The three breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhang Zhenping again, and fell behind a bush again.

"Zhang Zhenping, come back to me!" Zhou Big Sister shouted angrily.

"Come back! Just two pheasants!" Xiao Sun also shouted.

But there was no sound at all.

"What's going on?" Sister Zheng said.

"I don't know, let's go and have a look." Xiao Sun said.

"Okay." Zhou big sister said.

The three of them walked slowly towards the place where Zhang Zhenping fell, and suddenly Big Sister Zhou hurriedly whispered: "Stop!"

Zhang Zhenping was lying on the bushes in front, a wolf was biting Zhang Zhenping's neck, a wolf was staring at the three of them, and a cobra with thick arms was sliding towards the grass on Zhang Zhenping's legs.

The three gasped.

Zhang Zhenping looked at the three of them, eyes full of remorse and despair, twitching all over, stretched out his right hand, and said intermittently: ""

"Don't go there! Back away slowly!" Zhou big sister said in a low voice.

The three backed away slowly, and Zhang Zhenping swallowed his last breath in despair.

The three of them turned and ran towards the seaside until they retreated too far to see the jungle.


When they arrived at the shelter, the three sat on the ground panting.

"Have you seen it? I have repeatedly emphasized, don't act alone, don't run away, what's the result? I won't say much, you can figure it out for yourself in the future, I don't care, now there are only three of us left, I won't accommodate you anymore, it's better if there is no accident, I won't rescue you if there is an accident, you follow me, just listen to me, if you don't listen, leave." Zhou big sister said angrily.

"Sister Zhou, I won't leave. You can tell me in the future. I have absolutely nothing to say." Sister Zheng said.

"Zhou big sister, we have been together for a long time. You know what kind of person I am. I used to be a small employee. I did what the boss said. I never compromised. Cowardly people, we have grown from eight people to three now, and you know my performance, so I think we should stop being suspicious of each other and calculating each other. Although I have no ability, I will work hard and not procrastinate Everyone, just give orders in the future, and you can rest assured that I will do things." Xiao Sun said.

"Okay, Xiao Sun, I'm not

Unreasonable people, we are all the same, we all came together when we were in trouble, what were we like before? Eight people, five of them died like this, the reason is selfishness, look at those who died who were not selfish people, they only cared about themselves and ignored others. Look at Wang Yuan's group again, why don't you form a team with us? Why did you leave? Haven't you seen the essence of our group? As for me, I came from the countryside and have a little knowledge of the wilderness. Xiao Sun, you and Xiao Zheng are people who don’t talk much but are obedient and willing to do things, so you must listen to me in the future. Discuss, I think we'll get out of here alive. "Zhou big sister said.

"Don't worry, sister Zhou," said sister Zheng.

"I will listen to you from now on, big sister Zhou, you can just tell me, I have absolutely nothing to say." Xiao Sun said.

"That's fine. We have fewer people, and we should have enough food. Even if the harvest is less, we can save a little bit and get through. I will not go into the jungle in the future. If there is not enough firewood, we will look outside. Really If it doesn’t work, go pull the weeds, the thatch over there can be burned even if it’s dried.” Zhou big sister said.

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