Breaking through the Hidden Sand Array

The light and shadow flickered, like a dim fire that flickered and flickered, appearing particularly erratic.

Every time there is a flicker, someone will inevitably fall, and the fall will be silent, without any prediction, and it is difficult to guard against.

It’s not that Sunagakure cannot determine the position of Satoshi Yagawa. For example, among so many Sunagakure ninjas, there are a type of sentient ninjas with strong perception, but these ninjas can capture the position of Satoshi Yagawa in an instant. If they want It is impossible to completely lock it down.

This is the power of Satanosuke Yagawa. The Water Release and Mirror Flower Jutsu can deceive vision, and Satoshinosuke Yagawa’s own sensitivity to chakra has allowed him to avoid many perceptions.

At this moment, Yagawa Satoshi’s figure was walking through the battlefield. He not only restrained his breathing, but also restrained his aura.

The breath mentioned here is his own chakra fluctuation. He can reduce his own chakra fluctuation to about one-tenth of the normal value.

Don’t forget, he has the title of Ninjutsu Master.

This entry can double the power of the ninjutsu he performs, and also allow him to reduce chakra consumption. Another manifestation of reduced consumption is a reduction in chakra fluctuations.

It should be noted that normal ninjas, even in the daily period when they are not using ninjutsu, will lose their chakra, or to put it another way, it is called loss.

After all, chakra is the energy formed by the combination of body and spirit. To a certain extent, it is also an expression of life force. Living life consumes life force. This is an iron rule.

The Ninjutsu Master entry on Yagawa Satoshi’s body reduced this normal consumption by half. In other words, his vitality is at least one-third longer than that of ordinary people, and this is only the most basic effect.

As for Yagawa Satoshi, on this basis, he maintained lower chakra fluctuations. Even under extreme circumstances, he was able to suppress the chakra fluctuations to only one-tenth of that of normal people.

Just like this situation now.

Therefore, even among Sunagakure’s side, there are sensing ninjas with powerful sensing abilities, but they are still unable to completely monitor the location of Satoshi Yagawa.

Then coupled with the water escape and mirror flower technique, the role he can play in this war will be extraordinary.

The battle between Orochimaru and Hayakura is still in a stalemate, but on Yagawa Satunosuke’s side, he is carrying out ruthless harvesting.

As each Sunagakure ninja fell, more and more people felt that something was wrong.

“Find that guy!”

“Damn it, come out!”



Angry shouts, frightened calls for help, and chaotic sounds rang out in the battlefield, and Sunagakure followed. As time passed, it gradually became chaotic.


A sound broke through the air, and the light and shadow flickered for a moment before passing by a Sunagakure ninja.

The latter was horrified and retreated subconsciously, and at the same time used the Wind Release Ninjutsu to counterattack, but his body froze in mid-air, and then fell directly to the ground without making any sound.

“The forty-seventh one.”

Yagawa Satonosuke’s voice was indifferent, without any emotion, but it made the hearts of those who heard these words twitch.

Every time this sound sounds, it means the loss of a life, especially for Sunagakure. This sound is like a reminder to them.

For a time, within the B-shaped area, the number of ninjas on the Sunagakure side dropped sharply, and the pressure on Konoha’s side also dropped sharply, replaced by a burst of excitement.

Although they didn’t know what happened, it was undeniable that those Sunagakure fell for no reason. It was not difficult to understand that someone from their side must have taken action, which made the people of Konoha very excited.

“Defeat these Sunagakure bastards!”

“Charge forward, and you must not let them break through the defense line!”


The battlefield is chaotic, and people are dying every moment. No one knows which direction the crisis will come from at the next moment. Attacked, so in this kind of battle, everyone acted very crazy.

But for Sunagakure, this madness has cooled down over time.

Just because their number on the battlefield is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Behind the Sunagakure battle formation, there was a battlefield commander. He was the one who had just spoken out to find Yagawa Satoshinosuke.

But this man’s face had become extremely gloomy at this time, and he heard reports from people around him, which made his heart sink.

“Still unable to lock?” he asked.

“Yes, Lord Guero!”

The ninja next to him who was responsible for sensing and receiving battlefield information was already sweating on his forehead. The changes in the situation on the battlefield put him under great psychological pressure.

“Damn it!”

The ninja named Guero said with anger on his face and clenched his fists, but there was nothing he could do.

In such a war scene, it is very difficult to find a single individual, especially if you want to find a single individual who has deliberately hidden his own aura, it is even more difficult.

“Order everyone on the battlefield to press forward with all your strength!” Guero said.


Another person took the order and quickly passed on the order.

At this moment, Guero can already foresee that this battlefield is likely to fail. The only hope now is that Ye Cang can defeat Orochimaru and that the other two groups can break through the blockade and go around behind it.

In that case, there is still hope for victory, otherwise, this operation will be a complete failure.

But at this moment, Guero’s expression changed slightly, as if he suddenly sensed something.


A flash of blood suddenly appeared next to him, and then he saw the person responsible for delivering the message beside him. He was opening his mouth wide and fell to the ground with his head tilted up. His chest was already stained with blood.


Guero was startled. He moved his hands, and arc-shaped wooden boards suddenly rose up around his feet, wrapping him in them and isolating him from the outside world.

It is said to be a wooden board, but it is actually a special puppet structure. Those arc-shaped structures surround each other and form an oval ball with small pores on it. There are eight slender limbs around it, distributed at both ends of the oval structure. The whole thing looks like a large spider, and the oval ball is the spider’s thorax and abdomen.

There is no doubt that this man is a puppet master, and this large spider is the puppet he controls.

No one answered his words. The only thing Guero could hear, who was in the belly of the spider puppet, was another voice.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Based on his experience, he could easily identify the source of the sound, which was the sound made when a human body hits the ground.

“Damn it!”

Guero gritted his teeth secretly. Through the pores, he had already seen his two subordinates, who were both silent at this time.

At this moment, he already understood that the person he had been looking for appeared here.


With a soft sound, Guero felt the puppet sink slightly. He subconsciously raised his head and saw a twisted, dim light and shadow through the hole above.

“I finally found a big fish. I’m so lucky.”

The voice was very young, and could even be called immature.

When he heard this voice and thought of a certain piece of information, Guero’s pupils shrank suddenly.

It’s him!

The culprit who caused the failure of Ye Cang’s mission and the deaths of Kikuchiru, Akai, and Matsukawa!

Without any hesitation, Guero moved his hands, and the eight limbs of the spider puppet twisted upwards and hugged each other.

Click, click, click!

Cold light shines from the tip and both ends of each spider leg, stabbing towards the upper part of the spider’s abdomen.

But the light and shadow only distorted slightly before disappearing, leaving only a sound in its place.

“Absolute defense? It’s quite interesting. Speaking of your puppet, is it waterproof?”

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