"Run!" Xiao Sun pulled Li Pengfei and ran away.

"No, I can't run." Li Pengfei hopped on one leg.

"Come on, I'll carry you." Xiao Sun bowed.

Just as Li Pengfei was about to get on his stomach, he was thrown to the ground with a sudden "Aww", and Xiao Sun was also brought to the ground.

"Ah!" Li Pengfei yelled in fear, waving his hands indiscriminately, "Help!"

Xiao Sun got up, picked up the stone and threw it at it.

"Wow!" A wolf howled, and at this moment two wolves rushed towards Xiao Sun, who threw another stone and turned around and ran away in fright.

A wolf jumped on Li Pengfei and bit his right arm, and a wolf bit his left leg.

"Ah!" Li Pengfei screamed.

Another wolf jumped high and bit Li Pengfei's throat.

With a sound of "噗嗤", Li Pengfei's screams stopped abruptly, leaving only the sound of whining, his limbs twitched, and he stopped moving for a while, completely dead.

Xiao Sun ran back to the shelter and saw the two girls trembling with fright, and Zhang Zhenping was holding a wooden stick in his hand.

"Quick! Block the door!" Xiao Sun shouted.

Everyone found two wooden planks to block the door, but unfortunately the wooden planks were too small, less than half blocked.

Two wolves at the shelter

Wandering around the door, Xiao Sun and the two daughters squatted against the wooden plank, Zhang Zhenping stretched out the wooden stick and waved it, frightening the two wolves for a while, and neither of them dared to go forward.

"Wolves are afraid of fire, hurry up! Go to the fire and get some logs!" Zhou big sister said, then turned to the fire, picked up a piece of burning wood, and added a few more to the fire. When he got to the door, he threw the burning log at the two wolves.

The two wolves backed away in fright.

Seeing that the method was easy to use, Zhang Zhenping also picked up a piece of burning wood and threw it at the two wolves. The two wolves backed away again.

Xiaosun and sister Zheng also saw it, and they didn't care about the wooden planks blocking the door. They hurried to the fire to pick up burning logs and threw them at the two wolves.

"Don't throw it away. If you throw it again, there will be no fire. Add some wood, and each of us will take a torch. Xiaosun and Zhenping look at the door." Zhou big sister said.

Then each took a torch, Zhou Big Sister and Zheng Jie added wood to the fire, Xiao Sun and Zhang Zhenping held a torch at the door, and waved it twice from time to time.

After a while the fire rose again. Two wolves wandered in the distance.

"Wow." At this moment, a wolf howled in the distance. The two wolves outside heard the sound and ran away.

"Huh!" Everyone let go

Gas, slumped on the ground.

"Xiao Sun, how is Young Master Li?" Zhou big sister asked.

"It should be more bad luck than good luck." Xiao Sun recounted what happened just now.

Everyone sighed, and the two women looked at Zhang Zhenping with weird eyes. I didn't expect that Zhang Zhenping would be too timid to look at the big and the three rough.

Zhang Zhenping also felt it, and bowed his head in embarrassment.

The four of them endured helplessly until dawn, none of them dared to go out, nor dared to sleep.

"Let's go out, it's not an option to stay here forever." Zhou big sister said.

"Okay." Everyone walked out tremblingly with a wooden stick.

"We must not be separated in the future. We used to be eight people, but now there are only four left. Although Li Shao used to be a bad person, he usually eats and is lazy, and he is the same as Zhao Jianguo. If he dies, he will die. We don't regret it. , but in the future, if anyone runs away in trouble, we will not care about him anymore. I will not envy him even if he finds mountains of gold and silver. Similarly, I will not save him when he is in danger. You listen to me and we will Together, if you don't listen to me, we will part ways, and I won't blame you. Let's make a statement." Zhou big sister said.

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