Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love

Chapter 288: Exhausted a lifetime, love the wrong one(8)

She ran to the desk, grabbed a squarely square note, grabbed one indiscriminately, and then turned around and ran downstairs again.


On New Year's Eve, Su Zhinian jumped into the lake to save Song Qingchun. Not only did he not keep warm in time, but he also stayed outdoors for nearly two hours wearing a cold and wet single thin shirt. He didn't catch a cold long after he fell asleep that night.

He was worried about what would happen to Song Qingchun and wanted to make his cold better. He went directly to the hospital to get a hang needle and took a double dose of medicine. Maybe he stayed near Song's home because he went out early and late every day. For the whole day, every time I wake up in the morning, I have a better cold, and at night I will have a low fever.

The condition has been dragged back and forth until the evening of the third day of the first lunar month, before finally getting rid of the fever. I took a hot bath that night and slept hard. I woke up on the fourth morning and my mental state was much better.

After having breakfast, he brought a computer and several documents, and still found a cafe near the Song family. The cold was not completely cured. After only three hours of work, people were very tired. At noon, I ate something casually in the cafe and leaned on the sofa, squinting.

At about four o'clock, he estimated that Song Qingchun was going to go to his villa, he packed his things, left the checkout at the cafe, just got on the bus, and was going to wait across the cell where Song's house is located. The cell phone in his pocket It rang.

He first drove the car on the main road before pulling out the phone. While looking at the road ahead, he glanced at the screen of the phone. He did not expect it to be WeChat from Song Qingchun.

It was a little inconvenient because he was driving, so he returned a question mark and saw three messages from her one after another.

I want to trouble you one thing...

Su Zhinian stared at those words, shaking his hand, and froze for a moment. After a moment, he opened Song Qingchun's head, and repeatedly determined that it was her WeChat, froze again.

A piercing whistle sounded from behind the car, waking up Su Zhinian.

At the intersection of the road, because he was looking at his mobile phone, the speed was very slow, the green light turned red immediately, and the car following him was impatient and urged.

He quickly sent another question mark to Song Qingchun in the past, put the phone on the passenger seat, controlled the steering wheel with both hands, quickly and smoothly drove across the intersection, and then picked up the phone and saw Song Qingchun sent it. A sentence: "You say first, are you free now?"

Instead of returning to her WeChat this time, he dialed the phone directly.

Hanging up the phone, it took less than ten minutes, he arrived at the door of the community where Song's family is located, and dialed another call to Song Qingchun. After hanging up, he opened WeChat and said to her the sentence "I I want to trouble you one thing..." After reading it several times over and over again, I suddenly felt dreamy. This was the first time after he and she parted ways with her in high school.

In the past, when he lived in her house, she often said this to him.

"Su Zhinian, please one thing, can you accompany me to go shopping on the weekend?"

"Su Zhinian, please trouble you. I can't get a taxi. Can you come to Xidan to pick me up?"

"Su Zhinian, please trouble one thing. When I came home, I turned to Nanluoguxiang and brought me a piece of cheese honey cake..."

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