"Hehe, thank you, Captain Wang." Zhao Jianguo lit the smoke embarrassingly.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, then we won't send it away." Wang Yuan said.

Zhao Jianguo left with the burning wood.

"Hahaha!" When Zhao Jianguo walked away, the three girls burst into laughter.

"Captain, why are you pissing him off? Seeing them like that makes me angry." Ren Yuanyuan said.

"After all, it's not easy. We can't do nothing. We've already been missed by them. If we don't give it to them, they will come again. I don't want them to harass us every day." Wang Yuan said.

"Okay, I agree with the captain's approach. We can't stay here all the time. If we leave, they will come." Zhang Lanfang said.

"I just don't like them."

"Don't just look at the surface when looking at a problem, but look at the essence through the phenomenon."

"Oh, I see."

"All right, let's all go to rest." Wang Yuan said.

"Okay." The three women entered the shelter.

Wang Yuan finished smoking, added a piece of wood to the stove, lay down and fell asleep.

The next morning Wang Yuan was the first to wake up again. Seeing that there were still sparks in the stove, he quickly added some hay, blew it a few times and it caught fire.

Solved some personal problems in the thatch, added a piece of wood to the stove when I came back, picked up the toilet bag and went to the beach to wash up.

After washing, I came back and picked up my backpack, poured out the wild vegetables I dug yesterday, wrapped them in banana leaves, and took them to the beach to wash. After washing the wild vegetables, the three girls also came out one after another.

"Captain, you got up so early?" Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Well, you go and solve your personal problems, and you'll be fine when you come back to dinner."

"Well, thank you Captain." The three girls left together.

Wang Yuan took out two coconuts and opened them, poured all the coconut juice into a pan, then put them on the stove and burned them, smashed the coconuts, dug out the coconut meat, broke them into small pieces and threw them into the pan, and the washed wild vegetables Poured in.

Put the grilled fish that I didn't eat last night into the fire to warm up, and then go to the beach to collect the fish cage. At this time, the three women also came over after washing to see the harvest of the fish cage.

"Hey! That's quite a lot!" Wang Yuan poured out the contents of the fish cage, and Ren Yuanyuan said in surprise. Four groupers, two crabs, and two octopuses.

"We'll go back to eat after packing up," Wang Yuan said. Handing Zhang Lanfang a fruit knife, he started to handle the octopus with the dagger.

"I'll go back first, you guys remember to take the internal organs

Put it in that bottle and drop the fish cage. "Wang Yuan said.


When Wang Yuan returned to the stove, the coconut milk in the pan had boiled. Wang Yuan cut the octopus into pieces and threw it into the pan, and put some sea salt into the pan. Find four soda cans in the garbage dump, cut off the upper part of the cans to make four cups, wash them with sea water, take the pan down and put it on the stone.

The third daughter came back with seafood, put the fish on the banana leaves, put the crabs in the milk powder can, and surrounded them.

"Wow! It smells so good!" Ren Yuanyuan's saliva almost flowed out.

The four of them worked together to pour the soup in the pot into the cups of the cans. The vegetables and octopus were divided, and there was still a lot left in the pot.

Just as Ren Yuanyuan was about to reach for it, Wang Yuan patted her hand, "Be careful, it's hot!"

"Oh!" Ren Yuanyuan looked hopeless.

"Learn more." Wang Yuan said, then broke off a foam board, put the cup on the foam board, picked up two chopsticks made of bamboo sticks, picked up the foam board and started eating.

The third daughter also learned how to eat, until the soup in the pot was finished, Ren Yuanyuan touched her stomach and said: "It's so delicious, I've finished the soup, I'm so full. Captain, what are we doing today? "

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