Wang Yuan got up, raised the binoculars, looked for a while, and saw a cargo ship followed by a fishing boat, and two small cruise ships on both sides.

The red flag on the freighter was very dazzling under the lights.

"That's right, it's them!"

The two sides gradually approached and slowly docked together.

The girls also came out of the cabin, Wang Yuan saw the people standing on the side of the freighter, and said, "Dahei, you stay first, we get on the freighter."


Wang Yuan and the four girls boarded the cargo ship. Wang Jiawei immediately stepped forward to shake Wang Yuan's hand and said, "Captain Wang, have you rescued her?"

"Well, I'm saved."

Seeing the girls behind, Wang Jiawei asked in surprise: "This, isn't this Li Lili, the little queen of our country?"

Li Lili nodded, and generously admitted: "It's me, thank you, Captain Wang!"

"Don't dare, dare not. Regarding your disappearance, the domestic media has caused a lot of noise. Your fans have been asking your agency for an explanation all day long. Many people on board are your fans. I didn't expect to be here. Meet you."


Seeing that many people behind him took out their mobile phones and were about to step up to take a group photo, Wang Jiawei immediately scolded: "What are you doing? You all go back. If there is anything to do, we can talk about it after the rest of the day."

Only then did the crew members disperse, and there was a lot of discussion. These people who have been wandering at sea all year round, have never seen such a big star, let alone the little queen Li Lili who is known as the goddess of the whole people.

Wang Jiawei said awkwardly: "Hehe, I made you laugh."

Li Lili smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

Wang Yuan asked: "Captain Wang, is the ship all repaired?"

"Well, the repair is almost done, and the voyage will not be delayed. The cab glass is removed from other places and installed. It will be repaired as a whole after it lands."

"That's good, by the way, will your crew be able to sail?"

"Well, all my crew members have been trained to board the ship, and they can do basic operations. You can see that the ships have been arranged and let them take turns to take the helm. Let us also hand over this cruise ship. You are enough for these two days. It's been hard work."

"Thank you, Xiaoni, tell me about our next plan."

Wang Xiaoni took out the tablet, clicked it a few times, and said: "Our warship has just finished dealing with the pirate's lair in the north, and it is heading towards us.

We are sailing here, and our superiors asked us to meet up with the warship and return to the country together. The waters around here are still not very safe. With the protection of the warship, we are much safer. "

Wang Jiawei was overjoyed: "Great! With the protection of our own army, we feel much more at ease."

After speaking, immediately arrange for manpower to replace Dahei, and Wang Xiaoni pointed out the direction of sailing.

Wang Jiawei said to Wang Yuan: "I have arranged rooms for everyone, and you can rest on our freighter."

"We appreciate your kindness. Let's go back to the cruise ship. By the way, Captain Wang, do you have any extra gasoline on board? We don't have much gasoline on the speedboat. We will use the speedboat to perform a mission tomorrow."

"Don't tell me, there really are. Many machines on the ship need gasoline, such as water pumps and air compressors. I'll get you two barrels right now."

"Then thank you."

Wang Yuan and the others returned to the cruise ship, plus Yao Baolei and Situ Yao, there were three men and five women in total.

The speedboat was filled with fuel, and all the ships set sail, sailing a little east of the north, a cargo ship, a fishing boat and three small cruise ships, a total of five ships, which looked like a fleet.

When Wang Yuan came to the pilothouse, he saw two crew members, one of whom was steering the helm. Although he was not very skilled, he was able to drive well. As long as he slowed down and followed the big ship, there would be no problem. Biqu library

He took out two bottles of drinks and handed them to the two, saying: "I will trouble you here, we will go to have a rest, and if there is something to do, please call."

The two quickly said: "No trouble, no trouble, it should be done, and we also want to thank you for saving us."

"It's not easy for us to meet our compatriots overseas. We should help each other. Don't be too polite, everyone. Let's rest first."

"Okay, don't worry here."

Everyone entered the cabin, tidied up their weapons and backpacks, and went back to their rooms to rest.

The three men were in a room, lying on the bed, Wang Yuan asked: "Bao Lei, why don't you bring a weapon when you come out to carry out the mission?"

"I did. I only have a pistol. I didn't bring a long gun."

"It's been a long time since I played with our weapons. I still like domestic rifles."

"Hey, squad leader, do you know what rifle I'm using?"

"What?" Wang Yuan became interested.

"Made in China 191! Hey! It's so cool!"

"What?" Wang Yuan sat up straight,

"Already installed?"

"No, only the special forces and a few assault troops were equipped first."

"You boy, when you are on the warship, lend me your gun for fun."

"Okay, but don't let the chief see."

"Don't worry, I know."

Wang Yuan felt like a cat scratching his head, he wanted to see this kind of rifle for a long time.

I fell asleep in my mind.

In a daze, everyone was awakened by the sound of loudspeakers.

"Attention everyone! There is an unknown helicopter flying towards us!"

Everyone put on their clothes quickly, Wang Yuan immediately said: "Dahei, you take the bazooka, Baolei, the machine gun is handed over to you, Wenjuan, give me the red flag, you take the sniper rifle! Xiaoni, you immediately contact your superior Get in touch and report the situation we encountered. Put your backpacks on your back and find a place to disperse and hide them. Don’t go out. If the other party fires first, shoot them immediately and shoot them down!"

"Understood!" Everyone quickly hid everywhere on the ship, aiming their weapons at the helicopter that was slowly flying over from the west.

Wang Yuan came to the bridge, and two crew members were communicating with the captain through the walkie-talkie.

Looking at the approaching lights, it could be seen that there were three helicopters.

Wang Jiawei's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, don't panic, follow me closely."

The freighter sailed at full speed immediately, and all ships followed immediately.

Soon, three helicopters caught up and intercepted all the ships in a row.

Wang Xiaoni held up the tablet, and the camera was filming the helicopter to communicate with her superiors. Many crew members also took videos with their mobile phones.

The insignia and logo of country C were clearly painted on the helicopter, and now the country with this logo is the rebels who just took over the regime.

At this time, a voice came from the loudspeaker on one of the helicopters. "We are the counterattack force of country C, and we are hunting down our country's defectors. Please stop the ship immediately, everyone stand on the deck and accept inspection, otherwise we will take compulsory measures!"

The sound of the loudspeaker was repeated twice, seeing that all the ships ignored them and showed no intention of stopping.

"Shhhhh!" A helicopter in the middle fired two missiles.

"Boom!" The missile exploded in front of the freighter, stirring up a water column several meters high.

"Da da da..." On the other two helicopters, machine guns spit out flames, bullets poured out, and dense water sprayed in front of all the ships.

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