Tsunade’s Ninjutsu Knowledge

Others take a long time and go through a lot to complete the development of a jutsu, but for Yagawa Satoshi, developing a new ninjutsu is not as simple as eating the right food, but as long as the effect of the jutsu is clear, it can be worked backwards. Just process.

Compared to ordinary people, it is much simpler.

This includes the help of the scientific research madman’s entry, and the ninjutsu expert’s entry also plays a role, but more importantly, it is Yagawa Satoshi’s own thoughts that lead the way to accomplish all this.

“Since it’s a technique that absorbs life force, let’s call it… a technique that takes life. It’s simple and clear.”

Satoshisuke Yagawa thought this way.

Moreover, in his imagination, there is an evolved version of this technique, which is to absorb the vitality of the enemy or other creatures, and then act on oneself or others to complete vitality replenishment or treatment.

Even…rebellious life and death!

But now he does not plan to study this technique in depth because conditions do not allow it.

“It’s a pity.”

What Sasunosuke Yagawa regrets is not that this technique has not reached its most perfect state, but the conditions for the subsequent experiments.

“If we master this technique early, those experimental subjects can come in handy.”

He has more than twenty experimental subjects in his hands. Unfortunately, they are all corpses. There is naturally no vitality in them, and now he wants to find new experiments. body, unless entering the battlefield.

The good news is that now he is on the front lines, ready to enter the battlefield at any time.

The bad news is that such an experiment must be absolutely safe and cannot be disturbed by others.

Yagawa Satoshisuke does not have such conditions now.

But this is not a problem. Yagawa Satoshisuke decided to collect enough life force first, and then conduct in-depth research and experiments. Anyway, he had enough time.

But in this case, vitality storage became a problem. After thinking about it for a long time, Yagawa Satoshisuke devoted his energy to the study of sealing techniques. For this reason, he found Orochimaru and put forward his own idea.

“You want to develop a technique that can store vitality and can be used at any time?” Orochimaru was surprised.

Yagawa Satoshisuke nodded and said: “Yes, Mr. Orochimaru, the casualties of our frontline companions are too high, and the treatment manpower is insufficient. If there is such a technique, it should be of good help to Konoha.” This

is An excuse, but also the truth.

The most intuitive function of vitality is healing. If such a technique is formed, it will indeed be good news for Konoha’s frontline station.

The reason why he came to see Orochimaru was because of Orochimaru’s attainments in sealing techniques.

The scroll that Orochimaru handed to Yagawa Satonosuke does contain the existence of sealing techniques. Whether it is the idea of immortal reincarnation, the sealing of zombies, or the reincarnation of filthy soil, they are extremely powerful existences in sealing techniques, but for Yagawa Satoshinosuke wasn’t much help.

If Yagawa Satoshisuke wants to complete this technique, he needs more detailed knowledge of sealing techniques, or in other words, knowledge of sealing techniques related to Yang Escape.

Orochimaru licked the corners of his mouth, and his smile looked a little gloomy, but Satoshi Yagawa could tell that this smile was Orochimaru’s sincere joy.

“I understand, Mr. Satoshinosuke hopes to master more knowledge of sealing techniques, preferably sealing techniques related to Yang Escape, right?”

Orochimaru immediately understood Yagawa Satoshisuke’s needs and proposed problem.

“Yes, Mr. Orochimaru.”

Satinosuke Yagawa was not surprised that Orochimaru would understand his thoughts. This should be the researcher’s understanding.

Orochimaru nodded and thought for a while: “I can find you the knowledge of sealing techniques, but I have not mastered the sealing technique of Yang Dun, oh, by the way.”

He seemed to have remembered something, and his smile widened, hehe chuckle.

“In this regard, there should be no problem, but you need to wait.”

Yagawa Satoshinosuke seemed to be aware of it, and did not ask too much, but said: “Then thank you Teacher Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru waved his hand: “No need Be polite to me. I also look forward to you being able to complete this technique, Satoshisuke-kun. Your idea will be very useful for this place and the whole village.” ”

Yes, I am confident about this.”

“Haha Haha, then I’ll wait and see.”

This wait is only half a month.

During this period, Satonosuke Yagawa went on another mission, and not surprisingly, it was a mission of assassination and sabotage behind enemy lines. Satonosuke Yagawa successfully destroyed a gathering point in Sunagakure, burned the materials inside, and also burned Killed two Sunagakure jounin.

Unfortunately, he did not seal the vitality of the two Sunagakure jounin, which was a waste for him, so he looked forward to the knowledge Orochimaru said, but the only thing he could do now was to wait.

Then, he met a special person at the frontline station.

Frontline station, command post.

Yagawa Satoshisuke was informed to come here, and then saw Orochimaru, talking with a young man.

The young man has blond hair and a delicate face, especially his blue eyes, which look very gentle. He is wearing a Konoha ninja-specific vest and looks very ordinary, but no matter how you look at it, this young man There is only one feeling for people, and that is gentleness.

This kind of gentleness is similar to the gentleness shown by Yagawa Satoshinosuke to the outside world. It is also a kind of humility and gentleness.

Satoshisuke Yagawa was a little surprised, but still stepped forward to greet him.

“Teacher Orochimaru, and… Minato-senpai! Long time no see.”

Yes, the young man in front of me is Namikaze Minato, the sun of Konoha, golden sparkle!

“Long time no see, Satonosuke-kun. I have heard of Satonosuke-kun’s name from behind. I didn’t expect that Satonosuke-kun is so powerful. The shadow of phantom light is amazing!”

Namikaze Minato smiled and nodded. , he smiled with his eyes squinted like crescent moons, looking very gentle.

“Thank you, Minato-senpai. I still have a lot to learn from you.” Yagawa Satoshinosuke bowed slightly.

“Please don’t say that, Satoshisuke-kun, a junior like you is the pride of the village.” Minato Namikaze also hurriedly returned the courtesy.

Orochimaru licked his lips and interrupted the politeness between the two.

“No need to talk more, Minato-kun, the advice I gave the old man, he should have made a decision, right?”

Namikaze Minato hurriedly bowed and said: “Yes, Lord Orochimaru, Lord Hokage ordered me to come here to take care of this man.” I’ll leave it to you.”

As he said that, he took out an arm-thick scroll from behind and handed it to Orochimaru respectfully.

However, the latter had no results and instead signaled Satoshi Yagawa to take over.

Yagawa Satoshinosuke took it and heard Namikaze Minato say: “This is the scroll left by Tsunade-sama in the village. It contains knowledge about Yang Release and many medical ninjutsu, as well as some knowledge about special sealing techniques. Lord Hokage said that he is looking forward to Satoshisuke-kun being able to complete that technique.”

Orochimaru chuckled twice, nodded and said: “Yes, the old man finally got wise for once.”


Hearing such complaints . , Namikaze Minato could only deal with it with a dry cough.

“Well, Minato-kun, where is your next trip?”

Namikaze Minato said seriously: “I will rush to the country of Yu.”

“The country of Yu? Is there anything going on over there in Kumogakure?” Orochimaru asked .

Namikaze Minato nodded: “Yes, Orochimaru-sama, there is something strange happening over at Kumogakure, and it seems that peace there won’t last long.”

Orochimaru snorted: “Those ridiculous guys are always so short-sighted . .”

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