Three women and one man supported each other and walked down the slope. There were several reefs below, and the reefs formed a small inlet.

"Look! There's a bag there." Jiang Yan pointed to the middle of the two reefs near the sea and said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go over." Wang Yuan also saw it, walked around the bay, carefully turned over the reef, and took the bag back.

This seems to be a standard backpack used by the army. The outside is made of camouflage waterproof material. There is a small piece of logo in the corner, except for a bunch of foreign words below the four words, "Made in Huaguo."

"Open it and have a look." Zhang Lanfang said.

Wang Yuan unzipped the zipper and opened the backpack.

Inside were a set of camouflage uniforms, a pair of combat boots, two military vests, two pairs of underwear, two packets of instant noodles from Huaguo, a packet of compressed biscuits, and a military dagger. I rummaged through the small pocket on the side, and found a box of sewing kits, half a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and more than twenty rounds of pistol bullets.

"This may belong to a soldier of a certain country." Zhang Lanfang said.

"Maybe it's from the rescue team." Wang Yuan said.

"Ah? Is it really the rescue team?" Ren Yuanyuan said.

"I'm just guessing. All right, Mr. Jiang, you carry this backpack, let's go." Wang Yuan said.

"Okay." Jiang Yan said.

"Yeah! Here we come!" Ren Yuan

Yuan rushed to the beach and shouted.

The two girls behind ran to the beach together.

Running to the middle of the beach, the three women threw their things and lay down.

Wang Yuan walked unhurriedly behind, observing the surroundings.

"Captain! Can you build a house here? I'll marry you when it's finished!" Ren Yuanyuan sat up and shouted to Wang Yuan.

Zhang Lanfang and Jiang Yan also sat up and looked at Wang Yuan.

"Well, let's take a break and eat something." Wang Yuan rubbed his nose and said.

"Straight man of steel." Ren Yuanyuan muttered.

"The kind that can't be saved." Zhang Lanfang also whispered, then took the backpack and took out two wooden claws.

"Hehe." Jiang Yan opened his backpack, took out the saber, and cut papaya. Biqu library

"Well, you guys have a rest, and then go to the beach to catch the sea. I'll go to the eastern reef to have a look." Wang Yuan said after everyone shared the papaya.

"Okay." The three women said.

Wang Yuan lit a cigarette, with a dagger on his waist, picked up a harpoon and walked eastward.

When he arrived at the reefs, Wang Yuan searched around.

There is also a lot of marine garbage. This is how the world is. Many people don't care about the marine environment and discard garbage casually, polluting the environment.

Wang Yuan is mainly a place far from the shore to find suitable

The place where they are stationed is a place where they can hide and observe.

I felt something was wrong while walking, so I slowed down.

"Stop! Don't move! Raise your hands!" Suddenly something pushed up his back, and a man speaking Y language said behind him. Biqu library

Wang Yuan felt from experience that what was holding him was a pistol, so he slowly raised his hand.

"Turn around slowly!" the man ordered.

"Don't shoot." Wang Yuan said in Y language, "We have something to talk about."

Wang Yuan turned around slowly, suddenly lowered his body, swept his right leg, grabbed the man with both hands, knocked the man down to the ground, locked his right hand from behind, and dropped the pistol to the ground.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" the man asked.

Wang Yuan let go of the man and picked up the pistol.

The man turned around and looked at Wang Yuan, both of them were stunned.

"King?" The man said something in Chinese.

"Haha, big black!" Wang Yuan said.

"It's me, my friend." Dahei and Wang Yuan hugged each other.

Dahei is a black man, he looked at Wang Yuan and said, "Wang, why are you here?"

"I retired and was going to work in country a. Who knew that the plane crashed, so I came here. Why are you here?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Ah? I am from the rescue team, here to search and rescue you."

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