword in the end.

No matter what, let's get out of the secret realm first.

Su Fan put the corpse of the evil demon into the storage bag, then took out the "Yinfeng Boat" and drove the magic weapon out of the crack.

Liu He saw Su Fan rushing out of the crack and quickly got up from the ground.

"Sister, the elder brother is out..."

Sister rolled her eyes at him and said with contempt: "Tentacle demons, there are many in the Ten Thousand Mile Demon Abyss. By the way, you haven't been there yet, right? Next time, I'll fight for a chance for you to go to the Demon Abyss for a few years."

"No, I just entered the inner sect..."

"Go ask which inner sect disciple hasn't been to the Ten Thousand Mile Demon Abyss. You should also go out for a few years."

Su Fan had a crack and used several cleaning talismans to clean his body.

After that, he didn't see any more evil demons, but there were many monsters, which might be a big threat to other casual cultivators.

But for Su Fan, monsters below the second level were not a threat to him at all.

When Su Fan came out of the secret realm, he saw several disciples of Yinluo Sect, all looking at him in surprise.

Who is this idiot, why did he go there?

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