Tsk, this guy seems determined not to let himself get any black history.

Gu Sanqiu shrugged: "Farewell, since you guys like to come out in the middle of the night to have fun, I won't bother you."

Gu Sanqiu got up and flew away from the land of the wind, while Rosalin put away the heart of God and left first, keeping Yaya closely watching Wendy and slowly backing away.

Regardless of whether the Heart of God is true or not, judging from the cloud of wind elements just now, if the opponent really wants to make a move, there is absolutely no moisture in blowing them all to the dark sea in one breath.

After leaving for a certain distance, not only Dadalia, who was postponed, heaved a sigh of relief, but also Wendy, who had a particularly domineering president just now, also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh, these difficult guys are finally gone."

Wendy wiped the sweat off her head, then smiled and looked at the stunned Golden Retriever and Paimon beside her.

"Okay, now I can fulfill what I said to you. You want to find your sister, right? As long as you call me nice, it's not impossible to recall carefully~"

"After all, Mond is my territory. If your sister has come to my Mond, I will definitely have an impression as the ruler."

"you you you"

Paimon was a little awkward when he spoke: "Did you pretend to be like that just now?!"

"Otherwise, you really think I can blow those people into the dark sea."

Wendy took out the wine bottle and took a sip: "I'm just a poor demon god with no power to restrain a chicken. How could such a powerful operation be possible for me."

Kong and Paimon squinted at Wendy.

They felt that the last few words were a fake.

You really think other people are fools, right?

On the other side, Rosalin was playing with the God's Heart in her hand without saying a word, and Yaya would look behind her from time to time, in case a certain wind god suddenly regretted it and would hit them hard.

"Don't look, he won't come."

The lady said impatiently: "Since the goal has been achieved, send the Heart of God back according to the established procedures, and we will set off tonight."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Land of a Thousand Winds, hum, this disgusting place."

Rosalin said with a cold face, "Do you still want to stay in this place?"

"Okay, okay, since you said this place is disgusting, then we will arrange to leave after we return to Mond City."

After the conversation was over, the two people along the way were not talking. Yaya was recalling the blood shadow of Du Lin he met in Sleeping Dragon Valley, and was judging what method to use to deal with large enemies based on what he had learned all his life.

The lady inexplicably remembered what Barbatos said just now. He never gave up on any Mond people.

Is this true?

Maybe it's true, but what does that have to do with me.

Rosalin's gaze became firm, even if he hadn't given up on anyone, my lover would never come back.

Great cause, must go on!

Even if there is a sea of ​​flames ahead!


Suddenly there was a very deliberate dry cough in front of the two of them. A masked guy in night clothes held a big knife and blocked the way of the two of them.

"Hey! I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to live from now on"

Yaya interrupted the casting expressionlessly: "Sanqiu, what do you guys want to do?"

"Eh? Was it discovered?"

Gu Sanqiu took off this set of equipment with a look of surprise on his face: "Yes, observation skills are good."

Yaya roared angrily: "Trouble you bastard, can you use snacks when you make a disguise? This is Mond. How can there be anyone who reads the slang words of the Liyue bandits outside the city of Mond!"

"Tsk, I thought you would think that I was a member of the treasure robbery group who came to Mond from Liyue to make a fortune."

Ya Ya Fu's forehead: "I'm not a fool. Anyone who dares to walk outside at night these days must have two brushes. Do you think the gang of Thieves are idiots?"

"Stop talking, didn't you fly back a long time ago, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't say to fly back to Mond City, it's my freedom to go wherever I want."

Gu Sanqiu stepped on his right foot, and rock ridges suddenly protruded from the ground, forming a magic circle and sealing the three of them in it.

"What do you want to do!"

Yaya's expression changed, and the look of friends talking quickly receded from his face, and the will of a soldier climbed into his soul.

"Oh, actually what I want to do is quite simple."

Gu Sanqiu said with a smile: "Dajie, hand over the God's Heart you just got."

Wendy, who was trying to fool the golden retriever, hit her head on the ground.

"Hit, rob?"

Yaya suspects that she heard it wrong. When did robbery have something to do with the noble heart of God?

But thinking about the strength shown by the other party, it seems that it seems reasonable to have the courage to rob the executive?

"Don't you understand what I said, robbery, what I want is the heart of God that you just got."

Gu Sanqiu pressed down with his right hand, and the gravity of the place where Yaya and Rosalin were standing suddenly increased twenty times.

"If you don't give it to me, the corpses of those two can only be left here today."

Fifty times the gravity!


The light of ice and fire and the light of thunder and water appeared at the same time, and the output of elemental power allowed the two to stand firmly in place, but the two executives had no way to resist due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

"What the hell are you trying to do!"

Yaya looked serious: "Is this the will of that Barbatos?"

"Thinking too much."

Gu Sanqiu was still smiling: "According to our Liyue's contract spirit, now the Heart of God is in your hands, and the right to belong belongs to you fools, or to Dongguo. What you want to do with this thing is your freedom."

"Of course, whether I want to steal the heart of God or not is my freedom."

"Barbatos, Monde is in power. He and my old man have been friends for thousands of years. As juniors, we are too embarrassed to steal things from others. Of course, we don't have the strength."

Gu Sanqiu slowly increased the pressure of gravity to sixty times.

"But since he gave you the Heart of God, and it happens that the two of you are not my opponents, it should be reasonable to grab it first, right?"

"God's heart, it's impossible, here it is."

Yaya managed to squeeze out a sentence: "This is what the queen needs!"

"I know, so I'm robbing, not trading with you."

Gu Sanqiu glanced at Feng Qidi's location: "For the sake of my friend, I will give you one last moment to think about it."

Rosalin and Yaya burst out their elemental power at the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity to take out an ice-blue gemstone from their arms, and the ice elemental runes engraved on it shone with a cold and warm light.

"Sorrowful Bingyu?"

Gu Sanqiu looked at the two who were unable to resist gravity due to excessive consumption of elemental force.

"What's the use of this thing, do you need me to engrave an epitaph for you?"

"Executive officers who fell to the ground and were under heavy pressure, you don't think I dare to kill you."

"Okay, Morax's family, don't do meaningless things."

A cold voice came from the Aixu Bingyu: "You want to lure me out, don't you?"

"Wow, it's the voice of a beautiful woman."

Gu Sanqiu's expression became serious, the dragon scale shield was stuck to his side, and then he looked at the two mourning ice jades with a little surprise.

"Based on authority, using the highest-level elemental spar of the same attribute engraved with elemental runes as a basis, it is really interesting to use the connection of elemental power to communicate over long distances."

Sounds simple, but it's hard to replicate.

Because this is the way the owner of the cold voice used to communicate with his subordinates, ordinary people are not capable of finding a demon god.

"Familiars of Morax, answer me, why are you doing this so hard?"

Ke teacher——, don’t—(I understand everything)


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