I saw this wasp's nest hanging on a branch of a shrub, about one meter long, almost reaching the ground, densely packed with wasps coming in and out.

Wang Yuan quickly retreated.

"Just over there, less than ten meters away, there is a large hornet's nest. Let's go around it." Wang Yuan pointed to the front.

"Okay." The two women glanced over there.

Wang Yuan led the two girls around to the left.

"There are many flowering plants near the hive, let's pay attention, there may be fruits." Wang Yuan said.

"Really?" Ren Yuanyuan also dug wild vegetables, stood up straight and looked around, and found a lot of wild flowers, some of which were crawling with wasps collecting honey.

"You damn girl, don't look at it, hurry up, and be careful of hornets stinging you." Zhang Lanfang said.

"Oh." Ren Yuanyuan curled her lips and followed.

The three of them dug wild vegetables and came to a slope. There was a gully in front of them, but it was not deep, only more than one meter.

"Look, Durian!" Ren Yuanyuan pointed to the slope in the gully in front of her right.

"That's not durian, it's jackfruit." Everyone saw it, and Wang Yuan said, "Be careful, there may be snakes in this terrain."

"Ah?" Ren Yuanyuan opened her mouth wide.

"Shut up!" Zhang

Lan Fang patted Ren Yuanyuan and whispered.

Wang Yuan walked towards the jackfruit carefully, the harpoon slapped the grass, the grass became denser as he went down.

As soon as I arrived under the jackfruit tree, a snake's head protruded from the nearby grass.

"Ah!" Ren Yuanyuan screamed in fright.

Wang Yuan swung the harpoon over, "Snack!" The snake's head was swept away, Wang Yuan rushed over, and with a "swish", the harpoon hit seven inches of the snake.

"Dagger!" Wang Yuan shouted.

Zhang Lanfang ran over and drew out the dagger to chop off the snake's head, "Pfft!" The snake's head was chopped off.

"Sister Fang, mighty." Wang Yuan praised, then put down the pannier, took out an engineering shovel and dug a hole, and buried the snake's head in it.

Picking up the snake body with a harpoon, it was a small silver ring snake more than half a meter long, and the snake body was still twisting.

"Ah! Captain, throw it away!" Ren Yuanyuan cried out in fright.

"Hehe." Wang Yuan looked at the sky, then pointed at the snake's body with his hand, and with a "huh", a big eagle flew by, and the snake body disappeared.

"Ah?" Ren Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes widened and her mouth opened wide.

"Haha, what a fuss, that's the captain's pet." Zhang Lanfang laughed.

"Ugh!" Wang Yuan scratched his head, "Let's pick jackfruit.


I saw six jackfruits growing on the tree, two were ripe, and four were still green and immature.

"Come back in two days for the rest." Wang Yuan picked off two ripe ones and put them in the basket.

"Look, there is a papaya tree on the opposite side." Zhang Lanfang pointed to the opposite side of the ravine and said.

"You guys wait, I'll go pick it up." Wang Yuan said.

After observing for a while, Wang Yuan jumped to the opposite half slope with a run-up, then slapped the grass with a harpoon and went to the papaya tree, picked two ripe ones and two larger immature ones, leaving two on the tree small.

"Sister Fang, I...I peed my pants." Ren Yuanyuan blushed and whispered.

"You son of a bitch, you are so timid, you have no choice but to go back and change."

"Well, people have been afraid of snakes since they were young."

"Let's go." Wang Yuan jumped over and said.

The three of them dug wild vegetables and walked towards the traveler's banana. When they arrived at the traveler's banana, they had already dug a basket full of wild vegetables. Everyone drank some water and filled the oil barrel and bottle. Wang Yuan looked at his watch. It's eleven o'clock.

"Let's go back, just in time for lunch." Wang Yuan lit a cigarette.


The three returned to the shelter, Jiang Yan was making fish soup, and Dahei was smoking beside him.

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