"Ah? Snake gall?" Jiang Yan stared at Wang Yuan with widened eyes.

"Well, yes. Cobra's." Wang Yuan said calmly. Then he picked up the banana leaf, sat on the stone and cut it with a dagger.


"It can increase one's skill." Wang Yuan whispered.

"Pfft!" Jiang Yan just wanted to thank Wang Yuan, and almost choked on his saliva when he heard these words.

"Hehe," Wang Yuan scratched his head, "Keep this in your mouth."

Wang Yuan picked off a wild mint leaf and gave it to Jiang Yan.

"What is this? It's very refreshing, like mint candy." Jiang Yan put it in his mouth.

"Wild mint, pick another piece when the taste is gone, there are a lot." Wang Yuan wove it out of peeled banana leaves.

"This is for you. You can rest. You will feel better tomorrow." Wang Yuan wove another straw hat out of banana leaves, with a bow on the top and side.

"Thank you." Jiang Yan was very moved, and couldn't put it down while holding the hat.

Wang Yuan entered the shelter and changed his clothes into training uniforms. Jiang Yan walked in and sat on the foam board.

"Do you need to change your clothes? I'll wash them for you." Wang Yuan said.

"Uh, I... I don't need it." Jiang Yan blushed.

"It's okay, there are still clothes here.

Change clothes. "

"Really... Really no need." Jiang Yan lowered his head and said.

"Oh, that's fine." Wang Yuan took the changed clothes and went out to wash clothes by the beach.

"Huh! Straight man!" Jiang Yan cursed secretly, and then opened a piece of aunt's towel.

Wang Yuan washed his clothes and put them on the reef to dry. Then he took off his clothes and jumped into the sea. After a while, he grabbed two handfuls of kelp. Put on your clothes and go back to the shelter, put the kelp in the pan and cook it.

Pick up the dried wild boar skin, tie it with a rope, throw it into the sea water to soak, and tie it to a stone.

Go back to the shelter, take out the wild boar's head and put it on the banana leaf, cut off the pig's head meat with a dagger, and then cut it into slices. Then drain the kelp from the pot and put it on the banana leaves. Look at the time, it's past eleven o'clock.

Light a cigarette and ask Zhang Lanfang and Ren Yuanyuan to come back and cook.

"Sister Fang, cut up the kelp and mix it with pork head meat. Yuanyuan will cook the seafood you picked up. I'll collect the fish cage with Dahei." Wang Yuan said.


After collecting the fish cage with Dahei, they harvested four small fish and five pipa prawns. After cleaning up the fish and putting them in the cages, he returned to the shelter, and saw that Jiang Yan was also helping to cook.

"Boss Jiang, how do you feel?

"Wang Yuan said.

"It's much better. My head doesn't hurt anymore, and my throat doesn't hurt so much anymore. The snake gall is still very effective." Jiang Yan said.

"Snake gall? Where did you get the snake gall?" Ren Yuanyuan looked at Wang Yuan with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"Uh, I killed a cobra this morning." Wang Yuan said.

"Ah?" Ren Yuanyuan was stunned. Biqu library

"Okay, the captain's routine operation, don't make a fuss, the captain has killed several snakes." Zhang Lanfang said.

"Captain, this pork head meat is ready, but unfortunately there is no vinegar, it tastes better with some vinegar," Jiang Yan said.

"Yuanyuan, didn't I bring back two lemons this morning? You take one here, cut a few slices and squeeze out the lemon juice as vinegar."


Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, this is fine too.

"It's time to serve dinner." Jiang Yan mixed the pork head and put it on the banana leaf.

"Then let's serve dinner." Everyone gathered around to eat.

"Wang, this meat is too fragrant."

"Well, fat but not greasy."

"Sour and refreshing!"

After everyone finished eating the pork head meat, they shared seafood, and each shared a banana.

"Captain, what are we going to do this afternoon?" Zhang Lanfang asked.

"Dahei, I almost forgot about your wound, come over and have a look." Wang Yuan and Dahei lit cigarettes and examined the wound.

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