The four of Wang Yuan returned to the shelter with the harvest from the sea catching. At this time, the water was boiling, and they put the seafood on the banana leaves. Wang Yuan picked up the pan and filled the four cans. water, and then put all the seafood into the pot to cook. Biqu library

"Everyone, drink some hot water to warm up." Wang Yuan said, before lighting a cigarette.

After smoking and drinking water, the seafood is also good.

"Well, we're not going anywhere today, just stay here and remember not to go into the jungle." Wang Yuan said after the four had breakfast.

"Understood, but what are we doing here, it's too boring." Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Then I'll make you something."


"You'll find out later."

Wang Yuan found a few broken fishing nets and dismantled them. He rubbed them together and spliced ​​them together to make a few thin ropes. He tied the ropes to the bamboo poles he brought back yesterday. After beating and grinding on the stone, the hook is also ready and tied to the rope.

"Take it and go fishing." Wang Yuan pointed to the fishing rod and said to the three women.

"Okay, let's compare who catches more." Ren Yuanyuan said excitedly.

"Wait a minute." Wang Yuan said again

Pick up three floating balls, cut a big hole in each of them, and tie a rope as a handle, "You take it, just put the harvest in it."

"Okay." The three girls each lifted a floating ball.

"Just crack open the conch and use it as bait," Wang Yuan said.

"Okay, let's go, go fishing." The three girls happily went to the beach to go fishing.

Wang Yuan lit a cigarette, tidied up the cut bamboo branches, and cut them together with the remaining half of the bamboo stem with a dagger. Sit down and start knitting.

Eight men and women sat on the ground under the coconut tree on the beach, and Zhao Jianguo was arranging for them.

"Xiao Sun, come with me later to learn how to make distilled water. Big sister Zhou, you take the women into the jungle to find wild fruits and so on. You carry your backpack. I saw that they had oranges yesterday. They must have found them in the jungle. Young Master Li, You and Zhang Zhenping pick up some dry firewood, put it here to dry, the weather is hot, and it will definitely be dried at noon. Well, let’s move, everyone.” Zhao Jianguo said.

"Okay." Everyone stood up listlessly.

"Xiao Sun, let's go." Zhao Jianguo poured out the contents of the backpack and handed it to Big Sister Zhou, and put all the remaining cigarettes in his pocket.

Two people to the reef

The group of stones walked over, turned around two rocks, and saw Wang Yuan sitting on a rock holding bamboo strips to weave something, and the three women sitting on the rocks by the sea to fish.

"Hehe, Captain Wang, we're here." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Oh, sit down." Wang Yuan said, "Xiao Sun is here too."

"Hello, Captain Wang." After all, the two belong to the same company.

Zhao Jianguo took out four packs of cigarettes and handed them to Wang Yuan.

"Mr. Zhao, you don't need so many. Didn't we agree on two boxes?" Wang Yuan didn't answer.

"You take it first, Captain Wang, listen to me." Zhao Jianguo said.

"Okay." Wang Yuan picked up the cigarette.

"It's like this. We don't have anything left. These four packs of cigarettes are complete, and we keep most of the packs. We don't have tools or anything. I want to ask Captain Wang to help us make a distillation device. In addition Can you ask Captain Wang to teach us how to make fishing rods?" Zhao Jianguo said.

"Okay." Wang Yuan thought for a while, "But we don't have any materials here. Why don't you go to the north and look for it. There is still a lot of marine debris. If you find it, I will help you. See if it's okay. ?”

"Okay, tell me what you need." Zhao Jianguo said.

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