Wang Yuan drove the speedboat to the beach and saw the three girls drying clothes on the reef.

"Dahei, go and call them all over. Let's drag the speedboat to the jungle and hide."

"Okay." Dahei jumped off the speedboat and ran towards the three women.

Wang Yuan took out a cable from the speedboat and tied it to a hook in front of the speedboat.

Dahei came with his three daughters.

"Captain, what are we doing?" Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Let's drag the speedboat to the jungle and hide it. We can't stay by the sea and be discovered by pirates."


"Dahei and I are pulling the rope in front, and you guys are pushing it behind. This speedboat is not heavy, and the five of us can easily pull it." Wang Yuan said.

"Okay, let's start." Zhang Lanfang said.

Wang Yuan and Dahei pulled the rope and walked in front, while the three women pushed behind. The speedboat is actually not that heavy, and it is still very easy for five people. When it comes to the grass, it will save more effort because of the small friction. Biqu library

Dragging behind a bush, Wang Yuan said: "Okay, let's find some branches and thatch to cover it."

"I'll go back and get the machete." Zhang Lanfang said.

"No, we'll plant them directly around the speedboat, and cover them with branches, dry grass and vines. The machete marks are too large to allow

It is easy to remove, and the traces of pulling out will be removed after the wind blows. "Wang Yuan said.

It took them more than two hours to camouflage the speedboat, and they couldn't find it from a distance unless they came close.

"Okay, let's go back." Wang Yuan lifted the toolbox down.

The five returned to the shelter, Wang Yuan and Dahei put down their guns and tools, and lit cigarettes.

"Sister Fang, put away all your clothes. They should have been dried. When you come back, you can distribute them and then come back to cook. There are wild vegetables and pork. Dahei and I will collect fish cages and come back to grill seafood." Wang Yuan said .

"Okay." Everyone responded, and then went to work.

Wang Yuan and Dahei went to the beach to knock some oysters, and when it was getting dark, they put away the fishing cages and only caught a few fish. Wang Yuan thought, the harvest is not very stable, one day if there is no harvest, wouldn't it be hungry? Make a few more fish cages another day, and separate them into the sea.

When the two returned to the shelter, the three women had cooked a pot of soup with wild boar and wild vegetables.

Everyone ate grilled fish and oysters, and drank soup. Wang Yuan brought over the pineapple core cooked during the day and taught everyone to peel it and eat it.

"Captain, your shoes are useless. Change to another pair. We have five pairs of shoes here," Jiang Yan said.


All right. "Wang Yuan looked at his shoes, some places were corroded by sea water, and some places were scratched by something.

He picked out a pair of training boots and put them on, took two steps, tried them out and said, "Just these ones, they fit well."

This pair of shoes should belong to that black sniper, almost new, and the same size as my own.

"Have you changed all your shoes?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Well, there are two pairs of size 40. My feet are 38 feet, and Xiaoyan's feet are 37 feet. We have put two layers of cardboard on them, which are much better than the original pair." Zhang Lanfang said.

"That's good."

"Captain, we want to learn how to shoot a gun," Ren Yuanyuan said.

The three girls all looked at Wang Yuan eagerly.

"Well, I'll teach you how to use pistols first. Pistols are relatively light, easy to carry, and easy to operate. These three pistols will belong to you in the future."

"Yeah! That's great!" Ren Yuanyuan said excitedly.

"Likes are heavy and powerful, and have a lot of recoil, so they're hard to control. Dahei and I will use them first, and we'll talk about them later when you learn them."

"I don't need it, I just like pistols, and this baby will be a beautiful agent in the future." Ren Yuanyuan said.

"Tch, you've watched too many movies, that's enough, stop talking and listen to the captain's explanation." Zhang Lanfang said.

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