Jiang Yan put the pan on the stove, added water, put the four fish into the pan with a knife, added a few grains of wild pepper, cut a few slices of wild ginger, and put a piece of wood on the fire , and cover the pot with two palm leaves.

After a while the water boiled, put some sea salt and continued to stew for a while.

"Okay, let's serve dinner." Jiang Yan said, taking the pot down with a leaf pad.

The four shared the fish soup, and Ren Yuanyuan said: "Sister Yan, the fish soup you made is so delicious and fresh."

"Then I'll do the cooking from now on." Jiang Yan smiled.

"Okay, I agree." Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Well, that's fine." Wang Yuan said, "Sister Fang and I will go to the cliff to the south in the afternoon to have a look, and you two can continue fishing."

"Okay." The three women said.

After the four of them drank the fish soup, they shared another papaya. Wang Yuan put his back on his back, and Zhang Lanfang picked up the harpoon and set off, while Ren Yuanyuan and Jiang Yan continued fishing.

There was no one on the beach, and they probably all went to the jungle. There was a fire still burning under the coconut tree. Wang Yuan and Wang Yuan didn't care, and continued to walk south.

When they reached the bottom of the cliff, the two began to observe.

The cliff is about ten meters high, almost vertical, outside

It extends all the way to the sea, and beyond the beach, there is a gully separating the cliffs. The cliffs directly form mountains in the island, as if the island mountain is divided into two halves by this cliff.

It is impossible to climb directly up the cliff, and there are very few places to stay on it.

"Captain, are we going to climb over?" Zhang Lanfang asked.

"Well, it will be over tomorrow."

"Why?" Zhang Lanfang said, "Isn't it good that we are here?"

"We don't have enough supplies here, and with those people, the supplies are not enough at all. I'm sure they will steal things while we are asleep tonight." Wang Yuan said.

"How do you know?" Zhang Lanfang asked.

"Zhao Jianguo observed around our shelter for a long time this morning. He thought I wasn't paying attention."

"Hmph! This Zhao Jianguo, let's show him tonight!"

"No need, what should we do at night, leave something for them to save them from worrying about us, let's treat it as our kindness to help them."

"Hmph! I just feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, let's go back and keep quiet, lest Yuanyuan yell again, and you call me into the shelter when I'm sleeping

Biqu library

So, I'll leave something for them outside. "Wang Yuan said.

"All right."

"Then let's go back."

The two walked back together, but the group of people on the beach did not come back, and the fire on the fire was much smaller. Biqu library

Back at the camp, Zhang Lanfang went fishing. Wang Yuan lit a cigarette and took all the broken fishing nets. He sat on a rock and began to tear down the fishing nets.

I don't know how long it has been since I took it apart, I raised my wrist to look at my watch, it was almost six o'clock.

Light a cigarette, add a piece of bamboo to the stove, because the wood is almost finished, and the wood needs to keep kindling at night, add some water to the pan and put it on.

When he came to the beach, he said, "Okay, let's get ready to cook."

"I still haven't caught anything." Ren Yuanyuan wept.

"It's okay." Wang Yuan started to collect the fish cage.

"Wow, octopus, big lobster, and crab!" Ren Yuanyuan said pleasantly after the fish cage was poured out.

An octopus, a big lobster, two crabs, not small in size, plus two groupers.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yan also caught two groupers, and Zhang Lanfang caught a mullet. Dinner is enough, and I roasted eight or nine dried fish yesterday.

Several people packed up the fish, put the fish cage into the sea water and went back.

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