"Throw it away quickly! Throw it away!" Ren Yuanyuan yelled.

"Hey, it's okay, it's dead." Wang Yuan said, "I'll cook snake meat for you tonight."

"I won't eat it! Disgusting!" Jiang Yan said.

"I don't eat it either, it's too scary." Zhang Lanfang said.

"That's right, we don't eat it." Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Uh, okay, well, it's getting dark, let's build a shelter before dawn." Wang Yuan said.

"Okay." The three girls stood up together.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Ren Yuanyuan said.

The three women looked at Wang Yuan.

"Uh... well, you guys go over there and pick some leaves, there are some palm trees and banana trees over there." Wang Yuan pointed in the direction when he just came out.

"Okay, let's go!" Ren Yuanyuan greeted.

"Wait a minute, you take sticks and pat the grass to prevent some snakes, insects, rats and ants." Wang Yuan handed Ren Yuanyuan a branch.

"Got it." Ren Yuanyuan took it.

Wang Yuan walked towards the reefs in the north, and the three women walked towards the jungle.

Wang Yuan was observing the reefs to see if there was any suitable place. Suddenly, I saw a big reef, five or six meters high, seven or eight meters wide, and the top was tilted towards the south.

This place is very good.

Wang Yuan is looking for marine debris around. There is a lot of marine debris in the reef group, such as bamboo, wood, floating balls, foam boards, rotten fishing nets...

After picking up a lot of rubbish and putting them under the rock, the three girls also came to find them with a lot of big leaves.

"Wang Yuan, are these leaves enough?" Zhang Lanfang asked.

The three girls put down the leaves.

"Enough." Wang Yuan said.

"Then what shall we do?" Ren Yuanyuan asked.

"Uh, you guys go pick up some hay and pick up marine litter."

"Okay." The three girls turned and left.

Wang Yuan picked up a dozen bamboo poles and placed them side by side on the ground with an interval of more than 20 centimeters. Then he took three bamboo poles and placed them horizontally on the bamboo poles, one in the middle and one at each end.

I found a rotten fishing net and used a knife to pull out some ropes, tied the bamboo poles with the ropes, spread the leaves on them, and tied them with ropes.

At this time, it was getting dark, and the three women also picked up a lot of marine garbage and a pile of hay.

"Well, let's go get the suitcase and the coconut." Then he walked towards the coconut tree, followed by the third daughter.

There are fourteen coconuts in total, and the three daughters hold four each. Wang Yuan

Put two in the backpack, carry the suitcase, pick up the dead snake, and walk back with the oil drum. Seeing Wang Yuan holding the dead snake, the three women all kept away.

Several people put the things down, Wang Yuan said: "Well, let's lift this up and put it here."

Wang Yuan carried the bundled bamboo and leaves, and the three girls came to help. The bamboo leans on the reef, forming a herringbone-shaped shelter. The space inside is not small, but the two ends are transparent.

Wang Yuan picked up a few planks to block the east exit, but the top couldn't be blocked, so he took a few leaves and tied them to block the opening, leaving an exit toward the sea.

"Yeah!" Ren Yuanyuan jumped up happily, ran to Wang Yuan, and kissed Wang Yuan's face with a "boo".

"Ugh!" Wang Yuan touched the place where he was kissed.

"I'm so excited." Ren Yuanyuan blushed.

Zhang Lanfang gave her a look that I understand you. Jiang Yan was expressionless, still cold.

"You guys spread these foam boards in, and have a good night's sleep." Wang Yuan said. Then put the suitcase back in.

The three girls are arranged in the shelter, which has a large space, and five or six people can live there without being crowded.

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