Zanpakuto Research Notes

Seeing the people of Sunagakure and Iwagakure retreating, Baiyun Yeshan did not order a pursuit. Doing so would only cause them to suffer greater losses along the way. It would be better to do this now, at least to maintain the results of the battle at this time.

After a few minutes, the battlefield became quiet, and the Konoha side was handling post-war matters in an orderly manner, cleaning what needed to be cleaned, and treating what needed to be treated. There was no need for anyone to talk about such things.

Baiyun Yeshan kept staring at the direction in which Sunagakure and Iwagakure retreated, frowning.

Because after retreating from the enemy, Yagawa Satonosuke disappeared, which made him very worried.

“Teacher Hayama.”

Finally, Yagawa Satunosuke’s voice came again. As soon as he turned his head, Baiyun Hayama saw him emerging from the air, and he was relieved.

After coming back to his senses, he hurried forward to check on him.

“Are you not hurt?” he asked.

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled, shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Hayama, I feel very good and I’m not injured.” ”

That’s good, that’s good.”

Hearing this, Baiyun Hayama felt relieved. For this situation in front of him, He values his juniors extremely highly and naturally does not want any harm to them.

At this time, Yagawa Satoshinosuke was actually not as nonchalant as he seemed on the surface.

Strictly speaking, his chakra has been almost depleted, but don’t think that such an intense battle has caused no loss to him. That would be a bit exaggerated.

After all, he is only eleven years old now, and his physical development has not yet been completed. His chakra amount is more than that of ordinary ninjas, but it is not so much that he can overlook everything.

This is because of the Ninjutsu Master entry. Otherwise, after Yagawa Satoshinosuke withdrew from the main battlefield, he would probably not be able to devote all his energy to the next battle.

But even so, his gains today are huge.

Not to mention anything else, the special Yin Escape chakra accumulated in the prototype of Bengyu has increased dozens of times. The Yin Escape Chakra in it became more and more active and chaotic, but in that chaos, it gave Yagawa Satunosuke an inexplicable sense of rhythm, as if something was about to break out of it.

Counting it down, Yagawa Satonosuke killed more than a hundred enemies on the battlefield today.

A single person can achieve this result. Looking at the entire ninja world, it is a rare existence. If his age is also taken into account, there will be no one after him. I don’t know, but it is unprecedented.

Since it is a war, it is natural to reward according to merit after the end. Ninjas have a special merit system in this regard, and they also have enough identification effects to distinguish the hand of the enemy who died.

So when the results of the battle that belonged to Satonosuke Yagawa appeared on the battlefield here, Baiyun Yeshan fell into a trance.

He looked at the battle report in his hand and then at Satonosuke Yagawa, his eyes full of surprise.


He opened his mouth slightly, but did not say a complete sentence for a long time, just because the number in the battle report was too shocking.

seventy one!

In this battlefield, seventy-one enemies died at the hands of Satonosuke Yagawa, accounting for more than one-sixth of the combined forces of Sunagakure and Kirigakure!

If this were told, who would dare to believe it?

Even he has never accomplished such a feat, and he never thought that this reality would actually appear in front of him, and the person who accomplished all of this was actually a boy who was less than twelve years old!


Baiyun Yeshan opened his mouth to speak. At this moment, he deeply felt his lack of vocabulary, because he found that he didn’t know which words to use to praise the other person.

At this time, Yagawa Satoshi no longer smiled, but instead sighed imperceptibly.

“What’s wrong? Satoshisuke-kun?” Baiyun Yeshan asked subconsciously when he saw this.

Yagawa Satoshisuke shook his head slightly and said: “I just sigh a little, lamenting the fragility of life and the chaos of the Ninja world. If there is no war, everyone should be able to live happily, right?”

Baiyun Yeshan only looked slightly slightly when he heard this. It was dark and he didn’t say much.

But I heard Yagawa Satonosuke say again: “How many of them are the husbands of their wives? The fathers of their children? The sons of their mothers? War… is indeed a disgusting thing.” ”

Sonozuki Introduce!”

Baiyun Yeshan looked solemn and said in a deep voice: “Don’t have such thoughts anymore. In any case, they are the initiators of the entire war and do not deserve sympathy!” ”

You have to know, if they don’t If we start a war, then they will not die here. Likewise, our companions will not die here. It is a good thing that you are kind-hearted, but you cannot be kind to the enemy.” These words are

very serious, although they are not a reprimand. But it can also be seen that Baiyun Yeshan is vigilant at this time.

He does not want Yagawa Satoshi to become a soft and too kind person, because such a person cannot survive in the ninja world.

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled inexplicably, and then said: “Don’t worry, Mr. Hayama, I just feel it. As a member of Konoha, I know my mission. Protecting Konoha is what I should do, the enemy Since I dare to start a war, I must be prepared to fail in the war. I have already made up my mind, please rest assured, Mr. Hayama.”

There is no other reason for saying this, just to enrich my character.

Kindness, cheerfulness, sincerity, optimism, and gentleness are all qualities that a character needs to express. Yagawa Satoshinosuke always keeps in mind what he should do when.

In fact, when the combined forces of Sunagakure and Iwagakure retreated, the system already had a beep. Obviously, his decisive killing in the battle was also in line with Aizen Sosuke’s template character design.

[Hey, congratulations to the host for completing a behavior that conforms to the character template once. The score is S. The host will be rewarded with a copy of “Basic Research Notes on Nigeya Wang Yue’s Zanpakutō”. The rewards have been stored in the system warehouse and can be claimed at any time. 】

This is the system prompt that Satoshi Yagawa heard at that time, and the reward surprised Satoshi Yagawa.

Who is Ermeiya Wang Yue?

Known as the God of Swords, he is a member of the Royal Agent Zero Division and the creator of the Zanpakutō. It can even be said that without Nigeya Oue, there would be no establishment of the Jōreitei and no power system of the Shinigami. A perfect super talent!

And how valuable are his Zanpakutō research notes?

Even if it is just basic research, it is rare knowledge for Yagawa Satoshi, which can play a vital role in establishing the spirit child system in the ninja world.

Yes, Yagawa Satonosuke has never hidden his thoughts and goals, which is to recreate the Shinigami system, also known as the Reiko system, in the ninja world.

He really wanted to see if the Reiko system could finally find a special path in the ninja world where Chakra was supreme, or even eventually overwhelm the Chakra system.

The Zanpakutō is the most critical part of it. It can even be said that the strength and weakness of the Shinigami are all reflected by the Zanpakutō. The biggest feature of Aizen Soyousuke is his Zanpakutō Kyoka Suigetsu.

Aizen Sosuke is incomplete without the Zanpakutō. Just imagine, if the Zanpakutō can be reappeared in the ninja world and Kyouka Suigetsu is developed, what will it be like?

Just thinking about that scene, Yagawa Satinosuke couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

This is really exciting.

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