"Pack up the water, it doesn't matter if it's cloudy, you can drink it after it settles down." Zhou big sister said.

All four mineral water bottles are full.

"Why don't we stay here, it's not far from the sea, and we can find it when the rescue team comes." Zhang Zhenping said.

"I agree." Li Pengfei said.

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Jianguo asked.

"I agree too." Everyone agreed.

"Well, here it is." Zhao Jianguo said, "In the evening, we will send two people quietly to the reef to see those people."

"Okay, let's look around to see if there is any food." Li Pengfei said.

The crowd dispersed again to look for food. In the evening, when everyone returned to the puddle they found, they found some small wild fruits, but they didn’t know what they were. Some were like wild jujubes, and some were like cherry tomatoes. Each divided into three or four.

"Let's eat these wild fruits, and divide into two papayas and two coconuts," Zhao Jianguo said.

The papaya was still unripe and a bit bitter, but those wild fruits were delicious. After eating and drinking, everyone leaned against those trees to rest.

"Who will follow me to the reef to see

? " Zhao Jianguo asked.

No one spoke.

"It's okay, just quietly go over and observe, and I'll be back in a while," Zhao Jianguo said.

"How about I go with you." Zhang Zhenping said.

"Okay, let's go."

The two took advantage of the moonlight to walk to the beach. They were approaching the reefs, and the two were lying on the edge of the thatch and observing the shelter.

Although the moonlight is very bright, it is too far away to see clearly. There was no sound in the shelter, nor the fire outside.

"Mr. Zhao, are they asleep?" Zhang Zhenping asked in a low voice.

"may be."

"How about we go and have a look?"

"Forget it, maybe they are guarding us."

"Then we'll just watch here?"

"Observe again, we will go back in a while."

After a while, there was still no movement, Zhao Jianguo said: "Okay, let's go back."

The two walked back slowly.

Several people in the forest leaned against the tree and were about to fall asleep, when there was a whining sound, like the sound of some animal.

Everyone turned around in shock, only to see a dark thing walking towards the small puddle, and when they got there, there was no more water in the puddle.

It whined again, and it was only through the moonlight that I saw clearly that it was a young wild boar, weighing about fifty or sixty catties. Biqu library

Li Pengfei picked up a stone and threw it at the little wild boar, but missed with a "bang", and the stone fell beside the wild boar. The wild boar turned to look at Li Pengfei, found Li Pengfei, and rushed over.

Li Pengfei shuddered, seeing the wild boar rushing towards him, turned around and ran, and was overtaken after a few steps. The wild boar arched forward, "Bang!" Li Pengfei was knocked two meters away, and Li Pengfei yelled. , quickly got up and continued to run, ran a few steps and was knocked into the air again, this time I couldn't get up again.

"Help! Help!" Li Pengfei yelled.

But no one else dared to come over.

The wild boar looked at Li Pengfei and walked up to him. At this moment, Li Pengfei was too scared to speak, and looked at the wild boar in horror.

The little wild boar gave him a slight push, turned around and walked away slowly. After walking a few steps, he turned his head and glanced at him, then disappeared, and everyone dared not show their anger.

"Ouch, ouch!" At this moment, Li Pengfei moaned.

Everyone ran over quickly.

"How are you? Young Master Li?" Zhou big sister asked.

"Ouch... I can't get up." Li Pengfei said.

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